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10 months ago
*! Bollen-Stine bootstrap, v.1.3, Stas Kolenikov
program define bollenstine, eclass
syntax, [Reps(int 200) SAVing(str) notable noheader nolegend ///
SAFER CONFAOPTions(str) *]
* this is a post-estimation command following confa1
if "`e(cmd)'" ~= "confa1" & "`e(cmd)'" ~= "confa" error 301
* the low level preserve
tempfile pres
tempname confares
est store `confares'
qui save `pres'
qui keep if e(sample)
local T = e(lr_u)
local safer cap noi
if "`saving'" == "" {
tempfile bsres
local saving `bsres'
if "`e(cmd)'" == "confa1" {
local varlist = "`e(depvar)'"
local p : word count `varlist'
tempname Sigma bb
mat `Sigma' = e(Model)
mat `bb' = e(b)
mata: CONFA1_BSrotate("`Sigma'","`varlist'")
`safer' bootstrap _b (T: T = e(lr_u)) (reject: reject = (e(lr_u) > `T') ) , ///
reps(`reps') saving(`saving') notable noheader nolegend ///
reject( e(converged) == 0) `options' ///
: confa1 `varlist' , from(`bb', skip) `confaoptions'
* may need some other options, too!
nobreak if "`safer'"~="" & _rc {
* for whatever reason, the bootstrap broke down
qui use `pres' , clear
qui est restore `confares'
qui est drop `confares'
error _rc
* just to display the results
* the covariance matrix should have been reposted by the -bootstrap-!
* we still need to trick Stata back into confa1!
ereturn local cmd confa1
else if "`e(cmd)'" == "confa" {
local varlist = "`e(observed)'"
local p : word count `varlist'
tempname Sigma bb
mat `Sigma' = e(Sigma)
mat `bb' = e(b)
mata: CONFA1_BSrotate("`Sigma'","`varlist'")
* set up the call
local k = 1
while "`e(factor`k')'" ~= "" {
local call `call' (`e(factor`k')')
local ++k
* the first call and resetting the from vector
cap confa `call' , from(`bb') `confaoptions'
if _rc {
di as err "cannot execute confa with rotated data only"
qui est restore `confares'
cap est drop `confares'
exit 309
mat `bb' = e(b)
if ~strpos("`confaoptions'", "from") local from from(`bb')
* correlated errors?
* unit variance identification?
`safer' bootstrap _b (T: T = e(lr_u)) (reject: reject = (e(lr_u) > `T') ) , ///
reps(`reps') saving(`saving') notable noheader nolegend ///
reject( e(converged) == 0) `options' ///
: confa `call' , `from' `confaoptions'
* may need some other options, too!
nobreak if "`safer'"~="" & _rc {
* for whatever reason, the bootstrap broke down
qui use `pres' , clear
qui est restore `confares'
cap est drop `confares'
error _rc
* the covariance matrix should have been reposted by the -bootstrap-!
* we still need to trick Stata back into confa!
ereturn local cmd confa
else {
* what on earth was that?
error 301
* the bootstrap test on T
gettoken bsres blah : saving , parse(",")
* to strip off replace option, if there is any
qui use `bsres', clear
sum reject_reject, mean
local pBS = r(mean)
local BBS = r(N)
qui sum T_T, det
local q05 = r(p5)
local q95 = r(p95)
qui use `pres', clear
qui est restore `confares'
qui est drop `confares'
ereturn scalar p_u_BS = `pBS'
ereturn scalar B_BS = `BBS'
* ereturn scalar lr_u = `T'
* ereturn scalar p_u = chi2tail(e(df_u),e(lr_u))
ereturn scalar T_BS_05 = `q05'
ereturn scalar T_BS_95 = `q95'
ereturn local vce BollenStine
ereturn local vcetype Bollen-Stine
cap mata: mata drop CONFA1_BSrotate()
void CONFA1_BSrotate(
string SigmaName, // the parameter matrix name
string varnames // the variable names
) {
// declarations
real matrix data // views of the data
real matrix Sigma, SS, S2, SS2 // the covariance matrices and temp matrices
real matrix means // the means -- need modifications for weighted data!!!
real scalar p, n // dimension, no. obs
// get the data in
st_view(data=., ., tokens(varnames) )
Sigma = st_matrix(SigmaName)
// probability weights!!!
means = colsum(data)/n
SS = (cross(data,data)-n*means'*means)/(n-1)
S2 = cholesky(Sigma)
SS2 = cholesky(SS)
SS2 = solveupper(SS2',I(rows(SS)))
data[,] = data*SS2*S2'
v.1.1 -- Jan 9, 2007
v.1.2 -- Mar 26, 2008: confa1 options added; reject() added
v.1.3 -- July 12, 2008: upgraded to confa