You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

959 lines
33 KiB

10 months ago
*! version 2.5.0 2009-10-28 jsl
* - stata 11 update for returns from -mlogit-
capture program drop mlogplot
capture program drop lp_plt
capture program drop getprob
program define mlogplot
version 6.0
tempname tmp b sd bstd sdrhs 01rhs sdi ch0 chu chs _lpstdt _lpplt isdum
* if 1, then auto exit of mlogview
global PE_mlerr = 0
/* 06Apr2006 - trap 0 category
mat `tmp' = e(cat)
local ncat = e(k_cat)
local i = 1
while `i' <= `ncat' {
local v = `tmp'[`i',1]
if `v' <= 0 {
di in r "outcome categories cannot be 0 or negative."
di in r "recode outcome variable to begin at 1."
local i = `i' + 1
* 18Nov2005
local maxvar = 7
syntax [varlist(default=none)], [/*
*/ ORatio DChange Prob(real 1) packed labels /*
*/ min(real -99999) max(real 99999) /*
*/ matrix Std(string) Vars(string) /*
*/ dcadd(real 0) dcbase(real .1) NTics(real 7) /*
*/ Basecategory(real -1) Note(string) VALues] /*
*/ [saving(string)] [sign]
* create saving option
local gphopen "gph open"
if "`saving'"~="" { local gphopen "gph open, saving(`saving')" }
local varis `varlist'
if "`varis'"=="" & "`matrix'"~="matrix" {
local varis "`r(rhsnms)'"
if `min'>=`max' {
di in r "the minimum is larger than the maximum"
* dcplot=1 if dc plot
local dcplot = 0
if "`dchange'"=="dchange" & "`oratio'"~="oratio" {
local dcplot = 1
local packed packed
* mavar depends on whether there is packing
if "`packed'" == "packed" {
local maxvar = 11 /* max # to plot in packed graph */
*=> matrix input
if "`matrix'" == "matrix" {
if `prob'~=1 {
di in r "with matrix input the prob " /*
*/ "option does not work."
local prob = 1
if "`dchange'" == "dchange" {
if "`oratio'" ~= "oratio" {
di in r "dchange plots are not " /*
*/ "possible with matrix input."
di in r "dchange option does not work " /*
*/ "with matrix output. option was ignored."
local dchange ""
local depvar "$mnldepnm"
* names of variables to plot
local varis `vars'
* in b, cols are variables, rows are contrasts
mat `b' = mnlbeta
mat `sdrhs' = mnlsd
local nvarp1 = colsof(`b') + 1 /* with constant */
*todo: check if # of bvarnm is same as cols of b
* variables associated with rows of betas
local bvarnm "$mnlname"
*todo: if doesn't exist, make it all 1's
* columns correspond to columns in betas
mat `sd' = mnlsd
* check size of beta and sd's
local n1 = colsof(`b')
local n2 = colsof(`sd')
if `n1'~=`n2' {
di in r "# of columns in mnlbeta and mnlsd must be equal"
} /* if matrix */
*=> get information from mlogit
else {
if "`e(cmd)'"!="mlogit" {
di in r "mlogplot must be run after mlogit or with matrix input"
local depvar = e(depvar)
version 5
mat `b' = get(_b)
version 6
* 2009-10-28
tempname eV
_get_mlogit_bv `b' `eV'
*mat list `b'
*mat list `eV'
local bvarnm : colnames(`b')
parse "`bvarnm'", parse (" ")
quietly _pesum, dummy
mat `sdrhs' = r(Ssd)
mat `sdrhs' = `sdrhs'[1,2...]
mat `01rhs' = r(Sdummy)
mat `01rhs' = `01rhs'[1,2...]
