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10 months ago
capture program drop rel
program rel,rclass
syntax varlist, PARTition(numlist integer >0) [SCOrename(string) Alpha(real 0.7) Delta(real 0.9) h(real 0.3) HJmin(real 0.3)]
local C = 0
foreach z in `partition' {
local C = `C' + `z'
local nbvars : word count `varlist'
if `C' != `nbvars' {
di in red "The sum of the numbers in the partition option is different from the number of variables precised in varlist"
local P:word count `partition'
if "`scorename'" !="" {
local S:word count `scorename'
if `P'!=`S' {
di in red "The number of score names given is different from the number of dimensions in the partition option"
di as result "{hline}"
di "{bf:Reliability}"
di as result "{hline}"
local y = 1
local nbitems = 0
matrix aa = J(`P',4,.)
foreach z in `partition' {
local nbitems = `nbitems' + `z'
local i = 1
foreach x in `varlist' {
local var`i' = "`x'"
local `++i'
matrix d = J(`nbitems',2,.)
local i = 1
foreach x in `partition' {
if `i' == 1 local s = `x'
else local s = `s' +`x'
local liste = ""
forvalues w = `y'/`s' {
local liste `liste' `var`w''
*qui count if !=.
capture qui alpha `liste', asi item std
local al`i' = r(alpha)
local n`i' = e(N)
capture qui loevh `liste', pairwise
local h`i' = r(loevH)
mat a = r(Obs)
*local n`i' = a[1,1]
matrix c = r(loevHj)
matrix ct = c'
local lister = ""
forvalues w = `y'/`s' {
tempvar z
qui gen `z' = round(`var`w'')
local lister `lister' `z'
capture qui delta `lister'
local delt`i' = r(delta)
// on remplit d avec les valeurs de ct
local k = 0
forvalues j = `y'/`s' {
local k = `k'+1
matrix d[`j',1] = ct[`k',1]
matrix d[`j',2] = `i'
matrix aa [`i',1] = `al`i''
matrix aa [`i',2] = `delt`i''
matrix aa [`i',3] = `h`i''
local `i++'
local y = `s'+1
matrix rownames d = `varlist'
local i = 1
local y = 1
foreach x in `partition' {
if `i' == 1 local s = `x'
else local s = `s' +`x'
matrix C = d[`y'..`s',1.]
local min`i' = C[1,1]
local n : rownames C
tokenize `n'
local t`i' = "`1'"
forvalues j = 1/`x' {
local t = "``j''"
if C[`j',1] <= `min`i'' {
local min`i' = C[`j',1]
local t`i' = "``j''"
local itmin`i' = "``j''"
*di "`t`i''"
matrix aa [`i',4] = `min`i''
local `i++'
local y = `s'+1
matrix colnames aa = "alpha" "delta" "H" "Hj_min"
if "`scorename'"=="" {
local i = 1
local y = 1
local name
local nname
forvalues i = 1/`P' {
local name "Dim`i'"
local nname `nname' `name'
local scorename = "`nname'"
local maxlen = 0
foreach sco in `scorename' {
local w = length("`sco'")
if `w' > `maxlen' local maxlen = `w'
local i = 1
local j = 1
local y = 1
local col = `maxlen'+8
di _col(`col') "{bf:n}" _c
local col = `col'+5
di _col(`col') "{bf:alpha}" _c
local col = `col'+8
di _col(`col') "{bf:delta}" _c
local col = `col'+11
di _col(`col') "{bf:H}" _c
local col = `col'+5
di _col(`col') "{bf:Hj_min}"
*di "{hline 41}"
foreach s in `scorename' {
di in blue "{bf:`s'}" _c
local col = `maxlen'+3
local n : di %6.0f `n`i''
di in blue _col(`col') "{text:`n'}" _c
local col = `col'+10
local a : di %5.2f `al`i''
if `a' < `alpha' {
di _col(`col') "{error:`a'} " _c
else di _col(`col') "{text:`a'}" _c
local col = `col'+8
local d : di %5.2f `delt`i''
if `d' < `delta' {
di _col(`col') "{error:`d'} " _c
else di _col(`col') "{text:`d'}" _c
local col = `col'+8
local h : di %4.2f `h`i''
if `h' < `h' {
di _col(`col') "{error:`h'} " _c
else di _col(`col') "{text:`h'}" _c
local col = `col'+8
local m : di %6.2f `min`i''
if `m' < `hjmin' {
di _col(`col') "{error:`m'} " _c
di "{text:(item `itmin`i'')}" _c
else di _col(`col') "{text:`m'}" _c
local `++i'
*rel ioc1-ioc37, partition(4 4 7 3 3 4 7 5) scorename(HA PSE W BCC AC AE LI MOC) a(0.7) d(0.9) h(0.3) hjmin(0.3)
*rel x1-x40, partition(5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5) scorename(HA PSE W BCC AC AE LI MOC) a(0.7) d(0.9) h(0.3) hjmin(0.3)