You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

2669 lines
59 KiB

10 months ago
*! version 1.2 July 02, 2014
*! Bastien Perrot, Jean-Benoit Hardouin, Emmanuelle Anthoine
* Stata program : validscale
* Assess validity and reliability of a multidimensional measurement scale using CTT methods
* Historic:
* Version 1 (2013-06-20): [Bastien Perrot, Jean-Benoit Hardouin, Emmanuelle Anthoine]
* Version 1.1 (2014-05-13) : [Bastien Perrot, Jean-Benoit Hardouin, Emmanuelle Anthoine] /* Method for IMPUTE option (PMS or Two-way) */
* Version 1.2 (2014-07-02) : [Bastien Perrot, Jean-Benoit Hardouin, Emmanuelle Anthoine] /* CFA: Standard error for the intercepts, IMPUTE: correction of a bug with MI option, minor corrections*/
* Required modules :
* delta
* loevh
* kapci
* mi_twoway
* detect2
* imputeitems
* lstrfun
program define validscale , rclass
syntax varlist [if], PARTition(numlist integer >0) [HTML(string) MODalities(numlist) SCOREName(string) scores(varlist) IMPute(string) NORound COMPScore(string) DESCitems GRAPHs cfa CFAMethod(string) CFAStand CFACov(string) CFAAuto CONVdiv TCONVdiv(real 0.4) CONVDIVBoxplots Alpha(real 0.7) Delta(real 0.9) h(real 0.3) HJmin(real 0.3) REPet(varlist) scores2(varlist) KAPpa ICKAPpa(integer 0) kgv(varlist) KGVBoxplots KGVGroupboxplots conc(varlist) tconc(real 0.4)]
if "`if'"!="" {
qui keep `if'
if "`html'" != "" {
global html = "`html'"
set scheme sj
local htmlregion "graphregion(fcolor(white) ifcolor(white))"
local xsize=6
local ysize=4
di in gr "<!-- SphereCalc start of response -->"
di "<br />"
di "<pre>"
if "`modalities'" == "" {
foreach v in `varlist' {
tempvar min max
egen `min' = min(`v')
egen `max' = max(`v')
local mi = `min'
local ma = `max'
local m `mi' `ma'
local modalities `modalities' `m'
global modalities = "`modalities'"
global compscore = "`compscore'"
if "$compscore" == "" global compscore = "mean"
local C = 0
foreach z in `partition' {
local C = `C' + `z'
local nbvars : word count `varlist'
if `C' != `nbvars' {
di in red "The sum of the numbers in the partition option is different from the number of variables precised in varlist"
exit 119
if "`repet'" != "" {
local b:word count `repet'
if `nbvars' != `b' {
di in red "The number of items in varlist is different from the number of items in repet"
exit 119
local i = 1
foreach x in `varlist' {
local var`i' = "`x'"
local `++i'
local P:word count `partition'
local S:word count `scorename'
if "`scores'" != "" & "`scorename'" != "" {
di in red "scorenames() and scores() cannot be used together"
exit 119
if "`scorename'" != "" {
if `P'!=`S' {
di in red "The number of score names given is different from the number of dimensions in the partition option"
exit 119
foreach sco in `scorename' {
capture confirm variable `sco', exact
if !_rc {
di in red "`sco' already defined. You must choose names that do not already exist or use the scores() option if the scores are already defined."
exit 119
tokenize `scorename'
local g = 0
forvalues i = 1/`S' {
if "`sco'" == "``i''" {
local `++g'
if `g' > 1 {
di in red "2 or more dimensions have the same name"
exit 119
calcscore `varlist', scorename(`scorename') partition(`partition') compscore(`compscore') modalities(`modalities')
global exist = 0
global scorename = "`scorename'"
else if "`scorename'" == "" & "`scores'" == ""{
local name
local nname
forvalues i = 1/`P' {
local name "Dim`i'"
local nname `nname' `name'
local scorename = "`nname'"
global scorename = "`nname'"
calcscore `varlist', scorename(`scorename') partition(`partition') compscore(`compscore') modalities(`modalities')
global exist = 0
else if "`scores'" != "" {
local P:word count `partition'
local S2:word count `scores'
if `P'!=`S2' {
di in red "The number of score names given is different from the number of dimensions in the partition option"
exit 119
else {
global scorename = "`scores'"
local scorename = "`scores'"
global exist = 1
local nbm : word count $modalities
if `nbm' !=2 &`nbm' !=`P'*2 &`nbm' !=`nbvars'*2 {
di in red "option modalities() misspecified. You must enter either 2 or `=`nbvars'*2' or `=`P'*2' elements"
exit 119
if `nbm' == 2{
tokenize $modalities
foreach v in `varlist' {
tempvar min
tempvar max
egen `min' = min(`v')
egen `max' = max(`v')
if `min' < `1' {
di in red "error in option modalities() : some responses have smaller values than the minimum value in modalities()"
exit 119
if `max' > `2' {
di in red "error in option modalities() : some responses have greater values than the maximum value in modalities()"
exit 119
if `nbm' == `nbvars'*2 {
local i = 1
foreach v in `varlist' {
tempvar min max
egen `min' = min(`v')
egen `max' = max(`v')
local mi = `min'
local ma = `max'
tokenize $modalities
if `mi' < ``i'' {
di in red "error in option modalities() : some responses have values less than the minimum value specified for the variable in modalities()"
exit 119
local `++i'
tokenize $modalities
if `ma' > ``i'' {
di in red "error in option modalities() : some responses have values greater than the maximum value specified for the variable in modalities()"
exit 119
local `++i'
if `nbm' == `P'*2 {
local i = 1
local y = 1
foreach x in `partition' {
//local `i++'
if `i' == 1 local s = `x'
else local s = `s' +`x'
forvalues w = `y'/`s' {
tokenize $modalities
tempvar min max
egen `min' = min(`var`w'')
egen `max' = max(`var`w'')
local mi = `min'
local ma = `max'
if `mi' < ``i'' {
di in red "error in option modalities() : some responses have values less than the minimum value specified"
exit 119
local j = `i'+1
tokenize $modalities
if `ma' > ``j'' {
di in red "error in option modalities() : some responses have values greater than the maximum value specified"
exit 119
local i = `i'+2
local y = `s'+1
if "`cfa'" != "" {
if "`cfacov'" != "" {
if !strpos("`cfacov'", "*") {
di "error in cfacov() option : you must enter covariances between errors as follows: item3*item5 item7*item8 ... "
exit 119
local v = subinstr("`cfacov'","*"," ",.)
foreach var in `v' {
capture confirm variable `var'
if _rc {
di in red "error in cfacov() option : `var' is not a variable from the dataset"
exit 119
if "`kgv'" !="" {
foreach k in `kgv' {
capture confirm variable `k'
if _rc!=0 {
di in red "`k' does not exist"
exit 119
if "`conc'" !="" {
foreach c in `conc' {
capture confirm variable `c'
if _rc!=0 {
di in red "`c' does not exist"
exit 119
di as result "Items used to compute the scores"
local i = 1
local j = 1
local y = 1
foreach p in `partition' {
tokenize `scorename'
di "{bf:``i''} : " _c
if `j' == 1 local s = `p'
else local s = `s' +`p'
forvalues z = `y'/`s' {
di "{text:`var`z'' }" _c
local `i++'
local `j++'
local y = `s'+1
di as result "Number of observations: " _c
di as text _N
qui destring _all, replace
if "`descitems'" != "" {
di as result "{hline 105}"
di "Description of items"
di as result "{hline 105}"
descitems `varlist', partition(`partition')
if "`graphs'" != "" {
graphs `varlist', partition(`partition')
if "`repet'" != "" {
if "`descitems'" != "" {
di as result "{hline 105}"
di "Description of items (time 2)"
di as result "{hline 105}"
descitems `repet', partition(`partition')
if "`impute'" != "" {
if "`impute'" != "pms" & "`impute'" !="mi" {
di in red "option impute() incorrectly specified. You must specify {hi:pms} or {hi:mi}."
