Ajouter 'nordic-material.theme.css'

Corentin Choisy 1 month ago
parent e95413743b
commit 4220c61f77

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
* @name system24 (gruvbox material)
* @description A tui-style discord theme. Based on the gruvbox material color palette.
* @author refact0r, Sophed
* @version 1.0.0
* @invite nz87hXyvcy
* @website https://github.com/refact0r/system24
* @authorId 508863359777505290
* @authorLink https://www.refact0r.dev
/* import theme modules */
@import url('https://refact0r.github.io/system24/src/main.css'); /* main theme css. DO NOT REMOVE */
@import url('https://refact0r.github.io/system24/src/unrounding.css'); /* gets rid of all rounded corners. remove if you want rounded corners. */
/* customize things here */
:root {
--font: 'DM Mono'; /* UI font name. it must be installed on your system. */
letter-spacing: -0.05ch; /* decreases letter spacing for better readability. */
font-weight: 400; /* UI font weight. */
--label-font-weight: 500; /* font weight for panel labels. */
--corner-text: 'gruvbox material'; /* custom text to display in the corner. only works on windows. */
--pad: 16px; /* padding between panels. */
--txt-pad: 10px; /* padding inside panels to prevent labels from clipping */
--panel-roundness: 0px; /* corner roundness of panels. ONLY WORKS IF unrounding.css IS REMOVED (see above). */
/* background colors */
--bg-0: #353c4a; /* main background color. */
--bg-1: #2e3440; /* background color for secondary elements like code blocks, embeds, etc. */
--bg-2: #3b4252; /* color of neutral buttons. */
--bg-3: #4c566a; /* color of neutral buttons when hovered. */
/* state modifiers */
--hover: color-mix(in oklch, var(--txt-3), transparent 80%); /* color of hovered elements. */
--active: color-mix(in oklch, var(--txt-3), transparent 60%); /* color of elements when clicked. */
--selected: var(--active); /* color of selected elements. */
/* text colors */
--txt-dark: var(--bg-0); /* color of dark text on colored backgrounds. */
--txt-link: var(--aqua); /* color of links. */
--txt-0: #eceff4; /* color of bright/white text. */
--txt-1: #e5e9f0; /* main text color. */
--txt-2: #d8dee9; /* color of secondary text like channel list. */
--txt-3: #c2c7d1; /* color of muted text. */
/* accent colors */
--acc-0: var(--blue); /* main accent color. */
--acc-1: var(--aqua); /* color of accent buttons when hovered. */
--acc-2: var(--green); /* color of accent buttons when clicked. */
/* borders */
--border-width: 2px; /* panel border thickness. */
--border-color: var(--bg-2); /* panel border color. */
--border-hover-color: var(--acc-0); /* panel border color when hovered. */
--border-transition: 0.2s ease; /* panel border transition. */
/* status dot colors */
--online-dot: var(--green); /* color of online dot. */
--dnd-dot: var(--red); /* color of do not disturb dot. */
--idle-dot: var(--yellow); /* color of idle dot. */
--streaming-dot: var(--purple); /* color of streaming dot. */
/* mention/ping and message colors */
--mention-txt: var(--acc-0); /* color of mention text. */
--mention-bg: color-mix(in oklch, var(--acc-0), transparent 90%); /* background highlight of mention text. */
--mention-overlay: color-mix(in oklch, var(--acc-0), transparent 90%); /* overlay color of messages that mention you. */
--mention-hover-overlay: color-mix(in oklch, var(--acc-0), transparent 95%); /* overlay color of messages that mention you when hovered. */
--reply-overlay: var(--active); /* overlay color of message you are replying to. */
--reply-hover-overlay: var(--hover); /* overlay color of message you are replying to when hovered. */
/* color shades */
--red: #bf616a;
--purple: #b692b0;
--yellow: #ebcb8b;
--aqua: #8fbbba;
--blue: #88c0d0;
--green: #a3be8c;