You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

2673 lines
68 KiB

10 months ago
*! version 1.0.4 05nov2009 logout by
*! Converts log or ASCII files into various output formats
program define logout
local _original `0'
version `version'
/* "using" no longer used
* encase the colon in file name in quotes, avoiding string function length limits
local behind `"`0'"'
local 0 ""
gettoken front behind: behind, parse(" ,")
local 0 ""
local done 0
while `"`front'"'~="" & `done'==0 {
if `"`front'"'=="using" {
gettoken rest behind: behind, parse(" ,")
* strip off quotes
gettoken first second: rest, parse(" ")
cap local rest: list clean local(rest)
* take off colon at the end
local goldfish ""
if index(`"`rest'"',":")~=0 {
local end=substr(`"`rest'"',length(`"`rest'"'),length(`"`rest'"'))
if "`end'"==":" {
local rest=substr(`"`rest'"',1,`=length(`"`rest'"')-1')
local goldfish " : "
* colon reattached with a space at the end
* .txt attached here for seeout working with _pref.ado
local rabbit `"""'
if index(`"`rest'"', ".")==0 {
local using `"`rabbit'`rest'.txt`rabbit'`goldfish'"'
else {
local using `"`rabbit'`rest'`rabbit'`goldfish'"'
local 0 `"`0' using `using' `behind'"'
local done 1
else {
local 0 `"`0' `front'"'
gettoken front behind: behind, parse(" ,")
gettoken first second : 0, parse(":") `bind' match(par) quotes
local 0 `"`first'"'
while `"`first'"'~=":" & `"`first'"'~="" {
gettoken first second : second, parse(":") `bind' match(par) quotes
if `"`0'"'==":" {
* colon only when shorthand combined with prefix
local 0
else {
* not used
local _0 `"`0'"'
*** shorthand syntax if use file is missing
syntax[, use(string) save(string) FIX1(numlist) clear FIX fixcut(numlist) text smcl* range(string asis)]
if "`fixcut'"~="" {
local fix fix
if "`clear'"~="clear" {
if "`fix1'"~="" {
local fix "fix"
if "`Version7'"=="" & "`fix'"=="" {
* must be fix
local fix fix
noi di in yellow "fix option inserted"
* regular stuff
if `"`use'"'~="" {
* with use file
* `second' could contain " " only ???
gettoken a b : second, parse(" ")
if `"`a'"'~="" {
noi di in red "cannot combine {opt use( )} with command statements at end; use one or the other"
exit 198
if "`fix1'"=="" {
local fix1 5
if `"`range'"'~="" {
tempfile capfile2
gettoken one two: range, parse("/")
gettoken splash two: two, parse("/")
_chewfile using `"`use'"', save(`capfile2') replace begin(`one') end(`two')
_logout, use(`"`capfile2'"') save(`"`save'"') `options' fix1(`fix1') `clear' `fix' fixcut(`fixcut') original(`_original') range(`range')
else {
_logout, use(`"`use'"') save(`"`save'"') `options' fix1(`fix1') `clear' `fix' fixcut(`fixcut') original(`_original') range(`range')
else {
* with temporary file
tempfile capfile
local tempfile tempfile
if "`Version7'"=="" {
* a permanent file name for version 7
local capfile "logout.txt"
* `second' could contain " " only
gettoken a b : second, parse(" ")
if `"`a'"'~="" {
cap unabcmd `a'
if _rc==0 {
* it's a command
if (`"`r(cmd)'"'=="table" | `"`r(cmd)'"'=="tabstat") & "`fix1'"=="" {
local fix1 1
if "`fix1'"=="" {
local fix1 5
noi caplog using `"`capfile'"', tempfile replace `text' `smcl' subspace: `second'
if `"`range'"'~="" {
tempfile capfile2
gettoken one two: range, parse("/")
gettoken splash two: two, parse("/")
_chewfile using `"`capfile'"', save(`capfile2') replace begin(`one') end(`two')
_logout, use(`"`capfile2'"') save(`"`save'"') `options' fix1(`fix1') tempfile `clear' `fix' fixcut(`fixcut') original(`_original') range(`range')
else {
_logout, use(`"`capfile'"') save(`"`save'"') `options' fix1(`fix1') tempfile `clear' `fix' fixcut(`fixcut') original(`_original') range(`range')
else {
if "`fix1'"=="" {
local fix1 5
* range needs to be activated here for dataout functionality
_logout, save(`"`save'"') `options' fix1(`fix1') `clear' `fix' fixcut(`fixcut') original(`_original') range(`range')
program define _logout
version `version'
*syntax [using/] , [save(string) nounwrap excel word tex col row ignore(string) drop(string) clear dta ]
syntax, [ save(string) use(string) nounwrap NOWIPE excel dta tex word clear /*
*/ NOAUTO raw right FIX FIX1(numlist >=-100 <=100 max=1) replace tempfile /*
*/ auto(integer 3) dec(numlist int >=0 <=11) fixcut(numlist) range(str asis)] original(str asis)
* note: options original and range are not really used here:
qui {
local colsizeMax 1
if `"`save'"'~="" {
* assign save name
local beg_dot = index(`"`save'"',".")
if `beg_dot'~=0 {
local strippedname = substr(`"`save'"',1,`=`beg_dot'-1')
local save `"`strippedname'.txt"'
else {
* `save' has no extension
local strippedname `"`save'"'
local save `"`save'.txt"'
cap confirm file `"`save'"'
if !_rc & "`replace'"~="replace" {
* it exists
noi di in red `"`save' exists; specify {opt replace}"'
exit 198
else {
tempfile tempsave
local save `"`tempsave'"'
if "`use'"~="" {
if "`tempfile'"~="tempfile" {
local beg_dot = index(`"`use'"',".")
if `beg_dot'~=0 {
local strippedname1 = substr(`"`use'"',1,`=`beg_dot'-1')
* no need to reassign name
*local use `"`strippedname1'.txt"'
else {
* `use' has no extension
local strippedname1 `"`use'"'
local use `"`use'.txt"'
if "`drop'"~="" {
if "`unwrap'"=="nounwrap" {
noi di in red "Cannot combine {opt nounwrap} and {opt drop( )}"
exit 198
else {
local unwrap "unwrap"
cap file close _all
*local 0 `"using `0'"'
tempname source saving
if "`unwrap'"~="nounwrap" {
*** wrapping text problem ONLY
local linenum = 0
file open `source' using `"`use'"', read
file open `saving' using `"`save'"', write text replace
file read `source' line
* first line
if r(eof)==0 {
local linenum = `linenum' + 1
local last_macvalline `"`macval(line)'"'
file read `source' line
* subsequent lines
local _n
while r(eof)==0 {
local linenum = `linenum' + 1
cap tokenize `"`macval(last_macvalline)'"', parse(" []:")
* handle the grave accent thing
if _rc~=0 {
noi di in yel `"line `linenum' contains a grave accent (or something), attempt was made to convert it into "grave_accent""'
local last_macvalline : subinstr local last_macvalline "`" "grave_accent", all
gettoken 1 2 : last_macvalline, parse(" []:")
if `"`1'"'==">" {
* remove the first instance of ">"
local last_macvalline : subinstr local last_macvalline "> " ""
file write `saving' `"`macval(last_macvalline)'"'
else {
file write `saving' `_n'
cap file write `saving' `"`macval(last_macvalline)'"'
if _rc~=0 {
noi di in yel `"line `linenum' was unable to be written, left blank"'
file write `saving' ""
local _n "_n"
local last_macvalline `"`macval(line)'"'
file read `source' line
* the last line
local linenum = `linenum' + 1
cap tokenize `"`macval(last_macvalline)'"', parse(" []:")
* handle the grave accent thing
if _rc~=0 {
noi di in yel `"line `linenum' contains a grave accent (or something), attempt was made to convert it into "grave_accent""'
local last_macvalline : subinstr local last_macvalline "`" "grave_accent", all
gettoken 1 2 : last_macvalline, parse(" []:")
if `"`1'"'==">" {
* remove the first instance of ">"
local last_macvalline : subinstr local last_macvalline ">" ""
file write `saving' `"`macval(last_macvalline)'"'
else {
file write `saving' `_n'
cap file write `saving' `"`macval(last_macvalline)'"'
if _rc~=0 {
noi di in yel `"line `linenum' was unable to be written, left blank"'
file write `saving' ""
local _n "_n"
* close out with the last line
file write `saving' _n
file close `source'
file close `saving'
if "`unwrap'"~="nounwrap" {
file open `source' using `"`save'"', read
else {
file open `source' using `"`use'"', read
if "`fix'"=="fix" {
*** fix files
_logfix, use(`use') fix1(`fix1') fixcut(`fixcut')
else {
*** delimited files
local col_size 98
local linenum = 1
file read `source' line
local OBS 50
set obs `OBS'
if "`raw'"=="raw" {
gen str7 raw=""
replace raw=`"`line'"' in 1
local _format= "`: format raw'"
local _widths=substr("`_format'",2,length(trim("`_format'"))-2)
format raw %-`_widths's
gen rowLine=.
gen tokenMax=.
