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589 lines
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1 year ago
*! Version 1.7 29August2019
*! Jean-Benoit Hardouin
* Stata program : sf36fr
* computes score of the French SF36 questionnnaire
* Historic :
* Version 1 (May 2, 2013) [Jean-Benoit Hardouin]
* Release 1 : May 2, 2013 [Jean-benoit Hardouin]
* Release 1.1 : May 14, 2013 [Jean-Benoit Hardouin] /*correction of a bug on BP*/
* Release 1.2 : May 21, 2013 [Jean-Benoit Hardouin] /*saveimp option*/
* Release 1.3 : May 24, 2013 [Jean-Benoit Hardouin] /*correction of a bug on BP*/
* Release 1.4 : December 1, 2018 [Jean-Benoit Hardouin] /*correction of a bug on SF12*/
* Release 1.5 : July 29, 2019 [Jean-Benoit Hardouin] /*radar option*/
* Release 1.6 : August 23, 2019 [Jean-Benoit Hardouin] /*correction of a bug to save the scores*/
* Release 1.7 : August 29, 2019 [Jean-Benoit Hardouin] /*improvement of radar*/
* Jean-benoit Hardouin, phD, Assistant Professor
* INSERM UMR 1246-SPHERE "Methods in Patient Centered Outcomes and Health Research", Nantes University, University of Tours
* News about this program :
* Copyright 2013, 2018, 2019 Jean-Benoit Hardouin
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
program define sf36fr , rclass
version 8.2
syntax varlist(min=36 max=36 numeric) [,v2 save(string) REPlace age(varname) SEXe(varname) saveref(string) DETails saveimp(string) RADar FILESave DIRSave(string)]
local nbitems : word count `varlist'
if `nbitems'!=36 {
di in red "There is `nbitems' items defined instead of 36"
tokenize `varlist'
local varlistsav `varlist'
local sf gh1 ht pf1 pf2 pf3 pf4 pf5 pf6 pf7 pf8 pf9 pf10 rp1 rp2 rp3 rp4 re1 re2 re3 sf1 bp1 bp2 vt1 mh1 mh2 mh3 vt2 mh4 vt3 mh5 vt4 sf2 gh2 gh3 gh4 gh5
local sf2
local varlist2
forvalues i=1/36 {
local j:word `i' of `sf'
tempname `j'
*di " qui gen `j'=``i''"
qui gen ``j''=``i''
local varlist2 "`varlist2' ``j''"
local varlist "`varlist2'"
tokenize `varlist'
*di "`varlist'"
if "`v2'"=="" {
local modamax 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5
else {
local modamax 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
forvalues i=1/36 {
local mod`i':word `i' of `modamax'
local error=0
local inf
local sup
local c=1
foreach i of varlist `varlist' {
qui count if `i'<1
if `r(N)'>0 {
local error=1
local inf "`inf' `i'"
local tmp: word `c' of `modamax'
qui count if `i'>`c'
if `r(N)'>0 {
local error=1
local inf "`sup' `i'"
local ++c
forvalues i=1/15 {
tempname inc`i'
local liste1 11 12 11 12 11 12 11 12 30 24 27 23 1 20 21
local liste2 3 3 4 4 6 6 9 9 25 26 29 31 36 32 22
*tab `11' `3'
qui gen `inc1'=`11'==1&`3'>1 if `11'!=.&`3'!=.
* tab `inc`i''
qui gen `inc2'=`12'==1&`3'>1 if `12'!=.&`3'!=.
qui gen `inc3'=`11'==1&`4'>1 if `11'!=.&`4'!=.
qui gen `inc4'=`12'==1&`4'>1 if `12'!=.&`4'!=.
qui gen `inc5'=`11'==1&`6'>1 if `11'!=.&`6'!=.
qui gen `inc6'=`12'==1&`6'>1 if `12'!=.&`6'!=.
qui gen `inc7'=`11'==1&`9'>1 if `11'!=.&`9'!=.
qui gen `inc8'=`12'==1&`9'>1 if `12'!=.&`9'!=.
qui gen `inc9'=(`30'==1&`25'==1)|(`30'==`mod30'&`25'==`mod25') if `30'!=.&`25'!=.
qui gen `inc10'=(`24'==1&`26'==1)|(`24'==`mod24'&`26'==`mod26') if `24'!=.&`26'!=.
qui gen `inc11'=(`27'==1&`29'==1)|(`27'==`mod27'&`29'==`mod29') if `27'!=.&`29'!=.
qui gen `inc12'=(`23'==1&`31'==1)|(`23'==`mod23'&`31'==`mod31') if `23'!=.&`31'!=.
qui gen `inc13'=(`1'==1&`36'==`mod36')|(`1'==`mod1'&`36'==1) if `1'!=.&`36'!=.
