You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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10 months ago
* based on the command "detect" by Jean-Benoit Hardouin
program define detect2 , rclass
version 7.0
syntax varlist(min=2 numeric), PARTition(numlist integer >0) [noSCOres noRESTscores]
local nbitemstest=0
tokenize `partition'
local Q:word count `partition'
local firstitem=0
local dim0=1
forvalues i=1/`Q' {
local dim`i'=``i''
local firstitem`i'=`firstitem`=`i'-1''+`dim`=`i'-1''
local nbitemstest=`nbitemstest'+`dim`i''
tempvar score`i'
qui gen `score`i''=0
forvalues j=`firstitem`i''/`=`firstitem`i''+`dim`i''-1' {
local item`j': word `j' of `varlist'
qui replace `score`i''=`score`i''+`item`j''
local nbitems:word count `varlist'
tokenize `varlist'
if `nbitems'!=`nbitemstest' {
di in red "The sum of the numbers of items in all the dimensions is different of the total number of items precised in varlist"
tempname Corrscores Corrrestscores
matrix define `Corrscores'=J(`nbitems',`Q',0)
matrix define `Corrrestscores'=J(`nbitems',`Q',0)
forvalues i=1/`nbitems' {
forvalues j=1/`Q' {
tempvar restscore`i's`j'
qui gen `restscore`i's`j''=`score`j''-``i''
qui corr ``i'' `score`j''
local corr`i's`j'=r(rho)
qui corr ``i'' `restscore`i's`j''
local corr`i'rs`j'=r(rho)
matrix `Corrscores'[`i',`j']=`corr`i's`j''
matrix `Corrrestscores'[`i',`j']=`corr`i'rs`j''
local namesdim
forvalues q=1/`Q' {
local namesdim "`namesdim' dim`q'"
matrix colnames `Corrscores'= `namesdim'
matrix colnames `Corrrestscores'= `namesdim'
return matrix Corrscores `Corrscores'
return matrix Corrrestscores `Corrrestscores'