* this adjusted
forval num=1/`colsizeMax' {
gen str2 t`num'=""
while r(eof)==0 {
if `linenum'>`OBS'-1 {
local OBS=`OBS'+50
cap set obs `OBS'
if _rc==198 {
noi di in red "Cannot increase observation number beyond `OBS': probably need more memory"
*display %4.0f `linenum' _asis `" `macval(line)'"'
local checking=substr(trim(`"`macval(line)'"'),1,5)
*noi di `"`checking'"'
if `"`checking'"'=="-----" {
replace rowLine=`linenum' in `linenum'
replace t1=`"`checking'"' in `linenum'
else {
local macvalline `"`macval(line)'"'
local macvalline : subinstr local macvalline "Prob > chi2" "Prob>chi2", all
local macvalline : subinstr local macvalline "Number of groups" "Number_of_groups", all
local macvalline : subinstr local macvalline "Obs per group: min" "Obs_per_group_min", all
local macvalline : subinstr local macvalline "Number of obs" "Number_of_obs", all
local macvalline : subinstr local macvalline "Root MSE" "Root_MSE", all
local macvalline : subinstr local macvalline "Prob > F" "Prob>F", all
local macvalline : subinstr local macvalline "Std. Err." "Std.Err.", all
local macvalline : subinstr local macvalline "Std. Dev." "Std.Dev.", all
local macvalline : subinstr local macvalline "95% Conf." "95%_Conf.", all
local macvalline : subinstr local macvalline "Sum of Wgt." "Sum_of_Wgt.", all
local macvalline : subinstr local macvalline "log pseudolikelihood" "log_pseudolikelihood", all
cap tokenize `"`macvalline'"', parse(" []:`=char(9)'")
* handle the grave accent thing
if _rc~=0 {
noi di in yel `"line `linenum' contains a grave accent (or something), attempt was made to convert it into "grave_accent""'
local macvalline : subinstr local macvalline "`" "grave_accent", all
tokenize `"`macvalline'"', parse(" []:`=char(9)'")
* numToken is the token number
* numCol is the column number
local numToken=1
local numCol=1
local stop ""
replace rowLine=`linenum' in `linenum'
while `"``numToken''"'~="" & "`stop'"~="stop" {
if `"``numToken''"'~="[" & /*
*/ `"``numToken''"'~="]" & /*
*/ `"``numToken''"'~=":" & /*
*/ `"``numToken''"'~="|" & /*
*/ `"``numToken''"'~="`=char(9)'" {
* add more columns if necessary
if `numToken'>=`colsizeMax' {
local colsizeMax=`colsizeMax'+1
gen str2 t`colsizeMax'=""
if "`c(flavor)'"=="small" & `colsizeMax'>=`col_size' {
noi di in yel `"Stata flavor "small", unable to have more than 99 columns"'
local stop stop
*noi di in red `"``numToken''"' _c
*noi di in green ""
replace t`numCol'=`"``numToken''"' in `linenum'
* auto-digits
local check = `"``numToken''"'
capture confirm number `check'
*noi di in green "`=_rc'"
if _rc==0 & "`noauto'"~="noauto" {
* only if a number
autodigits2 `"``numToken''"' `auto'
local valstr = string(`check',"%12.`r(valstr)'")
*noi di in yel `"`valstr'"'
/* prevent adding non-signnificant 0 at the end
****** does NOT handle scientific notations, or does it?
local beg_dot1 = index(`"``numToken''"',".")
local stripped1 = substr(`"``numToken''"',`=`beg_dot1'+1',.)
local length1 : length local stripped1
local beg_dot2 = index(`"`valstr'"',".")
local stripped2 = substr(`"`valstr'"',`=`beg_dot2'+1',.)
local length2 : length local stripped2
if `length2'<=`length1' & `length2'~=0 & `beg_dot2'~=0 & `length1'>0 {
replace t`numCol'=`"`valstr'"' in `linenum'
else {
replace t`numCol'=`"``numToken''"' in `linenum'
} */
replace t`numCol'=`"`valstr'"' in `linenum'
else {
* only if not a number
replace t`numCol'=`"``numToken''"' in `linenum'
replace tokenMax=`numCol' in `linenum'
local numCol=`numCol'+1
local numToken=`numToken'+1
file read `source' line
* noi di `"`macval(line)' dd `r(eof)'"'
local linenum = `linenum' + 1
if "`raw'"=="raw" {
replace raw=`"`macval(line)'"' in `linenum'
/* works with pre-tokenized columns, but not used because tokenize better if already unwrapped as above,
* mostly due to the handling of rabbit-ears poking out
* wrapping text problem
if "`unwrap'"~="nounwrap" {
* skip first line
forval num=`=_N'(-1)2 {
if token1==">" in `num' {
* counter keeps track of which column being moved to the right end of the previous row
* token1 is skipped since it has <
forval counter=2/`=tokenMax[`num']' {
replace t`=tokenMax[`num'-1]+`=`counter'-1''=t`counter'[`num'] in `=`num'-1'
replace tokenMax=tokenMax[`num'-1]+tokenMax[`num'] in `=`num'-1'
/* this is slow
local num `colsizeMax'
local stop ""
while `num' > 1 & "`stop'"=="" {
count if t`num'==""
if r(N)==_N {
drop t`num'
else {
local stop "stop"
local num=`num'-1
* clean up
if "`row'"~="row" {
drop rowLine
if "`col'"~="col" {
drop tokenMax
* drop extra columns indiscriminately
* this is slow
foreach var of varlist _all {
count if `var'==""
if r(N)==_N {
drop `var'
* drop from top
gen rowmiss=0
foreach var of varlist _all {
* cap because rowmiss is non-string
cap replace rowmiss=rowmiss+1 if `var'~="" & "`var'"~="rowmiss"
local N=_N
local oldN
while "`N'"~="`oldN'" {
local oldN=_N
drop in 1 if rowmiss==0
local N=_N
* drop from bottom
local N=_N
local oldN
while "`N'"~="`oldN'" {
local oldN=_N
drop in `oldN' if rowmiss==0
local N=_N
drop rowmiss
file close `source'
file close _all
} /*** delimited files */
} /* if "`using'"~="" */
if "`nowipe'"~="nowipe" & "`fix'"~="fix" {
cap drop if t1=="-----" | t1=="opened" | t1=="log" | t1=="." | t1=="closed"
/* workaround to see if heading should be reported
local noheading 0
local test 0
foreach var of varlist
local temp=instr("`var'",1,2)
capture confirm string `temp'
if _rc==0 {
local * only if a string
local test 1
local temp=instr("`var'",2,3)
capture confirm number `temp'
if _rc==0 & "`test'"=="1" {
* only if a number
local noheading=`noheading'+1
* replace the gap holders for value labels
* heading for _dataout
if "`use'"~="" | "`clear'"=="clear" {
* not being used as dataout
local head "head"
foreach var of varlist _all {
replace `var'= subinstr(`var',"_"," ",.)
