help for ^iccconf^

Confidence Interval for A Single Intraclass Correlation (ICC)

	.^iccconf <icc> <k> <reps>, level(#)^


^iccconf^ is an immediate command that computes a confidence interval for a 
single intraclass correlation (ICC).  The procedure is based on Rosner's approach
using the F-test. 

Three inputs are required:

       ^icc^    is the intraclass correlation. The input must be a value between 0 and 1

        ^k^     is the number of subjects
       ^reps^   is the number of repeated assessments or "within" pair 

       level(#)  The level option allows the user to modify the confidence limit.
                 Use values between 0 and 1.  The default is .95.  

To find a 95% confidence interval for an ICC of .914, based on 5 observations
with 2 replcations each:

     ^.iccconf .914 5 2^
For a 90% confidence interval for the above example, type:

     ^.iccconf .914 5 2, level(.9)^

Rosner, B. "Fundamentals of Biostatistics, 6th ed" Duxbury, Press (The Thompson
   Company): Belmont, CA, 2006, pgs 615-616.

Paul F. Visintainer, PhD
Springfield, MA 01089

Also see
Manual or on-line help for: @loneway@, @xtreg@, or ^bootcor^, ^xtrho^ if installed