* 00000057 *! version 1.0.0 * Do not erase or edit this file * It is used by Stata to track the ado and help * files you have installed. S http://www.unc.edu/~skolenik/stata N polychoric.pkg D 15 Dec 2006 U 1 d polychoric -- The polychoric correlation package d d Author: Stas Kolenikov, skolenik@unc.edu d d This package provides routines to estimate d the polychoric, tetrachoric, polyserial and biserial d correlations and use them in principal component analysis. d Current version: 1.4 f p\polychoric.ado f p\polychoricpca.ado f p\polych_ll.ado f p\polyser_ll.ado f p\polychoric.hlp f p\polychoricpca.hlp e S http://www.stata.com/stb/stb61 N sg158_1.pkg D 5 Mar 2007 U 3 d STB-61 sg158_1. Update to random-effects ordered probit d STB insert by Guillaume R. Frechette, Ohio State University d Support: gurst1@@econ.ohio-state.edu d After installation, see help ^reoprob^ f g\ghquadm.ado f g\ghquadm.hlp f r\reop_ll.ado f r\reopc_ll.ado f r\reoprob.ado f r\reoprob.hlp f r\rfpr_ll1.ado f r\rfprobit.ado f r\rfprobit.hlp e S http://www.stata-journal.com/software/sj5-4 N st0067_2.pkg D 5 Jun 2007 U 4 d SJ5-4 st0067_2. Update: Multiple imputation of missing... d Update: Multiple imputation of missing values d by Patrick Royston, MRC Clinical Trials Unit, London, UK d Support: patrick.royston@@ctu.mrc.ac.uk d After installation, type help ^ice^, ^micombine^, and ^mijoin^ f i\ice.ado f i\ice.hlp f m\micombine.ado f m\micombine.hlp f m\mijoin.ado f m\mijoin.hlp f m\misplit.ado f m\misplit.hlp f u\uvis.ado f u\uvis.hlp f c\cmdchk.ado e S http://fmwww.bc.edu/repec/bocode/m N metaninf.pkg D 10 Jan 2008 U 7 d 'METANINF': module to evaluate influence of a single study in meta-analysis estimation d d metaninf investigates the influence of each individual study on d the overall meta-analysis summary estimate. The command presents d a table and a graph of the results of an influence analysis in d which the meta-analysis is reestimated omitting each study in d turn. metaninf is a parallel program to metainf (Aurelio Tobias; d STB-47: sbe26; STB-56: sbe26.1) that uses metan (rather than d meta) as its calculation engine, thus allowing access to the d additional meta-analytic models offered therein. metaninf also d differs from metainf in that metaninf uses metan's syntax and a d subset of its options (rather than those of meta). Program mhplot d (a variation of Nicholas Cox's hplot) is a required support d program. This version (1.0.2) allows the jackknifed estimates to d be saved. A Stata 8 dialog is included. d d Distribution-Date: 20010619 d d Author: Thomas Steichen d Support: email steichen@@triad.rr.com d f m\metaninf.ado f m\metaninf.hlp f m\mhplot.ado f m\metaninf.dlg e S http://fmwww.bc.edu/repec/bocode/m N metafunnel.pkg D 2 Apr 2008 U 8 d 'METAFUNNEL': module to produce funnel plots for meta-analysis d d metafunnel plots funnel plots. These graphical displays are d used to examine whether the results of a meta-analysis may have d been affected by publication or other types of bias. d d Distribution-Date: 20030827 d d Author: Jonathan Sterne, University of Bristol d Support: email jonathan.sterne@@bristol.ac.uk d f m\metafunnel.ado f m\metafunnel.hlp f m\metafunnel.dlg e S http://fmwww.bc.edu/repec/bocode/m N metabias.pkg D 2 Apr 2008 U 9 d 'METABIAS': module to test for publication bias in meta-analysis d d metabias performs the Begg and Mazumdar adjusted rank correlation d test for publication bias and performs the Egger et al. d regression asymmetry test for publication bias. As options, it d provides a funnel graph of the data or the regression asymmetry d plot. This is version 1.2.4 of the software. This version has d been modified to run correctly under Stata Version 7 and later d (though it remains a version 6 program) and fixes a bug in the d stratified Egger p-value. d d Author: Thomas Steichen d Support: email steichen@@triad.rr.com d d Distribution-Date: 20040409 f m\metabias.ado f m\metabias.hlp f m\metabias.dlg e S http://www.stata.com/stb/stb56 N sbe20_1.pkg D 2 Apr 2008 U 10 d STB-56 sbe20_1. Update of galbr d STB insert by Aurelio Tobias, Universidad Miguel Hernandez d Alicante, Spain d Support: bledatobias@@ctv.es d After installation, see help ^galbr^ f g\galbr.ado f g\galbr.hlp e S http://fmwww.bc.edu/repec/bocode/l N loevh.pkg D 6 Nov 2008 U 11 d 'LOEVH': module to compute Guttman errors and Loevinger H coefficients d d LoevH computes the Loevinger H coefficients and the Guttman d errors (observed and expected) for each pair of items, between d one given item and all the others of a scale or among all the d possible pairs of items of a scale. d d KW: Loevinger H coefficients d KW: Guttman errors d KW: scale validation d d Requires: Stata version 7 d d Distribution-Date: 20070621 