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844 lines
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844 lines
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1 year ago
*! usesas Version 2.1 15Apr2009
*! Center of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Duke University's Fuqua School of Business
* - made it so that the describe option returns scalars as promised in the help file.
* usesas Version 2.1 26Feb2009
* - made usesas fail gracefully when there was no SAS dataset in &SYSLAST. when using a SAS program
* instead of a dataset
* usesas Version 2.0 24Nov2008
* - added ".tpt" as a known file extension for SAS transport file since NEBER uses that file extension
* usesas Version 2.0 25Mar2008
* research computing, unch-ch
* - added describe option that loads the metadata of the using dataset into memory
* and displays a Stata-like -describe- description of the using data.
* - made it so that when used with Stata MP savastata treats data like Stata SE
* - fixed it when usesas uses sas programs and the SAS program's last SAS dataset
* is a permanent one then it deletes that file and doesn't fail with odd errors.
* - made it so that when savastata fails by a known error usesas deletes whatever
* intermediary files were created.
* - added error message that -usesas- cannot be run in Stata batch in Windows
* - removed efforts to keep sortedby vars since descending sorts in SAS mess up Stata
* as well as missing values mess up sort order...left it in for --usesas describe--
* usesas Version 1.4 17Apr2007
* - made it so that if a format catalog file was created for a different OS
* would provide a message to user that that was the case and that the
* SAS formats would not be used to create Stata value labels
* - fixed it so that if in console mode you are not suggested to click something.
* usesas Version 1.4 24Aug2006
* - corrected how the SAS check name was displayed.
* usesas Version 1.4 09Nov2005
* - made usesasdel it's own ado-file
* usesas Version 1.4 28Sep2005
* - stopped savastata from closing user's log if one was open
* usesas Version 1.3 04Aug2005
* - in non-console mode when messy option used, you can now delete all files
* - for Stata 9 new option char2lab that uses my SAS macro char2fmt that converts
* long SAS character variables to numeric with value labels like -encode- does.
* - allow datasets created by proc cport
* NOTE: SAS's CIMPORT procedure will not open a datafile created in later version of SAS
* - use rver() to control sas engine type
* - now passing Stata version to savastata
* - sort order preserved, though data never lost sort order, Stata needs to sort data to know its sort order
* - added float option to allow user to save space with numeric vars that would otherwise
* require being stored in 8-byte double.
* usesas Version 1.2 06Jan2005
* -now accepts an xport file that has a different internal dataset name
** usesas Version 1.1 11Nov2004
* -fixed it so that if() can contain code with double quotes
* e.g: if(`" var="A" "')
* -fixed it so that when a user submitts a SAS program
* only their program is printed in the *_usesas.log file
* and not the whole sasvastata macro code as before
* -deletes non-work SAS dataset created by user's SAS program
* -fix code related to "if" option
* -reduced usage of subinstr to help allow for directory paths and if conditions
* to be longer than 80 characters
** usesas Version 1.0 13Jul2004
* -added mprint and source2 so that user submitted programs
* would appear in the *_usesas.log file
** usesas Version 1.0 17Nov2003
** usesas Version 1.0 27Oct2003
** the carolina population center, unc-ch
program define usesas, rclass
version 8
syntax using/ [, MEssy FORmats xport clear QUotes char2lab CHeck float ///
KEep(string) DEscribe listnot if(string) in(string) ]
/* log usage of usesas */
capture which usagelog
if _rc==0 {
usagelog , start type(savas) message(`"usesas using `using', `messy' `formats' `xport' `clear' `quotes' `char2lab' `check' keep(`keep') `describe' `listnot' if(`if') in(`in') "')
if "`c(os)'"=="Windows" & "`c(mode)'" == "batch" {
di as err "{help usesas:usesas} cannot be run in batch mode on Windows"
/* log usage of usesas */
capture which usagelog
if _rc==0 {
usagelog , type(savas) uerror(8) etime
exit 499
if "`listnot'" != "" & "`describe'" == "" {
di as err "listnot option only allowed when using the descibe option"
/* log usage of usesas */
capture which usagelog
if _rc==0 {
usagelog , type(savas) uerror(8) etime
exit 499
di `"{txt}The {help usesas:usesas} {txt}command uses the {browse "":savastata} {txt}SAS macro to load the SAS dataset into memory."'
