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10 months ago
*! version 2.0 : Oct1995 : Joseph Hilbe
* Dichotomous Discriminate Anaylsis
* Based on version 1, written by Hilbe 12-7-91, published: STB-5 (Jan1992)
program define discrim2
version 5.0
local varlist "req ex"
local options "Detail Graph Anova Predict Keep"
local in "opt"
local if "opt"
parse "`*'"
parse "`varlist'",parse(" ")
qui summ `1'
if (_result(6)<0 | _result(6)>1) {
noi di in red "Error: Group variable must be 0/1"
if "`keep'"=="" {
qui {
dropmiss `varlist'
tempvar prob0 prob1 dummy D nvar obs obs1 obs0 c0 c1 prop D cntall
gen `cntall'=_n
local group `1'
local y "`1'"
mac shift
qui count
gen `obs' = _result(1)
count if `group'==0
gen `obs0'= _result(1)
count if `group'==1
gen `obs1'= _result(1)
tempvar c0
gen `c0' =`obs1'/`obs'
gen `c1' = -(`obs0'/`obs')
gen `prob0' = `obs1'/`obs'
gen `dummy' = `c0' if `group'==0
replace `dummy' = `c1' if `group'==1
reg `dummy' `*', noheader
global nvar = _result(3)
cap drop `dummy' `c0' `c1'
global rsquare = _result(7)
global mahala=($rsquare/(1-$rsquare))*((`obs'*(`obs'-2))/(`obs0'*`obs1'))
gen `prop' = $rsquare/$mahala
gen `D' = sqrt($mahala)
* Calc discriminant scores
local i = 1
while "``i''"!= "" {
tempvar cof`i' dis`i'
gen `cof`i'' = _b[``i'']
gen `dis`i'' = `cof`i''/`prop'
local i = `i'+1
* Calc main values */
local j = 1
local i = 1
tempvar konst usdfk dscorep dscore dsFp dfun
gen `usdfk'=0
gen `konst' = 0
gen `dscorep'=0
gen `dscore'=0
gen `dsFp'=0
gen `dfun'=0
while "``i''"!="" {
tempvar mean`j' mn0`j' mn1`j' mndff`j' usdf`j'
summ ``i''
gen `mean`j'' = _result(3)
summ ``i'' if `group'==0
gen `mn0`j'' = _result(3)
summ ``i'' if `group'==1
gen `mn1`j'' = _result(3)
gen `mndff`j'' = `mn0`j'' + `mn1`j''
replace `konst' = `dis`i''*`mndff`j''+`konst'
gen `usdf`i''=`dis`i''/-`D'
replace `usdfk'=`usdf`j'' * `mean`j'' + `usdfk'
replace `dscorep'=`usdf`i''*``i''
replace `dscore'=`dscore'+`dscorep'
replace `dsFp'=`dis`i''*``i''
replace `dfun'=`dfun'+`dsFp'
local i = `i'+1
local j = `j'+1
replace `usdfk'=`usdfk'* -1
replace `dscore'=`dscore'+`usdfk'
replace `konst'=`konst'*-.5
replace `dfun' = `dfun'+`konst'
local tsquare = $mahala*((`obs0'*`obs1')/`obs')
local F = `tsquare'*(`obs'-$nvar)/(($nvar-1)*(`obs'-2))
global cnt0 = -`D'*(`obs1'/`obs')
global cnt1 = `D'*(`obs0'/`obs')
noi di _n
noi di in gr _col(20) "Dichotomous Discriminant Analysis"
noi di " "
#delimit ;
noi di in gr "Observations = " in ye `obs'
in gr _col(50) "Obs Group 0 = " in ye %9.0g `obs0';
noi di in gr "Indep variables = " in ye $nvar
in gr _col(50) "Obs Group 1 = " in ye %9.0g `obs1';
noi di " ";
noi di in gr "Centroid 0 = " in ye %9.4f $cnt0
in gr _col(50) "R-square = " in ye %9.4f $rsquare;
noi di in gr "Centroid 1 = " in ye %9.4f $cnt1
in gr _col(50) "Mahalanobis = " in ye %9.4f $mahala;
noi di in gr "Grand Cntd = " in ye %9.4f
noi di " ";
#delimit cr
oneway `dscore' `group'
global eigen = _result(2)/_result(4)
global ccor = sqrt(_result(2)/(_result(2)+_result(4)))
global lambda = _result(4)/(_result(2)+_result(4))
global chisq = log($lambda)* -((`obs'-($nvar+2)/2)-1)
#delimit ;
noi di in gr "Eigenvalue = " in ye %9.4f $eigen
in gr _col(50) "Wilk's Lambda = " in ye %7.4f $lambda;
noi di in gr "Canon. Corr. = " in ye %9.4f $ccor
in gr _col(50) "Chi-square = " in ye %7.4f $chisq;
noi di in gr "Eta Squared = " in ye %9.4f $ccor^2
in gr _col(50) "Sign Chi2 = " in ye %7.4f chiprob($nvar,$chisq);
#delimit cr
noi di _n(1)
noi di in gr _col(26) "Discrim Function" _col(46) "Unstandardized"
noi di in gr _col(11) /*
*/ "Variable" _col(28) "Coefficients" _col(48) "Coefficients"