d d Author: Jean-Benoit Hardouin, University of Nantes, France d Support: email jean-benoit.hardouin@@univ-nantes.fr d f l\loevh.ado f l\loevh.hlp f a\anaoption.ado f t\traces.ado f t\traces.hlp f g\gengroup.ado f g\gengroup.hlp e S http://fmwww.bc.edu/repec/bocode/d N delta.pkg D 24 Nov 2008 U 13 d 'DELTA': module to compute the Delta index of scale discrimination d d delta computes the generalized delta index of scale d discrimination developed by Hankins (2007) based on the original d work of Ferguson (1949). This index measures the scale's d ability to distinguish between individuals. A value of 1 d indicates that the test has maximal discrimination (all d possible scores occur with the same frequency) and a value of 0 d means that the test has minimal discrimination (all the d respondents have the same score). A value of 0.9 results from a d set of scores that is normally distributed. A value of 1 is d observed if the scores follow a uniform distribution. Individuals d with a missing score are omitted. d d KW: delta index d KW: psychometrics d KW: Cronbach alpha d KW: discrimination d d Requires: Stata version 7 d d Distribution-Date: 20080312 d d Author: Jean-Benoit Hardouin , University of Nantes, France d Support: email jean-benoit.hardouin@@univ-nantes.fr d f d\delta.ado f d\delta.hlp e S http://fmwww.bc.edu/repec/bocode/m N metan.pkg D 3 Dec 2008 U 15 d 'METAN': module for fixed and random effects meta-analysis d d These routines provide facilities to conduct meta-analyses of d data from more than one study and to graph the results. Either d binary (event) or continuous data from two groups may be combined d using the metan command. Additionally, intervention effect d estimates with corresponding standard errors or confidence d intervals may be meta-analysed. Recently added facilities include d by() processing and an update to Stata 9 graphics. This is an d updated version of metan as published in STB-44, authored by d Michael J Bradburn, Jonathan J Deeks, Douglas G Altman. The d package includes a command to produce funnel plots to assess d small study effects, and L'Abbe plots to examine whether the d assumption of a common odds ratio, risk ratio or risk difference d is reasonable. Also included is the metannt program for binary d data, which displays estimated intervention effects in terms of d the absolute reduction in risk and number needed to treat. A d description of available Stata meta-analysis commands may be d found at http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/stat/meta.html. d d KW: meta-analysis d KW: fixed effects d KW: random effects d KW: forest plot d KW: l'Abbe plot d d Requires: Stata version 9 (version 7 for metan7) d d Distribution-Date: 20081117 d d Author: Ross Harris, Department of Social Medicine, University of Bristol d Support: email ross.harris@@bristol.ac.uk d d Author: Mike Bradburn, Centre for Statistics in Medicine, University of Oxford d Support: email d d Author: Jon Deeks, Centre for Statistics in Medicine, University of Oxford d Support: email d d Author: Roger Harbord, Department of Social Medicine, University of Bristol d Support: email d d Author: Doug Altman, Centre for Statistics in Medicine, University of Oxford d Support: email d d Author: Thomas Steichen, RJRT d Support: email d d Author: Jonathan Sterne, Department of Social Medicine, University of Bristol d Support: email d f m\metan.ado f m\metan.hlp f l\labbe.ado f l\labbe.hlp f l\labbe.dlg f m\metan7.ado f m\metan7.hlp f m\metan7.dlg f m\metannt.ado f m\metannt.hlp f m\metannt.dlg f i\i2ci.ado f m\metan_examples.ado e S http://fmwww.bc.edu/repec/bocode/m N msp.pkg D 11 Dec 2008 U 16 d 'MSP': module to perform the Mokken Scale Procedure d d MSP implements the Mokken Scale Procedure defined by Hemker, d Sijtsma and Molenaar (1995). This procedure construct sub-scales d based on Loevinger H coefficients computed by LoevH (q.v.). The d results depend of a threshold "c" fixed by the user : the d authors of the procedure recommend to use a c exceeding 0.3. The d kernel of the first sub-scale can be fixed. d d KW: Mokken Scale Procedure d KW: MSP d KW: Loevinger H coefficients d KW: scale construction d d Requires: Stata version 7 d d Distribution-Date: 20081108 d d Author: Jean-Benoit Hardouin, University of Nantes, France d Support: email jean-benoit.hardouin@@univ-nantes.fr d f m\msp.ado f m\msp.hlp f l\loevh.ado f l\loevh.hlp e S http://fmwww.bc.edu/repec/bocode/c N clv.pkg D 11 Dec 2008 U 17 d 'CLV': module to implement a clustering of variables around latent components d d clv clusters variables around latent components. The variables d are clustered by searching to minimize at each step the d decreasing of the T criterion computed as the sum of the first d