qui gen `inc14'=(`20'==1&`32'==1)|(`20'==`mod20'&`32'==`mod32') if `20'!=.&`32'!=.
qui gen `inc15'=(`21'==1&`22'==`mod22')|(`21'==`mod21'&`22'==1) if `21'!=.&`22'!=.
tempname scoreinc
genscore `inc1'-`inc15',score(`scoreinc')
if "`details'" !="" {
di "{hline 80}"
di in gr "Discrepancies" _col(20) "item 1" _col(40) "item 2" _col(60) "# individuals"
di "{hline 80}"
*di "varlist:`varlistsav'"
forvalues i=1/15 {
local i1:word `i' of `liste1'
local i2:word `i' of `liste2'
local ni1:word `i1' of `varlistsav'
local ni2:word `i2' of `varlistsav'
qui count if `inc`i''==1
di in gr "`i'" in ye _col(20) abbrev("`ni1'",19) _col(40) abbrev("`ni2'",19) %6.0f _col(67) `r(N)'
di "{hline 80}"
*list subjid `scoreinc' `inc1'-`inc15' `scoreinc' if `scoreinc'!=0&`scoreinc'!=.
forvalues i=1/15 {
local i1:word `i' of `liste1'
local i2:word `i' of `liste2'
qui replace ``i1''=. if `inc`i''==1
qui replace ``i2''=. if `inc`i''==1
tempname imp scorepf scorerp scorebp scoregh scorevt scoresf scorere scoremh
imputeitems `3' `4' `5' `6' `7' `8' `9' `10' `11' `12',max(4) noround prefix(`imp')
genscore `imp'`3' `imp'`4' `imp'`5' `imp'`6' `imp'`7' `imp'`8' `imp'`9' `imp'`10' `imp'`11' `imp'`12',score(`scorepf')
qui replace `scorepf'=(`scorepf'-10)/20*100
imputeitems `13' `14' `15' `16',max(1) noround prefix(`imp')
genscore `imp'`13' `imp'`14' `imp'`15' `imp'`16',score(`scorerp')
qui replace `scorerp'=(`scorerp'-4)/4*100
tempvar jb
qui gen `jb'=.
qui replace `jb'=6 if `21'==1&`22'==1
qui replace `jb'=5 if `21'>=2&`21'<=6&`22'==1
qui replace `jb'=4 if `22'==2&`21'!=.
qui replace `jb'=3 if `22'==3&`21'!=.
qui replace `jb'=2 if `22'==4&`21'!=.
qui replace `jb'=1 if `22'==5&`21'!=.
qui replace `jb'=6 if `22'==1&`21'==.
qui replace `jb'=4.75 if `22'==2&`21'==.
qui replace `jb'=3.5 if `22'==3&`21'==.
qui replace `jb'=2.25 if `22'==4&`21'==.
qui replace `jb'=1 if `22'==5&`21'==.
qui replace `22'=`jb'
if "`v2'"=="" {
qui recode `21' 1=6 2=5.4 3=4.2 4=3.1 5=2.2 6=1
else {
qui recode `21' 1=6 2=4.8 3=2.65 4=1
imputeitems `21' `22',max(0) noround prefix(`imp')
* replace `imp'`21'=`21'
* replace `imp'`22'=`22'
qui genscore `imp'`21' `imp'`22',score(`scorebp')
* list sf36_7q_intensite_douleurs sf36_8q_douleurs_physiques `21' `22' `imp'`21' `imp'`22' `scorebp'
qui replace `scorebp'=(`scorebp'-2)/10*100
*tab `scorebp'
qui recode `1' 1=5 2=4.4 3=3.4 4=2 5=1
qui recode `34' 1=5 2=4 3=3 4=2 5=1
qui recode `36' 1=5 2=4 3=3 4=2 5=1
imputeitems `1' `33' `34' `35' `36',max(2) noround prefix(`imp')
genscore `imp'`1' `imp'`33' `imp'`34' `imp'`35' `imp'`36',score(`scoregh')
qui replace `scoregh'=(`scoregh'-5)/20*100
if "`v2'"=="" {
qui recode `23' 1=6 2=5 3=4 4=3 5=2 6=1
qui recode `27' 1=6 2=5 3=4 4=3 5=2 6=1
else {
qui recode `23' 1=6 2=4.5 3=3.5 4=2 5=1
qui recode `27' 1=6 2=4.5 3=3.5 4=2 5=1
qui recode `29' 1=1 2=2 3=3.5 4=4.5 5=6
qui recode `31' 1=1 2=2 3=3.5 4=4.5 5=6
imputeitems `23' `27' `29' `31',max(1) noround prefix(`imp')
genscore `imp'`23' `imp'`27' `imp'`29' `imp'`31',score(`scorevt')
