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10 months ago
**** Program blandaltman (one parameter against another parameter) startet ********************************************
* set more off
* capture program drop blandaltman
program blandaltman
syntax varlist(max=2)
// prepare for Bland Altman Interreader
tempvar diff_xy
tempvar avg_xy
tempvar lower
tempvar higher
tempvar MW
tempvar SE
tempvar CIhigher
tempvar CIlower
generate `diff_xy'=0
generate `avg_xy'=0
generate `lower'=0
generate `higher'=0
generate `MW'=0
generate `SE'=0
generate `CIhigher'=0
generate `CIlower'=0
// count the variable: how many variable are in the list?
local noofvars : word count `varlist'
display as text "The variable list of this program counts " `noofvars' " variables"
display as result " "
display as result " "
// Interreader
local x = 1
local y = 1
foreach varx of varlist `varlist' {
foreach vary of varlist `varlist'{
if `y' >`x'{
quietly replace `avg_xy'=(`varx'+`vary')/2
quietly replace `diff_xy'=`varx'-`vary'
display as result " Bland Altman Plot of `varx' and `vary'"
quietly sum `diff_xy'
quietly return list
quietly replace `MW'=r(mean)
quietly replace `lower'=r(mean)-2*r(sd)
quietly replace `higher'=r(mean)+2*r(sd)
quietly replace `SE'=(r(sd))/(sqrt(r(N)))
quietly replace `CIlower'=r(mean)-2*`SE'
quietly replace `CIhigher'=r(mean)+2*`SE'
display as result "- mean of difference between `varx' and `vary' is "r(mean)
display as result "- sd of difference between `varx' and `vary' is "r(sd)
display as result "- lower limit of difference between `varx' and `vary' is " `lower'
display as result "- higher limit of difference between `varx' and `vary' is " `higher'
display as result "- Limits of agreement (Reference Range for difference): " `lower' " to " `higher'
display as result "- Mean difference:" `MW' " (CI " `CIlower' " to " `CIhigher' ")"
display as result " "
display as result " "
label var `diff_xy' "Values"
label var `MW' "mean of difference"
label var `lower' "lower limit of agreement"
label var `higher' "higher limit of agreement"
twoway (scatter `diff_xy' `avg_xy', msymbol(smcircle_hollow) mcolor(ebblue)) (line `MW' `avg_xy', lcolor(red))(line `lower' `avg_xy', lcolor(black) ) (line `higher' `avg_xy', lcolor(black) ), title(Bland Altman Plot, size(8)) subtitle(,size(5)) xtitle(Average of `varx' and `vary') ytitle(Difference of `varx' and `vary') caption() note(NOTE) legend(off)
local y = `y'+1
local y = 1
local x =`x'+1
**** Program blandaltman (one parameter against another parameter) endet **********************************************
* sysuse bpwide.dta
// to create a bland altman plot use the command "blandaltman" with variable1 and variable2
* blandaltman bp_before bp_after