error 100
if "`impute'" == "pms" {
pms `varlist', partition(`partition') `noround'
if "`descitems'" != "" {
di as result "{hline 105}"
di "Description of items after missing data handling (PMS imputation)"
di as result "{hline 105}"
descitems `varlist', partition(`partition')
if "`repet'" != "" {
pms `repet', partition(`partition') `noround'
if "`descitems'" != "" {
di as result "{hline 105}"
di "Description of items after missing data handling (time 2)"
di as result "{hline 105}"
descitems `repet', partition(`partition')
if "`impute'" == "mi" {
mitw `varlist', partition(`partition') `noround'
if "`descitems'" != "" {
di as result "{hline 105}"
di "Description of items after missing data handling (mi two-way imputation)"
di as result "{hline 105}"
descitems `varlist', partition(`partition')
if "`repet'" != "" {
mitw `repet', partition(`partition') `noround'
if "`descitems'" != "" {
di as result "{hline 105}"
di "Description of items after missing data handling (time 2)"
di as result "{hline 105}"
descitems `repet', partition(`partition')
rel `varlist', scorename(`scorename') partition(`partition') alpha(`alpha') delta(`delta') h(`h') hjmin(`hjmin') modalities(`modalities')
if "`convdiv'" != "" {
convdiv `varlist', partition(`partition') tconvdiv(`tconvdiv') `convdivboxplots'
if "`cfa'" != "" {
cfa `varlist', partition(`partition') cfamethod(`cfamethod') `cfastand' cfacov(`cfacov') `cfaauto'
if "`repet'" != "" | "`scores2'" != "" {
global scores2 = "`scores2'"
repet `varlist', t2(`repet') partition(`partition') `kappa' ickappa(`ickappa')
if "`kgv'" != "" {
kgv `scorename', categ(`kgv') `kgvboxplots' `kgvgroupboxplots'
if "`conc'" != "" {
conc `scorename', comp(`conc') tconc(`tconc')
//capture restore, not
/* pms */
capture program drop pms
program pms
syntax varlist, PARTition(numlist integer >0) [NORound]
local C = 0
foreach z in `partition' {
local C = `C' + `z'
local nbvars : word count `varlist'
if `C' != `nbvars' {
di in red "The sum of the numbers in the partition option is different from the number of variables precised in varlist"
local i = 1
local y = 1
tokenize `varlist'
foreach x in `partition' {
if `i' == 1 local s = `x'
else local s = `s' +`x'
local liste = ""
forvalues w = `y'/`s' {
local liste `liste' ``w''
local n : word count `liste'
if mod(`n',2)!=0 local max = floor(`n'/2)
else local max = `n'/2-1
if "`noround'" != "" {
qui imputeitems `liste', method(pms) max(`max') noround
foreach var of varlist `liste' {
qui replace `var' = imp`var'
qui drop imp`var'
else {
qui imputeitems `liste', method(pms) max(`max')
foreach var of varlist `liste' {
qui replace `var' = imp`var'
qui drop imp`var'
local `i++'
local y = `s'+1
/* mitw */
capture program drop mitw
program mitw
syntax varlist, PARTition(numlist integer >0) [NORound]
local C = 0
foreach z in `partition' {
local C = `C' + `z'
local nbvars : word count `varlist'
if `C' != `nbvars' {
di in red "The sum of the numbers in the partition option is different from the number of variables precised in varlist"
local i = 1
local y = 1
foreach x in `partition' {
tokenize `varlist'
if `i' == 1 local s = `x'
else local s = `s' +`x'
local liste = ""
forvalues w = `y'/`s' {
local liste `liste' ``w''
qui mi_twoway `liste', scorename(scoretmp) add(1) style(wide) clear
foreach var of varlist `liste' {
qui replace `var' = _1_`var'
if "`noround'" == "" {
qui replace `var' = round(`var')
/*if `var' > `maxm' {
qui replace `var' = `maxm'
if `var' < `minm' {
qui replace `var' = `minm'
qui drop _1_`var'
capture drop scoretmp
capture drop _1_scoretmp
local `i++'
local y = `s'+1
//capture drop _mi_miss
qui mi unset
/* calcscore */
capture program drop calcscore
program calcscore,rclass
syntax varlist, PARTition(numlist integer >0) [modalities(numlist) COMPscore(string) SCOrename(string)]
local P:word count `partition'
local S:word count `scorename'
local C = 0
foreach z in `partition' {
local C = `C' + `z'
local nbvars : word count `varlist'
if `C' != `nbvars' {
di in red "The sum of the numbers in the partition option is different from the number of variables precised in varlist"
if "`scorename'" != "" {
if `P'!=`S' {
di in red "The number of score names given is different from the number of dimensions in the partition option"
exit 119
local i = 1
local y = 1
foreach x in `partition' {
tokenize `varlist'
if `i' == 1 local s = `x'
else local s = `s' +`x'
local liste = ""
forvalues w = `y'/`s' {
local liste `liste' ``w''
tempvar nonmiss
qui egen `nonmiss' = rownonmiss(`liste')
tokenize `scorename'
local sc = "``i''"
if "`compscore'" == "" local compscore = "mean"
if "`compscore'" != "mean" & "`compscore'" != "sum" & "`compscore'" != "stand" {
di in red "option compscore incorrectly specified (choose among mean, sum and stand)"
error 198
if "`compscore'" == "sum" {
qui egen `sc' = rowmean(`liste') if `nonmiss' >= `x'/2
qui replace `sc' = `sc'*`x'
else if "`compscore'" == "stand" {
local nbm:word count `modalities'
local nbl:word count `liste'
tokenize `modalities'
if `nbm' == 2 {
local min = `1'*`nbl'
local max = `2'*`nbl'
else if `nbm' == `P'*2 {
local min = ``b''*`nbl'
local max = ``=`b'+1''*`nbl'
else if `nbm' == `nbvars'*2 {
if `y'==1 local yy = 1
else local yy = `y'*2-1
local bb = `yy'
local min = 0
local max = 0
forvalues bb = `yy'(2)`=`s'*2' {
local tpmin = ``bb''
local tpmax = ``=`bb'+1''
local min = `min'+`tpmin'
local max = `max'+`tpmax'
else {
di in red "option modalities() misspecified. You must enter either 2 or `=`nbvars'*2' or `=`P'*2' elements"
exit 119
qui egen `sc' = rowmean(`liste') if `nonmiss' >= `x'/2
qui replace `sc' = `sc'*`nonmiss'
qui replace `sc' = (`sc'-`min')/(`max'-`min')*100
else {
qui egen `sc' = rowmean(`liste') if `nonmiss' >= `x'/2
local `i++'
local y = `s'+1
/* rel */
capture program drop rel
program rel,rclass
syntax varlist, PARTition(numlist integer >0) [MODalities(numlist) SCOrename(string) Alpha(real 0.7) Delta(real 0.9) h(real 0.3) HJmin(real 0.3)]
local C = 0
foreach z in `partition' {
local C = `C' + `z'
local nbvars : word count `varlist'
if `C' != `nbvars' {
di in red "The sum of the numbers in the partition option is different from the number of variables precised in varlist"
local P:word count `partition'
if "`scorename'" !="" {
local S:word count `scorename'
if `P'!=`S' {
di in red "The number of score names given is different from the number of dimensions in the partition option"
di as result "{hline 105}"
di "{bf:Reliability}"
di as result "{hline 105}"
local y = 1
local nbitems = 0
matrix aa = J(`P',4,.)
foreach z in `partition' {
local nbitems = `nbitems' + `z'
local i = 1
foreach x in `varlist' {
local var`i' = "`x'"
local `++i'
matrix d = J(`nbitems',2,.)
local i = 1
local b = 1
foreach x in `partition' {
tokenize `scorename'
if `i' == 1 local s = `x'
else local s = `s' +`x'
local liste = ""
forvalues w = `y'/`s' {
local liste `liste' `var`w''
capture alpha `liste', asi item std
local al`i' = r(alpha)
capture qui loevh `liste', pairwise
local h`i' = r(loevH)
matrix c = r(loevHj)
matrix ct = c'
local lister = ""
forvalues w = `y'/`s' {
tempvar z
qui gen `z' = round(`var`w'')
local lister `lister' `z'
tempvar nbmiss
local nbl : word count `lister'
egen `nbmiss' = rowmiss(`lister')
qui count if `nbmiss'<`nbl'
local n`i' = r(N)
// delta
if ${exist} == 0 & "$compscore" == "sum" {
local nbm:word count `modalities'
tokenize `modalities'
if `nbm' == 2 {
local min = `1'*`nbl'
local max = `2'*`nbl'
else if `nbm' == `P'*2 {
local min = ``b''*`nbl'
local max = ``=`b'+1''*`nbl'
else if `nbm' == `nbvars'*2 {
if `y'==1 local yy = 1
else local yy = `y'*2-1
local bb = `yy'
local min = 0
local max = 0
forvalues bb = `yy'(2)`=`s'*2' {
local tpmin = ``bb''
local tpmax = ``=`bb'+1''
local min = `min'+`tpmin'
local max = `max'+`tpmax'
else {
di in red "option modalities() misspecified. You must enter either 2 or `=`nbvars'*2' or `=`P'*2' elements"
exit 119
capture delta `lister', min(`min') max(`max')
local delt`i' = r(delta)
else local delt`i' = .