qui replace `scorevt'=(`scorevt'-4)/20*100
if "`v2'"=="" {
qui recode `20' 1=5 2=4 3=3 4=2 5=1
else {
qui recode `20' 1=5 2=4 3=2.5 4=1
imputeitems `20' `32',max(0) noround prefix(`imp')
genscore `imp'`20' `imp'`32',score(`scoresf')
qui replace `scoresf'=(`scoresf'-2)/8*100
imputeitems `17' `18' `19',max(1) noround prefix(`imp')
genscore `imp'`17' `imp'`18' `imp'`19',score(`scorere')
qui replace `scorere'=(`scorere'-3)/3*100
if "`v2'"=="" {
qui recode `26' 1=6 2=5 3=4 4=3 5=2 6=1
qui recode `30' 1=6 2=5 3=4 4=3 5=2 6=1
else {
qui recode `26' 1=6 2=4.5 3=3.5 4=2 5=1
qui recode `30' 1=6 2=4.5 3=3.5 4=2 5=1
qui recode `24' 1=1 2=2 3=3.5 4=4.5 5=6
qui recode `25' 1=1 2=2 3=3.5 4=4.5 5=6
qui recode `28' 1=1 2=2 3=3.5 4=4.5 5=6
imputeitems `24' `25' `26' `28' `30',max(2) noround prefix(`imp')
genscore `imp'`24' `imp'`25' `imp'`26' `imp'`28' `imp'`30',score(`scoremh')
qui replace `scoremh'=(`scoremh'-5)/25*100
tempname scorepfz scorerpz scorebpz scoreghz scorevtz scoresfz scorerez scoremhz scorepcs scoremcs
/*scores composites*/
qui gen `scorepfz'=(`scorepf'-84.52404)/22.89490
qui gen `scorerpz'=(`scorerp'-81.19907)/33.79729
qui gen `scorebpz'=(`scorebp'-75.49196)/23.55879
qui gen `scoreghz'=(`scoregh'-72.21316)/20.16964
qui gen `scorevtz'=(`scorevt'-61.05453)/20.86942
qui gen `scoresfz'=(`scoresf'-83.59753)/22.37649
qui gen `scorerez'=(`scorere'-81.29467)/33.02717
qui gen `scoremhz'=(`scoremh'-74.84212)/18.01189
qui gen `scorepcs'=(`scorepfz'*0.42402+`scorerpz'*0.35119+`scorebpz'*0.31754+`scoreghz'*0.24954+`scorevtz'*0.02877-`scoresfz'*0.0753-`scorerez'*0.19206-`scoremhz'*0.22069)*10+50
qui gen `scoremcs'=(-`scorepfz'*0.22999-`scorerpz'*0.12329-`scorebpz'*0.09731-`scoreghz'*0.01571+`scorevtz'*0.23534+`scoresfz'*0.26876+`scorerez'*0.43407+`scoremhz'*0.48581)*10+50
/*scores composites SF12*/
tempname scoresf12p sf12p_1 sf12p_2a sf12p_2b sf12p_3a sf12p_3b sf12p_4a sf12p_4b sf12p_5 sf12p_6 sf12p_7a sf12p_7b sf12p_7c
tempname scoresf12m sf12m_1 sf12m_2a sf12m_2b sf12m_3a sf12m_3b sf12m_4a sf12m_4b sf12m_5 sf12m_6 sf12m_7a sf12m_7b sf12m_7c
qui gen `sf12p_1'=`1'
qui gen `sf12p_2a'=`4'
qui gen `sf12p_2b'=`6'
qui gen `sf12p_3a'=`14'
qui gen `sf12p_3b'=`15'
qui gen `sf12p_4a'=`18'
qui gen `sf12p_4b'=`19'
qui gen `sf12p_5'=`20'
qui gen `sf12p_6'=`32'
qui gen `sf12p_7a'=`26'
qui gen `sf12p_7b'=`27'
qui gen `sf12p_7c'=`28'
qui gen `sf12m_1'=`1'
qui gen `sf12m_2a'=`4'
qui gen `sf12m_2b'=`6'
qui gen `sf12m_3a'=`14'
qui gen `sf12m_3b'=`15'
qui gen `sf12m_4a'=`18'
qui gen `sf12m_4b'=`19'
qui gen `sf12m_5'=`20'
qui gen `sf12m_6'=`32'
qui gen `sf12m_7a'=`26'
qui gen `sf12m_7b'=`27'
qui gen `sf12m_7c'=`28'
qui recode `sf12p_1' 5=0 4.4=-1.31872 3.4=-3.02396 2=-5.56461 1=-8.37399
qui recode `sf12m_1' 5=0 4.4=-0.06064 3.4=0.03482 2=-0.16891 1=-1.71175
qui recode `sf12p_2a' 1=-7.23216 2=-3.45555 3=0
qui recode `sf12m_2a' 1=3.93115 2=1.86840 3=0
qui recode `sf12p_2b' 1=-6.24397 2=-2.73557 3=0