* 16Nov2005 1.6.8 - get range
tempname rngrhs
mat `rngrhs' = r(Smax) - r(Smin)
mat `rngrhs' = `rngrhs'[1,2...]
local nvarp1 = colsof(`b') /* with constant */
local nvar = `nvarp1' - 1 /* excludes constant */
local ncat = rowsof(`b') + 1
local maxnvar = 3*`nvar' /* allows each var plotted 3 times */
/* 0->1, +-1, +-sd */
if `basecategory' > `ncat' {
di in r "specified base category exceeds number of categories"
*=> get discrete change coefficints
* Note: PE_dc - each variable has 5 rows
* row 1: 0->1 (16Nov2005 1.6.8 not min->max)
* row 2: min->max (16Nov2005 1.6.8 which can be 0->1)
* row 3: -/+ 1
* row 4: -/+ sd
* row 5: not used
* row label is void if coefficient not computed
* 16Nov2005 1.6.8 - discrete change over range
tempname chr
mat `chr' = J(`nvar',`ncat',0)
mat `ch0' = J(`nvar',`ncat',0)
mat `chu' = J(`nvar',`ncat',0)
mat `chs' = J(`nvar',`ncat',0)
if "`dchange'" == "dchange" {
capture local ncol = colsof(PE_dc)
capture local nrow = rowsof(PE_dc)
if "`ncol'"=="" {
di in r "you must run prchange before " /*
*/ "plotting discrete changes"
global PE_mlerr = 1
local nr = `nvar'*5
/* TEST:
di "nvar: `nvar'"
di "nvarp1: `nvarp1'"
di "ncat: `ncat'"
di "maxnvar:`maxnvar'"
di "ncol: `ncol'"
di "nrow: `nrow'"
di "nr: `nr'"
* size of PE_dc is wrong; probably old PE_dc hanging around
* 26Nov2006 - or prchange run on only some of the rhs variables
if `ncol'~=`ncat' | `nrow'~=`nr' {
di in r "There is a problem with the discrete change " ///
"coefficients. Rerun " in w "prchange" in r "."
di in r "Note that " in w "prchange" in r " must include " ///
"all variables. For example, for the model "
di in w "mlogit occ white ed exper" in r ", run " ///
in w "prchange" in r ", not " in w "prchange white ed" ///
in r "."
global PE_mlerr = 1
local ivar = 1
local r = 1
while `ivar' <= `nvar' {
local c = 1
* loop over outcome categories
while `c' <= `ncat' {
* 16Nov2005 1.6.8 - retrieve dc over range
scalar `tmp' = PE_dc[`r'+1,`c']
mat `chr'[`ivar',`c'] = `tmp'
* 16Nov2005 1.6.8 retrieve dc from 0 to 1 (same as dc over range)
scalar `tmp' = PE_dc[`r',`c']
*scalar `tmp' = PE_dc[`r'+1,`c']
mat `ch0'[`ivar',`c'] = `tmp'
* -/+ 1
scalar `tmp' = PE_dc[`r'+2,`c']
mat `chu'[`ivar',`c'] = `tmp'
* -/+ sd
scalar `tmp' = PE_dc[`r'+3,`c']
mat `chs'[`ivar',`c'] = `tmp'
local c = `c' + 1
local ivar = `ivar' + 1
local r = `r' + 5
} /* if dchange */
*=> parse variables to plot and check if dummy variable
mat `_lpplt' = J(`maxnvar',1,0) /* 1 if plot this coef */
mat `isdum' = J(`maxnvar',1,0) /* 1 if dummy variable */
parse "`varis'",parse(" ") /* varis==variables to be plot */
local ntoplot = 0
while "`1'"~="" {
if `ntoplot' >= `maxvar' {
di in r "only `maxvar' variables can be " /*
*/ "plotted in one graph"
* check selected name is in beta matrix
local i 1
local okvarn = 0