local k = 0
forvalues j = `y'/`s' {
local k = `k'+1
matrix d[`j',1] = ct[`k',1]
matrix d[`j',2] = `i'
matrix aa [`i',1] = `al`i''
matrix aa [`i',2] = `delt`i''
matrix aa [`i',3] = `h`i''
local `i++'
local y = `s'+1
local b = `b'+2
matrix rownames d = `varlist'
local i = 1
local y = 1
foreach x in `partition' {
if `i' == 1 local s = `x'
else local s = `s' +`x'
matrix C = d[`y'..`s',1.]
local min`i' = C[1,1]
local n : rownames C
tokenize `n'
local t`i' = "`1'"
forvalues j = 1/`x' {
local t = "``j''"
if C[`j',1] <= `min`i'' {
local min`i' = C[`j',1]
//di `min`i''
local t`i' = "``j''"
local itmin`i' = "``j''"
//di " `i' : `itmin`i''"
matrix aa [`i',4] = `min`i''
local `i++'
local y = `s'+1
matrix colnames aa = "alpha" "delta" "H" "Hj_min"
if "`scorename'"=="" {
local i = 1
local y = 1
local name
local nname
forvalues i = 1/`P' {
local name "Dim`i'"
local nname `nname' `name'
local scorename = "`nname'"
local maxlen = 0
foreach sco in `scorename' {
local w = length("`sco'")
if `w' > `maxlen' local maxlen = `w'
local i = 1
local j = 1
local y = 1
local col = `maxlen'+8
di _col(`col') "{bf:n}" _c
local col = `col'+6
di _col(`col') "{bf:alpha}" _c
local col = `col'+10
di _col(`col') "{bf:delta}" _c
local col = `col'+14
di _col(`col') "{bf:H}" _c
local col = `col'+5
di _col(`col') "{bf:Hj_min}"
foreach s in `scorename' {
di in blue "{bf:`s'}" _c
local col = `maxlen'+3
local n : di %6.0f `n`i''
di in blue _col(`col') "{text:`n'}" _c
local col = `col'+10
local a : di %6.2f `al`i''
if `a' < `alpha' {
di _col(`col') "{error:`a'} " _c
else di _col(`col') "{text:`a'}" _c
local col = `col'+10
local d : di %6.2f `delt`i''
if `d' < `delta' {
di _col(`col') "{error:`d'} " _c
else di _col(`col') "{text:`d'}" _c
local col = `col'+10
local h : di %6.2f `h`i''
if `h' < `h' {
di _col(`col') "{error:`h'} " _c
else di _col(`col') "{text:`h'}" _c
local col = `col'+8
local m : di %8.2f `min`i''
if `m' < `hjmin' {
di _col(`col') "{error:`m'} " _c
di "{text:(item `itmin`i'')}" _c
else di _col(`col') "{text:`m'}" _c
local `++i'
/* descitems */
capture program drop descitems
program descitems
syntax varlist, PARTition(numlist integer >0)
local i = 1
local C = 0
foreach z in `partition' {
local C = `C' + `z'
local nbvars : word count `varlist'
if `C' != `nbvars' {
di in red "The sum of the numbers in the partition option is different from the number of variables precised in varlist"
exit 119
local i = 1
foreach x in `varlist' {
local var`i' = "`x'"
local `++i'
foreach var in `varlist' {
qui replace `var' = round(`var')
local lev = ""
foreach var in `varlist' {
qui levelsof `var', local(levels)
foreach l in `levels' {
if strpos("`lev'","`l'") == 0 {
local lev `lev' `l'
_qsort_index `lev'
local lev = r(slist1)
local i = 1
matrix d = J(`nbvars',4,.)
foreach var in `varlist'{
qui count if missing(`var')
local ct=r(N)
local tx`i'=`ct'/_N
matrix d[`i',1] = `tx`i''
local `i++'
matrix rownames d = `varlist'
matrix colnames d = "missing" "alpha" "Hj"
local i = 1
local y = 1
foreach x in `partition' {
if `i' == 1 local s = `x'
else local s = `s' +`x'
local liste = ""
forvalues w = `y'/`s' {
local liste `liste' `var`w''
qui capture alpha `liste', asi item std
mat a = r(Alpha)
mat at = a'
qui capture loevh `liste', pairwise
matrix e = r(loevHj)
matrix et = e'
matrix ns = r(nbHjkNS)
matrix nst = ns'
local k = 0
forvalues j = `y'/`s' {
local k = `k'+1
matrix d[`j',2] = at[`k',1]
matrix d[`j',3] = et[`k',1]
matrix d[`j',4] = nst[`k',1]
local `i++'
local y = `s'+1
local i = 1
foreach v in `varlist' {
local var`i' = abbrev("`v'",8)
local `++i'
local dec = 10
local col = `dec'
tokenize `varlist'
local minm = `1'
local maxm = `1'
foreach mod in $modalities {
if `mod' < `minm' local minm = `mod'
if `mod' > `maxm' local maxm = `mod'
local b = `maxm'-`minm'+1
local i = 1
local j = 1
local y = 1
di in blue _col(`dec') "{bf:Missing}" _c
local col = `col'+11
di in blue _col(`=`col'+2') "{bf:N}" _c
local col = `col'+9
di _col(`col') "{bf:Response categories}" _c
local col = `dec'+18+8*`b'
di _col(`col') "{bf:Alpha}" _c
local col = `col'+9
di _col(`col') "{bf:Loevinger}" _c
local col = `col'+12
di _col(`col') "{bf:Number of}"
local col = `dec'-1
di _col(`col') "{bf:data rate}" _c
local col = `dec'+18
forvalues m = `minm'/`maxm' {
di _col(`=`col'+2') "`m'" _c
local col = `col'+8
di as result _col(`col') "- item" _c
local col = `col'+10
di as result _col(`col') "Hj coeff" _c
local col = `col'+12
di as result _col(`col') "NS Hjk"
local ch = `dec'+18+8*`b'+29
di "{hline `ch'}"
local i = 1
foreach x in `varlist' {
local varo`i' = "`x'"
local `++i'
local y = 1
foreach p in `partition' {
if `j' == 1 local s = `p'
else local s = `s' +`p'
forvalues z = `y'/`s' {
local col = `dec'
di "{bf:`var`z''}" _c
local t = d[`z',1]
local t : di %8.2f `t'*100
di _col(`col') "{text:`t'%}" _c
qui count if missing(`varo`z'')
local m = r(N)
local N = _N-`m'
local N : di %4.0f `N'
local col = `col'+10
di _col(`col') "{text:`N'}" _c
local col = `col'+8
forvalues m = `minm'/`maxm' {
qui count if round(`varo`z'') == `m'
local n = r(N)
if `m' == `maxm' & round(`varo`z'')>`maxm' {
local n = `n' + 1
if `m' == `minm' & round(`varo`z'')<`minm' {
local n = `n' + 1
qui count if `varo`z'' != .