qui recode `sf12m_2b' 1=2.68282 2=1.43103 3=0
qui recode `sf12p_3a' 1=-4.61617 2=0
qui recode `sf12m_3a' 1=1.44060 2=0
qui recode `sf12p_3b' 1=-5.51747 2=0
qui recode `sf12m_3b' 1=1.66968 2=0
qui recode `sf12p_4a' 1=3.04365 2=0
qui recode `sf12m_4a' 1=-6.82672 2=0
qui recode `sf12p_4b' 1=2.32091 2=0
qui recode `sf12m_4b' 1=-5.69921 2=0
qui recode `sf12p_6' 1=-0.33682 2=-0.94342 3=-0.18043 4=0.11038 5=0
qui recode `sf12m_6' 1=-6.29724 2=-8.26066 3=-5.63286 4=-3.13896 5=0
if "`v2'"=="" {
qui recode `sf12p_5' 5=0 4=-3.80130 3=-6.50522 2=-8.38063 1=-11.25544
qui recode `sf12m_5' 5=0 4=0.90384 3=1.49384 2=1.76691 1=1.48619
qui recode `sf12p_7a' 6=0 5=0.66514 4=1.36689 3=2.37241 2=2.90426 1=3.46638
qui recode `sf12m_7a' 6=0 5=-1.94949 4=-4.09842 3=-6.31121 2=-7.92717 1=-10.19085
qui recode `sf12p_7b' 6=0 5=-0.42251 4=-1.14387 3=-1.61850 2=-2.02168 1=-2.44706
qui recode `sf12m_7b' 6=0 5=-0.92057 4=-1.65178 3=-3.29805 2=-4.88962 1=-6.02409
qui recode `sf12p_7c' 1=4.61446 2=3.41593 3=2.34247 4=1.28044 5=0.41188 6=0
qui recode `sf12m_7c' 1=-16.15395 2=-10.77911 3=-8.09914 4=-4.59055 5=-1.95934 6=0
else {
qui recode `sf12p_5' 5=0 4=-3.83130 2.5=-7.442925 1=-11.25544
qui recode `sf12m_5' 5=0 4=0.90384 2.5=1.630375 1=1.48619
qui recode `sf12p_7a' 6=0 4.5=1.016015 3.5=1.86965 2=2.90426 1=3.46638
qui recode `sf12m_7a' 6=0 4.5=-3.023955 3.5=-5.204815 2=-7.92717 1=-10.19085
qui recode `sf12p_7b' 6=0 4.5=-0.78319 3.5=-1.381185 2=-2.02168 1=-2.44706
qui recode `sf12m_7b' 6=0 4.5=-1.286175 3.5=-2.474915 2=-4.88962 1=-6.02409
qui recode `sf12p_7c' 1=4.61446 2=3.41593 3.5=1.811455 4.5=0.84616 6=0
qui recode `sf12m_7c' 1=-16.15395 2=-10.77911 3.5=-6.344845 4.5=-3.274945 6=0
qui gen `scoresf12p'=`sf12p_1'+`sf12p_2a'+`sf12p_2b'+`sf12p_3a'+`sf12p_3b'+`sf12p_4a'+`sf12p_4b'+`sf12p_5'+`sf12p_6'+`sf12p_7a'+`sf12p_7b'+`sf12p_7c'+56.57706
qui gen `scoresf12m'=`sf12m_1'+`sf12m_2a'+`sf12m_2b'+`sf12m_3a'+`sf12m_3b'+`sf12m_4a'+`sf12m_4b'+`sf12m_5'+`sf12m_6'+`sf12m_7a'+`sf12m_7b'+`sf12m_7c'+60.75781
if "`save'"!="" {
local listmin pf rp bp gh vt sf re mh pcs mcs
local listmaj PF RP BP GH VT SF RE MH PCS MCS
local error=0
local list
local c=1
foreach i in `listmin' {
local j:word `c' of `listmaj'
capture confirm variable `save'`i'
if _rc==0&"`replace'"=="" {
local ++error
local list "`list' `save'`j'"
local ++c
local c=1
if `error'==0 {
foreach i in `listmin' {
local j:word `c' of `listmaj'
capture confirm variable `save'`i'
if _rc==0 {
qui replace `save'`i'=`score`i''
else {
qui gen `save'`i'=`score`i''
local ++c
else {
di in red "The variable(s) `list' already exist(s)"
tempname scoreref1 scoreref0 scoreref01 scoreref scorerefv1 scorerefv0 scorerefv01 scorerefv
matrix `scoreref1'=(96.65,95.80,86.82,82.36,67.86,89.76,93.14,72.85\95.75,91.16,83.60,76.07,64.50,86.50,90.64,72.08\94.41,90.76,81.03,73.13,64.32,86.37,89.07,71.01\92.27,88.64,79.02,72.27,66.06,86.69,90.00,71.53\82.32,79.81,70.21,65.97,60.19,83.33,83.00,71.10\76.58,74.74,67.10,62.37,58.21,79.74,80.04,71.16\67.16,61.28,63.99,58.61,53.93,76.16,66.67,70.24)