di "{txt}Large datasets may take a few minutes."
if `c(N)'!=0 & "`clear'"=="" {
di "{error} no, data in memory would be lost"
di "{error} use the {res}clear {error}option"
/* log usage of usesas */
capture which usagelog
if _rc==0 {
usagelog , type(savas) uerror(1) etime
exit 4
* ------------------
quietly log query
local usrlog `r(filename)'
* ----------------------------------
sasexe usesas
local wsas `r(wsas)'
local usas `r(usas)'
local savastata `r(savastata)'
local char2fmt `r(char2fmt)'
local rver `r(rver)' // version of sas that's being run i.e. "v8", "v9" etc
if index("`using'","'") | index(`"`using'"',`"""') {
di `"{help usesas} {error}cannot handle directory or file names that contain single or double quotes. "'
capture which usagelog
if _rc==0 {
usagelog , type(savas) uerror(2) etime
exit 499
/* if filename is given with directory info too,
strip to just file name and to dir location */
if "`c(os)'"=="Windows" {
local dirsep="\"
if index("`using'","/") {
local using : subinstr local using "/" "\" , all
else {
local dirsep="`c(dirsep)'"
if index("`using'","`dirsep'") {
local filen=substr("`using'",index("`using'","`dirsep'")+1,length("`using'"))
while index("`filen'","`dirsep'") !=0 {
local filen=substr("`filen'",index("`filen'","`dirsep'")+1,length("`filen'"))
local dir=substr("`using'",1,index("`using'","`filen'")-1)
else if index("`using'","\\\")==1 { /* Universal naming convention */
local filen=substr("`using'",index("`using'","\\\")+2,length("`using'"))
while index("`filen'","\") !=0 {
local filen=substr("`filen'",index("`filen'","\")+1,length("`filen'"))
local dir=substr("`using'",1,index("`using'","`filen'")-1)
else { /* no directory given */
local filen="`using'"
local dir ="`c(pwd)'`dirsep'"
/** extract file extension if there is one **/
if index("`filen'",".") {
local ext=substr("`filen'",index("`filen'","."),length("`filen'"))
while index("`ext'",".") > 0 {
local ext=substr("`ext'",index("`ext'",".")+1,length("`ext'"))
local ext=".`ext'"
local middle=substr("`filen'",1,index("`filen'","`ext'")-1) /* middle will not end in a period */
local filen=substr("`filen'",1,index("`filen'",".")-1)
local middle=substr("`middle'",length("`filen'")+1,length("`middle'"))
if lower("`ext'")==".sas7bdat" {
local type="sas"
else if lower("`ext'")==".sd7" {
local type="sas"
local shortfileext="shortfileext"
else if lower("`ext'")==".ssd01" {
local type="sas6"
else if lower("`ext'")==".ssd02" {
local type="sas6"
else if lower("`ext'")==".sd2" {
local type="sas6"
else if lower("`ext'")==".sas" {
local type="sasprogram"
else if lower("`ext'")==".por" {
local type="spss"
else if lower("`ext'")==".xpt" | ///
lower("`ext'")==".xport" | ///
lower("`ext'")==".export" | ///
lower("`ext'")==".expt" | ///
lower("`ext'")==".exp" | ///
lower("`ext'")==".trans" | ///
lower("`ext'")==".tpt" | ///
lower("`ext'")==".cport" | ///
lower("`ext'")==".ssp" | ///
lower("`ext'")==".stx" | ///
lower("`ext'")==".sasx" | ///
lower("`ext'")==".v5x" | ///
lower("`ext'")==".v6x" {
local type="sasx"
else if "`xport'"=="xport" { // else no file extension
local type="sasx"
else { // guess that the user is wanting to use a .sas7bdat file
local using1 `"`using'.sas7bdat"'
local ext ".sas7bdat"
local type="sas"
capture confirm file `"`using1'"'
if _rc != 0 {
di `"{error}The SAS file: `using1' does not exist."'