local d = r(N)
local e = `n'/`d'
local e : di %4.2f `e'*100
if `e' != 0 di _col(`=`col'-1')"{text:`e'%}" _c
else di _col(`=`col'-1')"{text: -}" _c
local col = `col'+8
local a = d[`z',2]
local a : di %4.2f `a'
di _col(`=`col'+1') "{text:`a'}" _c
local h = d[`z',3]
local h : di %5.2f `h'
local col = `col'+10
di _col(`=`col'+3') "{text:`h'}" _c
local ns = d[`z',4]
local ns : di %2.0f `ns'
local col = `col'+11
di _col(`=`col'+7') "{text:`ns'}"
local `i++'
local `j++'
local y = `s'+1
di "{dup `ch':-}"
capture program drop graphs
program graphs
syntax varlist, PARTition(numlist integer >0)
//qui set autotabgraphs on
local P:word count `partition'
local html = "${html}"
local i = 1
foreach x in `varlist' {
local var`i' = "`x'"
local `++i'
if "$compscore" == "stand" local w = 10
if "$compscore" == "sum" local b = 10
if "$compscore" == "mean" local w = 0.5
if "`html'"!="" {
//set graphics off
foreach s in $scorename {
qui local saving "saving(`c(tmpdir)'/`html'_`s',replace) nodraw"
qui hist `s', name(`s',replace) percent fcolor(emidblue) lcolor(none) width(`w') bin(`b') `saving'
qui graph use `c(tmpdir)'/`html'_`s'.gph
qui graph export `c(tmpdir)'/`html'_`s'.eps, replace
//di "<img src=" _char(34) "/data/`html'_`s'.png" _char(34)
//di " class=" _char(34) "resgraph" _char(34) " alt=" _char(34) "hist score" _char(34) " title= " _char(34) "hist score - click to enlarge" _char(34) " width=" _char(34) "300" _char(34) " height=" _char(34) "200" _char(34) ">"
//set graphics on
qui local saving "saving(`c(tmpdir)'/`html'_group,replace) nodraw"
qui gr combine $scorename, name(group,replace) title("Distribution of scores") `saving'
qui graph use `c(tmpdir)'/`html'_group.gph
qui graph export `c(tmpdir)'/`html'_group.eps, replace
di "<img src=" _char(34) "/data/`html'_group.png" _char(34)
di " class=" _char(34) "resgraph" _char(34) " alt=" _char(34) "group" _char(34) " title= " _char(34) "Distributions of scores - click to enlarge" _char(34) " width=" _char(34) "300" _char(34) " height=" _char(34) "200" _char(34) ">"
qui local saving "saving(`c(tmpdir)'/`html'_scores,replace) nodraw"
qui biplot $scorename, name("Biplot_scores",replace) norow std title("Correlations between scores") xtitle("") ytitle("") `saving'
qui graph use `c(tmpdir)'/`html'_scores.gph
qui graph export `c(tmpdir)'/`html'_scores.eps, replace
di "<img src=" _char(34) "/data/`html'_scores.png" _char(34)
di " class=" _char(34) "resgraph" _char(34) " alt=" _char(34) "Correlations scores" _char(34) " title= " _char(34) "Correlations between scores - click to enlarge" _char(34) " width=" _char(34) "300" _char(34) " height=" _char(34) "200" _char(34) ">"
else {
set graphics off
foreach s in $scorename {
qui hist `s', name("`s'",replace) percent fcolor(emidblue) lcolor(none) width(`w') bin(`b')
set graphics on
gr combine $scorename, name("Histograms_scores",replace)
capture biplot $scorename, name("Biplot_scores",replace) norow std title("") xtitle("") ytitle("")
capture biplot `varlist', name("temp",replace) norow std nograph
mat a = r(V)
tempvar a1 a2
mat colnames a = `a1' `a2'
svmat a, names(col)
tempvar mina1 mina2 maxa1 maxa2
egen `mina1' = min(`a1')
egen `mina2' = min(`a2')
egen `maxa1' = max(`a1')
egen `maxa2' = max(`a2')
local mina1 = `mina1'
local mina2 = `mina2'
local maxa1 = `maxa1'+1.4
local maxa1x = `maxa1'+0.3
local maxa2 = `maxa2'
local colors = "red blue black green ebblue mint erose orange maroon magenta mint gray teal navy olive sienna"
local i = 1
foreach c in `colors' {
local col`i' = "`c'"
local `++i'
local i = 1
local y = 1
local c = 1
local bas = `maxa2'+0.2
local droite = max(`maxa1',0.2)
foreach x in `partition' {
tokenize $scorename
if `i' == 1 local s = `x'
else local s = `s' +`x'
forvalues j=`y'/`s' {
local a = `a1'[`j']
local b = `a2'[`j']
local call `call' || pcarrowi 0 0 `b' `a' "`var`j''", mlabcolor(`col`i'') color(`col`i'') head
local bas = `bas'-0.2
local call `call' text(`bas' `droite' "``i''", size(3) color(`col`i'')) /*`bas' `droite' "``i''", mlabcolor("`r' `g' `b'")*/
local `++i'
local y = `s'+1
local `++c'
if "`html'" != "" {
qui local saving "saving(`c(tmpdir)'/`html'_items,replace) nodraw"
qui twoway `call' name("items",replace) legend(off) xscale(range(`mina1' `maxa1x')) yscale(range(`mina2' `maxa2')) title("Correlations between items") xtitle("") ytitle("") xsize(`xsize') ysize(`ysize') `saving'
qui graph use `c(tmpdir)'/`html'_items.gph
qui graph export `c(tmpdir)'/`html'_items.eps, replace
di "<img src=" _char(34) "/data/`html'_items.png" _char(34)
di " class=" _char(34) "resgraph" _char(34) " alt=" _char(34) "Correlations items" _char(34) " title= " _char(34) "Correlations between items - click to enlarge" _char(34) " width=" _char(34) "300" _char(34) " height=" _char(34) "200" _char(34) ">"
else {
qui twoway `call' name("Biplot_items",replace) legend(off) xscale(range(`mina1' `maxa1x')) yscale(range(`mina2' `maxa2')) xtitle("") ytitle("")
/* convdiv */
capture program drop convdiv
program convdiv
syntax varlist, PARTition(numlist integer >0) [TCONVdiv(real 0.4) convdivboxplots]
//qui set autotabgraphs on
local C = 0
foreach z in `partition' {
local C = `C' + `z'
local nbvars : word count `varlist'
local P:word count `partition'
local cptdiv = 0
local cptconv = 0
if ${exist} != 1 {
qui detect2 `varlist', partition(`partition')
matrix A = r(Corrrestscores)
matrix B = r(Corrscores)
local i = 1
local y = 1
foreach x in `partition' {
if `i' == 1 local s = `x'
else local s = `s' +`x'
forvalues z = `y'/`s' {
matrix B[`z',`i'] = A[`z',`i']
local `i++'
local y = `s'+1
matrix colnames B = $scorename
local i = 1
foreach v in `varlist' {
local var`i' = abbrev("`v'",10)
local `++i'
local i = 1
foreach s in $scorename {
local s`i' = abbrev("`s'",7)
local sc `sc' `s`i''
local `++i'
di as result "{hline 105}"
di "{bf:Correlation matrix}"
di "{hline 105}"
local dec = 10
local col = `dec'
local decit = 14
local colit = `decit'
local col1 = `decit'
forvalues i=1/`P' {
di _col(`col1') "{bf:`s`i''}" _c
local col1 = `col1' + `dec'
local h = (`P'-1)*`dec'+`decit'+4
di "{hline `h'}"
local i = 1
local j = 1
local y = 1
foreach p in `partition' {
if `j' == 1 local s = `p'
else local s = `s' +`p'
forvalues z = `y'/`s' {
di as text "{bf:`var`z''}" _c
local col = `decit'-1
local dd = `z' // [count cptdiv (one per item)]
forvalues k = 1/`P' {
local t = B[`z',`k']
local t : di %6.3f `t'
if `k' == `i' {
if `t' < `tconvdiv' {
/*if "${html}" != "" {
di "<p style=" _char(34) "color:red" _char(34)">"
di _col(`col') "{bf:`t'}" _c
di "</p>"
//else {
di in red _col(`col') "{bf:`t'}" _c
local cptconv = `cptconv'+1
local col = `col' + `dec'
else {
/*if "${html}" != "" {
di "<p style=" _char(34) "color:blue"_char(34)">"
di as text _col(`col') "{bf:`t'}" _c
di "</p>"
//else {
di as text _col(`col') "{bf:`t'}" _c
local col = `col' + `dec'
else {
if B[`z',`k'] > B[`z',`i'] {
/*if "${html}" != "" {
di "<span style=" _char(34) "color:red"_char(34)">"
di in red _col(`col') "`t'" _c
di "</span>"
//else {
di in red _col(`col') "`t'" _c
if `dd' == `z' local cptdiv = `cptdiv'+1 // [one per item]
