*! version 1.1.0 2009-12-22 * - add extended missing values - s. rohrman capture program drop misschk program define misschk version 9.0 // 2009-12-22 syntax [varlist] [if] [in] /// , [GENerate(string)] /// stub for indicator variables [dummy] /// dummy indicator variables [replace] /// replace variables if they exist [NONUMber] /// . in table for missing, not # [NOSort] /// Don't sort pattern list [help] /// explain what is going on [SPace] /// blank rather than _ if not missing [EXTmiss] // show extended missing // 1.1.0 tempvar ifin mark `ifin' `if' `in' local notmissstr "_" if ("`space'"=="space") { local notmissstr " " } else if "`nonumber'"=="nonumber" | "`extmiss'"=="extmiss" { // 1.1.0 local notmissstr "-" } local sort "sort" if "`nosort'"=="nosort" { local sort "" } // using extmiss and nonumber options together = error // 1.1.0 if "`nonumber'"=="nonumber" & "`extmiss'"=="extmiss" { di in red "Error: cannot use nonumber and extmiss options together." exit } // if dummy variable option if "`dummy'"~="" { if "`generate'"=="" { di in red "Error: dummy options requires use of generate option." exit } capture label def lmisschk 0 NotMissing 1 Missing } local gennm = "`generate'" // information on individual variables di _n in g "Variables examined for missing values" if "`if'" ~="" | "`in'"~="" { di in g "For sample defined by: " in y "`if' `in'" } // strip off string variables parse "`varlist'", parse(" ") local vars while "`1'" != "" { // loop through variables capture confirm numeric variable `1' if _rc==0 { local vars "`vars' `1'" } mac shift } local varlist "`vars'" parse "`varlist'", parse(" ") local nvar = 0 di _n in g " # Variable # Missing % Missing" di in g "--------------------------------------------" quietly tab `ifin' local total = r(N) while "`1'" != "" { // loop through variables local ++nvar qui count if `1'>=. & `ifin' // count missing; changed == 1.1.0 * create binary variables indicating if observation is missing if "`dummy'"~="" { if "`replace'"=="replace" { capture drop `gennm'`1' } quietly gen `gennm'`1' = (`1'>=.) if `ifin' // changed == 1.1.0 label var `gennm'`1' "Missing value for `1'?" label val `gennm'`1' lmisschk } * list # and percent missing di in y %3.0f " `nvar' " _col(7) "`1'" /// _col(23) %7.0f r(N) _col(36) %6.1f 100*r(N)/`total' mac shift } // loop through list of variables parse "`varlist'", parse(" ") // loop through all variables and count missing tempvar ismissn ismissw missw missn quietly gen `missn' = 0 if `ifin' label var `missn' "Missing for how many variables?" quietly gen str1 `missw' = "" if `ifin' label var `missw' "Missing for which variables?" local nvar = 0 local i = 0 local ext "a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z" // 1.1.0 while "`1'" != "" { local ++nvar * ones has only one's digit of variable number local ones = mod(`nvar',10) * drop tempvars from last loop capture drop `ismissn' `ismissw' * 1 if mssing, else 0; . if not in if in capture quietly gen `ismissn' = (`1'>=.) if `ifin' // changed == 1.1.0 * string with indicator of missing status. Space if no missing; * then if missing, either . or digit number. capture quietly gen str1 `ismissw' = "`notmissstr'" if "`nonumber'"=="nonumber" & "`extmiss'"=="" { // 1.1.0 quietly replace `ismissw' = "." if `1'>=. & `ifin' // changed == 1.1.0 } else if "`extmiss'"=="extmiss" & "`nonumber'"=="" { // changed == 1.1.0 quietly replace `ismissw' = "." if `1'==. & `ifin' foreach ltr in `ext' { quietly replace `ismissw' = "`ltr'" if `1'==.`ltr' & `ifin' } } else if "`nonumber'"=="" & "`extmiss'"=="" { quietly replace `ismissw' = "`ones'" if `1'>=. & `ifin' // changed == 1.1.0 } * add blank every 5th variable if mod(`nvar'-1,5) == 0 { quietly replace `missw' = `missw' + " " } * build string with pattern of missing data quietly replace `missw' = `missw' + `ismissw' * count total number of missing for given case quietly replace `missn' = `missn' + `ismissn' mac shift } capture drop `ismissn' `ismissw' // List results * patterns of missing data if "`extmiss'"=="" { // 1.1.0 di _n in y "Warning: " in g /// "this output does not differentiate among extended missing." di in g /// "To generate patterns for extended missing, use extmiss option." } if "`help'"=="help" { di in g _n /// "The columns in the table below correspond to the # in the table above." di in g /// "If a column is blank, there were no missing cases for that variable." } if "`help'"=="help" & "`extmiss'"=="extmiss" { //1.1.0 di _n di _n in g /// "Letters in each column refer to the extended missing for the" di in g /// "corresponding variable" } tab `missw' if `ifin', `nosort' * number missing for given observations if "`help'"=="help" { di _n in g /// "Table indicates the number of variables for which an observation" di in g /// "has missing data." } tab `missn' if `ifin' // create variables with pattern and number of missing cases if "`generate'" != "" { if "`replace'"=="replace" { capture drop `gennm'pattern capture drop `gennm'number } clonevar `gennm'pattern = `missw' clonevar `gennm'number = `missn' if "`help'"=="help" { di _n in g "Variables created:" // added end quote 1.1.0 di in y " `gennm'pattern" in g /// " is a string variable showing the pattern of missing data." di in y " `gennm'number" in g /// " is the number of variables for which a case has missing data." di in y " `gennm'<varnm>" in g /// " is a binary variable indicating missing data for <varnm>." } } end exit * version 1.0.1 06Jul2005 * version 1.0.0 13Apr2005