eigenvalues of the matrices of data of all the clusters. A d hierarchical cluster analysis based on this criterion is d realized. A consolidation procedure can be run in a second time, d which allows assigning each variable to the more correlated d latent components. The procedure is described by Vigneau and d Qannari (Communications in Statistics - Simulation and d Computation, 2003). d d KW: Clustering around latent components d KW: Varclus d KW: CLV d KW: unidimensionality d d Requires: Stata version 8.0 d d Distribution-Date: 20061014 d d Author: Jean-Benoit Hardouin , University of Nantes, France d Support: email jean-benoit.hardouin@@univ-nantes.fr d f c\clv.ado f c\clv.hlp e S http://fmwww.bc.edu/repec/bocode/s N simirt.pkg D 11 Dec 2008 U 18 d 'SIMIRT': module to process data generated by IRT models d d simirt allows creating a new dataset of responses to items d simulated by an unidimensional IRT model. The model can be d dichotomous (Rasch, OPLM, Birnbaum, 3PLM, 4PLM, 5PAM) or d polytomous (Rating Scale Model-RSM). It is possible to simulate d two sets of items linked, for each of them, to a specific latent d trait (which can be correlated). The Items Characteristic Curves d can be drawn. d d KW: simulation d KW: Rasch model d KW: Birnbaum model d KW: OPLM d KW: ICC d KW: Rating Scale Model d d Requires: Stata version 8 d d Distribution-Date: 20061022 d d Author: Jean-Benoit Hardouin, University of Nantes, France d Support: email jean-benoit.hardouin@@univ-nantes.fr d f s\simirt.ado f s\simirt.hlp e S http://fmwww.bc.edu/repec/bocode/e N elapse.pkg D 11 Dec 2008 U 19 d 'ELAPSE': module to calculate elapsed time in procedure d d Elapse displays a string with the name of the operation, if d specified, and the time elapsed between start_time and current d time. d d Author: Fred Zimmerman, Stanford University d Support: email zimmer@@leland.Stanford.EDU d d Distribution-Date: 20031221 f e\elapse.ado f e\elapse.hlp e S http://fmwww.bc.edu/RePEc/bocode/i N iccconf.pkg D 5 Feb 2009 U 20 d 'ICCCONF': module to compute a confidence interval for an intraclass correlation (ICC) d d iccconf is an immediate command that computes a confidence d interval for a single intraclass correlation (ICC). The d procedure is based on Rosner's approach using the F-test. d d KW: intra-class correlation d KW: confidence interval d d Requires: Stata version 8 d d Distribution-Date: 20081119 d d Author: Paul F. Visintainer, Baystate Health System d Support: email visint46@@gmail.com d f i\iccconf.ado f i\iccconf.hlp e S http://www.stata-journal.com/software/sj4-2 N pr0012.pkg D 24 Feb 2009 U 22 d SJ4-2 pr0012. Submenu and dialogs for meta-analysis commands d Submenu and dialogs for meta-analysis commands d by Thomas J. Steichen d Support: steichen@@triad.rr.com d After installation, type help ^meta_dialog^ f m\meta_dialog.hlp f f\funnel.dlg f g\galbr.dlg f l\labbe.dlg f m\metabias.dlg f m\metacum.dlg f m\meta.dlg f m\metafunnel.dlg f m\metainf.dlg f m\metan.dlg f m\metaninf.dlg f m\metannt.dlg f m\metap.dlg f m\metareg.dlg f m\metatrim.dlg e S http://www.stata-journal.com/software/sj8-4 N sbe23_1.pkg D 24 Feb 2009 U 23 d SJ8-4 sbe23_1. Update: Meta-regression in Stata (revised) d Update: Meta-regression in Stata (revised) d by Roger Harbord, Department of Social Medicine, d University of Bristol, UK d Julian Higgins, MRC Biostatistics Unit, Cambridge, UK d Support: roger.harbord@@bristol.ac.uk d After installation, type help ^metareg^ f m\metareg.ado f m\metareg_ll.ado f m\metareg_p.ado f m\metareg_pm.ado f m\metareg.hlp e S http://web.missouri.edu/~kolenikovs/stata N cfa1.pkg D 20 Mar 2009 U 24 d cfa1 -- a single factor confirmatory analysis model d d Author: Stas Kolenikov, kolenikovs@missouri.edu d d cfa1 fits the confirmatory analysis model by maximum likelihood. d The model is restricted to a single level single factor. f c\cfa1.ado f c\cfa1_lf.ado f c\cfa1.hlp e S http://fmwww.bc.edu/repec/bocode/i N icc23.pkg D 26 Mar 2009 U 25 d 'ICC23': module that computes models 2 and 3 of the intra-class correlation d d ICC23 computes the intra-class correlation for random effects d models 2 and 3, as described by Shrout and Fleiss, 1979. d (-loneway- computes model 1). The module uses Statas repeated d measures ANOVA command to retrieve the appropriate estimates and d degrees of freedom. Keywords: intra-class correlation, random d effects model, mixed effects model d d d Requires: Stata version 9 d d Distribution-Date: 20090325 d d Author: Paul F. Visintainer, Baystate Health System d Support: email visint46@@gmail.com d d Author: Luis C.Orozco, Facultad de Salud, Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia d Support: email lcorovar@@gmail.com d f i\icc23.ado f i\icc23.hlp e S http://www.stata.com/stb/stb35 