local dd = 0
local col = `col' + `dec'
else {
/*if "${html}" != "" {
di "<p>"
di as text _col(`col') "{text:`t'}"_c
di "</p>"
//else {
di as text _col(`col') "{text:`t'}"_c
local col = `col' + `dec'
di as text "{dup `h':-}"
local `i++'
local `j++'
local y = `s'+1
local y = 1
local h = 1
local np : word count `partition'
foreach p in `partition' {
if `h' == 1 local s = `p'
else local s = `s' +`p'
forvalues j = 1/`np' {
mat C_`h'_`j' = B[`y'..`s',`j']
tempvar tp_`h'_`j'
mat colnames C_`h'_`j' = `tp_`h'_`j''
svmat C_`h'_`j', names(col)
local `++h'
local y = `s'+1
else if ${exist} == 1 {
di as result "{hline 105}"
di "{bf:Correlation matrix (without rest-scores)}"
di "{hline 105}"
local i = 1
foreach v in `varlist' {
local var`i' = abbrev("`v'",10)
local `++i'
local i = 1
foreach s in $scorename {
local s`i' = abbrev("`s'",7)
local sc `sc' `s`i''
local `++i'
local dec = 10
local col = `dec'
local decit = 14
local colit = `decit'
local col1 = `decit'
forvalues i=1/`P' {
di _col(`col1') "{bf:`s`i''}" _c
local col1 = `col1' + `dec'
local h = (`P'-1)*`dec'+`decit'+4
di "{hline `h'}"
qui corr $scorename `varlist'
matrix c = r(C)
matrix B = c[`=`P'+1'..`nbvars'+`P',1..`P']
local i = 1
local j = 1
local y = 1
foreach p in `partition' {
if `j' == 1 local s = `p'
else local s = `s' +`p'
forvalues z = `y'/`s' {
di as text "{bf:`var`z''}" _c
local col = `decit'-1
local dd = `z' // [count cptdiv (one per item)]
forvalues k = 1/`P' {
local t = B[`z',`k']
local t : di %6.3f `t'
if `k' == `i' {
if `t' < `tconvdiv' {
di in red _col(`col') "{bf:`t'}" _c
local cptconv = `cptconv'+1
local col = `col' + `dec'
else {
di _col(`col') "{bf:`t'}" _c
local col = `col' + `dec'
else {
if B[`z',`k'] > B[`z',`i'] {
di in red _col(`col') "`t'" _c
if `dd' == `z' local cptdiv = `cptdiv'+1 // [one per item]
local dd = 0
local col = `col' + `dec'
else {
di as text _col(`col') "{text:`t'}"_c
local col = `col' + `dec'
di "{dup `h':-}"
local `i++'
local `j++'
local y = `s'+1
local y = 1
local h = 1
local np : word count `partition'
foreach p in `partition' {
if `h' == 1 local s = `p'
else local s = `s' +`p'
forvalues j = 1/`np' {
mat C_`h'_`j' = B[`y'..`s',`j']
tempvar tp_`h'_`j'
mat colnames C_`h'_`j' = `tp_`h'_`j''
svmat C_`h'_`j', names(col)
local `++h'
local y = `s'+1
if "`convdivboxplots'" != "" {
if "${html}" != "" {
local html = "${html}"
di "</pre>"
di "<div style=" _char(34) "width:750px;" _char(34) ">"
local colors = "red blue green orange maroon magenta ebblue mint erose gray teal navy olive sienna"
local i = 1
foreach c in `colors' {
local col`i' = "`c'"
local `++i'
forvalues h = 1/`np' {
tokenize $scorename
local call = ""
local callbox = ""
local callleg = ""
forvalues j = 1/`np' {
local call `call' `tp_`h'_`j''
local callbox `callbox' box(`j',fcolor(`col`j'') lcolor(`col`j'')) marker(`j', mcolor(`col`j''))
local lab = "``j''"
local lab = `"`lab'"'
local callleg `callleg' `j' "`lab'"
qui local saving "saving(`c(tmpdir)'/`html'_Conv_div_``h'',replace) nodraw"
qui graph box `call', name("Conv_div_``h''",replace) `callbox' legend(order(`"`callleg'"') stack rows(1) size(small)) title(Correlations between items of ``h'' and scores) yline(`tconvdiv', lpattern(dot) lcolor(black)) `saving'
qui graph use `c(tmpdir)'/`html'_Conv_div_``h''.gph
qui graph export `c(tmpdir)'/`html'_Conv_div_``h''.eps, replace
di "<img src=" _char(34) "/data/`html'_Conv_div_``h''.png" _char(34)
di "style="_char(34) "margin-bottom:10px;margin-right:22px" _char(34)" class=" _char(34) "resgraph" _char(34) " alt=" _char(34) "convdiv boxplots" _char(34) " title= " _char(34) "Correlations between items of ``h'' and scores - click to enlarge" _char(34) " width=" _char(34) "225" _char(34) " height=" _char(34) "150" _char(34) ">"
//qui set autotabgraphs on
di "</div>"
di "<pre>"
else {
forvalues h = 1/`np' {
tokenize $scorename
local call = ""
local callbox = ""
local callleg = ""
forvalues j = 1/`np' {
local call `call' `tp_`h'_`j''
local callbox `callbox' box(`j',fcolor(`color') lcolor(`color')) marker(`j', mcolor(`color'))
local lab = "``j''"
local lab = `"`lab'"'
local callleg `callleg' `j' "`lab'"
graph box `call', name("Conv_div_``h''",replace) `callbox' legend(order(`"`callleg'"') stack rows(1) size(small)) title(Correlations between items of ``h'' and scores) yline(`tconvdiv', lpattern(dot) lcolor(black))
qui set autotabgraphs on
local t : di %5.3f `tconvdiv'
local p1 = (`nbvars'-`cptconv')/`nbvars'*100
local p1 : di %4.1f `p1'
local p2 = (`nbvars'-`cptdiv')/`nbvars'*100
local p2 : di %4.1f `p2'
di as result "Convergent validity:" _c
di as text " `=`nbvars'-`cptconv''/`nbvars' items (`p1'%) have a correlation coefficient with the score of "
di _col(22) "their own dimension greater than `t'"
di as result "Divergent validity:" _c
di as text " `=`nbvars'-`cptdiv''/`nbvars' items (`p2'%) have a correlation coefficient with the score"
di _col(22) "of their own dimension greater than those computed with other scores."
/* cfa */
capture program drop cfa
program cfa,rclass
syntax varlist, PARTition(numlist integer >0) [CFAMethod(string) CFAStand CFACov(string) CFAAuto]
local nbvars:word count `varlist'
local P:word count `partition'
local C = 0
foreach z in `partition' {
local C = `C' + `z'
local i = 1
foreach x in `varlist' {
local var`i' = "`x'"
local `++i'
if "`cfaauto'" != "" & "`cfacov'" != "" {
di in red "You cannot use both cfacov() and cfaauto"
exit 119
if "`cfacov'" != "" {
lstrfun v, subinstr("`cfacov'","*"," ",.)
foreach var in `v' {
capture confirm variable `var'
if _rc {
di in red "error in cfacov() option : `var' is not a variable from the dataset"
exit 119
lstrfun s, subinstr("`cfacov'","* ","*",.)
lstrfun s, subinstr("`s'"," *","*",.)
lstrfun s, subinstr("`s'","*","*e.",.)
lstrfun f, subinstr("`s'"," "," e.",.)
local g e.`f'
lstrfun g , lower("`g'")
local covs `g'
local i = 1
foreach x in `varlist' {
local var`i' = lower("`x'")
qui rename `x' `var`i''
local `++i'
local upscorename = upper("$scorename")
local i = 0
local y = 1
tokenize `upscorename'
foreach x in `partition' {
local `i++'
if `i' == 1 local s = `x'
else local s = `s' +`x'
local liste = ""
forvalues w = `y'/`s' {
local liste `liste' `var`w''
local a = "(``i'' -> `liste')"
local zz `zz' `a'
local y = `s'+1
if "`cfamethod'" == "" local cfamethod = "ml"
if "`cfamethod'" != "ml" & "`cfamethod'" != "mlmv" & "`cfamethod'" != "adf" {
di "`cfamethod'"
di in red "option cfamethod incorrectly specified (choose among ml, mlmv and adf)"
error 198
if "`cfastand'" != "" local cfastand = "stand"
di as result "{hline 105}"
di "{bf:Confirmatory factor analysis}"
di as result "{hline 105}"
local ii = 1
local s
while `ii' == 1 | "`s'" != "" {
if "`covs'" != "" & "`cfaauto'" != "" di _n "{bf:step `ii':} {text:`s'}"
qui sem `zz', method(`cfamethod') `cfastand' cov(`covs') iterate(50)
/* factor loadings */
matrix r = r(table)
matrix r = r[1,1...]
matrix r = r'
local n = `nbvars'*2
matrix a = r[1,1]
forvalues i=3(2)`n' {
matrix b = r[`i',1]
matrix a = a\b
/* standard error factor loadings*/
matrix r = r(table)
matrix r = r[2,1...]