noi di in gr _col(11) _dup(49) "-"
local i=1
while "``i''"!="" {
noi di in gr _col(11) "``i''" in ye _col(28) %9.4f `dis`i'' /*
*/ _col(51) %9.4f `usdf`i''
local i = `i'+1
noi di in gr _col(11) "constant" in ye _col(28) %9.4f `konst' /*
*/ _col(51) %9.4f `usdfk'
tempvar lprob grpred cell
gen `lprob' = 1/(1+exp(`dfun'))
gen `grpred' = 1 if `lprob'>=0.5
replace `grpred' = 0 if `lprob'<0.5
gen `cell' = 1
summ `cell' if `group'==0 & `lprob'<0.5
local aa=_result(2)
summ `cell' if `group'==0 & `lprob'>=0.5
local bb=_result(2)
summ `cell' if `group'==1 & `lprob'<0.5
local cc=_result(2)
summ `cell' if `group'==1 & `lprob'>=0.5
local dd=_result(2)
local tot = `aa'+`bb'+`cc'+`dd'
if "`predict'" !="" {
noi di _n " "
noi di in gr _col(25) "----- Predicted -----"
noi di in gr _col(13) "Actual | Group 0 Group 1 | Total"
noi di in gr _col(13) "---------+" _dup(26) "-" "+--------"
noi di in gr _col(13) "Group 0 |" in ye _col(26) %6.0g `aa' /*
*/ _col(40) %6.0g `bb' in gr _col(49) "|" in ye _col(52) %6.0g `aa'+`bb'
noi di in gr _col(13) "Group 1 |" in ye _col(26) %6.0g `cc' /*
*/ _col(40) %6.0g `dd' in gr _col(49) "|" in ye _col(52) %6.0g `cc'+`dd'
noi di in gr _col(13) "---------+" _dup(26) "-" "+--------"
noi di in gr _col(13) "Total |" in ye _col(26) %6.0g `aa'+`cc' /*
*/ _col(40) %6.0g `bb'+`dd' in gr _col(49) "|" in ye _col(52) /*
*/ %6.0g `tot'
noi di in gr _col(13) "---------+" _dup(26) "-" "+--------"
noi di " "
noi di in gr _col(21) "Correctly predicted = " in ye /*
*/ %6.2f ((`aa'+`dd')/`tot')*100 " %"
noi di in gr _col(21) "Model sensitivity = " in ye /*
*/ %6.2f (`aa'/(`aa'+`bb'))*100 " %"
noi di in gr _col(21) "Model specificity = " in ye /*
*/ %6.2f (`dd'/(`cc'+`dd'))*100 " %"
noi di in gr _col(21) "False positive = " in ye /*
*/ %6.2f (`cc'/(`aa'+`cc'))*100 " %"
noi di in gr _col(21) "False negative = " in ye /*
*/ %6.2f (`bb'/(`bb'+`dd'))*100 " %"
if "`anova'"!="" {
noi di _n(1)
noi di in gr _col(18) "Discriminant Scores v Group Variable"
noi oneway `dscore' `group'
if "`graph'"!="" {
tempvar lnp lnm
gen `lnp'=`lprob' if (`lprob'>=0.5 & `group'==1) | /*
*/ (`lprob'<0.5 & `group'==0)
gen `lnm'=`lprob' if `lnp'==.
lab var `lnp' "Classified"
lab var `lnm' "Misclassified"
lab var `dfun' "Discriminant Index"
noi gr `lnp' `lnm' `dfun', s(.p) xlab ylab(.1,.3,.4,.5,.6,.7,.9) /*
*/ border yline(.5) ti(" Probability of Classification")
cap drop `lnp' `lnm'
if "`detail'"!="" {
cap drop PRED DscScore DscIndex LnProb1 Group DIFF
sort `cntall'
noi di _n(2)
gen PRED=`grpred'
gen DscScore = `dscore'
gen DscIndex = `dfun'
gen LnProb1 = `lprob'
gen Group = `group'
compress Group PRED
gen str2 DIFF = " *" if `group'!=PRED
format DIFF %2s
format DscIndex DscScore LnProb1 %9.4f
noi di in gr " PRED = Predicted Group DIFF = Misclassification"
noi di in gr " LnProb1 = Probability Gr 1 DscScore = Discriminant Score"
noi di in gr " DscIndex = Discriminant Index"
noi di in gr _dup(63) "-"
di " "
noi l `y' PRED DIFF LnProb1 DscIndex DscScore, nol
global S_E_var $nvar
global S_E_obs `obs'
global S_E_ob0 `obs0'
global S_E_ob1 `obs1'
global S_E_cn0 $cnt0
global S_E_cn1 $cnt1
global S_E_cng ((`obs1'*$cnt0)+(`obs0'*$cnt1))/`obs'
global S_E_r2 $rsquare
global S_E_mah $mahala
global S_E_eig $eigen
global S_E_lam $lamda
global S_E_cc $ccor
global S_E_chi $chisq
global S_E_e2 $ccor^2
global S_E_cmd "discrim"
if "`keep'"!="" {
noi di _n in bl " Caution: data changed in memory"
if "`keep'"=="" {
capture program drop dropmiss
program define dropmiss
local varlist "req ex"
parse "`*'"
parse "`varlist'", parse(" ")
local i= 1
while "``i''"!="" {
drop if ``i''==.
local i=`i'+1