N sg65.pkg D 26 Mar 2009 U 26 d STB-35 sg65. Computing intraclass correlations and large ANOVAs. d STB insert by John R. Gleason, Syracuse University. d Support: 73241.717@@compuserve.com d After installation, see help ^l1way^ and help ^iclassr2^. f i\iclassr.ado f i\iclassr.hlp f i\iclassr2.ado f i\iclassr2.hlp f l\l1way.ado f l\l1way.hlp e S http://www.stata.com/stb/stb56 N sbe26_1.pkg D 20 Apr 2009 U 27 d STB-56 sbe26_1. Update of metainf d STB insert by Aurelio Tobias, Universidad Miguel Hernandez d Alicante, Spain d Support: bledatobias@@ctv.es d After installation, see help ^metainf^ f h\hplot.ado f h\hplot.hlp f m\metainf.ado f m\metainf.hlp e S http://www.stata.com/stb/stb61 N sbe19_4.pkg D 20 Apr 2009 U 28 d STB-61 sbe19_4. Update to metabias to work under version 7 d STB insert by Thomas J. Steichen, RJRT d Support: steicht@@rjrt.com d After installation, see help ^metabias^ f m\metabias.ado f m\metabias.hlp e S http://fmwww.bc.edu/repec/bocode/i N imputeitems.pkg D 5 May 2009 U 29 d 'IMPUTEITEMS': module to impute missing data of binary items d d imputeitems imputes missing responses to binary items by d different ways: Item Mean Substitution (IMS), Person Mean d Substitution (PMS), Corrected Item Mean Substiutution (CIM), d Interitem Correlation Substitution (ICS), logistic model (LOG) d and Worst Case (WORST). d d KW: Item Response Theory d KW: Missing data d KW: Imputation d d Requires: Stata version 9.0 d d Distribution-Date: 20081211 d d Author: Jean-Benoit Hardouin, University of Nantes, France d Support: email jean-benoit.hardouin@@univ-nantes.fr d f i\imputeitems.ado f i\imputeitems.hlp e S http://fmwww.bc.edu/repec/bocode/x N xsampsi.pkg D 16 Jul 2009 U 30 d 'XSAMPSI': module to calculate sample size for cross-over trials with continuous measures d d This program will compute the required sample size for a simple d crossover trial, that is AB/BA, or two-period two-treatment d cross-over. It will estimate the power for a given sample size, d too. d d Author: Jan Brogger, University of Bergen, Norway d Support: email jan.brogger@@med.uib.no d d Distribution-Date: 20020131 f x\xsampsi.ado f x\xsampsi.hlp e S http://fmwww.bc.edu/repec/bocode/n N nct.pkg D 17 Jul 2009 U 31 d 'NCT': modules related to the noncentral t distribution d d nct is a package of programs, all related to the noncentral t d distribution. Each one-sided program computes a missing d parameter given the other parameters such that P(t<=t'| delta, d df) = p. The two-sided programs yield two-sided values from a d noncentral t, defined such that P(|t|<=t'| delta, df) = 1 - p. d The programs are: nctprob -- Cumulative non-central t d probabilities, p, nctinv -- Inverse cumulative non-central t d values, t', nctncp -- Noncentrality parameter of the non-central d t, delta, nctn -- Sample size for the cumulative non-central d t, df + 1, nct2 -- 2-sided non-central t probabilities, p, d and nct2inv -- Inverse 2-sided non-central t values, |t'|. d d Author: Thomas Steichen d Support: email steichen@@triad.rr.com d d Distribution-Date: 20000609 f n\nct.ado f n\nct.hlp f n\nct2.ado f n\nct2.hlp f n\nct2inv.ado f n\nct2inv.hlp f n\nctinv.ado f n\nctinv.hlp f n\nctn.ado f n\nctn.hlp f n\nctncp.ado f n\nctncp.hlp f n\nctprob.ado f n\nctprob.hlp e S http://fmwww.bc.edu/repec/bocode/t N torumm.pkg D 20 Jul 2009 U 32 d 'TORUMM': module to produce data in RUMM format d d torumm converts and formats Stata data into 3 files required to d run RUMM 2010. RUMM 2010 (Rasch Unidimensional Measurement d Models) is program for Rasch analysis. torumm will work with d Stata 6 and Stata 7 data. d d Author: Fred Wolfe d Support: email fwolfe@@arthritis-research.org d d Distribution-Date: 20000708 f t\torumm.ado f t\torumm.hlp e S http://www.fss.uu.nl/soc/iscore/stata N dropvars.pkg D 20 Jul 2009 U 33 d ^dropvars^. drops all existing variables in a list. d ^dropvars varlist^ is similar to ^drop varlist^, but warns if a d variable does not exists, rather than aborts. d d Note that ^capture drop varlist^ either drops all variables or none. d d ^dropvars varlist^ is equivalent to d d for var varlist: capture drop X d d Author: Jeroen Weesie, Dept of Sociology, Utrecht University (NL) d Support: email J.Weesie@@fss.uu.nl f d\dropvars.ado f d\dropvars.hlp e S http://fmwww.bc.edu/RePEc/bocode/l N listutil.pkg D 20 Jul 2009 U 34 d 'LISTUTIL': modules to manipulate lists of words d d These functions manipulate lists of words. For details, see the d help file. d d Author: Nicholas J. Cox, University of Durham d Support: email N.J.Cox@@durham.ac.uk d d Distribution-Date: 20010523 f a\alphlist.ado f a\alphlist.hlp f b\binolist.ado f b\binolist.hlp f b\bothlist.ado f b\bothlist.hlp f c\choplist.ado f c\choplist.hlp f c\collist.ado