// check that user is not expecting file extention but forgot to use xport option
capture confirm file `"`using'"'
if _rc == 0 {
di `"{error}But the SAS file: `using' does exist."'
di as text `"Use the xport option as it is likely this file is a transport/xport file."'
/* log usage of usesas */
capture which usagelog
if _rc==0 {
usagelog , type(savas) uerror(3) etime
exit 601
// only here if this file does exist
local using `"`using'.sas7bdat"'
capture confirm file `"`using'"'
if _rc != 0 {
di `"{error}The SAS file: `using' does not exist."'
/* log usage of usesas */
capture which usagelog
if _rc==0 {
usagelog , type(savas) uerror(3) etime
exit 601
if "`type'"=="" {
di "{error}Is `using' a SAS transport/xport data file?"
di "{error}If so then use the {res}xport {error}option."
/* log usage of usesas */
capture which usagelog
if _rc==0 {
usagelog , type(savas) uerror(4) etime
exit 499
if "`type'"=="sas" {
local engine="`rver'" // whatever version of SAS that's being used
else if "`type'"=="sas6" {
local engine="v6"
else if "`type'"=="sasprogram" {
local sasprogram="sasprogram"
else if "`type'"=="sasx" {
local engine="xport"
else if "`type'"=="spss" {
local engine="spss"
/* set where temp directory is */
local tmpdir="`r(tmpdir)'"
local tfn=subinstr("`c(current_time)'",":","",.)
local sysjobid=substr("`tfn'",length("`tfn'")-5,length("`tfn'"))
local temp `"`macval(tmpdir)'_`sysjobid'"'
local raw `"`macval(tmpdir)'_`sysjobid'_usesas"'
local xpt "`macval(dir)'`filen'`middle'`ext'"
* --------------------------------
local firstobs = upper(substr("`in'",1,index("`in'","/")-1))
if "`firstobs'" == "F" | index("`firstobs'","-") {
di `"{error}Your 'in()' option cannot use f/F or negative values. "'
exit 100
local obs = upper(substr("`in'",index("`in'","/")+1,length("`in'")))
if "`obs'" == "L" {
di `"{error}Your 'in()' option cannot use l/L. "'
exit 100
if `"`if'"'!=`""' {
local iflen : length local if
if `iflen'>247 { // 255-6-wiggle room = 247
// 'if()' option needs to be less than 255 characters for SAS to process, it is limited to max length of string
di `"{error}Your 'if()' option is longer than max length of 247. "'
exit 100
else { // okay to process
if index(`"`if'"',"==") {
local if : subinstr local if "==" "=" , all
if lower(substr(`"`if'"',1,3)) != `"if "' & lower(substr(`"`if'"',1,6)) != `"where "' {
local if `"where `if'"'
else if lower(substr(`"`if'"',1,3)) == `"if "' {
di `"{error}Your 'if()' option starts with "if". The "if" is assumed, do not type it."'
exit 100
/* now make sure if has only one 'if' or 'where' in it */
if index(lower(`"`if'"')," if ") | index(lower(`"`if'"')," inrange(") | /*
*/ index(lower(`"`if'"')," inlist(") | index(lower(`"`if'"')," where ")>1 {
di `"{error}Invalid SAS 'if' condition."'