local heading "nohead"
else {
*local heading "head"
* make it always nohead
local heading "nohead"
local heading "nohead"
} /* quietly */
* display the fix command
if "`fixcutCollect'"~="" {
*di in yel `" logcut`original' fixcut(`fixcutCollect')"'
gettoken one two: fixcutCollect, parse(" ")
di in yel `" fixcut(`one'`two')"'
* display unless temp file was used or not given at all (used the current file in memory)
if "`tempfile'"~="tempfile" & `"`usingTerm'"'~="" {
local usingTerm `"`use'"'
local cl_text `"{browse `"`usingTerm'"'}"'
noi di as txt `"`cl_text'"'
* export files
local doit
local doit "`doit'`excel'"
local doit "`doit'`word'"
local doit "`doit'`tex'"
local doit "`doit'`dta'"
if `"`doit'"'~="" {
* add one row if 2 or less
local N=_N
if `N'<3 {
qui {
tempvar order
if `N'==0 {
set obs 3
else {
* `N'==1 | `N'==2
gen `order'=_n
set obs 3
local N=_N
replace `order'=0 in `N'
sort `order'
drop `order'
if "`dec'"~="" {
local noauto "noauto"
if "`save'"=="" {
noi di in red "must specify {opt save( )}"
exit 198
* workaround for names
local names `"`r(varlist)'"'
local strippednameUse `"`strippedname'"'
if `"`strippedname'"'=="" {
local strippednameUse `"`strippedname1'"'
_dataout, save(`"`strippednameUse'"') `excel' `tex' `word' `dta' `replace' `heading' `noauto' auto(`auto') dec(`dec')
* folder
local num 1
foreach var of varlist _all {
local temp: word `num' of `names'
ren `var' `temp'
local num=`num'+1
file open `saving' using `save', write text replace
forval linenum=1/`=_N' {
local content=raw[`linenum']
file write `saving' `"`macval(content)'"' _n
local linenum = `linenum' + 1
file close _all
program define _logfix
version `version'
qui {
syntax, use(string) FIX1(numlist) [fixcut(numlist)]
*** determine the widths of file
local infix
forval num=1/45 {
local infix "`infix' str1 t`num' `num'-`num'"
infix `infix' using `"`use'"', clear
local col_size 45
* checking the end of file:
count if t41~=""
local rN41 `r(N)'
count if t42~=""
local rN42 `r(N)'
count if t43~=""
local rN43 `r(N)'
count if t44~=""
local rN44 `r(N)'
count if t45~=""
local rN45 `r(N)'
local count=`rN41'+`rN42'+`rN43'+`rN44'+`rN45'
if `count'~=0 {
* do over
local infix
forval num=1/495 {
local infix "`infix' str1 t`num' `num'-`num'"
infix `infix' using `"`use'"', clear
local col_size 495
*drop if t1=="-" & t2=="-" & t3=="-" & t4=="-" & t5=="-"
_infix, use(`use') fix1(`fix1') col_size(`col_size') fixcut(`fixcut')
/* example
gen indicate=1 if rowmiss==0
replace indicate=sum(indicate)
*logout, save(mystuff1) excel fix(10) replace noauto: reg price mpg rep78 head
*logout, save(mystuff2) excel nowipe replace noauto: reg price mpg rep78 head
_infix in 8/`=_N', use(`use') fix1(10) col_size(`col_size') fixcut(`fixcut')
gen wave=2
save fixing, replace
_infix in 1/7, use(`use') fix1(19) col_size(`col_size') fixcut(`fixcut')
append using fixing
replace wave=1 if wave==.
aorder t*
logleft, wave_top(1) wave_bot(2)
cap drop rowmiss
cap drop indicate
* return
c_local fixcutCollect `"`fixcutCollect'"'
end /* logfix */
program define logleft
syntax, wave_top(numlist) wave_bot(numlist)
unab varList: t*
tokenize `varList'
local varCount: word count varList
local var1 1
local var2 2
while "``var2''"~="" {
count if ``var1''~="" & wave==`wave_top'
local rN1_top=r(N)
count if ``var1''~="" & wave==`wave_bot'
local rN1_bot=r(N)
count if ``var2''~="" & wave==`wave_top'
local rN2_top=r(N)
count if ``var2''~="" & wave==`wave_bot'
local rN2_bot=r(N)
if `rN1_top'~=0 & `rN1_bot'==0 & `rN2_top'==0 & `rN2_bot'~=0 {
replace ``var1''=``var2'' if wave==`wave_bot'
drop ``var2''
local var1=`var1'+1
local var2=`var2'+1
else if `rN1_top'==0 & `rN1_bot'~=0 & `rN2_top'~=0 & `rN2_bot'==0 {
replace ``var1''=``var2'' if wave==`wave_top'
drop ``var2''
local var1=`var1'+1
local var2=`var2'+1
else if `rN1_top'==0 & `rN1_bot'==0 {
drop ``var1''
local var1=`var1'+1
local var2=`var2'+1
program define _infix
version `version'
qui {
syntax [in], use(string) FIX1(numlist) col_size(numlist) [fixcut(numlist)]
local infix
forval num=1/`col_size' {
local infix "`infix' str1 t`num' `num'-`num'"
infix `infix' `in' using `"`use'"', clear
* must be beyond square
local N=_N
if `N'<`col_size' {
local new_size=`col_size'+5
set obs `new_size'
* replace the lines
tokenize `dsVarlist'
local num 0
local one=1+`num'
local two=2+`num'
local three=3+`num'
* 165, 127, 216
while "``three''"~="" {
replace ``one''="<22><EFBFBD>" if ``one''=="-" & ``two''=="-" & ``three''=="-"
replace ``two''="<22><EFBFBD>" if ``one''=="<22><EFBFBD>" & ``two''=="-" & ``three''=="-"
replace ``three''="<22><EFBFBD>" if ``one''=="<22><EFBFBD>" & ``two''=="<22><EFBFBD>" & ``three''=="-"
replace ``three''="<22><EFBFBD>" if ``one''=="<22><EFBFBD>" & ``two''=="<22><EFBFBD>" & ``three''=="+"
local num=`num'+1
local one=1+`num'
local two=2+`num'
local three=3+`num'
local thisMany: word count `dsVarlist'
gen height=.
forval num=1/`col_size' {
qui count if t`num'~="" & t`num'~="<22><EFBFBD>"
di "`r(N)' " _c
replace height=`r(N)' in `num'
gen id=_n if _n<=100
line height id
sort height
drop id
gen id=_n if _n<=100
line height id
sum height, det
forval wave=1/50 {
* limit
local times=`fix1'/1000*`wave'
local parameter=`r(max)'*`times'
gen trend`wave'=.
replace trend`wave'=-1 if (height<height[_n-1]-`parameter' & height[_n-1]~=.)
gen minima`wave'=.
*replace minima`wave'=1 if trend`wave'==-1 & height<`parameter'
replace minima`wave'=1 if trend`wave'==-1
* replace if still dropping in height
forval num=1/10 {
replace minima`wave'=0 if minima`wave'==1 & height>=height[_n+1]==1
replace minima`wave'=1 if minima`wave'[_n-1]==0 & minima`wave'==.
egen minima=rsum(minima*)
order minima*
*tab minima
local infix
local begin 1
forval num=1/`thisMany' {
local content=minima[`num']
if `content'>25 {
local width=`num'-`begin'+1
local infix "`infix' str`width' t`num' `begin'-`num'"
local begin=`num'+1
* noi di "`infix'"
infix `infix' `in' using `"`use'"', clear
local infix
local fixcutCollect
local begin 1
* automatically infix
forval num=1/`thisMany' {
local content=minima[`num']
if `content'>25 {
local width=`num'-`begin'+1
local infix "`infix' str`width' t`num' `begin'-`num'"
local fixcutCollect "`fixcutCollect' `num'"
local begin=`num'+1
*noi di in red "`infix'"
*noi di in red "`fixcutCollect'"
infix `infix' `in' using `"`use'"', clear
if "`fixcut'"~="" {
local infix
local fixcutCollect
local begin 1
* manually infix
local num 1
tokenize `fixcut'
while "``num''"~="" {
local width=``num''-`begin'+1
local infix "`infix' str`width' t``num'' `begin'-``num''"
local fixcutCollect "`fixcutCollect' ``num''"
local begin=``num''+1
local num=`num'+1
*noi di in red "`infix'"
*noi di in red "`fixcutCollect'"
infix `infix' `in' using `"`use'"', clear
local fixcut fixcutCollect
* drop verticals first
local N=_N
foreach var of varlist _all {
count if `var'=="|"
if `r(N)'>.5*`N' {
drop `var'
* stronger codes for manual infix as well
* replace the horizontal lines
tempvar length test
cap gen `length'=.
cap gen `test'=.
foreach var of varlist _all {
cap replace `length'=length(`var')
cap replace `test'=(`length'-length(subinstr(`var',"-","",.)))/`length' if `length'>2
cap replace `var'="" if `test'>=0.5
drop `length' `test'
/* older
* replace the horizontal lines
tempvar length test
cap gen `length'=.
cap gen str7 `test'=""
foreach var of varlist _all {
cap replace `length'=length(`var')
cap replace `test'=subinstr(`var',"-","",.) if `length'>2
cap replace `var'="" if `test'==""
drop `length' `test'
/* oldest
replace the horizontal lines
foreach var of varlist _all {
local N=_N
forval num=1/`N' {
local content=`var'[`num']
local length=length(`"`content'"')
if `length'>2 {
local test : subinstr local content "-" "", all
if "`test'"=="" {
replace `var'="" in `num'
} /* quietly */
************ needs to cut at left if not rising anymore
* drop extra columns indiscriminately
* this is slow
foreach var of varlist _all {
count if `var'==""
if r(N)==_N {
drop `var'
* drop from top
gen rowmiss=0
foreach var of varlist _all {
* cap because rowmiss is non-string
cap replace rowmiss=rowmiss+1 if `var'~="" & "`var'"~="rowmiss"
local N=_N
local oldN
while "`N'"~="`oldN'" {
local oldN=_N
drop in 1 if rowmiss==0
local N=_N
* drop from bottom
local N=_N
local oldN
while "`N'"~="`oldN'" {
local oldN=_N
drop in `oldN' if rowmiss==0
local N=_N
* return
c_local fixcutCollect `"`fixcutCollect'"'
end /* _infix */
*** ripped from dataout Apr 2008
program define _dataout
syntax [using/], [save(string) excel tex word dta NOHEAD HEAD replace NOAUTO auto(integer 3) dec(numlist int >=0 <=11)]
version 7
if "`fix1'"~="" {
local fix "fix"
if `"`using'"'=="" & "`save'"=="" {
noi di in red "must specify {opt using} or {opt save( )}"
exit 198
if "`using'"~="" {
* attach .txt if nothing attached
local beg_dot = index(`"`using'"',".")