matrix r = r'
local n = `nbvars'*2
matrix sef = r[1,1]
forvalues i=3(2)`n' {
matrix b = r[`i',1]
matrix sef = sef\b
/* intercepts */
matrix r = r(table)
matrix r = r[1,1...]
matrix r = r'
local n = `nbvars'*2
matrix a2 = r[2,1]
forvalues i=4(2)`n' {
matrix b = r[`i',1]
matrix a2 = a2\b
/* standard error intercepts*/
matrix r = r(table)
matrix r = r[2,2...]
matrix r = r'
local n = `nbvars'*2
matrix sei = r[1,1]
forvalues i=3(2)`n' {
matrix b = r[`i',1]
matrix sei = sei\b
//mat li sei
/* error variances */
local m = `n'+1
matrix r = r(table)
//mat li r
matrix r = r[1,`m'...]
matrix r = r'
matrix a3 = r[1,1]
forvalues i=2/`nbvars' {
matrix b = r[`i',1]
matrix a3 = a3\b
/* variance of dimensions*/
matrix r = r(table)
local n = `nbvars'*3+1
matrix r = r[1,`n'...]
matrix r = r'
matrix var = r[1,1]
forvalues i=2/`P' {
matrix b = r[`i',1]
matrix var = var\b
if "`cfaauto'" != "" {
qui estat mindices, showpclass(mcons merrvar)
matrix m = r(mindices_pclass)
local r : colfullnames m
if "`r'" == "c1" local r
lstrfun e , subinstr("`r'","cov(","",.)
lstrfun d , subinstr("`e'",")","",.)
lstrfun d , subinstr("`d'",":_cons","",.)
lstrfun d , subinstr("`d'","e.","",.)
lstrfun d , subinstr("`d'",","," ",.)
tokenize "`d'"
local y = 1
local i = 0
foreach x in `partition' {
local `i++'
if `i' == 1 local s = `x'
else local s = `s' +`x'
forvalues w = `y'/`s' {
local class_`var`w'' = `i'
local y = `s'+1
tokenize "`d'"
local i = 1
local l : word count ("`d'")
forvalues k = 1/`=`l'/2' {
local j = `i'+1
if "`class_``i'''" != "`class_``j'''" {
lstrfun d , subinstr("`d'","``i'' ``j''","",1)
lstrfun d , itrim("`d'")
local i = `i'+2
local cfacov = "`d'"
local s
local i = 1
tokenize "`d'"
foreach k in `d' {
local t = mod(`i',2)
if `t' == 0 local s `s' e.`k'
else local s `s' e.`k'*
local `++i'
lstrfun s , subinstr("`s'","* ","*",.)
local covs `covs' `s'
if e(converged) == 0 di in red "Warning : model did not converge after 50 iterations"
local `++ii'
local i = 1
foreach v in `varlist' {
local var`i' = abbrev("`v'",10)
local `++i'
local i = 1
foreach s in $scorename {
local s`i' = abbrev("`s'",10)
local sc `sc' `s`i''
local `++i'
local max = 10
local dec = `max'+5
local max2 = 10
local dec2 = `dec'+`max2'+5
local a = e(N)
if e(converged) == 0 di in red "Warning : model did not converge after 50 iterations"
if "`covs'" != "" {
di as result "{bf:Covariances between errors added:} {text:`covs'}"
di "{bf:Number of used individuals: } {text:`a'}"
//di _col(`=`dec2'+17+4') "{bf:Estimation:}"
di as result "{bf:Item}" _c
di _col(`dec') "{bf:Dimension}" _c
di _col(`dec2') "{bf:Factor}" _c
di _col(`=`dec2'+14') "{bf:Standard}" _c
di _col(`=`dec2'+28') "{bf:Intercept}" _c
di _col(`=`dec2'+43') "{bf:Standard}" _c
if "`cfastand'" == "" {
di _col(`=`dec2'+57') "{bf:Error}" _c
di _col(`=`dec2'+66') "{bf:Variance of}"
di _col(`dec2') "{bf:loading}" _c
di _col(`=`dec2'+14') "{bf:error}" _c
di _col(`=`dec2'+43') "{bf:error}" _c
di _col(`=`dec2'+55') "{bf:variance}" _c
di _col(`=`dec2'+67') "{bf:dimension}"
local h = `dec2'+76
else {
di _col(`=`dec2'+57') "{bf:Error}"
di _col(`dec2') "{bf:loading}" _c
di _col(`=`dec2'+14') "{bf:error}" _c
di _col(`=`dec2'+44') "{bf:error}" _c
di _col(`=`dec2'+57') "{bf:variance}"
local h = `dec2'+62
di "{hline `h'}"
local i = 1
local y = 1
foreach x in `partition' {
if `i' == 1 local s = `x'
else local s = `s' +`x'
forvalues z = `y'/`s' {
tokenize `sc'
di "{bf:`var`z''}"_c
di _col(`dec') "{bf:``i''}" _c
local t = a[`z',1]
local t : di %7.2f `t'
di _col(`dec2') "{text:`t'}" _c
local t = sef[`z',1]
local t : di %8.2f `t'
di _col(`=`dec2'+14') "{text:`t'}" _c
local t = a2[`z',1]
local t : di %9.2f `t'
di _col(`=`dec2'+28') "{text:`t'}" _c
local t = sei[`z',1]
local t : di %9.2f `t'
di _col(`=`dec2'+42') "{text:`t'}" _c
local t = a3[`z',1]
local t : di %11.2f `t'
if "`cfastand'" == "" & `z' == `y'{
di _col(`=`dec2'+52') "{text:`t'}" _c
local t = var[`i',1]
local t : di %11.2f `t'
di _col(`=`dec2'+66') "{text:`t'}"
else di _col(`=`dec2'+52') "{text:`t'}"
local `i++'
local y = `s'+1
qui estat gof, stats(all)
local chi2 = r(chi2_ms)
local p = r(p_ms)
local ddl = r(df_ms)
local ratio = `chi2'/`ddl'
local rmsea = r(rmsea)
local lb = r(lb90_rmsea)
local ub = r(ub90_rmsea)
local nfi = 1-(r(chi2_ms)/r(chi2_bs))
local rni = 1-(r(chi2_ms)-r(df_ms))/(r(chi2_bs)-r(df_bs))
local cfi = r(cfi)
local ifi = (r(chi2_bs)-r(chi2_ms))/(r(chi2_bs)-r(df_ms))
local mci = exp(-0.5*((r(chi2_ms)-r(df_ms))/(e(N)-1)))
local srmr = r(srmr)
di "{bf:Goodness of fit:}"
if "${html}" != "" {
di as result _col(4) "chi2" _c
di as result _col(20) "ddl" _c
di as result _col(28) "chi2/ddl" _c
di as result _col(42) "RMSEA [90% CI]" _c
di as result _col(64) "SRMR" _c
di as result _col(74) "NFI" _c
di as result _col(84) "RNI"
local t : di %7.2f `chi2'
di "{text:`t'}" _c
local t : di %3.0f `ddl'
di _col(20) "{text:`t'}" _c
local t : di %7.1f `ratio'
di _col(29) "{text:`t'}" _c
local t : di %5.3f `rmsea'
local l : di %5.3f `lb'
local u : di %5.3f `ub'
di _col(40) "{text:`t' [`l' ; `u']}" _c
local t : di %5.3f `srmr'
di _col(63) "{text:`t'}" _c
local t : di %5.3f `nfi'
di _col(72) "{text:`t'}" _c
local t : di %5.3f `rni'
di _col(82) "{text:`t'}"
local p : di %5.3f `p'
di "{text:(p-value = `p')}"
di as result
di as result _col(4) "CFI" _c
di as result _col(15) "IFI" _c