while `i' <= `nvar' {
* bvarnm contains names from beta matrix
local vnm : word `i' of `bvarnm'
if "`1'"=="`vnm'" { local okvarn = `i' }
local i = `i' + 1
if `okvarn'==0 {
di in red "`1' was not a variable in mlogit"
local ntoplot = `ntoplot' + 1
if "`matrix'" ~= "matrix" {
mat `isdum'[`ntoplot',1] = `01rhs'[1,`okvarn']
* plot variables in this order
mat `_lpplt'[`ntoplot',1] = `okvarn'
macro shift
*=> parse standardization type for each variable
mat `_lpstdt' = J(`maxnvar',1,0) /* Plot: 1=unstd; 3=std; 2=0/1 */
local i 1
local nstd = length("`std'")
while `i' <= `nstd' {
local stdi = substr("`std'",`i',1)
* 16Nov2005 1.6.8 - allow r as an option for how to plot variable
if "`stdi'"~="r" & "`stdi'"~="s" & "`stdi'"~="u" & "`stdi'"~="0" {
di in r "std() options must be s, r, u or 0"
* if "`stdi'"~="s" & "`stdi'"~="u" & "`stdi'"~="0" {
* di in r "std() options must be s, u or 0"
mat `_lpstdt'[`i',1] = 1 /* unstd */
if "`stdi'" == "s" {
mat `_lpstdt'[`i',1] = 3 /* std */
* 16Nov2005 1.6.8 - if range, type 4 coefficients
if "`stdi'" == "r" {
mat `_lpstdt'[`i',1] = 4 /* min max */
if "`stdi'" == "0" {
mat `_lpstdt'[`i',1] = 2 /* dummy */
if `isdum'[`i',1]~=1 {
di in r "variable specified as std(0) " /*
*/ "is not a binary variable"
* warning if isdum and not 0
if `isdum'[`i',1]==1 & `_lpstdt'[`i',1]~=2 {
local tmp = `_lpplt'[`i',1]
local vnm : word `tmp' of `bvarnm'
di in r "warning: variable `vnm'" /*
*/ " is binary, but std(0) was not used"
local i = `i' + 1
if `ntoplot'~=`nstd' {
di in r "# of variables does not match # of " /*
*/ "std() values specified"
*=> set up matrices with plot data
tempname _lpbplt _lpbvar _lpbcat _lpboff _lpbtyp _lpbchk _lpbchp
local tmp = `ntoplot' * `ncat' /* # coefs to plot */
matrix `_lpbplt' = J(`tmp',1,0) /* coef to plot */
matrix `_lpbchp' = `_lpbplt' /* values of discrete change */
matrix `_lpboff' = `_lpbplt' /* vertical offset */
matrix `_lpbvar' = `_lpbplt' /* variable number */
matrix `_lpbcat' = `_lpbplt' /* category */
matrix `_lpbtyp' = `_lpbplt' /* type of standardization */
* compute standardized betas
mat `bstd' = `b'
local ivar = 1
while `ivar' < `nvarp1' {
scalar `sdi' = `sdrhs'[1,`ivar']
* loop over categories and fill in border
local icat = 1
while `icat' < `ncat' {
mat `bstd'[`icat',`ivar'] = `b'[`icat',`ivar'] * `sdi'
local icat = `icat' + 1
local ivar = `ivar' + 1
* 2007-06-29
if "`matrix'" != "matrix" {
* 16Nov2005 1.6.8 - compute beta*range
tempname brng
mat `brng' = `b'
local ivar = 1
while `ivar' < `nvarp1' {
scalar `sdi' = `rngrhs'[1,`ivar']
* loop over categories and fill in border
local icat = 1
while `icat' < `ncat' {
mat `brng'[`icat',`ivar'] = `b'[`icat',`ivar'] * `sdi'
local icat = `icat' + 1
local ivar = `ivar' + 1
else {
// make range missing since it is not used
tempname brng
mat `brng' = `bstd' * .