if `beg_dot'==0 {
local using `"`using'.txt"'
if "`save'"=="" {
* assign save name
local beg_dot = index(`"`using'"',".")
local strippedname = substr(`"`using'"',1,`=`beg_dot'-1')
local save "`strippedname'_logout.txt"
else {
* assign save name
local beg_dot = index(`"`save'"',".")
if `beg_dot'~=0 {
local strippedname = substr(`"`save'"',1,`=`beg_dot'-1')
local save `"`strippedname'.txt"'
else {
* `save' has no extension
local strippedname `"`save'"'
local save `"`save'.txt"'
if `"`using'"'=="" {
* if using file was not specified but save was:
local beg_dot = index(`"`save'"',".")
if `beg_dot'~=0 {
local strippedname = substr(`"`save'"',1,`=`beg_dot'-1')
else {
local strippedname `"`save'"'
qui {
if `"`using'"'~="" {
qui insheet using `"`using'"', noname clear
*foreach var of varlist _all {
* tostring `var', replace force
if "`dec'"~="" {
* apply decimals
foreach var of varlist _all {
local N=_N
forval num=1/`N' {
local content=`var'[`num']
capture confirm number `content'
if _rc==0 {
* only if a number
replace `var' = string(`content',"%12.`dec'fc") in `num'
else {
* only if not a number
*replace `var'=`"`content'"' in `num'
if "`noauto'"~="noauto" & "`dec'"=="" {
* apply autodigits
foreach var of varlist _all {
local N=_N
forval num=1/`N' {
local content=`var'[`num']
capture confirm number `content'
if _rc==0 {
* only if a number
autodigits2 `content' `auto' `less'
replace `var' = string(`content',"%12.`r(valstr)'") in `num'
else {
* only if not a number
*replace `var'=`"`content'"' in `num'
if ("`nohead'"~="nohead" & `"`using'"'=="") | "`head'"=="head" {
* moves the variable names down
local N=_N+1
tempvar id
gen `id'=_n
set obs `N'
replace `id'=0 in `N'
sort `id'
drop `id'
local num 1
foreach var of varlist _all {
replace `var'="`var'" in 1
* needs to be renamed regardless
local num 1
foreach var of varlist _all {
ren `var' v`num'
local num=`num'+1
*** dta file thing
if "`dta'"=="dta" {
cap confirm file `"`strippedname'.dta"'
if !_rc & "`replace'"~="replace" {
* it exists
noi di in red `"`strippedname'.dta exists; specify {opt replace}"'
exit 198
save `"`strippedname'"', replace
*local usingTerm `"`strippedname'.dta"'
*local cl `"{browse logout, seefile(`"`usingTerm'"'):`usingTerm'}"'
*noi di as txt `"`cl'"'
*** Excel xml file thing
if "`excel'"=="excel" {
tempfile file1
cap confirm file `"`strippedname'.xml"'
if !_rc & "`replace'"~="replace" {
* it exists
noi di in red `"`strippedname'.xml exists; specify {opt replace}"'
exit 198
save `file1', replace
if "`raw'"=="raw" {
replace raw=`"""' + raw + `"""'
local titleWide 0
local headBorder 1
local N=_N
local bottomBorder `N'
*use `outing',clear
* _xmlout using `"`strippedname'"', excelFile(`excelFile') nonames titleWide(`titleWide') /*
* */ headBorder(`headBorder') bottomBorder(`bottomBorder')
local N=_N
_xmlout using `"`strippedname'"', nonames headBorder(1) bottomBorder(`N')
local usingTerm `"`strippedname'.xml"'
local cl `"{browse `"`usingTerm'"'}"'
noi di as txt `"`cl'"'
use `file1', clear
if "`word'"=="word" | "`tex'"=="tex" {
cap preserve
if ("`nohead'"=="nohead" & `"`using'"'~="") & "`head'"~="head" {
* `using' indicates
* files not yet named v*
local num 1
foreach var of varlist _all {
ren `var' v`num'
local num=`num'+1
*** Word rtf file thing
if "`word'"=="word" {
cap confirm file `"`strippedname'.rtf"'
if !_rc & "`replace'"~="replace" {
* it exists
noi di in red `"`strippedname'.rtf exists; specify {opt replace}"'
exit 198
local titleWide 0
local headBorder 2
local N=_N
local bottomBorder `N'
local totrows `N'
* there must be varlist to avoid error
*_wordout v* `"`using'"', titleWide(`titleWide') headBorder(`headBorder') bottomBorder(`bottomBorder') replace nopretty
_wordout v* using `"`strippedname'"', wordFile(`wordFile') titleWide(`titleWide') /*
*/ headBorder(`headBorder') bottomBorder(`bottomBorder') replace nopretty
local temp `r(documentname)'
* strip off "using" and quotes
gettoken part rest: temp, parse(" ")
gettoken usingTerm second: rest, parse(" ")
local cl_word `"{browse `"`usingTerm'"'}"'
noi di as txt `"`cl_word'"'
*** LaTeX thing
*** (will mess up the original file)
if "`tex'"=="tex" {
local titleWide 0
local headBorder 1
local N=_N
local bottomBorder `N'
cap confirm file `"`strippedname'.tex"'
if !_rc & "`replace'"~="replace" {
* it exists
noi di in red `"`strippedname'.tex exists; specify {opt replace}"'
exit 198
* make certain `1' is not `"`using'"' (another context)
_texout v* using `"`strippedname'"', texFile(`texFile') titleWide(`titleWide') headBorder(`headBorder') bottomBorder(`bottomBorder') `texopts' replace
if `"`texFile'"'=="" {
local endName "tex"
else {
local endName "`texFile'"
local usingTerm `"`strippedname'.`endName'"'
local cl_tex `"{browse `"`usingTerm'"'}"'
noi di as txt `"`cl_tex'"'
} /* quietly */
*** ripped from outreg2 Mar 2008
program define autodigits2, rclass
version 7.0
* getting the significant digits
args input auto less
if `input'~=. {
local times=0
local left=0
* integer checked by modified mod function
if round((`input' - int(`input')),0.0000000001)==0 {
local whole=1
else {
local whole=0
* non-interger
if `input'<. {
* digits that need to be moved if it were only decimals: take the ceiling of log 10 of absolute value of decimals
local times=abs(int(ln(abs(`input'-int(`input')))/ln(10)-1))
* the whole number: take the ceiling of log 10 of absolute value
local left=int(ln(abs(`input'))/ln(10)+1)
* assign the fixed decimal values into aadec
if `whole'==1 {
local aadec=0
else if .>`left' & `left'>0 {
* reduce the left by one if more than zero to accept one extra digit
if `left'<=`auto' {
local aadec=`auto'-`left'+1
else {
local aadec=0
else {
local aadec=`times'+`auto'-1
if "`less'"=="" {
* needs to between 0 and 11
if `aadec'<0 {
local aadec=0
*if `aadec'<11 {
if `aadec'<7 {
* use fixed
local valstr "`aadec'f"
else {
* use exponential
local valstr "`=`auto'-1'e"
else {
* needs to between 0 and 11
local aadec=`aadec'-`less'
if `aadec'<0 {
local aadec=0
*if `aadec'<10 {
if `aadec'<7 {
* use fixed
local valstr "`aadec'f"
else {
* use exponential
local valstr "`=`auto'-1'e"
* make it exponential if too big
if `input'>1000000 & `input'<. {
local valstr "`=`auto'-0'e"
* make it exponential if too negative (small)
if `input'<-1000000 & `input'<. {
local valstr "`=`auto'-0'e"
return scalar value=`aadec'
return local valstr="`valstr'"
else {
* it is a missing value
return scalar value=.