f c\collist.hlp f c\convlist.ado f c\convlist.hlp f c\cseplist.ado f c\cseplist.hlp f c\cvarlist.ado f c\cvarlist.hlp f d\dellist.ado f d\dellist.hlp f d\difflist.ado f d\difflist.hlp f e\eqlist.ado f e\eqlist.hlp f f\fmtlist.ado f f\fmtlist.hlp f i\inslist.ado f i\inslist.hlp f j\joinlist.ado f j\joinlist.hlp f l\lclist.ado f l\lclist.hlp f m\maplist.ado f m\maplist.hlp f m\mnthlist.ado f m\mnthlist.hlp f p\poslist.ado f p\poslist.hlp f p\postlist.ado f p\postlist.hlp f p\prelist.ado f p\prelist.hlp f p\prodlist.ado f p\prodlist.hlp f r\replist.ado f r\replist.hlp f r\revlist.ado f r\revlist.hlp f r\rotlist.ado f r\rotlist.hlp f s\sellist.ado f s\sellist.hlp f s\seqlist.ado f s\seqlist.hlp f s\sortlist.ado f s\sortlist.hlp f s\sublist.ado f s\sublist.hlp f s\sumlist.ado f s\sumlist.hlp f t\takelist.ado f t\takelist.hlp f t\trnclist.ado f t\trnclist.hlp f u\uclist.ado f u\uclist.hlp f u\uniqlist.ado f u\uniqlist.hlp f v\varflist.ado f v\varflist.hlp f v\vectlist.ado f v\vectlist.hlp f w\wclist.ado f w\wclist.hlp f x\xorlist.ado f x\xorlist.hlp f l\listutil.hlp e S http://www.fss.uu.nl/soc/iscore/stata N listblck.pkg D 20 Jul 2009 U 35 d ^listblck^. variant of ^list^ that "wraps variables". d ^listblck^ is that wraps variables, not observations. Thus, ^listblck^ d displays as many variables as fit on the screen (listblck is ^display^ d ^linesize^ sensitive) for all selected obs, then it displays a second d block of variables etc. This is especially useful if the number of d observations to be listed is small. See ^listby^ as an application. d d Author: Jeroen Weesie, Dept of Sociology, Utrecht University (NL) d Support: email J.Weesie@@fss.uu.nl f l\listblck.ado f l\listblck.hlp e S http://fmwww.bc.edu/repec/bocode/s N saswrapper.pkg D 22 Nov 2009 U 37 d 'SASWRAPPER': module to run a SAS program from within Stata d d saswrapper runs a SAS program in batch and prints the output in d the Stata results window/log file. This usually occurs by d specifying a SAS program file after using, but saswrapper can d also run SAS code specified by the pre_sas_prog() and/or d post_sas_prog() options. By default, saswrapper will save the d current data in memory using savasas and make it available in d SAS's WORK library. If that is not desired, use the nodata d option. The usesas option tells saswrapper to load the last SAS d dataset created in the WORK library by the submitted SAS program d into Stata using the SAVASTATA SAS macro. d d KW: SAS d KW: Stata d d Requires: Stata version 8.0 d d Distribution-Date: 20090507 d d Author: Dan Blanchette, Center of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Duke University's Fuqua School of Business d Support: email dan.blanchette@@duke.edu d f s\saswrapper.ado f s\saswrapper.hlp f u\usesas.ado f u\usesas.hlp f s\savasas.ado f s\savasas.hlp f u\usesasdel.ado f s\sasexe.ado f a\adoedit.ado f a\adoedit.hlp f t\tmpdir.ado f t\tmpdir.hlp f s\shortdir.ado f s\shortdir.hlp f c\confirmdir.ado f c\confirmdir.hlp e S http://www.stata-journal.com/software/sj4-1 N st0057.pkg D 26 Nov 2009 U 38 d SJ4-1 st0057. FIML estimation of an endogenous switching ... d FIML estimation of an endogenous switching model for count data d by Alfonso Miranda, Economics Department, Warwick University, UK d Support: Alfonso.Miranda-Caso-Luengo@@warwick.ac.uk d After installation, type help ^espoisson^ f e\espoisson.ado f e\espoisson.hlp f e\espoisson_ll.ado f e\espoisson_p.ado f e\exspoisson.ado f e\exspoisson_ll.ado f e\exspoisson_p.ado f g\ghquad.ado f h\hermite.ado f x\xcolnames.ado e S http://fmwww.bc.edu/repec/bocode/e N estout.pkg D 5 Dec 2009 U 39 d 'ESTOUT': module to make regression tables d d estout produces a table of regression results from one or several d models for use with spreadsheets, LaTeX, HTML, or a d word-processor table. eststo stores a quick copy of the active d estimation results for later tabulation. esttab is a wrapper for d estout. It displays a pretty looking publication-style regression d table without much typing. estadd adds additional results to the d e()-returns for one or several models previously fitted and d stored. This package subsumes the previously circulated esto, d esta, estadd, and estadd_plus. An earlier version of estout is d available as estout1. d d KW: estimates d KW: LaTeX d KW: HTML d KW: word processor d KW: output d d Requires: Stata version 8.2 d d Distribution-Date: 20091012 d d Author: Ben Jann, ETH Zurich d Support: email ben.jann@@soz.gess.ethz.ch d f _\_eststo.ado f _\_eststo.hlp f e\estadd.ado f e\estadd.hlp f e\estout.ado f e\estout.hlp f e\eststo.ado f e\eststo.hlp f e\estpost.ado f e\estpost.hlp f e\esttab.ado f e\esttab.hlp e S http://fmwww.bc.edu/repec/bocode/o N outreg2.pkg D 5 Dec 2009 U 40 d 'OUTREG2': module