capture which usagelog
if _rc==0 {
usagelog , type(savas) uerror(5) etime
exit 499
} // 'if()' is less than 247 chars
* ---------------------------------
usesas_sas , rver(`rver') dirsep("`dirsep'") dir("`dir'") tmpdir("`tmpdir'") filen(`filen') raw("`raw'") engine(`engine') ///
`shortfileext' `quotes' `check' `formats' sysjobid(`sysjobid') ext(`ext') middle(`middle') xpt("`xpt'") ///
savastata("`savastata'") if(`"`if'"') firstobs(`firstobs') obs(`obs') keep(`"`keep'"') ///
`char2lab' char2fmt("`char2fmt'") `sasprogram' `describe' `listnot'
* -------
if "`c(os)'"=="Unix" /* or Linux */ {
shell "`usas'" "`temp'" -log "`temp'_usesas.log" -print "`temp'_usesas.lst"
} /* end of if Unix */
else if "`c(os)'"=="Windows" /* Windows */ {
** do not add -icon option since that pop-up window is not a big deal and could tell user important info **
shell `wsas' "`temp'" -nologo -log "`temp'_usesas.log" -print "`temp'_usesas.lst"
} /* end of if Windows */
* ---------------------------
capture confirm file `"`temp'_report.log"'
if _rc==0 {
type `"`temp'_report.log"'
if "`messy'"=="" {
erase `"`temp'_report.log"'
* ------------------------
if "`clear'"!="" {
drop _all
label drop _all
* ------------------------------
capture confirm file `"`tmpdir'_`sysjobid'"'
if _rc == 0 {
if `"`usrlog'"' != "" {
quietly log close
local cwd "`c(pwd)'"
** cd to where is **
quietly cd "`tmpdir'"
run `"_`sysjobid'"'
if `"`usrlog'"' != "" {
quietly log using `"`usrlog'"' , append
* ----------------
if index("$S_FN","`dirsep'") == 1 {
global S_FN : subinstr global S_FN "`dirsep'" ""
global S_FN `"`macval(dir)'$S_FN"'
// run savastata_report to see if SAS and Stata agree how many obs and vars there are
if "`check'" != "" {
local gsfn : subinstr global S_FN ".dta" ""
display as res _n " Compare these results with the results provided by SAS "
display as res " in the file `gsfn'_SAScheck.lst. " _n
list in 1/5
di _n "You have requested to have savastata provide a check file:"
di `""`gsfn'_SAScheck.lst" "'
** cd back to where you were **
quietly cd "`cwd'"
} /* if file exists */
else {
di `"{error}{help usesas:usesas} failed."'
capture confirm file `"`tmpdir'_`sysjobid'_knerror.txt"'
if _rc ==0 {
// savastata failed with a known error so just let report.log show the error
if "`c(os)'" != "Windows" {
usesasdel `"`tmpdir'"' _`sysjobid'_
if "`c(os)'" == "Windows" {
local usesasdeldir : subinstr local tmpdir `":"' `"\\\`= char(58)'"', all
usesasdel `"`usesasdeldir'"' _`sysjobid'_
else {
di `"{error}If no error message above this one, then check out the SAS log file to see why. "'
di `" {view "`temp'_usesas.log"} "'
di `"{inp}Erase these temporary files created by {help usesas:usesas} when done with them:"'
di `"{res}(files located in "`tmpdir'") "'
ls "`temp'_*"
if "`c(console)'" != "console" {
if "`c(os)'" != "Windows" {
di `"{res} {stata usesasdel `"`tmpdir'"' _`sysjobid'_:Click here to erase them all.} "'
if "`c(os)'" == "Windows" {
local usesasdeldir : subinstr local tmpdir `":"' `"\\\`= char(58)'"', all
di `"{res} {stata usesasdel `"`usesasdeldir'"' _`sysjobid'_:Click here to erase them all.} "'
if "`sasprogram'"!="" {
di `""'
if "`c(console)'" != "console" {
di `"{inp}Click here to edit your SAS program and try it again. "'
di `" {stata `"doedit "`xpt'""':`xpt'} "'
else di `"Edit your SAS program: "`xpt'" and try it again."'