} // 2007-06-29
* determine basecategory
if "`matrix'"~="matrix" {
_pecats `e(depvar)'
local catnm "`r(catnms)'"
* 30Mar2005 1.6.6
if "`values'"=="values" {
local catnm "`r(catvals)'"
* refnum is value of the reference category for the estiamted betas
* 2007-06-29 stata 10
if c(stata_version) < 10 {
local refnum = e(basecat)
else {
local refnum = e(baseout)
* 1.7.0 08Apr2006 - fix when refnum is 0
if `refnum'==0 {
local refnum = 1
* names of outcome categories in order of matrix
* all but the last correspond to the rows in b
if "`matrix'"=="matrix" {
local catnm "$mnlcatnm"
local refnum "`ncat'"
*=> stack b coefficients to plot into _lpbplt vector
* determine offset for plot
* baserow has the row in b with beta's for new base category
local baserow = 0
* `basecategory' has the # of the specified base
if `basecategory'~=`refnum' & `basecategory'~=-1 {
local baserow = `basecategory'
if `basecategory' > `refnum' { local baserow = `baserow' - 1 }
* loop through variables, decide on std and unstd to plot
local iloc = 1
local ivar = 1
while `ivar' <= `ntoplot' {
local icat = 1
local varnum = `_lpplt'[`ivar',1]
* find b values for changing basecategory
local bbase = 0
local bbstd = 0
* 16Nov2005 1.6.8
local bbrng = 0
if `baserow' ~= 0 {
local bbase = `b'[`baserow',`varnum']
local bbstd = `bstd'[`baserow',`varnum']
* 16Nov2005 1.6.8
local bbrng = `brng'[`baserow',`varnum']
* compute _lpbplt
while `icat' <= `ncat' {
if `icat' < `ncat' {
matrix `_lpbplt'[`iloc',1] = `b'[`icat',`varnum'] - `bbase'
else {
matrix `_lpbplt'[`iloc',1] = 0 - `bbase'/* ref category */
matrix `_lpbtyp'[`iloc',1] = 1
matrix `_lpbchp'[`iloc',1] = `chu'[`varnum',`icat']
if `_lpstdt'[`ivar',1] == 2 {
matrix `_lpbtyp'[`iloc',1] = 2
matrix `_lpbchp'[`iloc',1] = `ch0'[`varnum',`icat']
if `_lpstdt'[`ivar',1] == 3 {
if `icat' < `ncat' {
matrix `_lpbplt'[`iloc',1] = /*
*/ `bstd'[`icat',`varnum'] - `bbstd'
else {
matrix `_lpbplt'[`iloc',1] = /*
*/ 0 - `bbstd' /* reference category */
matrix `_lpbtyp'[`iloc',1] = 3
matrix `_lpbchp'[`iloc',1] = `chs'[`varnum',`icat']
* 16Nov2005 1.6.8 - coefficients when change over range
if `_lpstdt'[`ivar',1] == 4 {
if `icat' < `ncat' {
matrix `_lpbplt'[`iloc',1] = /*
*/ `brng'[`icat',`varnum'] - `bbrng'
else {
matrix `_lpbplt'[`iloc',1] = /*
*/ 0 - `bbrng' /* reference category */
matrix `_lpbtyp'[`iloc',1] = 4
matrix `_lpbchp'[`iloc',1] = `chr'[`varnum',`icat']
* _lpbplt now has coefficients to be plotted
matrix `_lpbvar'[`iloc',1] = `ivar' /* var# for given coef */
matrix `_lpbcat'[`iloc',1] = `icat' /* cat# for tiven coef */
local iloc = `iloc' + 1
local icat = `icat' + 1
local ivar = `ivar' + 1
if `dcplot' == 1 { /* dcplot , so plot _lpbchp */
matrix `_lpbplt' = `_lpbchp'
*=> determine offsets for letters
* algorithm is use offsets of 0,1,2,0,1,2 as coefficients are ordered
* from smallest to largerst. The code is messy, but works...