return local valstr="missing"
* ripped from outreg2 on Apr2009
* 27oct2009 nopretty fixed
program define _texout, sortpreserve
* based on out2tex version 0.9 4oct01 by
version 7.0
* add one if only one v* column exists
unab list: v*
local count: word count `list'
if `count'==1 {
gen str v2=""
order v*
if `count'==0 {
if "`1'" == "using" {
syntax using/ [, texFile(string) Landscape Fragment NOPRetty PRetty /*
*/ Fontsize(numlist integer max=1 >=10 <=12) noBorder Cellborder /*
*/ Appendpage noPAgenum a4 a5 b5 LETter LEGal EXecutive replace /*
*/ Fast ]
if "`pretty'"=="pretty" {
local nopretty ""
if "`fast'" == "" {
loadout using `"`using'"', clear
local numcol = `r(numcol)'
local titleWide = `r(titleWide)'
local headBorder = `r(headBorder)'
local bottomBorder = `r(bottomBorder)'
local totrows = _N
local varname "v1"
unab statvars : v2-v`numcol'
else {
syntax varlist using/, titleWide(int) headBorder(int) bottomBorder(int) /*
*/ [texFile(string) TOtrows(int 0) Landscape Fragment NOPRetty PRetty /*
*/ Fontsize(numlist integer max=1 >=10 <=12) noBorder Cellborder /*
*/ Appendpage noPAgenum a4 a5 b5 LETter LEGal EXecutive replace ]
if `totrows'==0 {
local totrows = _N
local numcols : word count `varlist'
gettoken varname statvars : varlist
local fast 1
if "`pretty'"=="pretty" {
local pretty ""
else {
local pretty "NOT PRETTY AT ALL"
local colhead1 = `titleWide' + 1
local strow1 = `headBorder' + 1
* insert $<$ to be handled in LaTeX conversion
local N=_N
forval num=`bottomBorder'/`N' {
local temp=v1[`num']
tokenize `"`temp'"', parse (" <")
local count 1
local newTex ""
local noSpace 0
while `"``count''"'~="" {
if `"``count''"'=="<" {
local `count' "$<$"
local newTex `"`newTex'``count''"'
local noSpace 1
else {
if `noSpace'~=1 {
local newTex `"`newTex' ``count''"'
else {
local newTex `"`newTex'``count''"'
local noSpace 0
local count=`count'+1
replace v1=`"`newTex'"' in `num'
*** replace if equation column present
count if v1=="EQUATION"
if `r(N)'~=0 {
tempvar myvar
* use v2 instead
replace v1 = v2 in `=`bottomBorder'+1'/`totrows'
replace v2 = "" in `=`bottomBorder'+1'/`totrows'
* change the string length
gen str5 `myvar' =""
replace `myvar' =v2
drop v2
ren `myvar' v2
order v1 v2
/* if file extension specified in `"`using'"', replace it with ".tex" for output
local next_dot = index(`"`using'"', ".")
if `next_dot' {
local using = substr("`using'",1,`=`next_dot'-1')
if `"`texFile'"'=="" {
local endName "tex"
else {
local endName "`texFile'"
local using `"using "`using'.`endName'""'
local fsize = ("`fontsize'" != "")
if `fsize' {
local fontsize "`fontsize'pt"
local lscp = ("`landscape'" != "")
if (`lscp' & `fsize') {
local landscape ",landscape"
local pretty = ("`pretty'" == "")
local cborder = ("`cellborder'" != "")
local noborder = ("`border'" != "")
local nopagen = ("`pagenum'" != "")
local nofrag = ("`fragment'" == "")
if `cborder' & `noborder' {
di in red "may not specify both cellborder and noborder options"
exit 198
local nopt : word count `a4' `a5' `b5' `letter' `legal' `executive'
if `nopt' > 1 {
di in red "choose only one of a4, a5, b5, letter, legal, executive"
exit 198
local pagesize "`a4'`a5'`b5'`letter'`legal'`executive'"
if "`pagesize'"=="" | "`letter'"!="" {
local pwidth "8.5in"
local pheight "11in"
else if "`legal'"!="" {
local pwidth "8.5in"
local pheight "14in"
else if "`executive'"!="" {
local pwidth "7.25in"
local pheight "10.5in"
else if "`a4'"!="" {
local pwidth "210mm"
local pheight "297mm"
else if "`a5'"!="" {
local pwidth "148mm"
local pheight "210mm"
else if "`b5'"!="" {
local pwidth "176mm"
local pheight "250mm"
if `lscp' {
local temp "`pwidth'"
local pwidth "`pheight'"
local pheight "`temp'"
if "`pagesize'"!="" {
local pagesize "`pagesize'paper"
if (`lscp' | `fsize') {
local pagesize ",`pagesize'"
if `cborder' & `noborder' {
di in red "may not specify both cellborder and noborder options"
exit 198
quietly {
tempvar has_eqn st2_row last_st pad0 pad1 pad2_n padN order
* replace % with \%, and _ with \_ if <2 $'s (i.e. not an inline equation: $...$
* has_eqn indicates that varname has 2+ $'s
gen byte `has_eqn' = index(`varname',"$")
* make sure there are 2+ "$" in varname
replace `has_eqn' = index(substr(`varname',`has_eqn'+1,.),"$")>0 if `has_eqn'>0
replace `varname'= subinstr(`varname',"_", "\_", .) if !`has_eqn'
replace `varname'= subinstr(`varname',"%", "\%", .)
if `pretty' {
replace `varname'= subinword(`varname',"R-squared", "\$R^2$", 1) in `strow1'/`bottomBorder'
replace `varname'= subinstr(`varname'," t stat", " \em t \em stat", 1) in `bottomBorder'/`totrows'
replace `varname'= subinstr(`varname'," z stat", " \em z \em stat", 1) in `bottomBorder'/`totrows'
foreach svar of local statvars { /* make replacements for column headings rows of statvars */
replace `has_eqn' = index(`svar',"$") in `colhead1'/`headBorder'
replace `has_eqn' = index(substr(`svar',`has_eqn'+1,.),"$")>0 in `colhead1'/`headBorder' if `has_eqn'>0
replace `svar'= subinstr(`svar',"_", "\_", .) in `colhead1'/`headBorder' if !`has_eqn'
replace `svar'= subinstr(`svar',"%", "\%", .) in `colhead1'/`headBorder'
/* replace <, >, {, }, | with $<$, $>$, \{, \}, and $|$ in stats rows */
/* which can be used as brackets by outstat */
replace `svar'= subinstr(`svar',"<", "$<$", .) in `strow1'/`bottomBorder'
replace `svar'= subinstr(`svar',">", "$>$", .) in `strow1'/`bottomBorder'
replace `svar'= subinstr(`svar',"{", "\{", .) in `strow1'/`bottomBorder'
replace `svar'= subinstr(`svar',"}", "\}", .) in `strow1'/`bottomBorder'
replace `svar'= subinstr(`svar',"|", "$|$", .) in `strow1'/`bottomBorder'
if `pretty' { /* make title fonts large; notes & t stats small */
local blarge "\begin{large}"
local elarge "\end{large}"
local bfnsize "\begin{footnotesize}"
local efnsize "\end{footnotesize}"
if `cborder' {
local vline "|"
gen str20 `pad0' = ""
gen str20 `padN' = ""
if `titleWide' {
replace `pad0' = "\multicolumn{`numcols'}{`vline'c`vline'}{`blarge'" in 1 / `titleWide'
replace `padN' = "`elarge'} \\\" in 1 / `titleWide'
if `bottomBorder' < `totrows' {
local noterow1 = `bottomBorder' + 1
replace `pad0' = "\multicolumn{`numcols'}{`vline'c`vline'}{`bfnsize'" in `noterow1' / l
replace `padN' = "`efnsize'} \\\" in `noterow1' / l
gen str3 `pad1' = " & " in `colhead1' / `bottomBorder'
if `numcols' > 2 {
gen str3 `pad2_n' = `pad1'
if `pretty' { /* make stats 2-N small font */
local strow1 = `headBorder' + 1
gen byte `st2_row' = 0
replace `st2_row' = (trim(`varname') == "") in `strow1' / `bottomBorder' /* only stats 2+ */
gen byte `last_st' = (`st2_row' & `varname'[_n+1] != "") /* last stats row */
if !`cborder' {
replace `pad0' = "\vspace{4pt}" if `last_st'