di as result _col(26) "MCI"
local t : di %5.3f `cfi'
di _col(4) "{text:`t'}" _c
local t : di %5.3f `ifi'
di _col(15) "{text:`t'}" _c
local t : di %5.3f `mci'
di _col(26) "{text:`t'}"
di as result
else {
di as result _col(4) "chi2" _c
di as result _col(20) "ddl" _c
di as result _col(28) "chi2/ddl" _c
di as result _col(42) "RMSEA [90% CI]" _c
di as result _col(64) "SRMR" _c
di as result _col(74) "NFI" _c
di as result _col(84) "RNI" _c
di as result _col(94) "CFI" _c
di as result _col(104) "IFI" _c
di as result _col(114) "MCI"
local t : di %7.2f `chi2'
di "{text:`t'}" _c
local t : di %3.0f `ddl'
di _col(20) "{text:`t'}" _c
local t : di %7.1f `ratio'
di _col(29) "{text:`t'}" _c
local t : di %5.3f `rmsea'
local l : di %5.3f `lb'
local u : di %5.3f `ub'
di _col(40) "{text:`t' [`l' ; `u']}" _c
local t : di %5.3f `srmr'
di _col(63) "{text:`t'}" _c
local t : di %5.3f `nfi'
di _col(72) "{text:`t'}" _c
local t : di %5.3f `rni'
di _col(82) "{text:`t'}" _c
local t : di %5.3f `cfi'
di _col(92) "{text:`t'}" _c
local t : di %5.3f `ifi'
di _col(102) "{text:`t'}" _c
local t : di %5.3f `mci'
di _col(112) "{text:`t'}"
local p : di %5.3f `p'
di "{text:(p-value = `p')}"
di as result
/* repet */
capture program drop repet
program repet,rclass
syntax varlist, PARTition(numlist integer >0) [t2(varlist) KAPpa ICKAPpa(integer 0)]
local nbvars : word count `varlist'
if `ickappa' <= 0 {
local ickappa = ""
local C = 0
foreach z in `partition' {
local C = `C' + `z'
local P:word count `partition'
if "$scores2" != "" {
local t:word count $scores2'
if `P' != `t' {
di in red "The number of score names given in scores2() is different from the number of scores defined"
exit 119
if "`t2'" != "" {
local i = 1
foreach s in $scorename {
local s`i' = abbrev("`s'",10)
local sc `sc' `s`i''
local `++i'
local i = 1
foreach v in `varlist' {
local var`i' = abbrev("`v'",10)
local `++i'
local maxit = 1
forvalues i=1/`nbvars' {
local len = length("`var`i''")
if `len' > `maxit' local maxit = `len'
local decit = `maxit' + 4
local colit = `decit'
di as result "{hline 105}"
di as result "{bf:Reproducibility}"
di as result "{hline 105}"
if "$scores2" == "" {
foreach sco in $scorename {
*local t = "`sco'bis"
tempname s
local scorename2 `scorename2' `s'
qui calcscore `t2', scorename(`scorename2') partition(`partition') compscore(${compscore}) modalities($modalities)
else {
foreach sco in $scores2 {
local scorename2 `scorename2' `sco'
local i = 1
foreach var in `varlist' {
tokenize `t2'
qui kap `var' ``i''
local k`i' = r(kappa)
if "`ickappa'" != "" {
qui kapci `var' ``i'', reps(`ickappa')
local lbk`i' = r(lb_bc)
local ubk`i' = r(ub_bc)
local `++i'
local i = 1
foreach s in $scorename {
tokenize `scorename2'
tempname score id temps
qui gen `id' = _n
qui gen `score'_1 = `s'
qui gen `score'_2 = ``i'' if ``i''!=.
qui reshape long `score'_, i(`id') j(`temps')
qui icc `score'_ `id'
local n`i' = r(N_target)
local icc`i' = r(icc_i)
local lb`i' = r(icc_i_lb)
local ub`i' = r(icc_i_ub)
qui sort `id'
qui duplicates drop `id', force
local `++i'
tokenize `sc'
local max = length("dimension")
forvalues j=1/`P' {
local len`j' = length("`s`j''")
if `len`j'' > `max' local max = `len`j''
local dec = `max' + 5
local i = 1
local j = 1
local y = 1
di "{bf:Dimension}" _c
di _col(`=`dec'+2') "{bf:n}" _c
local col = `dec'+6
di _col(`col') "{bf:Item}" _c
local col = `col'+`decit'
if "`kappa'" != "" {
di _col(`col') "{bf:Kappa}" _c
local col = `col'+10
if "`ickappa'" != "" {
di _col(`col') "{bf:95% CI for Kappa}" _c
local col = `col'+20
di _col(`=`col'+2') "{bf:ICC}" _c
local col = `col'+9
di _col(`col') "{bf:95% CI for ICC}"
local zz = 0
foreach var in `varlist' {
qui levelsof `var', local(levels)
local z : word count `levels'
if `z' > 2 local zz = 1
if "`kappa'" != "" & "`ickappa'" != "" & `zz' == 1 {
local col = `dec'+`decit'+16
di _col(`col') "{bf:(bootstrapped)}"
if "`ickappa'" != "" local h = `dec'+6+`decit'+10+8+21+12+1
else if "`kappa'" != "" local h = `dec'+6+`decit'+10+8+21+12-20
else local h = `dec'+6+`decit'+10+8+21+12-29
di "{hline `h'}"
local i = 1
foreach p in `partition' {
tokenize `sc'
di "{bf:``i''}" _c
di _col(`dec') "{text:`n`i''}" _c
if `j' == 1 local s = `p'
else local s = `s' +`p'
local col = `dec'+6
di _col(`col') "{text:`var`y''}" _c
if "`kappa'" != "" {
local k : di %5.2f `k`y''
local col = `col'+`decit'
di _col(`col') "{text:`k'}" _c
if "`ickappa'" != "" {
local lbk : di %5.2f `lbk`i''
local ubk : di %5.2f `ubk`i''
local col = `col'+11
di _col(`col') "{text:[`lbk' ; `ubk']}" _c
local col = `decit'+50
else local col = `decit'+30
else local col = `decit'+20
local icc : di %5.2f `icc`i''
di _col(`col') "{text:`icc'}" _c
local lb : di %5.2f `lb`i''
local ub : di %5.2f `ub`i''
local col = `col'+8
di _col(`col')"{text:[`lb' ; `ub']}"
local w = `y'+1
forvalues z = `w'/`s' {
local col = `dec'+6
di _col(`col') "{text:`var`z''}" _c
if "`kappa'" != "" {
local k : di %5.2f `k`z''
local col = `col'+`decit'
di _col(`col') "{text:`k'}" _c
if "`ickappa'" != "" {
local lbk : di %5.2f `lbk`z''
local ubk : di %5.2f `ubk`z''
local col = `col'+11
di _col(`col')"{text:[`lbk' ; `ubk']}"
else di
else di
local `i++'
local `j++'
local y = `s'+1
else {
local i = 1
foreach s in $scorename {
tokenize $scores2
tempname score id temps
qui gen `id' = _n
qui gen `score'_1 = `s'
qui gen `score'_2 = ``i'' if ``i''!=.