* if packed, use 0's already in _lpboff
if "`packed'" ~= "packed" {
local iloc = 1
local ivar = 1
while `ivar' <= `ntoplot' {
local varnum = `_lpplt'[`ivar',1]
* grab coefficients for given variable in _lpbplt
local istrt = ((`ivar'-1)*`ncat') + 1
local iend = `istrt' + `ncat' - 1
matrix `_lpbchk' = `_lpbplt'[`istrt'..`iend',1]
local icat = 1
while `icat' <= `ncat' {
local icat2 = 1
local minn = 99999999
* find smallest coef that hasn't been used
while `icat2' <= `ncat' {
if `_lpbchk'[`icat2',1] < `minn' {
local minn = `_lpbchk'[`icat2',1]
local minloc = `icat2'
local icat2 = `icat2' + 1
* this is current smallest
local updown = mod(`icat'+2,3)
* change to big values so won't select again
mat `_lpbchk'[`minloc',1] = 99999999
local minn = 99999999
* this is the location in the stored variables
local ichng = `istrt' + `minloc' - 1
mat `_lpboff'[`ichng',1] = `updown'
local iloc = `iloc' + 1
local icat = `icat' + 1
local ivar = `ivar' + 1
*=> create variables from the matrices
mat colnames `_lpbplt' = _lpbplt
mat colnames `_lpbvar' = _lpbvar
mat colnames `_lpbcat' = _lpbcat
mat colnames `_lpboff' = _lpboff
mat colnames `_lpbtyp' = _lpbtyp
mat colnames `_lpbchp' = _lpbchp
mat colnames `_lpplt' = _lpplt
mat colnames `_lpstdt' = _lpstdt
svmat `_lpbplt', names(col)
svmat `_lpbvar', names(col)
svmat `_lpbcat', names(col)
svmat `_lpboff', names(col)
svmat `_lpbtyp', names(col)
svmat `_lpbchp', names(col)
svmat `_lpplt', names(col)
svmat `_lpstdt', names(col)
*=> generate variable with first letter of category names
if "`matrix'"~="matrix" {
local ltr : word `refnum' of `catnm'
local ltr = upper(substr("`ltr'",1,1))
quietly generate str1 _lpbltr = "`ltr'"
local icat = 1
while `icat' <= `ncat' {
if `icat'==`refnum' {
local refnm: word `ncat' of `catnm'
if `baserow'~=0 {
local refnm: word `baserow' of `catnm'
if `icat'!=`refnum' {
local nm: word `icat' of `catnm'
local ltr = upper(substr("`nm'",1,1))
quietly replace _lpbltr = "`ltr'" if _lpbcat == `icat'
local icat = `icat' + 1
if "`matrix'"=="matrix" {
* this is the reference category in the betas
local ltr : word `ncat' of `catnm'
local ltr = upper(substr("`ltr'",1,1))
quietly generate str1 _lpbltr = "`ltr'"
* get letter for reference category
local baserow = `basecategory'
if `baserow' == -1 { local baserow = `ncat' }
local refnm : word `baserow' of `catnm'
* place correct letters to plot
local icat = 1
while `icat' <= `ncat' {
if `icat'!=`refnum' {
local nm: word `icat' of `catnm'
local ltr = upper(substr("`nm'",1,1))
quietly replace _lpbltr = "`ltr'" if _lpbcat == `icat'
local icat = `icat' + 1
*=> data to pass to plot program
global S_1 = `dcplot'
global S_2 = `min'
global S_3 = `max'
global S_4 "`packed'"
global S_5 = `ntoplot'
global S_6 = `dcadd'
global S_7 = `dcbase'
global S_8 = `ncat'
global S_9 "`labels'"
global S_10 "`dchange'"
global S_11 "`bvarnm'"
global S_12 = `prob'
global S_13 "`refnm'"
global S_14 = `ntics'
global S_15 "`note'"
global S_16 "`depvar'"
global S_17 "`gphopen'"
* 16Nov2005 sign
global S_18 = 0
if "`sign'"=="sign" {
global S_18 = 1
capture drop _lpbplt-_lprowb
program define lp_plt
* decode information from calling program
local dcplot = $S_1
local min = $S_2