di `""'
capture which usagelog
if _rc==0 {
usagelog , type(savas) uerror(6) etime
exit 499
if "`describe'" == "describe" {
di as res `"Contains data from "`using'" "'
di as res `" obs: `=string(nobs,"%32.0fc")' "' memlabel
di as res `" vars: `=string(_N,"%32.0fc")' "'
if ( _N > 2047 & "$S_StataSE"=="" & "$S_StataMP" == "" ) | ///
( _N > 32767 ) {
di as err "Your version of Stata will not read this entire dataset"
if ( _N > 2047 & "$S_StataSE"=="" & "$S_StataMP" == "" ) ///
di as err " as it has more than 2,047 variables."
else if ( _N > 32767 ) ///
di as err " as it has more than 32,767 variables."
} // this message is repeated after all vars are listed
local name_len = `= substr("`: type name'",index("`: type name'","r")+1,2)'
if `name_len' < 13 recast str13 name
recast str12 type
char define name[varname] "variable name"
char define type[varname] "storage type"
char define label[varname] "variable label"
order varnum name type format label
if "`listnot'" == "" {
list name type format label, nocompress noobs subvarname
capture confirm file `"`macval(temp)'_usesas.txt"'
if _rc ==0 {
file open sortedby using `"`temp'_usesas.txt"' , read text
file read sortedby sortedby // creates local sortedby
file close sortedby
// clear sortedby if no vars in it, it ends up being a double quote
if `"`sortedby'"' == `"""' local sortedby ""
di as res `"Sorted by: `sortedby'"'
if "`listnot'" == "" {
if ( _N > 2047 & "$S_StataSE"=="" & "$S_StataMP" == "" ) | ///
( _N > 32767 ) {
di as err "Your version of Stata will not read this entire dataset"
if ( _N > 2047 & "$S_StataSE"=="" & "$S_StataMP" == "" ) ///
di as err " as it has more than 2,047 variables."
else if ( _N > 32767 ) ///
di as err " as it has more than 32,767 variables."
} // this message is made first before all vars are listed
// these vars do not vary by obs so just drop 'em
quietly drop memlabel // nobs dropped at end of usesas
di as res _n _dup(`c(linesize)') "-"
di as res `" Now the dataset in memory is just the description of "`using'" "'
di as res `" Use the {stata describe :describe} command to see what you have and use "'
di as res `" whatever data manipulation you like to create variable lists for "'
di as res `" your actual invocation of {help usesas :usesas} if you want."'
if "`c(console)'" != "console" {
di as res `" Otherwise, {stata clear :Click here to clear out the dataset from memory}. "'
else {
di as res `" Otherwise, use the clear command to clear out the dataset from memory. "'
di as res _dup(`c(linesize)') "-"
* -------------------
if "`messy'"=="" {
if "`c(os)'" != "Windows" {
usesasdel `"`tmpdir'"' _`sysjobid'_
if "`c(os)'" == "Windows" {
local usesasdeldir : subinstr local tmpdir `":"' `"\\\`= char(58)'"', all
usesasdel `"`usesasdeldir'"' _`sysjobid'_
} /* end of messy=="" */
else {
di "{res}You have requested {help usesas:usesas} not to delete the intermediary files created by {help usesas:usesas}:"
dir "`temp'_*"
di "{input}Files located here: "
di `"{input}"`tmpdir'" "'
if "`c(console)'" != "console" {
if "`c(os)'" != "Windows" {
di `"{res} {stata usesasdel `"`tmpdir'"' _`sysjobid'_:Click here to erase them all.} "'
if "`c(os)'" == "Windows" {
local usesasdeldir : subinstr local tmpdir `":"' `"\\\`= char(58)'"', all