matrix `scoreref0'=(94.92,89.54,79.37,71.81,60.32,79.65,81.65,64.92\92.42,85.98,80.19,75.10,60.57,82.83,86.13,68.18\91.04,88.87,78.27,74.64,61.94,84.14,85.48,67.59\86.23,85.54,71.97,69.14,58.90,79.80,83.42,64.84\77.88,77.85,66.23,65.10,58.18,78.29,77.61,66.17\71.60,68.74,62.40,61.23,55.08,76.47,73.24,65.45\58.20,52.46,59.68,59.73,47.94,71.68,62.21,60.63)
matrix `scoreref01'=(95.65,92.18,82.51,76.26,63.52,83.93,86.47,68.29\93.93,88.34,81.75,75.54,62.35,84.51,88.19,69.94\92.71,89.80,79.63,73.89,63.12,85.24,87.26,69.28\89.25,87.09,75.50,70.70,62.48,83.24,86.71,68.19\79.99,78.78,68.12,65.51,59.14,80.69,80.19,68.52\73.69,71.24,64.37,61.71,56.39,77.84,76.05,67.84\62.40,56.67,61.72,59.20,50.86,73.80,64.38,65.29)
matrix `scoreref'=(84.45,81.21,73.39,69.13,59.96,81.55,82.13,68.47\87.07,83.86,75.98,70.07,62.23,84.08,85.41,71.42\82.22,78.96,71.18,68.33,58.03,79.41,79.34,65.96)
matrix `scorerefv1'=(11.78,15.33,17.21,13.93,14.16,14.43,20.73,15.28\9.64,21.30,19.63,15.89,16.72,19.05,24.18,15.83\11.08,23.63,21.00,16.20,16.65,18.97,26.12,16.70\14.92,26.35,22.09,17.41,16.24,17.01,23.15,16.23\20.48,32.67,22.24,17.93,16.89,20.35,32.04,17.40\22.78,36.05,24.06,19.08,18.03,21.94,33.89,16.60\27.44,40.86,24.38,17.61,18.86,24.08,41.43,20.03)
matrix `scorerefv0'=(9.10,21.65,21.66,17.69,18.10,22.35,29.58,17.32\14.19,28.28,21.28,16.66,18.28,20.57,28.19,18.06\14.81,25.19,21.25,17.64,18.55,20.97,29.37,17.92\19.11,29.40,23.90,18.60,17.84,21.44,31.24,16.66\21.49,33.02,24.10,18.78,18.22,23.46,34.89,18.03\23.42,38.17,23.94,17.67,17.59,22.46,37.41,18.21\25.70,39.18,23.40,18.08,17.98,24.06,39.97,18.98)
matrix `scorerefv01'=(10.33,19.46,20.21,17.00,16.94,20.00,26.80,16.83\12.44,25.45,20.60,16.31,17.69,19.96,16.51,17.18\13.19,24.43,21.15,16.95,17.66,20.02,27.85,17.40\17.39,27.92,23.25,18.06,17.41,19.64,27.65,16.76\21.11,32.83,23.29,18.37,17.61,22.16,33.63,17.88\23.27,37.40,24.09,18.28,17.83,22.29,36.13,17.77\26.85,40.16,23.92,17.83,18.62,24.13,40.67,20.04)
matrix `scorerefv'=(21.19,32.20,23.73,18.57,18.05,21.41,32.15,17.62\19.85,30.48,23.03,18.39,17.36,20.08,29.89,16.70\22.02,33.43,24.10,18.69,18.40,22.26,33.71,17.99)
tempname scorerefpf scorerefrp scorerefbp scorerefgh scorerefvt scorerefsf scorerefre scorerefmh
tempname scorerefpfv scorerefrpv scorerefbpv scorerefghv scorerefvtv scorerefsfv scorerefrev scorerefmhv
if "`age'"!=""&"`sexe'"!="" {
local c=1
foreach i in pf rp bp gh vt sf re mh {
qui gen `scoreref`i''=`scoreref0'[1,`c'] if `sexe'==0&`age'>=18&`age'<25
qui replace `scoreref`i''=`scoreref0'[2,`c'] if `sexe'==0&`age'>=25&`age'<35
qui replace `scoreref`i''=`scoreref0'[3,`c'] if `sexe'==0&`age'>=35&`age'<45
qui replace `scoreref`i''=`scoreref0'[4,`c'] if `sexe'==0&`age'>=45&`age'<55
qui replace `scoreref`i''=`scoreref0'[5,`c'] if `sexe'==0&`age'>=55&`age'<65
qui replace `scoreref`i''=`scoreref0'[6,`c'] if `sexe'==0&`age'>=65&`age'<75
qui replace `scoreref`i''=`scoreref0'[7,`c'] if `sexe'==0&`age'>=75