local max = $S_3
local packed "$S_4"
local ntoplot = $S_5
local dcadd = $S_6
local dcbase = $S_7
local ncat = $S_8
local labels "$S_9"
local dchange "$S_10"
local bvarnm "$S_11"
local prob = $S_12
local refnm "$S_13"
local ntics = $S_14
local note "$S_15"
local depvar "$S_16"
local gphopen "$S_17"
* 16Nov2005 sign
local addsign = $S_18
* coordinate used:
* (0,0) (0,cstrt) (0,cend)
* (rhead,cstrt) data (rhead,cend)
* (rhead+rvar,cstrt) (rhead+rvar,cend)
local cstrt = 10000 /* first column in plot space */
local cborder = 1000 /* border at ends of plot space */
local cend = 31500 /* right most column of plot space */
local crange = `cend' - `cstrt' - (2*`cborder')
local cname = `cstrt' - 700 /* name of variable ends here */
*local rhead = 2000 /* header space for factor change scale */
local rhead = 1800 /* header space for factor change scale */
if `dcplot'==1 { local rhead = 1000 }
if "`note'"~="" {
local rhead = `rhead' + 1000
* rows per variable in plot space
* local rvar = 3600 /* maxvar = 5 */
* local rvar = 3200 /* maxvar = 6 */
local rvar = 2800 /* maxvar = 7 */
if "`packed'" == "packed" { local rvar = 1700 }
local rnmoff = 1000 - `rvar' /* vert offset for listing name */
* vert offset within horizontal lines (larger adds vertical compression
local rltoff = 800
* rescale to metric used in columns of plot and find 0 location
quietly sum _lpbplt /* get min and max of coefficients being plotted */
local minb = _result(5)
if `min'~=-99999 & `min'<`minb' { local minb = `min' }
local maxb = _result(6)
if `max'~=99999 & `max'>`maxb' { local maxb = `max' }
local rng = `maxb' - `minb'
* change range to [0-1]
quietly generate _lpcolb = (_lpbplt - `minb')/`rng'
local c0 = (0 - `minb')/`rng'
* min and max column for plotting area
local minn = `cstrt' + `cborder'
local maxx = `cend' - `cborder'
local rng = `maxx' - `minn'
quietly replace _lpcolb = (_lpcolb * `rng') + `minn'
local c0 = (`c0' * `rng') + `minn'
* rescale metric for rows in plot
* # of rows to contain letters
local rltr = `rvar' - `rltoff' - `rltoff'
if "`packed'" ~= "packed" {
quietly sum _lpboff
local minn = _result(5)
local maxx = _result(6)
local rng = `maxx' - `minn'
* change to range of 0--1
quietly generate _lprowb = (_lpboff - `minn')/`rng'
* expand to range of rltr
quietly replace _lprowb = _lprowb * `rltr' /* offsets as # of rows */
* determine row position
#delimit ;
quietly replace _lprowb = _lprowb
+ `rhead' /* skip over header */
+ ((_lpbvar-1)*`rvar') /* space over prior variables */
+ `rltoff' /* space before letters begin */
#delimit cr
quietly sum _lprowb
else if "`packed'" == "packed" {
local rltoff = 925 /* vert offset top & bot for letters */
* determine row position
#delimit ;
quietly generate _lprowb = `rhead' /* skip over header */
+ ((_lpbvar-1)*`rvar') /* space over prior variables */
+ `rltoff' /* space before letters begin */
#delimit cr
gph font 600 300
if "`note'"~="" {
local tmp = `cstrt' - 400
gph text 480 `tmp' 0 -1 `note'
local rloc = `rhead' - 200
* axis at top of graph
gph line `rloc' `cstrt' `rloc' `cend'
* add labels at top and bottom
gph font 500 250
local rloc = `rhead' - 1400
if `dcplot' == 0 {
local ltr "`refnm'"