qui reshape long `score'_, i(`id') j(`temps')
qui icc `score'_ `id'
local n`i' = r(N_target)
local icc`i' = r(icc_i)
local lb`i' = r(icc_i_lb)
local ub`i' = r(icc_i_ub)
qui sort `id'
qui duplicates drop `id', force
local `++i'
tokenize $scorename
local max = length("dimension")
local h = 1
foreach s in $scorename {
local s`h' = abbrev("`s'",10)
local sc `sc' `s`h''
local `++h'
forvalues j=1/`P' {
local len`j' = length("`s`j''")
if `len`j'' > `max' local max = `len`j''
local dec = `max' + 5
local i = 1
local j = 1
local y = 1
di as result "{hline 105}"
di as result "{bf:Reproducibility}"
di as result "{hline 105}"
di "{bf:Dimension}" _c
local col = `dec'
di _col(`col') "{bf:n}" _c
di _col(`=`col'+6') "{bf:ICC}" _c
local col = `col'+14
di _col(`col') "{bf:95% CI for ICC}"
di "{hline 50}"
local i = 1
foreach p in `partition' {
tokenize $scorename
di "{bf:``i''}" _c
local n : di % 4.0f `n`i''
di _col(`=`dec'-3') "{text:`n'}" _c
if `j' == 1 local s = `p'
else local s = `s' +`p'
local col = `dec'+4
local icc : di %5.2f `icc`i''
di _col(`col') "{text:`icc'}" _c
local lb : di %5.2f `lb`i''
local ub : di %5.2f `ub`i''
local col = `col'+9
di _col(`col')"{text:[`lb' ; `ub']}"
local w = `y'+1
local `i++'
/* kgv */
capture program drop kgv
program kgv,rclass
syntax varlist, categ(varlist) [KGVBoxplots KGVGroupboxplots]
foreach c in `categ' {
tempname j
capture encode `c', generate(`j')
capture confirm variable `j'
if _rc local j = "`c'"
local categ2 `categ2' `j'
local i = 1
local j = 1
local k = 0
local max = 0
local a : word count `categ'
local nb:word count `varlist'
di as result "{hline 105}"
di "{bf:Known-groups validity}"
di as result "{hline 105}"
foreach sco in `varlist' {
foreach cat in `categ2' {
local nblev = 0
local maxlen`j' = 0
qui anova `sco' `cat'
local p`i'_`j' = Ftail(e(df_m), e(df_r), e(F))
qui levelsof `cat', local(levels)
local lbe : value label `cat'
foreach l of local levels {
qui count if `sco' !=. & `cat' == `l'
local `++k'
local eff`i'_`j'_`k' = r(N)
if "`lbe'" != "" {
local ll`j'_`k' : label `lbe' `l'
local len = length("`ll`j'_`k''")
if `len' > 10 {
local c = substr("`ll`j'_`k''",1,9)
local d = substr("`ll`j'_`k''",-1,1)
local ll`j'_`k' "`c'" "~" "`d'"
local w = length("`ll`j'_`k''")
if `w' > `maxlen`j'' local maxlen`j' = `w'
else {
local ll`j'_`k' = `l'
local len = length("`ll`j'_`k''")
if `len' > 10 {
local c = substr("`ll`j'_`k''",1,9)
local d = substr("`ll`j'_`k''",-1,1)
local ll`j'_`k' "`c'" "~" "`d'"
local w = length("`ll`j'_`k''")
if `w' > `maxlen`j'' local maxlen`j' = `w'
qui su `sco' if `cat' == `l'
local m`i'_`j'_`k' = r(mean)
local s`i'_`j'_`k' = r(sd)
local nblev = `nblev' + 1
if `nblev' > `max' local max = `nblev'
local `++j'
local k = 0
local `++i'
local j = 1
local i = 1
foreach s in `varlist' {
local s`i' = abbrev("`s'",7)
local sc `sc' `s`i''
local `++i'
local maxs = 0
forvalues j=1/`nb' {
local len`j' = length("`s`j''")
if `len`j'' > `maxs' local maxs = `len`j''
local i = 1
local k = 0
local j = 2
foreach cat in `categ'{
local `++k'
tokenize `categ'
local c`k' = "``i'' ``j''"
local i = `i' + 2
local j = `j' + 2
local d = 1
local f = 2
forvalues h = 1/`a' {
if `f' > `a' local f = `f'-1
local j = 1
local col = `maxs'+6
foreach cat in `c`h'' {
di _col(`col') "{bf:`cat'}" _c
local col = `col' + `maxlen`j'' + 5 + 40
local `++j'
local j = `d'
local col = `maxs'+6
foreach cat in `c`h'' {
di _col(`=`col'+`maxlen`j''+5') "{bf: mean }" _c
di "{bf: sd }" _c
di "{bf:p-value}" _c
local col = `col' + `maxlen`j'' + 5 + 40
local `++j'
local j = `d'
local col = `maxs'+6
local i = 1
local col = `maxs'+6
forvalues g = 1/`nb' {
di "{bf:`s`g''}" _c
forvalues k = 1/`max' {
forvalues j = `d'/`f' {
di _col(`col') "{bf:`ll`j'_`k''} " _c
if "`eff`i'_`j'_`k''" != "" di as text "(n=`eff`i'_`j'_`k'')" _c
local m : di %6.2f `m`i'_`j'_`k''
di _col(`=`col'+`maxlen`j''+10') "{text:`m'} " _c
local s : di %8.2f `s`i'_`j'_`k''
di "{text: `s'} " _c
if `k' == 1 {
local p : di %8.3f `p`i'_`j''
di _col(`=`col'+31') "{text:`p'} " _c
local col = `col' + `maxlen`j'' + 5 + 40
local col = `maxs'+6
local `++i'
local d = `d'+2
local f = `f'+2
if `d' > `a' continue, break
if "`kgvboxplots'" != "" {
local html = "${html}"
if "`html'" != "" {
di "</pre>"
di "<div style=" _char(34) "width:750px;" _char(34) ">"
if "`kgvgroupboxplots'" != "" {
foreach c in `categ' {
foreach s in `varlist' {
//graph box `s', over(`c') name("`s'_`c'",replace) b1title("`c'") nodraw
qui local saving "saving(`c(tmpdir)'/`html'_kgv`s',replace) nodraw"
qui graph box `s', over(`c') name("`s'_`c'",replace) b1title("`c'") `saving'
qui graph use `c(tmpdir)'/`html'_kgv`s'.gph
qui graph export `c(tmpdir)'/`html'_kgv`s'.eps, replace
local g `g' `s'_`c'
qui local saving "saving(`c(tmpdir)'/`html'_kgv,replace) nodraw"
qui gr combine `g', name(kgv,replace) `saving'
qui graph use `c(tmpdir)'/`html'_kgv.gph
qui graph export `c(tmpdir)'/`html'_kgv.eps, replace
di "<img src=" _char(34) "/data/`html'_kgv.png" _char(34)
di "style="_char(34) "margin-bottom:10px;margin-right:22px" _char(34)" class=" _char(34) "resgraph" _char(34) " alt=" _char(34) "kgv" _char(34) " title= " _char(34) "kgv - click to enlarge" _char(34) " width=" _char(34) "225" _char(34) " height=" _char(34) "150" _char(34) ">"
else {
foreach c in `categ' {
foreach s in `varlist' {
//graph box `s', over(`c') name("`s'_`c'",replace) b1title("`c'")
qui local saving "saving(`c(tmpdir)'/`html'_kgv`s',replace) nodraw"
qui graph box `s', over(`c') name("`s'_`c'",replace) b1title("`c'") `saving'
qui graph use `c(tmpdir)'/`html'_kgv`s'.gph
qui graph export `c(tmpdir)'/`html'_kgv`s'.eps, replace
di "<img src=" _char(34) "/data/`html'_kgv`s'.png" _char(34)
di "style="_char(34) "margin-bottom:10px;margin-right:22px" _char(34)" class=" _char(34) "resgraph" _char(34) " alt=" _char(34) "kgv" _char(34) " title= " _char(34) "kgv - click to enlarge" _char(34) " width=" _char(34) "225" _char(34) " height=" _char(34) "150" _char(34) ">"
local g `g' `s'_`c'
di "</div>"
di "<pre>"
else {
if "`kgvgroupboxplots'" != "" {
foreach c in `categ' {
foreach s in `varlist' {
graph box `s', over(`c') name("`s'_`c'",replace) b1title("`c'") nodraw
local g `g' `s'_`c'
gr combine `g', name(Known_groups_validity,replace)
else {
foreach c in `categ' {
foreach s in `varlist' {
graph box `s', over(`c') name("`s'_`c'",replace) b1title("`c'")
local g `g' `s'_`c'
/* conc */
capture program drop conc
program conc,rclass
syntax varlist, comp(varlist) [tconc(real 0.4)]
di as result "{hline 105}"
di "{bf:Concurrent validity}"
di as result "{hline 105}"
local n : word count `varlist'
local p : word count `comp'
matrix m = J(`n',`p',.)
matrix rownames m = `varlist'
matrix colnames m = `comp'
local r = 1
foreach i in `varlist' {
local c = 1
foreach j in `comp' {
qui corr `i' `j'
mat e = r(C)
local f = e[2,1]
mat m[`r',`c'] = `f'
local `++c'
local `++r'
tokenize `varlist'
local maxv = length("`1'")
forvalues i=1/`n' {
local lenv = length("``i''")
if `lenv' > `maxv' local maxv = `lenv'
local decv = `maxv'+6
tokenize `comp'
local maxc = length("`1'")
forvalues i=1/`p' {
local lenc = length("``i''")
if `lenc' > `maxc' local maxc = `lenc'
local decc = `maxc'+4
local col = `decv'
foreach c in `comp' {
di as result _col(`col') "`c'" _c
local col = `col'+`decc'
local i = 1
foreach x in `varlist' {
local var`i' = "`x'"
local `++i'
forvalues i=1/`n' {
di as result "`var`i''" _c
local col = `decv'
forvalues j=1/`p' {
local t = m[`i',`j']
if `t' > `tconc' | `t' < -`tconc' {
di as result _col(`=`col'-1') %5.2f `t' _c
else di as text _col(`=`col'-1') %5.2f `t' _c
local col = `col'+`decc'
capture restore, not