replace `pad1' = `pad1' + "`bfnsize'" if `st2_row'
if `numcols' > 2 {
replace `pad2_n' = "`efnsize'" + `pad2_n' + "`bfnsize'" if `st2_row'
replace `padN' = "`efnsize'" if `st2_row'
replace `padN' = `padN' + " \\\" in `colhead1' / `bottomBorder'
if `cborder' {
replace `padN' = `padN' + " \hline"
else {
if !`noborder' {
if `headBorder' {
if `titleWide' {
replace `padN' = `padN' + " \hline" in `titleWide'
replace `padN' = `padN' + " \hline" in `headBorder'
replace `padN' = `padN' + " \hline" in `bottomBorder'
local vlist "`pad0' `varname' `pad1'"
tokenize `statvars'
local ncols_1 = `numcols' - 1
local ncols_2 = `ncols_1' - 1
forvalues v = 1/`ncols_2' {
local vlist "`vlist' ``v'' `pad2_n'"
local vlist "`vlist' ``ncols_1'' `padN'"
local texheadfootrows = `nofrag' + `pretty' + 1 /* in both headers and footers */
local texheadrow = 2 * `nofrag' + `nopagen' + `texheadfootrows'
local texfootrow = `texheadfootrows'
local newtotrows = `totrows' + `texheadrow' + `texfootrow'
if `newtotrows' > _N {
local oldN = _N
set obs `newtotrows'
else {
local oldN = 0
gen long `order' = _n + `texheadrow' in 1 / `totrows'
local newtexhrow1 = `totrows' + 1
local newtexhrowN = `totrows' + `texheadrow'
replace `order' = _n - `totrows' in `newtexhrow1' / `newtexhrowN'
sort `order'
* insert TeX header lines
local ccc : display _dup(`ncols_1') "`vline'c"
if `nofrag' {
replace `pad0' = "\documentclass[`fontsize'`landscape'`pagesize']{article}" in 1
replace `pad0' = "\setlength{\pdfpagewidth}{`pwidth'} \setlength{\pdfpageheight}{`pheight'}" in 2
replace `pad0' = "\begin{document}" in 3
replace `pad0' = "\end{document}" in `newtotrows'
if `nopagen' {
local row = `texheadrow' - 1 - `pretty'
replace `pad0' = "\thispagestyle{empty}" in `row'
if `pretty' {
local row = `texheadrow' - 1
replace `pad0' = "\begin{center}" in `row'
local row = `newtotrows' - `texfootrow' + 2
replace `pad0' = "\end{center}" in `row'
local row = `texheadrow'
replace `pad0' = "\begin{tabular}{`vline'l`ccc'`vline'}" in `row'
if (!`titleWide' | `cborder') & !`noborder' {
replace `pad0' = `pad0' + " \hline" in `row'
local row = `newtotrows' - `texfootrow' + 1
replace `pad0' = "\end{tabular}" in `row'
outfile `vlist' `using' in 1/`newtotrows', `replace' runtogether
* delete new rows created for TeX table, if any
if `oldN' {
keep in 1/`totrows'
} /* quietly */
end /* end _texout */
* ripped from outreg2 on Mar2009
program define _wordout, sortpreserve rclass
version 7.0
* based on version 0.9 4oct01 by
if "`1'" == "using" {
syntax using/ [, wordFile(string) Landscape Fragment noPRetty /*
*/ Fontsize(numlist max=1 >0) noBorder Cellborder /*
*/ Appendpage PAgesize(string) /*
*/ Lmargin(numlist max=1 >=0.5) Rmargin(numlist max=1 >=0.5) /*
*/ Tmargin(numlist max=1 >=0.5) Bmargin(numlist max=1 >=0.5) /*
*/ replace Fast]
if "`fast'" == "" {preserve}
loadout using `"`using'"', clear
local numcol = `r(numcol)'
local titleWide = `r(titleWide)'
local headBorder = `r(headBorder)'
local bottomBorder = `r(bottomBorder)'
local totrows = _N
local varname "v1"
unab statvars : v2-v`numcol'
else {
syntax varlist using/, titleWide(int) headBorder(int) bottomBorder(int) /*
*/ [wordFile(string) TOtrows(int 0) Landscape Fragment noPRetty /*
*/ Fontsize(numlist max=1 >0) noBorder Cellborder /*
*/ Appendpage PAgesize(string) /*
*/ Lmargin(numlist max=1 >=0.5) Rmargin(numlist max=1 >=0.5) /*
*/ Tmargin(numlist max=1 >=0.5) Bmargin(numlist max=1 >=0.5) /*
*/ replace]
if `totrows'==0 {
local totrows = _N
local numcols : word count `varlist'
gettoken varname statvars : varlist
local fast 1
local colhead1 = `titleWide' + 1
local strow1 = `headBorder' + 1
*** replace if equation column present
local hack 0
count if v1=="EQUATION"
if `r(N)'~=0 {
* use v2 instead
replace v1 = v2 in `=`bottomBorder'+1'/`totrows'
replace v2 = "" in `=`bottomBorder'+1'/`totrows'
* change the string length
gen str5 myvar =""
replace myvar =v2
drop v2
ren myvar v2
order v1 v2
local hack 1
/* if file extension specified in `"`using'"', replace it with ".rtf" for output
local next_dot = index(`"`using'"', ".")
if `next_dot' {
local using = substr(`"`using'"',1,`=`next_dot'-1')
if `"`wordFile'"'=="" {
local endName "rtf"
else {
local endName "`wordFile'"
local using `"using "`using'.`endName'""'
return local documentname `"`using'"'
if "`fontsize'" == "" {
local fontsize "12"
local lscp = ("`landscape'" != "")
local pretty = ("`pretty'" == "")
local cborder = ("`cellborder'" != "")
local noborder = ("`border'" != "")
local stdborder = (!`noborder' & !`cborder')
local nopagen = ("`pagenum'" != "")
local nofrag = ("`fragment'" == "")
if `cborder' & !`noborder' {
di in red "may not specify both cellborder and noborder options"
exit 198
* reformat "R-squared" and italicize "t" or "z"
if `pretty' {
quietly {
replace `varname'= subinword(`varname',"R-squared", "{\i R{\super 2}}", 1) in `strow1'/`bottomBorder'
replace `varname'= subinstr(`varname'," t stat", " {\i t} stat", 1) in `bottomBorder'/`totrows'
replace `varname'= subinstr(`varname'," z stat", " {\i z} stat", 1) in `bottomBorder'/`totrows'
* font sizes in points*2
local font2 = int(`fontsize'*2)
if `pretty' {
/* make title fonts large; notes & t stats small */
local fslarge = "\fs" + string(int(`font2' * 1.2))
local fsmed = "\fs" + string(`font2')
local fssmall = "\fs" + string(int(`font2' * 0.8))
local sa0 "\sa0" /* put space after t stats rows */
local gapsize = int(`fontsize'*0.4*20) /* 40% of point size converted to twips */
local sa_gap "\sa`gapsize'"
else {
local fs0 = "\fs" + string(`font2')
local onecolhead = (`headBorder' - `titleWide' == 1)
/* onecolhead = true if only one row of column headings */
if `stdborder' {
if !`onecolhead' {
* runs here
*local trbrdrt "\clbrdrt\brdrs" /* table top is overlined */
*local trbrdrt "\trbrdrt\brdrs" /* table top is overlined */
local clbrdr_uo "\clbrdrt\brdrs" /* cells are overlined */
local clbrdr_ul "\clbrdrb\brdrs" /* cells are underlined */
else {
/* cells are over- and underlined */
local clbrdr_ul "\clbrdrt\brdrs\clbrdrb\brdrs"
local trbrdrb "\trbrdrb\brdrs"
if `cborder' {
/* if !cborder then clbrdr is blank */
local clbrdr "\clbrdrt\brdrs\clbrdrb\brdrs\clbrdrl\brdrs\clbrdrr\brdrs"
* figure out max str widths to make cell boundaries
* cell width in twips = (max str width) * (pt size) * 12
* (12 found by trial and error)
local twipconst = int(`fontsize' * 12 )
tempvar newvarname
qui gen str80 `newvarname' = `varname' in `strow1'/`bottomBorder'
local newvarlist "`newvarname' `statvars'"
qui compress `newvarlist'
local cellpos = 0
foreach avar of local newvarlist {
local strwidth : type `avar'
local strwidth = subinstr("`strwidth'", "str", "", .)
