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62 lines
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10 months ago
*! log2html 1.1.1 cfb/njc 17Dec2001
program define log2html7, rclass
version 7.0
syntax anything(name=smclfile id="The name of a .smcl logfile is") /*
*/ [, replace TItle(string asis) INput(string) Result(string) BG(string)]
tempname hi ho
tempfile htmlfile
local smclfile : subinstr local smclfile ".smcl" ""
local smclfile : subinstr local smclfile ".SMCL" ""
local outfile `"`smclfile'.html"'
qui log html `"`smclfile'"' `"`htmlfile'"', `replace' yebf whbf
local cinput = cond("`input'" == "", "CC6600", "`input'")
local cresult = cond("`result'" == "", "000099", "`result'")
local cbg "ffffff"
if "`bg'" ~= "" {
if "`bg'" == "gray" | "`bg'" == "grey" { local bg "cccccc" }
local cbg `bg'
file open `hi' using `"`htmlfile'"', r
file open `ho' using `"`outfile'"', w `replace'
file write `ho' _n
file write `ho' "<html>" _n "<head>" _n
if `"`title'"' ~= "" {
file write `ho' `"<title>`title'</title>"' _n
file write `ho' `"<h2>`title'</h2>"' _n
file write `ho' "</head>" _n
file write `ho' "<body bgcolor=`cbg'>" _n
file read `hi' line
local cprev = 0
while r(eof)==0 {
* command lines
local line: /*
*/ subinstr local line "<b>. " "<font color=`cinput'>. ", count(local c)
* catch continuation lines
if substr(`"`line'"',1,7) == "<b>&gt;" & `cprev' {
local line : /*
*/ subinstr local line "<b>" "<font color=`cinput'>", count(local c)
else {
local line: /*
*/ subinstr local line "<b>" "<font color=`cresult'>", all
local line: subinstr local line "</b>" "</font>", all
file write `ho' `"`line'"' _n
local cprev = `c'
file read `hi' line
file write `ho' "</body>" _n "</html>" _n
file close `ho'
di _n `"HTML log file `outfile' created"'