qui replace `scoreref`i''=`scoreref1'[1,`c'] if `sexe'==1&`age'>=18&`age'<25
qui replace `scoreref`i''=`scoreref1'[2,`c'] if `sexe'==1&`age'>=25&`age'<35
qui replace `scoreref`i''=`scoreref1'[3,`c'] if `sexe'==1&`age'>=35&`age'<45
qui replace `scoreref`i''=`scoreref1'[4,`c'] if `sexe'==1&`age'>=45&`age'<55
qui replace `scoreref`i''=`scoreref1'[5,`c'] if `sexe'==1&`age'>=55&`age'<65
qui replace `scoreref`i''=`scoreref1'[6,`c'] if `sexe'==1&`age'>=65&`age'<75
qui replace `scoreref`i''=`scoreref1'[7,`c'] if `sexe'==1&`age'>=75
qui gen `scoreref`i'v'=(`scorerefv0'[1,`c'])^2 if `sexe'==0&`age'>=18&`age'<25
qui replace `scoreref`i'v'=(`scorerefv0'[2,`c'])^2 if `sexe'==0&`age'>=25&`age'<35
qui replace `scoreref`i'v'=(`scorerefv0'[3,`c'])^2 if `sexe'==0&`age'>=35&`age'<45
qui replace `scoreref`i'v'=(`scorerefv0'[4,`c'])^2 if `sexe'==0&`age'>=45&`age'<55
qui replace `scoreref`i'v'=(`scorerefv0'[5,`c'])^2 if `sexe'==0&`age'>=55&`age'<65
qui replace `scoreref`i'v'=(`scorerefv0'[6,`c'])^2 if `sexe'==0&`age'>=65&`age'<75
qui replace `scoreref`i'v'=(`scorerefv0'[7,`c'])^2 if `sexe'==0&`age'>=75
qui replace `scoreref`i'v'=(`scorerefv1'[1,`c'])^2 if `sexe'==1&`age'>=18&`age'<25
qui replace `scoreref`i'v'=(`scorerefv1'[2,`c'])^2 if `sexe'==1&`age'>=25&`age'<35
qui replace `scoreref`i'v'=(`scorerefv1'[3,`c'])^2 if `sexe'==1&`age'>=35&`age'<45
qui replace `scoreref`i'v'=(`scorerefv1'[4,`c'])^2 if `sexe'==1&`age'>=45&`age'<55
qui replace `scoreref`i'v'=(`scorerefv1'[5,`c'])^2 if `sexe'==1&`age'>=55&`age'<65
qui replace `scoreref`i'v'=(`scorerefv1'[6,`c'])^2 if `sexe'==1&`age'>=65&`age'<75
qui replace `scoreref`i'v'=(`scorerefv1'[7,`c'])^2 if `sexe'==1&`age'>=75
local ++c
else if "`age'"!=""&"`sexe'"=="" {
local c=1
foreach i in pf rp bp gh vt sf re mh {
qui gen `scoreref`i''=`scoreref01'[1,`c'] if `age'>=18&`age'<25
qui replace `scoreref`i''=`scoreref01'[2,`c'] if `age'>=25&`age'<35
qui replace `scoreref`i''=`scoreref01'[3,`c'] if `age'>=35&`age'<45
qui replace `scoreref`i''=`scoreref01'[4,`c'] if `age'>=45&`age'<55
qui replace `scoreref`i''=`scoreref01'[5,`c'] if `age'>=55&`age'<65
qui replace `scoreref`i''=`scoreref01'[6,`c'] if `age'>=65&`age'<75
qui replace `scoreref`i''=`scoreref01'[7,`c'] if `age'>=75
qui gen `scoreref`i'v'=(`scorerefv01'[1,`c'])^2 if `age'>=18&`age'<25
qui replace `scoreref`i'v'=(`scorerefv01'[2,`c'])^2 if `age'>=25&`age'<35
qui replace `scoreref`i'v'=(`scorerefv01'[3,`c'])^2 if `age'>=35&`age'<45
qui replace `scoreref`i'v'=(`scorerefv01'[4,`c'])^2 if `age'>=45&`age'<55
qui replace `scoreref`i'v'=(`scorerefv01'[5,`c'])^2 if `age'>=55&`age'<65
qui replace `scoreref`i'v'=(`scorerefv01'[6,`c'])^2 if `age'>=65&`age'<75
qui replace `scoreref`i'v'=(`scorerefv01'[7,`c'])^2 if `age'>=75
local ++c
else if "`age'"==""&"`sexe'"!="" {
local c=1
foreach i in pf rp bp gh vt sf re mh {
qui gen `scoreref`i''=`scoreref'[2,`c'] if `sexe'==1
qui replace `scoreref`i''=`scoreref'[3,`c'] if `sexe'==0