* move top label down a smidge
local rloctmp = `rloc' + 250
gph text `rloctmp' `cstrt' 0 -1 /*
*/ Factor Change Scale Relative to Category `ltr'
local rloc = `rhead' + (`ntoplot'*`rvar') + 1200
local tmp ""
* if "`depvar'" ~= "" { local tmp " of `depvar'" }
local ltr "`refnm' `tmp'"
gph text `rloc' `cstrt' 0 -1 /*
*/ Logit Coefficient Scale Relative to Category `ltr'
if `dcplot' == 1 {
local rloc = `rhead' + (`ntoplot'*`rvar') + 1200
*! version 1.6.5 2/24/2003 - correct typo in graph
local tmp "Change in Predicted Probability for $S_16"
gph text `rloc' `cstrt' 0 -1 `tmp'
* add tic marks
local nper = (`maxb' - `minb')/(`ntics' - 1)
local itic = 1
local minn = `cstrt' + `cborder'
local maxx = `cend' - `cborder'
local cper = (`maxx' - `minn')/(`ntics' - 1)
while `itic' <= `ntics' {
local ticval : display round(exp(`minb' + ((`itic'-1)*`nper')),.01)
local cval = `minn' + ((`itic'-1)*`cper')
local rloc = `rhead' - 600
* write tic value at top
local rloctmp = `rloc' + 200 /* move it down a smidge */
if `dcplot' ==0 { gph text `rloctmp' `cval' 0 0 `ticval' }
* add tic marks
local rlst = `rhead' - 200
local rlend = `rlst' + 150
gph line `rlst' `cval' `rlend' `cval'
local rlst = `rhead' + (`ntoplot'*`rvar') - 200
local rlend = `rlst' - 150
gph line `rlst' `cval' `rlend' `cval'
local ticval : display round(`minb' + ((`itic'-1)*`nper'),.01)
local itic = `itic' + 1
local rloc = `rhead' + (`ntoplot'*`rvar') + 400
gph text `rloc' `cval' 0 0 `ticval'
local rloc = `rhead' + (`ntoplot'*`rvar') - 200
gph line `rloc' `cstrt' `rloc' `cend'
if `dcplot' == 1 {
local rt = `rhead' - 200
gph line `rt' `c0' `rloc' `c0'
* plot letters
local i 0
local ivar 1
local dcbase = sqrt(`dcbase')
while `ivar' <= `ntoplot' { /* loop over variables */
local icat 1
while `icat' <= `ncat' { /* loop over categories within vars */
local i = `i' + 1
* get point to plot
local r = _lprowb[`i']
local c = _lpcolb[`i']
local l = _lpbltr[`i']
local siz 1
if "`dchange'" == "dchange" & `dcplot' == 0 {
local siz = sqrt(`dcadd'+abs(_lpbchp[`i']))/`dcbase'
local fr = `siz'*700
local fc = `siz'*350
gph font `fr' `fc'
* 16Nov2005 option sign
if _lpbchp[`i']<0 & `addsign'==1 {
gph text `r' `c' 0 0 _
* local l "-`l'"
gph text `r' `c' 0 0 `l'
local icat = `icat' + 1
local ivar = `ivar' + 1
* add names and dividing lines
local ivar = 1
while `ivar' <= `ntoplot' {
* name of variable
local varnum = _lpplt[`ivar']
if `dcplot' == 0 & `prob'~= 1 {
* get prob values
global S_1 = `varnum' /* variable number */
global S_2 = `ncat'
local cat1 2
while `cat1' <= `ncat' {
* location in data set of coordinates for this coef
local loc1 = ((`ivar'-1)*`ncat')+`cat1'
local r1 = _lprowb[`loc1']
local c1 = _lpcolb[`loc1']
local cat2 1
while `cat2' < `cat1' {
local loc2 = ((`ivar'-1)*`ncat')+`cat2'
local r2 = _lprowb[`loc2']
local c2 = _lpcolb[`loc2']
local p = mlplt_p[`cat1',`cat2']
if `p' > `prob' { gph line `r1' `c1' `r2' `c2' }
local cat2 = `cat2' + 1
} /* `cat2' < `cat1' */
local cat1 = `cat1' + 1
} /* `cat1' < `ncat' */
} /* if get prob */
local vname: word `varnum' of `bvarnm'
if "`labels'" == "labels" & "`matrix'"~="matrix" {
local vname2 : variable label `vname'
if "`vname2'"!="" { local vname "`vname2'"}
