Improved attempt at solving non-exhaustive scenarios for n=50

Corentin Choisy 10 months ago
parent 94f3106def
commit c59b0e75e4

@ -25,63 +25,152 @@ forvalues k=1/1000 {
qui keep if replication==`k'
// replications sans problèmes
if (1==1-inlist(`k',scenar_prob)) {
local difitems1=dif1
forvalues i=1/`nbitems' {
if (`i'==`difitems1') {
local constrnt = "constraint 1 2*([1.item`i']_cons-([1.item`i']_cons+[1.item`i'] tt))=([2.item`i']_cons-([2.item`i']_cons+[2.item`i'] tt))"
local constrnt2 = "constraint 2 3*([1.item`i']_cons-([1.item`i']_cons+[1.item`i'] tt))=([3.item`i']_cons-([3.item`i']_cons+[3.item`i'] tt))"
* MERGE des modalités si non représentées
local com_z = 0
qui gen comz = 0
forvalues j = 1 / `nbitems' {
local recoda_`j' = 0
qui tab item`j' if tt == 0, matrow(rect1_g0_`j') matcell(nbrt1_g0_`j')
local maxm`j'_t1_g0 = rect1_g0_`j'[r(r),1]
local minm`j'_t1_g0 = rect1_g0_`j'[1,1]
qui tab item`j' if tt == 1, matrow(rect1_g1_`j') matcell(nbrt1_g1_`j')
local minm`j'_t1_g1 = rect1_g1_`j'[1,1]
local maxm`j'_t1_g1 = rect1_g1_`j'[r(r),1]
local minm_`j' = min(`minm`j'_t1_g0',`minm`j'_t1_g1')
local maxm_`j' = max(`maxm`j'_t1_g0',`maxm`j'_t1_g1')
local nbm_`j' = `=`maxm_`j''-`minm_`j'''
if `minm_`j'' != 0 & `com_z' == 0 {
local com_z = 1
forvalues m = 0/`=`nbm_`j''-1' {
qui count if item`j' == `m' & tt == 0
local nb_rn1_g0 = r(N)
qui count if item`j' == `m' & tt == 1
local nb_rn1_g1 = r(N)
local nb_rn = min(`nb_rn1_g0',`nb_rn1_g1')
if `nb_rn' == 0 {
qui replace comz = 1
local recoda_`j' = 1
if `m' == 0 | `m' < `minm`j'_t1_g0' | `m' < `minm`j'_t1_g1' {
local stop = 1
forvalues k = 1/`=`nbm_`j''-`m'' {
qui count if item`j' == `=`m' + `k'' & tt == 0
local v`k'1_0 = r(N)
qui count if item`j' == `=`m' + `k'' & tt == 1
local v`k'1_1 = r(N)
if (`v`k'1_0' != 0 | `v`k'1_1' != 0) & `stop' != 0 {
qui replace item`j'= `=`m'+`k'' if item`j'==`m'
local zzz=`j'+`nbitems'
*qui replace item`zzz'=`=`m'+`k'' if item``=`j'+`nbitems'''==`m'
di "WARNING: items `j': answers `m' and `=`m'+`k'' merged"
local stop = 0
else if `m' == `=`nbm_`j''-1' | `m' >= `maxm`j'_t1_g1' {
local stop = 1
forvalues k = 1/`=`m'' {
qui count if item`j' == `=`m' - `k'' & tt == 0
local v`k'1_0 = r(N)
qui count if item`j' == `=`m' - `k'' & tt == 1
local v`k'1_1 = r(N)
if (`v`k'1_0' != 0 | `v`k'1_1' != 0) & `stop' != 0 {
qui replace item`j'= `=`m' - `k'' if item`j'==`m'
local zzz=`j'+`nbitems'
*qui replace item`zzz'= `=`m' - `k'' if item`zzz'==`m'
di "WARNING: items `j': answers `m' and `=`m'+`k'' merged"
local stop = 0
local mod "gsem "
forvalues i=1/`nbitems' {
if (`i'==`difitems1') {
local mod = "`mod'"+"(1.item`i'<-THETA@1 tt)(2.item`i'<-THETA@2 tt)(3.item`i'<-THETA@3 tt)"
else {
local mod = "`mod'"+"(1.item`i'<-THETA@1)(2.item`i'<-THETA@2)(3.item`i'<-THETA@3)"
if runiform()>0.5{
local stop = 1
forvalues k = 1/`m' {
qui count if item`j' == `=`m' - `k'' & tt == 0
local v`k'1_0 = r(N)
qui count if item`j' == `=`m' - `k'' & tt == 1
local v`k'1_1 = r(N)
if (`v`k'1_0' != 0 | `v`k'1_1' != 0) & `stop' != 0 {
qui replace item`j'= `=`m'-`k'' if item`j'==`m'
local zzz=`j'+`nbitems'
*qui replace item`zzz'=`=`m'-`k'' if item``=`j'+`nbitems'''==`m'
di "WARNING: items `j': answers `m' and `=`m'+`k'' merged"
local stop = 0
local mod = "`mod'" + "(THETA<-tt), mlogit tol(0.01) iterate(500) latent(THETA) nocapslatent constraint(1 2)"
qui `constrnt'
qui `constrnt2'
qui `mod'
mat V=r(table)
mat W=V[1..2,1...]