qui gen `scoreref`i'v'=(`scorerefv'[2,`c'])^2 if `sexe'==1
qui replace `scoreref`i'v'=(`scorerefv'[3,`c'])^2 if `sexe'==0
local ++c
else if "`age'"==""&"`sexe'"=="" {
local c=1
foreach i in pf rp bp gh vt sf re mh {
gen `scoreref`i''=`scoreref'[1,`c']
gen `scoreref`i'v'=(`scorerefv'[1,`c'])^2
local ++c
tempname scorerefpfz scorerefrpz scorerefbpz scorerefghz scorerefvtz scorerefsfz scorerefrez scorerefmhz scorerefpcs scorerefmcs
tempname scorerefpfvz scorerefrpvz scorerefbpvz scorerefghvz scorerefvtvz scorerefsfvz scorerefrevz scorerefmhvz scorerefpcsv scorerefmcsv
qui gen `scorerefpfz'=(`scorerefpf'-84.52404)/22.89490
qui gen `scorerefrpz'=(`scorerefrp'-81.19907)/33.79729
qui gen `scorerefbpz'=(`scorerefbp'-75.49196)/23.55879
qui gen `scorerefghz'=(`scorerefgh'-72.21316)/20.16964
qui gen `scorerefvtz'=(`scorerefvt'-61.05453)/20.86942
qui gen `scorerefsfz'=(`scorerefsf'-83.59753)/22.37649
qui gen `scorerefrez'=(`scorerefre'-81.29467)/33.02717
qui gen `scorerefmhz'=(`scorerefmh'-74.84212)/18.01189
qui gen `scorerefpcs'=(`scorerefpfz'*0.42402+`scorerefrpz'*0.35119+`scorerefbpz'*0.31754+`scorerefghz'*0.24954+`scorerefvtz'*0.02877-`scorerefsfz'*0.0753-`scorerefrez'*0.19206-`scorerefmhz'*0.22069)*10+50
qui gen `scorerefmcs'=(-`scorerefpfz'*0.22999-`scorerefrpz'*0.12329-`scorerefbpz'*0.09731-`scorerefghz'*0.01571+`scorerefvtz'*0.23534+`scorerefsfz'*0.26876+`scorerefrez'*0.43407+`scorerefmhz'*0.48581)*10+50
qui gen `scorerefpfvz'=(`scorerefpfv')/22.89490^2
qui gen `scorerefrpvz'=(`scorerefrpv')/33.79729^2
qui gen `scorerefbpvz'=(`scorerefbpv')/23.55879^2
qui gen `scorerefghvz'=(`scorerefghv')/20.16964^2
qui gen `scorerefvtvz'=(`scorerefvtv')/20.86942^2
qui gen `scorerefsfvz'=(`scorerefsfv')/22.37649^2
qui gen `scorerefrevz'=(`scorerefrev')/33.02717^2
qui gen `scorerefmhvz'=(`scorerefmhv')/18.01189^2
qui gen `scorerefpcsv'=(`scorerefpfvz'*0.42402^2+`scorerefrpvz'*0.35119^2+`scorerefbpvz'*0.31754^2+`scorerefghvz'*0.24954^2+`scorerefvtvz'*0.02877^2-`scorerefsfvz'*0.0753^2-`scorerefrevz'*0.19206^2-`scorerefmhvz'*0.22069^2)*10^2
qui gen `scorerefmcsv'=(-`scorerefpfvz'*0.22999^2-`scorerefrpvz'*0.12329^2-`scorerefbpvz'*0.09731^2-`scorerefghvz'*0.01571^2+`scorerefvtvz'*0.23534^2+`scorerefsfvz'*0.26876^2+`scorerefrevz'*0.43407^2+`scorerefmhvz'*0.48581^2)*10^2
if "`saveref'"!="" {
local listmin pf rp bp gh vt sf re mh pcs mcs
local listmaj PF RP BP GH VT SF RE MH PCS MCS
local error=0
local list
local c=1
foreach i in `listmin' {
local j:word `c' of `listmaj'
capture confirm variable `saveref'`i'
if _rc==0&"`replace'"=="" {
local ++error
local list "`list' `saveref'`j'"
local ++c
local c=1
if `error'==0 {
foreach i in `listmin' {
local j:word `c' of `listmaj'
capture confirm variable `saveref'`i'
if _rc==0 {
qui replace `saveref'`i'=`scoreref`i''
else {
qui gen `saveref'`i'=`scoreref`i''
local ++c
else {
di in red "The variable(s) `list' already exist(s)"
if "`details'"!=""|"`radar'"!="" {
tempname radar
qui matrix `radar'=J(12,2,.)