to arrange regression outputs into an illustrative table d d outreg2 provides a fast and easy way to produce an illustrative d table of regression outputs. The regression outputs are produced d piecemeal and are difficult to compare without some type of d rearrangement. outreg2 automates this process by concatenating d the successive regression ouputs in a vertical format. The d resulting table is saved to the disk in ASCII format, which can d be read by other programs. outreg2 thus facilitates the d convertion of regression outputs to a standard format suitable d for inclusion in a scholarly publication. The functionality of d outreg2 is based on the earlier package outreg, by John Luke d Gallup. Unlike outreg, outreg2 is capable of writing LaTeX-format d tables, as well as ASCII, MS Word and MS Excel. d d KW: regression d KW: output d KW: tables d KW: tab-delimited output d KW: LaTeX d KW: Word d KW: Excel d d Requires: Stata version 7 d d Distribution-Date: 20091118 d d Author: Roy Wada d Support: email roywada@@hotmail.com d f o\outreg2.ado f o\outreg2_prf.ado f o\outreg2.hlp f s\shellout.ado f s\shellout.hlp f s\seeout.ado f s\seeout.hlp e S http://fmwww.bc.edu/repec/bocode/r N raschpower.pkg D 27 Jan 2010 U 41 d 'RASCHPOWER': module to estimate power of the Wald test in order to compare the means of the latent trait in two groups of individuals d d raschpower allows estimating the power of the Wald test comparing d the means of two groups of patients in the context of the Rasch d model. The estimation is based on the estimation of the variance d of the difference of the means based on the Cramer-Rao lower d bound. d d KW: Rasch test d KW: power d KW: Wald test d d Requires: Stata version 11 d d Distribution-Date: 20100126 d d Author: Jean-Benoit Hardouin , University of Nantes, France d Support: email jean-benoit.hardouin@@univ-nantes.fr d f r\raschpower.ado f r\raschpower.hlp e S http://www.stata-journal.com/production N sjlatex.pkg D 24 Feb 2010 U 42 d sjlatex: LaTeX files for the Stata Journal d ^sjlatex^ contains the LaTeX document class and packages for the d Stata Journal. d d The ancillary files should be installed using the ^sjlatex^ command d from within Stata. d d Distribution-Date: 18feb2010 f s\sjlatex.ado f s\sjlatex.hlp f s\sjlog_7.ado f s\sjlog.ado f s\sjlog.hlp e S http://fmwww.bc.edu/repec/bocode/c N checkfor2.pkg D 11 Apr 2010 U 43 d 'CHECKFOR2': module to check whether a variable exists or not in a dataset d d checkfor2 is a routine to check for existence of a list of d variables within a (usually big) data set. checkfor2 searchs d through the data whether the variable exists. d d KW: data management d d Requires: Stata version 8 d d Distribution-Date: 20050926 d d Author: Amadou Bassirou Diallo, AFTPM, The World Bank d Support: email adiallo5@@worldbank.org d d Author: Jean-Benoit Hardouin , University of Nantes, France d Support: email jean-benoit.hardouin@@univ-nantes.fr d f c\checkfor2.ado f c\checkfor2.hlp f i\isvar.ado f i\isvar.hlp e S http://www.stata.com/stb/stb46 N gr33.pkg D 6 May 2010 U 44 d STB-46 gr33. Violin plots. d STB insert by Thomas J. Steichen, RJRT. d Support: steicht@@rjrt.com d After installation, see help ^violin^. f v\violin.ado f v\violin.hlp e S http://www.stata.com/stb/stb47 N sg103.pkg D 31 May 2010 U 45 d STB-47 sg103. Within subjects (repeated measures) ANOVA, between subj. d STB insert by John R. Gleason, Syracuse University. d Support: loeslrg@@ican.net d After installation, see help ^wsanova^. f w\wsanova.ado f w\wsanova.hlp e S http://www.stata-journal.com/software/sj9-3 N st0169.pkg D 7 Jun 2010 U 46 d SJ9-3 st0169. Confirmatory factor analysis d Confirmatory factor analysis d by Stanislav Kolenikov, University of Missouri, Columbia, USA d Support: kolenikovs@@missouri.edu, skolenik@@gmail.com d After installation, type help ^confa^ f c\confa.ado f c\confa.sthlp f c\confa_lf.ado f c\confa_lfm.ado f c\confa.mata f c\confa_p.ado f c\confa_estat.ado f c\confa_estat.sthlp f b\bollenstine.ado f b\bollenstine.sthlp f l\lconfa.mlib e S http://www.stata.com/stb/stb55 N sbe33.pkg D 25 May 2011 U 47 d STB-55 sbe33. Comparing several methods of measuring the same quantity d STB insert by Paul Seed, GKT School of Medicine, King's London, UK d Support: paul.seed@@kcl.ac.uk d After installation, see help ^baplot^, help ^sdpair^, help ^bamat^, d help ^bagroup^ f b\bagroup.ado f b\bagroup.hlp f b\bamat.ado f b\bamat.hlp f b\baplot.ado f b\baplot.hlp f n\nicenum.ado f s\sdpair.ado f s\sdpair.hlp e S http://fmwww.bc.edu/repec/bocode/l N log2html.pkg D 11 Oct 2012 U 49 d 'LOG2HTML': module to produce HTML log files d d log2html translates translates Stata's standard SMCL log files to d HTML, the language used for web pages. log2html