local rloc = `rhead' + `rnmoff' + (`ivar'*`rvar')
gph font 700 350
local _lpstdt = _lpstdt[`ivar']
if "`packed'" == "packed" {
if `_lpstdt' == 3 {
gph text `rloc' `cname' 0 1 `vname'-std
else if `_lpstdt' == 2 {
gph text `rloc' `cname' 0 1 `vname'-0/1
else if `_lpstdt' == 1 {
gph text `rloc' `cname' 0 1 `vname'
* 16Nov2005 1.6.8 - label for dc over range
else if `_lpstdt' == 4 {
gph text `rloc' `cname' 0 1 `vname'-range
if "`packed'" ~= "packed" {
gph text `rloc' `cname' 0 1 `vname'
gph font 400 200
local rloc = `rhead' + `rnmoff' + (`ivar'*`rvar') + 900
if `_lpstdt' == 1 {
gph text `rloc' `cname' 0 1 UnStd Coef
if `_lpstdt' == 2 {
gph text `rloc' `cname' 0 1 0/1
if `_lpstdt' == 3 {
gph text `rloc' `cname' 0 1 Std Coef
* 16Nov2005 1.6.8 - label for or over range
else if `_lpstdt' == 4 {
gph text `rloc' `cname' 0 1 Range Coef
* dividing line
if `ivar' != 1 {
local rloc = `rhead' + ((`ivar'-1)*`rvar') - 200
gph line `rloc' `cstrt' `rloc' `cend'
local ivar = `ivar' + 1
gph close
program define getprob
* get the prob values for all contrasts
version 5.0
tempname b v b1 b2 b12 se z p
local ivar = $S_1
local ncat = $S_2
matrix `b' = get(_b)
local nvars = colsof(`b')
mat `v' = get(VCE)
* 2009-10-28 - fix for stata 11 returns
nobreak {
_get_mlogit_bv `b' `v'
local nvars = colsof(`b')
di "nvars: `nvars'"
di "ncat: `ncat'"
di "v with fix"
mat list `v'
di "b with fix"
mat list `b'
matrix mlplt_p = J(`ncat',`ncat',1)
* loop through all pairs of categories
local cat1 1
local cat2 1
while `cat1' <= `ncat' {
while `cat2' <= `cat1' {
if `cat1'!=`cat2' {
* 1st element of contrast is not ref cat
if `cat1'!=`ncat' {
if `cat2'==`ncat' { scalar `b2' = 0 }
else { scalar `b2' = `b'[`cat2',`ivar'] }
scalar `b1' = `b'[`cat1',`ivar']
scalar `b12' = `b1'-`b2'
local loc2 = ((`cat2'-1)*`nvars')+`ivar'
if `cat2'==`ncat' {
scalar `se' = sqrt(`v'[`loc1',`loc1'])
else {
local loc1 = ((`cat1'-1)*`nvars')+`ivar'
scalar `se' = sqrt(`v'[`loc1',`loc1'] + /*
*/ `v'[`loc2',`loc2'] - 2*`v'[`loc1',`loc2'])
} /* `cat1'!=`ncat' */
* first element of contrast is reference category
if `cat1'==`ncat' {
if `cat2'==`ncat' { scalar `b2' = 0 }
else { scalar `b2' = `b'[`cat2',`ivar'] }
scalar `b1' = 0 /*`b'[`cat1',`ivar']*/
scalar `b12' = `b1'-`b2'
local loc2 = ((`cat2'-1)*`nvars')+`ivar'
scalar `se' = sqrt(`v'[`loc2',`loc2'])
scalar `se' = 1/`se'
scalar `z' = `se'*`b12'
scalar `p' = 2*normprob(-abs(`z'))
matrix mlplt_p[`cat1',`cat2'] = `p'
matrix mlplt_p[`cat2',`cat1'] = `p'
} /* if `cat1'!=`cat2' */
local cat2 = `cat2' + 1
} /* while `cat2' <= `ncat' */
local cat2 1
local cat1 = `cat1' + 1
} /* cat1 */
* version 1.6.4 3/22/2001
* version 1.6.5 2/24/2003 - correct typo in graph
* version 1.6.6 30Mar2005 - add values option
* version 1.6.7 13Apr2005
* version 1.6.8 allow plots for change over range 16Nov2005
* add: option sign: underline negative discrete change
* option r : for range
* version 1.6.9 error if outcome cat <= 0
* version 1.7.0 08Apr2006 fixed when basecategory is 0!
* version 1.7.1 26Nov2006
* improve error message when prchange is a problem.
* version 1.7.2 29Jun2007 // fix range problem if data is a matrix
* version 1.7.3 29Jun2007 // stata 10 revisions