if "`details'"!="" {
di "{hline 80}"
di in gr _col(12) "Sample" _col(51) "Reference"
di in gr "Dimension" _col(16) "N" _col(21) "Mean" _col(29) "s.d." _col(40) "Min-Max" _col(52) "Mean" _col(60) "s.d." _col(72) "p"
di "{hline 80}"
local listmin pf rp bp gh vt sf re mh pcs mcs sf12p sf12m
local listmaj PF RP BP GH VT SF RE MH PCS MCS SF12P SF12M
local c=1
foreach i in `listmin' {
local j:word `c' of `listmaj'
qui su `score`i''
local means`i'=r(mean)
local sds`i'=r(sd)
local mins`i'=r(min)
local maxs`i'=r(max)
local n`i'=r(N)
matrix `radar'[`c',1]=`means`i''
qui su `scoreref`i''
matrix `radar'[`c',2]=r(mean)
if "`i'"!="sf12p"&"`i'"!="sf12m" {
qui su `scoreref`i'' if `score`i''!=.
local meanr`i'=r(mean)
local sdr`i'=r(sd)
local vr`i'=(`sdr`i'')^2
qui su `scoreref`i'v' if `score`i''!=.
local meanvr`i'=r(mean)
local sdr`i'=sqrt(`vr`i''+`meanvr`i'')
*local minr`i'=r(min)
*local maxr`i'=r(max)
qui ttest `score`i''=`meanr`i''
local p`i'=r(p)
if "`details'"!="" {
di in gr "`j'" in ye _col(12) %5.0f `n`i'' _col(20) %5.2f `means`i'' _col(28) %5.2f `sds`i'' _col(34) %6.2f `mins`i'' "-" %6.2f `maxs`i'' _col(51) %5.2f `meanr`i'' _col(59) %5.2f `sdr`i'' _col(67) %6.4f `p`i''
local ++c
if "`details'"!="" {
di "{hline 80}"
*corr `scorepcs' `scoremcs' `scoresf12p' `scoresf12m'
*scatter `scorepcs' `scoresf12p' ,name(p)
*scatter `scoremcs' `scoresf12m' ,name(m)
*su `scoresf12p' `sf12p_1' `sf12p_2a' `sf12p_2b' `sf12p_3a' `sf12p_3b' `sf12p_4a' `sf12p_4b' `sf12p_5' `sf12p_6' `sf12p_7a' `sf12p_7b' `sf12p_7c'
*su `scoresf12m' `sf12m_1' `sf12m_2a' `sf12m_2b' `sf12m_3a' `sf12m_3b' `sf12m_4a' `sf12m_4b' `sf12m_5' `sf12m_6' `sf12m_7a' `sf12m_7b' `sf12m_7c'
if "`radar'"!=""&"`v2'"=="" {
qui tempfile radarfile
qui save `radarfile', replace
qui drop _all
qui svmat `radar'
local listmaj PF RP BP GH VT SF RE MH PCS MCS
local c=1
qui gen name=""
foreach i in `listmin' {
qui replace name="`i'" in `c'
local ++c
qui rename `radar'1 scoreSF36
rename `radar'2 scoreSF36ref
qui keep in 1/10
label variable scoreSF36 "Sample"
label variable scoreSF36ref "General French population"
if "`filesave'"!="" {
if "`dirsave'"=="" {
local dirsave `c(pwd)'
local saving "saving(`dirsave'//radar, replace) "
qui radar name scoreSF36 scoreSF36ref, note("") title("Comparison of the sample with the general French population") legend(lab(1 "Sample") lab(2 "General French population")) `saving' r(0 20 40 60 80 100)
qui use `radarfile', clear
if "`saveimp'"!="" {
foreach i of numlist 1 3/36 {
local j:word `i' of `varlistsav'
*di "gen `saveimp'`j'=`imp'``i''"
capture confirm variable `saveimp'`j'
if _rc==0&"`replace'"=="" {
di in ye "The variable `saveimp'`j' already exists and cannot be replaced."
else if _rc==0&"`replace'"!="" {
qui replace `saveimp'`j'=`imp'``i''
else {
qui gen `saveimp'`j'=`imp'``i''
*restore, preserve