provides greater d formatting flexibility than the built-in but undocumented log d html, providing preformatted schemes and support for CSS d (Cascading Style Sheets). Stata 8 is required. (log2html7 is d available for Stata 7.) d d KW: log d KW: web d KW: html d KW: translate d KW: SMCL d KW: CSS d d Requires: Stata version 8.0 (7.0 for log2html7) d d d Author: Christopher F Baum, Boston College d Support: email baum@@bc.edu d d Author: Nicholas J. Cox, Durham University d Support: email N.J.Cox@@durham.ac.uk d d Author: Bill Rising, StataCorp d Support: email brising@@stata.com d d Distribution-Date: 20080731 f l\log2html.ado f l\log2html.hlp f l\log2html7.ado f l\log2html7.hlp e S http://fmwww.bc.edu/repec/bocode/l N logout.pkg D 11 Oct 2012 U 50 d 'LOGOUT': module to convert log or ASCII files into various output formats d d logout provides a fast and easy way to convert log or ASCII files d into various output formats compatible with Word, Excel, LaTeX, d or Stata datafile. Can be used as a prefix or by itself after a d log file has been created. caplog provides a fast and easy way to d capture text-based log file, possibly for use with logout or d dataout. d d KW: log file d KW: table d KW: tab d KW: summary d KW: output d KW: LaTeX d KW: Word d KW: Excel d KW: dataout d d Requires: Stata version 7.0 d d Distribution-Date: 20091106 d d Author: Roy Wada d Support: email roywada@@hotmail.com d f l\logout.ado f l\logout.hlp f c\caplog.ado f c\caplog.hlp e S http://fmwww.bc.edu/repec/bocode/g N gllamm.pkg D 19 Nov 2012 U 51 d 'GLLAMM': program to fit generalised linear latent and mixed models d d gllamm fits generalized linear latent and mixed models. These d models include Multilevel generalized linear regression models d (extensions of the simple random intercept models that may be d fitted in Stata using xtreg, xtlogit, xtpois to include d multilevel and random coefficient models), Multilevel factor d models and Multilevel structural equation models. The latent d variables (or random effects) can be assumed to have a d multivariate normal distribution or to be discrete allowing d nonparametric maximum likelihood estimation. The common links and d families of generalized linear models are available and responses d can be of mixed type including continuous, censored, discrete, d dichotomous, ordered categorical and unordered categorical. The d version of gllamm (gllamm6) described in STB-53, (sg129, p47-57) d does not incorporate many of the features outlined above. This is d version 2.3.20 of the software (Sep 2011). A manual in PDF form d is available from the SSC archive via web browser. d d KW: multilevel models d KW: mixed models d KW: random coefficients d KW: latent variable models d d Requires: Stata version 7.0 d d d Author: Sophia Rabe-Hesketh, University of California - Berkeley d Support: email sophiarh@@berkeley.edu d d Distribution-Date: 20110911 d f g\gllamm.ado f g\gllamm.hlp f e\eq_g.hlp f g\gllam_ll.ado f g\gllapred.ado f g\gllapred.hlp f g\gllarob.ado f g\gllasim.ado f g\gllasim.hlp f g\gllas_yu.ado f r\remcor.ado e S http://fmwww.bc.edu/repec/bocode/h N hotdeck.pkg D 30 Jan 2013 U 52 d 'HOTDECK': module to impute missing values using the hotdeck method d d hotdeck replaces missing values for the variable indicated by its d argument. It should be used within a multiple imputation d sequence since missing values are imputed stochastically rather d than deterministically. The nmiss missing values in each stratum d of the data described by the `by' option are replaced by values d sampled from the nobs observed values in the same stratum. The d approximate Bayesian bootstrap method of Rubin and Scheker is d used; first a bootstrap sample of nobs observations is sampled d with replacement from the observed values, and the nmiss missing d values are sampled at random (again with replacement) from this d bootstrap sample. If a file is specified in a using clause, the d modified file is written to disk and the existing data in memory d are unchanged. Otherwise the data in memory are modified. This is d version 1.65 of the software, requiring Stata v9. hotdeck6 may be d used in earlier versions of Stata. d d Author: Adrian Mander, MRC Biostatistics Unit d Support: email Adrian.Mander@@mrc-hnr.cam.ac.uk d d Author: David Clayton d Support: email david.clayton@@mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk d d Distribution-Date: 20070902 f h\hotdeck.ado f h\hotdeck.hlp f h\hotdeck6.ado f h\hotdeck6.hlp e S http://fmwww.bc.edu/repec/bocode/f N fitstat_ers.pkg D 6 May 2013 U 53 d 'FITSTAT_ERS': module to compute goodness of fit statistics for Rasch model d d fitstat_ers computes outfit and infit statistics for the d conditional maximum likelihood (cml) Rasch