local strwidth = `strwidth' + 1 /* add buffer */
local cellpos = `cellpos' + `strwidth'*`twipconst'
* hacking
if `hack'==1 & "`avar'"=="`newvarname'" & `cellpos'<1350 {
local cellpos=1350
local clwidths "`clwidths'`clbrdr'\cellx`cellpos'"
* put in underline at bottom of header in clwidth_ul
local clwidth_ul "`clwidth_ul'`clbrdr_ul'\cellx`cellpos'"
* put in overline
local clwidth_ol "`clwidth_ol'`clbrdr_uo'\cellx`cellpos'"
if `stdborder' {
if `onecolhead' {
local clwidth1 "`clwidth_ul'"
else {
local clwidth1 "`clwidths'"
local clwidth2 "`clwidth_ul'"
local clwidth3 "`clwidths'"
local clwidth1 "`clwidths'"
* statistics row formatting
tempvar prettyfmt
qui gen str12 `prettyfmt' = "" /* empty unless `pretty' */
if `pretty' {
* make stats 2-N small font
tempvar st2_row last_st
quietly {
gen byte `st2_row' = 0
replace `st2_row' = (trim(`varname') == "") in `strow1' / `bottomBorder' /* only stats 2+ */
gen byte `last_st' = (`st2_row' & `varname'[_n+1] != "") /* last stats row */
replace `prettyfmt' = "`sa0'" in `strow1' / `bottomBorder'
replace `prettyfmt' = "`sa_gap'" if `last_st' in `strow1' / `bottomBorder'
replace `prettyfmt' = `prettyfmt' + "`fsmed'" if !`st2_row' in `strow1' / `bottomBorder'
replace `prettyfmt' = `prettyfmt' + "`fssmall'" if `st2_row' in `strow1' / `bottomBorder'
* create macros with file write contents
forvalues row = `colhead1'/`bottomBorder' {
local svarfmt`row' `"(`prettyfmt'[`row']) "\ql " (`varname'[`row']) "\cell""'
foreach avar of local statvars {
local svarfmt`row' `"`svarfmt`row''"\qc " (`avar'[`row']) "\cell""'
local svarfmt`row' `"`svarfmt`row''"\row" _n"'
* write file
tempname rtfile
file open `rtfile' `using', write `replace'
file write `rtfile' "{\rtf1`fs0'" _n /* change if not roman: \deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\froman}} */
* title
if `titleWide' {
file write `rtfile' "\pard\qc`fslarge'" _n
forvalues row = 1/`titleWide' {
file write `rtfile' (`varname'[`row']) "\par" _n
* The top line
file write `rtfile' "\trowd\trgaph75\trleft-75\intbl\trqc`fsmed'`trbrdrt'`clwidth_ol'" _n
*file write `rtfile' "\trowd\trgaph75\trleft-75\intbl\trqc`fsmed'`trbrdrt'`clwidth1'" _n
local headBorder_1 = `headBorder' - 1
* write header rows 1 to N-1
forvalues row = `colhead1'/`headBorder_1' {
file write `rtfile' `svarfmt`row''
* turn off the overlining the first time it's run
file write `rtfile' "\trowd\trgaph75\trleft-75\trqc`clwidth3'" _n
file write `rtfile' "\trowd\trgaph75\trleft-75\trqc`clwidth2'" _n
* write last header row
file write `rtfile' `svarfmt`headBorder''
local bottomBorder_1 = `bottomBorder' - 1
/* turn off cell underlining */
file write `rtfile' "\trowd\trgaph75\trleft-75\trqc`clwidth3'" _n
* table contents
forvalues row = `strow1'/`bottomBorder_1' {
file write `rtfile' `svarfmt`row''
if `stdborder' {
/* write last row */
*file write `rtfile' "\trowd\trgaph75\trleft-75\trqc`trbrdrb'`clwidths'" _n
* make it underline
file write `rtfile' "\trowd\trgaph75\trleft-75\trqc`trbrdrb'`clwidth_ul'" _n
file write `rtfile' `svarfmt`bottomBorder''
/* write notes rows */
if `bottomBorder' < `totrows' {
local noterow1 = `bottomBorder' + 1
file write `rtfile' "\pard\qc`fssmall'" _n
forvalues row = `noterow1'/`totrows' {
file write `rtfile' (`varname'[`row']) "\par" _n
* write closing curly bracket
file write `rtfile' "}"
end /* end _wordout */
* ripped from outreg2 on Mar2009
program define _xmlout
version 7.0
version `version'
* emulates the output produced by xmlsave:
* xmlsave myfile, replace doctype(excel) legible
syntax using/ [, excelFile(string) LEGible noNAMes titleWide(integer 0) /*
*/ headBorder(integer 10) bottomBorder(integer 10) ]
* assumes all columns are string; if numbers, then the format needs to be checked
*local legible legible
if "`legible'"=="legible" {
local _n "_n"
tempname source saving
if `"`excelFile'"'=="" {
local endName "xml"
else {
local endName "`excelFile'"
local save `"`using'.`endName'"'
*file open `source' using `"`using'"', read
file open `saving' using `"`save'"', write text replace
*file write `saving' `"`macval(line)'"'
file write `saving' `"<?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII" standalone="yes"?>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"<?mso-application progid="Excel.Sheet"?>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"<Workbook xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet""' `_n'
file write `saving' `" xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office""' `_n'
file write `saving' `" xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel""' `_n'
file write `saving' `" xmlns:ss="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet""' `_n'
file write `saving' `" xmlns:html="">"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"<DocumentProperties xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"<Author></Author>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"<LastAuthor></LastAuthor>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"<Created></Created>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"<LastSaved></LastSaved>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"<Company></Company>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"<Version></Version>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"</DocumentProperties>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"<ExcelWorkbook xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel">"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"<ProtectStructure>False</ProtectStructure>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"<ProtectWindows>False</ProtectWindows>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"</ExcelWorkbook>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"<Styles>"' `_n'
* styles
file write `saving' `"<Style ss:ID="Default" ss:Name="Normal">"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"<Alignment ss:Vertical="Bottom"/>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"<Borders/>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"<Font/>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"<Interior/>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"<NumberFormat/>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"<Protection/>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"</Style>"' `_n'
* bold & (center)
file write `saving' `"<Style ss:ID="s1">"' `_n'
*file write `saving' `"<Alignment ss:Horizontal="Center" ss:Vertical="Bottom"/>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"<Font ss:Bold="1" ss:Size='12'/>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"<NumberFormat/>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"</Style>"' `_n'
* top border & center
file write `saving' `"<Style ss:ID="s21">"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"<Alignment ss:Horizontal="Center" ss:Vertical="Bottom"/>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"<NumberFormat/>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"<Borders>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"<Border ss:Position="Top" ss:LineStyle="Continuous" ss:Weight="1"/>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"</Borders>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"</Style>"' `_n'
* main body (no border) & center
file write `saving' `"<Style ss:ID="s22">"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"<Alignment ss:Horizontal="Center" ss:Vertical="Bottom"/>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"<NumberFormat/>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"</Style>"' `_n'
* bottom border & center
file write `saving' `"<Style ss:ID="s23">"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"<Alignment ss:Horizontal="Center" ss:Vertical="Bottom"/>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"<NumberFormat/>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"<Borders>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"<Border ss:Position="Bottom" ss:LineStyle="Continuous" ss:Weight="1"/>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"</Borders>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"</Style>"' `_n'
* goldfish (no border, left-justified)
file write `saving' `"<Style ss:ID="s24">"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"<NumberFormat/>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"</Style>"' `_n'
* top border
file write `saving' `"<Style ss:ID="s31">"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"<Borders>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"<Border ss:Position="Top" ss:LineStyle="Continuous" ss:Weight="1"/>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"</Borders>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"</Style>"' `_n'
* main body (no border)
file write `saving' `"<Style ss:ID="s32">"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"<Borders/>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"</Style>"' `_n'
* bottom border & center