forvalues j=1/`nbitems' {
if (`j'<`difitems1') {
mat outmat[`k',3*`j'-2] = W[1,7*(`j'-1)+3] // items avant le premier dif
mat outmat[`k',3*`j'-1] = W[1,7*(`j'-1)+5] // items avant le premier dif
mat outmat[`k',3*`j'] = W[1,7*(`j'-1)+7] // items avant le premier dif
else if (`j'==`difitems1') {
mat outmat[`k',3*`j'-2] = W[1,7*(`j'-1)+4] // items du le premier dif
mat outmat[`k',3*`j'-1] = W[1,7*(`j'-1)+7] // items du le premier dif
mat outmat[`k',3*`j'] = W[1,7*(`j'-1)+10] // items du le premier dif }
else {
local stop = 1
forvalues k = 1/`=`nbm_`j''-`m'' {
qui count if item`j' == `=`m' + `k'' & tt == 0
local v`k'1_0 = r(N)
qui count if item`j' == `=`m' + `k'' & tt == 1
local v`k'1_1 = r(N)
if (`v`k'1_0' != 0 | `v`k'1_1' != 0) & `stop' != 0{
qui replace item`j'=`=`m' + `k'' if item`j'==`m'
local zzz=`j'+`nbitems'
*qui replace item`zzz'=`=`m' + `k'' if item``=`j'+`nbitems'''==`m'
di "WARNING: items `j': answers `m' and `=`m'+`k'' merged"
local stop = 0
else {
mat outmat[`k',3*`j'-2] = W[1,7*(`j'-1)+6] // items avant le premier dif
mat outmat[`k',3*`j'-1] = W[1,7*(`j'-1)+8] // items avant le premier dif
mat outmat[`k',3*`j'] = W[1,7*(`j'-1)+10] // items avant le premier dif
if `stop' != 0 {
qui replace item`j'= `nbm_`j'' if item`j'==`m'
local zzz=`j'+`nbitems'
*qui replace item`zzz'= `nbm_`j'' if item``=`j'+`nbitems'''==`m'
di "WARNING: items `j': answers `m' and `=`m'+`k'' merged"
local stop = 0
mat outmat[`k',3*`nbitems'+1] = W[1,7*(`difitems1'-1)+2] // coef de dif
mat outmat[`k',3*`nbitems'+2] = W[1,7*(`difitems1'-1)+5] // coef de dif
mat outmat[`k',3*`nbitems'+3] = W[1,7*(`difitems1'-1)+8] // coef de dif
mat outmat[`k',3*`nbitems'+4] = W[1,7*`nbitems'+4] // beta
mat outmat[`k',3*`nbitems'+5] = W[2,7*`nbitems'+4] // se beta
mat outmat[`k',3*`nbitems'+6] = `difitems1' // numéro item de dif
qui levelsof item`j'
local val = r(levels)
local checker: word 1 of `val'
local checker2: word 2 of `val'
local checker3: word 3 of `val'
if (`checker'!=0) {
qui recode item`j' (`checker'=0) (`checker2'=1) (`checker3'=2)
else if (`checker2'!=1) {
qui recode item`j' (`checker2'=1) (`checker3'=2)
else if (`checker3'!=2) {
qui recode item`j' (`checker3'=2)
// replications avec 3 mod
if (1==inlist(`k',scenar_prob_3)) {
qui valuesof comz
local val = r(values)
local checker: word 1 of `val'
* replications avec 3 mod
if (`checker' == 1) {
local difitems1=dif1
forvalues i=1/`nbitems' {
if (`i'==`difitems1') {
@ -128,23 +217,27 @@ else {
// replications avec 2 mod
if (1==inlist(`k',scenar_prob_2)) {
* replications sans problèmes
else {
local difitems1=dif1
forvalues i=1/`nbitems' {
if (`i'==`difitems1') {
local constrnt = "constraint 1 2*([1.item`i']_cons-([1.item`i']_cons+[1.item`i'] tt))=([2.item`i']_cons-([2.item`i']_cons+[2.item`i'] tt))"
local constrnt2 = "constraint 2 3*([1.item`i']_cons-([1.item`i']_cons+[1.item`i'] tt))=([3.item`i']_cons-([3.item`i']_cons+[3.item`i'] tt))"
local mod "gsem "
forvalues i=1/`nbitems' {
if (`i'==`difitems1') {
local mod = "`mod'"+"(1.item`i'<-THETA@1 tt)"
local mod = "`mod'"+"(1.item`i'<-THETA@1 tt)(2.item`i'<-THETA@2 tt)(3.item`i'<-THETA@3 tt)"
else {
local mod = "`mod'"+"(1.item`i'<-THETA@1)"
local mod = "`mod'"+"(1.item`i'<-THETA@1)(2.item`i'<-THETA@2)(3.item`i'<-THETA@3)"
local mod = "`mod'" + "(THETA<-tt), mlogit tol(0.01) iterate(500) latent(THETA) nocapslatent"
local mod = "`mod'" + "(THETA<-tt), mlogit tol(0.01) iterate(500) latent(THETA) nocapslatent constraint(1 2)"
qui `constrnt'
qui `constrnt2'
qui `mod'
mat V=r(table)
mat W=V[1..2,1...]
@ -173,14 +266,11 @@ else {
mat outmat[`k',3*`nbitems'+6] = `difitems1' // numéro item de dif
putexcel set "`path_res'/out/8`scen'_`Nn'.xls", sheet("outmat") replace
putexcel A1=matrix(outmat), colnames