model, using formulas d outlined in the Linacre and Wright (1994). These fit statistics d differ from those computed by the –raschtest-, which are d normalized to be approximately normal random variates. These d statistics are not normalized. d d KW: Rasch model d KW: goodness of fit d d Requires: Stata version 9 and gammasym (q.v.) To output tables of statistics, xml_tab.ado and/or outtable.ado are required. d d Distribution-Date: 20111222 d d Author: Christian Gregory, Economic Research Service, USDA d Support: email cgregory@@ers.usda.gov d f f\fitstat_ers.ado f f\fitstat_ers.hlp e S http://fmwww.bc.edu/repec/bocode/x N xml_tab.pkg D 6 May 2013 U 54 d 'XML_TAB': module to save results in Excel XML format d d xml_tab saves Stata output directly into XML file that could be d opened with Microsoft Excel or OpenOffice Calc. The program is d relatively flexible and produces print-ready tables in Excel or d Calc. xml_tab allows users to apply different formats to the d elements of the output table and essentially do everything MS d Excel or OO Calc can do in terms of formatting from within Stata. d d KW: XML d KW: results d KW: output d KW: Excel d d Requires: Stata version 8 and MS Excel (EN) 2002 for Windows, MS Excel 2004 for Mac, or OpenOffice Calc d d Distribution-Date: 20080625 d d Author: Michael Lokshin, World Bank d Support: email Mlokshin@@worldbank.org d d Author: Zurab Sajaia, World Bank d Support: email d f x\xml_tab.ado f x\xml_tab.hlp e S http://fmwww.bc.edu/repec/bocode/g N gengroup.pkg D 6 May 2013 U 55 d 'GENGROUP': module to produce groups of individuals d d gengroup creates groups of individuals by using the values of an d ordinal variable. The module creates groups of individuals by d recoding several adjacent values of the ordinal variable, until d obtaining groups with more than individuals than the number d defined in the minsize option. d d KW: data management d KW: groups d KW: ordinal d d Requires: Stata version 7.0 d d Distribution-Date: 20101208 d d Author: Jean-Benoit Hardouin, University of Nantes, France d Support: email jean-benoit.hardouin@@univ-nantes.fr d f g\gengroup.ado f g\gengroup.hlp e S http://fmwww.bc.edu/RePEc/bocode/b N batplot.pkg D 18 Sep 2013 U 56 d 'BATPLOT': module to produce Bland-Altman plots accounting for trend d d The normal Bland-Altman plot is between the difference of paired d variables versus their average. This version uses a regression d between the difference and the average and then alters the d limits of agreement accordingly. This is particularly useful d when the two variables might be measured on different scales and d hence a straight conversion factor would recalibrate the two d variables. d d KW: plot d KW: Bland-Altman d KW: difference d KW: paired variables d d Requires: Stata version 9.2 d d Distribution-Date: 20120617 d d Author: Adrian Mander d Support: email Adrian.Mander@@mrc-hnr.cam.ac.uk d f b\batplot.ado f b\batplot.hlp e S http://www.indiana.edu/~jslsoc/stata N spost9_ado.pkg D 18 Oct 2013 U 57 d spost9_ado | Stata 9-13 commands for the post-estimation interpretation d Distribution-date: 05Aug2013 d of regression models. Use package spostado.pkg for Stata 8. d Based on Long & Freese - Regression Models for Categorical Dependent d Variables Using Stata. Second Edition. d Support www.indiana.edu/~jslsoc/spost.htm d Scott Long & Jeremy Freese (spostsup@@indiana.edu) f _\_get_mlogit_bv.ado f _\_get_mlogit_bvecv.ado f _\_peabbv.ado f _\_pebase.ado f _\_pebase.hlp f _\_pecats.ado f _\_pecats.hlp f _\_peciboot.ado f _\_peciboot.hlp f _\_pecidelta.ado f _\_pecidelta.hlp f _\_peciml.ado f _\_pecmdcheck.ado f _\_pecollect.ado f _\_pecollect.hlp f _\_pedum.ado f _\_pedum.hlp f _\_peife.ado f _\_peife.hlp f _\_pemarg.ado f _\_pemarg.hlp f _\_penocon.ado f _\_penocon.hlp f _\_pepred.ado f _\_pepred.hlp f _\_perhs.ado f _\_perhs.hlp f _\_pesum.ado f _\_pesum.hlp f _\_petrap.ado f _\_petrap.hlp f _\_peunvec.ado f _\_peunvec.hlp f _\_pexstring.ado f a\asprvalue.ado f a\asprvalue.hlp f b\brant.ado f b\brant.hlp f c\case2alt.ado f c\case2alt.hlp f c\countfit.ado f c\countfit.hlp f f\fitstat.ado f f\fitstat.hlp f l\leastlikely.ado f l\leastlikely.hlp f l\listcoef.ado f l\listcoef.hlp f m\misschk.ado f m\misschk.sthlp f m\mlogplot.ado f m\mlogplot.hlp f m\mlogtest.ado f m\mlogtest.sthlp f m\mlogview.ado f m\mlogview.hlp f m\mvtab1.ado f m\mvtab1.hlp f n\nmlab.ado f n\nmlab.hlp f p\praccum.ado f p\praccum.hlp f p\prchange.ado f p\prchange.hlp f p\prcounts.ado f p\prcounts.hlp f p\prdc.ado f p\prdc.hlp f p\prgen.ado f p\prgen.hlp f p\prtab.ado f p\prtab.hlp f p\prvalue.ado f p\prvalue.hlp f p\prwhich.ado f s\spex.ado f s\spex.hlp f s\spost.hlp f s\spost_footer.ihlp f s\spostupdate.ado f v\vardesc.ado f v\vardesc.hlp f x\xpost.ado e