file write `saving' `"<Style ss:ID="s33">"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"<Borders>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"<Border ss:Position="Bottom" ss:LineStyle="Continuous" ss:Weight="1"/>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"</Borders>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"</Style>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"</Styles>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"<Names>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"</Names>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"<Worksheet ss:Name="Sheet1">"' `_n'
* set up file size
qui describe, short
local N=_N
local tableN `N'
if "`names'"~="nonames" {
* add one if variable names are to be inserted
local tableN=`N'+1
else {
* add one for the look
local tableN=`N'+1
file write `saving' `"<Table ss:ExpandedColumnCount="`r(k)'" ss:ExpandedRowCount="`tableN'""' `_n'
file write `saving' `" x:FullColumns="1" x:FullRows="1">"' `_n'
* should be tostring and format here if dealing with numbers
* write the variable names at the top or empty row
if "`names'"~="nonames" {
file write `saving' `"<Row>"' `_n'
foreach var in `dsVarlist' {
if "`Version7'"~="" {
file write `saving' `"<Cell ss:StyleID="s1"><Data ss:Type="String">`macval(var)'</Data></Cell>"' _n
else {
file write `saving' `"<Cell ss:StyleID="s1"><Data ss:Type="String">`var'</Data></Cell>"' _n
file write `saving' `"</Row>"' `_n'
else {
file write `saving' `"<Row>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"</Row>"' `_n'
* title
local count `titleWide'
local total 1
while `count'~=0 {
xmlstack, saving(`saving') dsVarlist(`dsVarlist') num(`total') n(`N') style(`" ss:StyleID="s1""') style1(`" ss:StyleID="s1""')
local count=`count'-1
local total=`total'+1
* top border
local count=`total'
forval num=`count'/`count' {
xmlstack, saving(`saving') dsVarlist(`dsVarlist') num(`num') n(`N') style(`" ss:StyleID="s21""') style1(`" ss:StyleID="s31""')
local total=`total'+1
* ctitle
local count=`total'
forval num=`count'/`headBorder' {
xmlstack, saving(`saving') dsVarlist(`dsVarlist') num(`num') n(`N') style(`" ss:StyleID="s22""') style1(`" ss:StyleID="s32""')
local total=`total'+1
* top border (closes ctitle)
local count=`total'
forval num=`count'/`count' {
xmlstack, saving(`saving') dsVarlist(`dsVarlist') num(`num') n(`N') style(`" ss:StyleID="s21""') style1(`" ss:StyleID="s31""')
local total=`total'+1
* body
local count=`total'
forval num=`count'/`=`bottomBorder'-1' {
xmlstack, saving(`saving') dsVarlist(`dsVarlist') num(`num') n(`N') style(`" ss:StyleID="s22""') style1(`" ss:StyleID="s32""')
local total=`total'+1
* bottom border (closes body)
local count=`total'
forval num=`count'/`count' {
xmlstack, saving(`saving') dsVarlist(`dsVarlist') num(`num') n(`N') style(`" ss:StyleID="s23""') style1(`" ss:StyleID="s33""')
local total=`total'+1
* goldfish
if `N'>`total' {
local count=`total'
forval num=`count'/`N' {
xmlstack, saving(`saving') dsVarlist(`dsVarlist') num(`num') n(`N') style(`" ss:StyleID="s24""') style1(`" ss:StyleID="s24""')
local total=`total'+1
forval num=1/`N' {
file write `saving' `"<Row>"' `_n'
*foreach var in `=r(varlist)' {
foreach var in `dsVarlist' {
*local stuff `=`var'[`num']'
local stuff=`var' in `num'
local stuff : subinstr local stuff "<" "&lt;", all
local stuff : subinstr local stuff ">" "&gt;", all
* the main body
if "`Version7'"~="" {
file write `saving' `"<Cell`style'><Data ss:Type="String">`macval(stuff)'</Data></Cell>"' `_n'
else {
file write `saving' `"<Cell`style'><Data ss:Type="String">`stuff'</Data></Cell>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"</Row>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"</Table>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"<WorksheetOptions xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel">"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"<ProtectedObjects>False</ProtectedObjects>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"<ProtectedScenarios>False</ProtectedScenarios>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"</WorksheetOptions>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"</Worksheet>"' `_n'
file write `saving' `"</Workbook>"' `_n'
* close out with the last line
*file write `saving' _n
*file close `source'
file close `saving'
end /* _xmlout */
* ripped from outreg2 on Mar2009
program define xmlstack
syntax, saving(string) dsVarlist(string) num(numlist) n(numlist) style(string) style1(string)
local N `n'
*forval num=1/`N' {
file write `saving' `"<Row>"' `_n'
local count 0
*foreach var in `=r(varlist)' {
foreach var in `dsVarlist' {
if `count'==0 {
local STYLE `"`style1'"'
else {
local STYLE `"`style'"'
*local stuff `=`var'[`num']'
local stuff=`var' in `num'
local stuff : subinstr local stuff "<" "&lt;", all
local stuff : subinstr local stuff ">" "&gt;", all
* the main body
if "`Version7'"~="" {
file write `saving' `"<Cell`STYLE'><Data ss:Type="String">`macval(stuff)'</Data></Cell>"' `_n'
else {
file write `saving' `"<Cell`STYLE'><Data ss:Type="String">`stuff'</Data></Cell>"' `_n'
local count=`count'+1
file write `saving' `"</Row>"' `_n'
end /* xmlstack */
*** ripped from outreg2 Mar 2009
program define ds8
* get you the list of variable like -ds- does for version 8
version 7.0
qui ds
if "`r(varlist)'"=="" {
local dsVarlist ""
foreach var of varlist _all {
local dsVarlist "`dsVarlist' `var'"
c_local dsVarlist `dsVarlist'
else {
c_local dsVarlist `r(varlist)'
program define stringMaker
* makes a string out variables
tempvar temp
foreach var of varlist _all {
cap confirm string var `var'
if _rc {
* not a string
gen str2 `temp'=""
replace `temp' = string(`var')
move `var' `temp'
drop `var'
ren `temp' `var'
* cdout 1.0.1 Apr2009 by
* opens the current directory for your viewing pleasure
* the following disabled 14oct2009: cap winexec cmd /c start .
* displays "current directory" instead of cdout or the folder location
* displays dir" instead of cdout or the folder location
program define _cdout
cap version 7.0
*cap winexec cmd /c start .
*cap !start cmd /c start .
if _rc~=0 {
* version 6 or earlier
di `"{stata `"cdout"':dir}"'
else {
* invisible to Stata 7
local Version7
local Version7 `c(stata_version)'
if "`Version7'"=="" {
* it is version 7 or earlier
di `"{stata `"cdout"':dir}"'
else if `Version7'>=8.0 {
version 8.0
di `"{browse `"`c(pwd)'"':dir}"'
* chewfile version 1.0.1 17Aug2009 by
* quick and easy way to chew and digest excessive large ASCII file
program define _chewfile
version 8.0
syntax using/, [save(string) begin(numlist max=1) end(string) clear parse(string) replace semiclear]
if `"`parse'"'=="" {
local parse `"`=char(9)'"'
if "`begin'"=="" {
local begin 1
if "`end'"=="" {
local end .
if "`clear'"=="" & `"`save'"'=="" {
if "`semiclear'"=="" {
noi di in red "must specify {opt clear} or {opt save( )}
exit 198
if "`semiclear'"=="semiclear" {
qui drop *
qui set obs 0
else if "`clear'"=="clear" {
qui set obs 0
if `"`save'"'=="" {
tempfile dump
local save `dump'
tempname fh outout
local linenum = 0
file open `fh' using `"`using'"', read
qui file open `outout' using `"`save'"', write `replace'
file read `fh' line
while r(eof)==0 {
local linenum = `linenum' + 1
local addedRow 0
if `linenum'>=`begin' & `linenum'<=`end' {
if `addedRow'==0 {
qui set obs `=`=_N'+1'
*display %4.0f `linenum' _asis `"`macval(line)'"'
file write `outout' `"`macval(line)'"' _n
if "`clear'"=="clear" | "`semiclear'"=="semiclear" {
tokenize `"`macval(line)'"', parse(`"`parse'"')
local num 1
local colnum 1
while "``num''"~="" {
local needOneMore 0
if `"``num''"'~=`"`parse'"' {
cap gen str3 var`colnum'=""
cap replace var`colnum'="``num''" in `linenum'
if _rc~=0 {
qui set obs `=`=_N'+1'
cap replace var`colnum'="``num''" in `linenum'
local addedRow 1
*local colnum=`colnum'+1
else {
cap gen str3 var`colnum'=""
local colnum=`colnum'+1
local num=`num'+1
file read `fh' line
file close `fh'
file close `outout'
* 03nov2009, ripped from outreg2 on 05nov2009
prog define versionSet
* sends back the version as c_local
version 7.0
* invisible to Stata 7
cap local Version7 `c(stata_version)'
c_local Version7 `Version7'
if "`Version7'"=="" {
* it is version 7
c_local version 7
else if `Version7'>=8.2 {
version 8.2
c_local version 8.2
if "`Version7'"=="" {
c_local bind ""
else {
c_local bind "bind"
* version 1.0.1 May2009 logout by
cap no longer takes off the bottom line
noauto auto( ) dec( ) hooked up
_logfix split into _infix, unfinished
logleft done, not implemented
caplog has correct version control, enabling eret list
value labels handled as proposed by Karl Keesman at
fix handles the horizontal lines
*ssc de version 1.0.2 05May2009 logout by
the bottomline no longer taken off by unwrap function
the horizontal lines starting in the middle handled during delimited routine
* version 1.0.3 14oct2009
fixed the compound quotes for `save'
unwraps correctly (previously left an extra space)
fixcut( ) option
_cdout inserted
_chewfile inserted
range( ) option
* 1.0.4
di before _cdout
nopretty for _texout fixed??
error with fixcut( ) rectified
_infix drop vertical lines before horizontal line
needs work:
logout, save(mytable) excel replace: eret list
plus the ":" wipe or not
user specified infix
dataout circa Apr 2009 needs to be replaced with version 1.0.4 07sep2009