di `"{res} {stata usesasdel `"`usesasdeldir'"' _`sysjobid'_:Click here to erase them all.} "'
} // of if else if messy
/* log usage of usesas */
capture which usagelog
if _rc==0 {
if `c(N)' == 0 & `c(k)' == 0 {
usagelog , type(savas) uerror(7) message(no data) etime
else {
local obs=`c(N)'
local vars=`c(k)'
usagelog , type(savas) uerror(0) message(Input Stata dataset has `obs' obs and `vars' vars) etime
if "`describe'" == "describe" {
local varlist = ""
local vlen=0
forvalues n = 1/`= _N' {
local vlen = `vlen' + length(trim("`= name[`n']'")) + 1
if `n' == 1 local varlist = trim("`= name[`n']'")
else local varlist `"`varlist' `= trim("`= name[`n']'")'"'
if `vlen' > `c(max_macrolen)' {
di as err "not all the variables are in r(varlist) since there are too many "
return local varlist "`varlist'"
return local sortlist "`sortedby'"
return scalar k = _N
return scalar N = `= nobs[1]'
drop nobs
end /* end of usesas */
program define usesas_sas, nclass
syntax [, QUotes engine(string) rver(string) dirsep(string) dir(string) tmpdir(string) filen(string) ///
shortfileext xpt(string) replace raw(string) FORmats sysjobid(string) CHeck ext(string) middle(string) ///
savastata(string) if(string) firstobs(string) obs(string) keep(string) sasprogram ///
char2lab char2fmt(string) float describe listnot ]
version 8
quietly {
file open sasfile using `"`raw'.sas"', replace text write
* ---------
file write sasfile `"* SAS program to read file and output Stata dataset *;"' ///
_n _n `"options nofmterr nocenter linesize=250;"' ///
_n _n `"%let badx =0; ** if proc cimport has trouble with xport file **; "' _n _n ///
_n _n `"%include "`savastata'"; "' _n _n
if "`char2lab'" != "" {
file write sasfile `"%include "`char2fmt'"; "' _n _n
if "`sasprogram'"!="" { /* user submitted a SAS program */
file write sasfile `"options mprint source2; "' _n _n ///
`" /*************** THE FOLLOWING IS YOUR PROGRAM ***************/ "' _n _n ///
`" %include"`xpt'"; "' _n _n ///
`" /*************** END OF YOUR PROGRAM ***************/ "' _n _n ///
`"options nomprint nosource2; "' _n _n
file write sasfile `" %let sortedby=; ** leave in for now **; "' _n _n ///
`"%macro makework; "' _n ///
`" %if &syserr.^=0 %then %goto nevrmind; "' _n ///
`" %if &syslast.=_NULL_ %then %goto nevrmind; "' _n ///
`" %let ldset=%length(&syslast.); "' _n ///
`" %let decpos=%index(&syslast.,.); "' _n ///
`" %let llib=%substr(&syslast.,1,&decpos.-1); "' _n ///
`" %let dset=%substr(&syslast.,&decpos.+1,&ldset.-&decpos.); "' _n ///
`" %let dset=%sysfunc(lowcase(%nrbquote(&dset.))); "' _n _n
file write sasfile `" data _null_; "' _n ///
`" dsid=open("&syslast.",'i');"' _n `" sortedby=attrc(dsid,'SORTEDBY'); "' _n ///
`" call symput('sortedby',trim(sortedby));"' _n `" rc=close(dsid);"' _n `"run;"' _n _n
file write sasfile `" %if %index(%upcase(&sortedby.),DESCENDING) %then %do; "' _n ///
`" %* this is how Stata treats descending sortedby *; "' _n ///
`" %let sortedby= %substr(&sortedby.,1,%index(%upcase(&sortedby.),DESCENDING)-1); %end;"' _n _n
file write sasfile `" ** if not in work make it be in work **; "' _n ///
`" %if %index(%upcase(&syslast.),WORK)^=1 %then %do; "' _n ///
`" data work.&dset.; "' _n ///
`" set &syslast.;"' _n `" run; "' _n ///
`" proc datasets library=&llib.;"' _n `" delete &dset.;"' _n `" run; quit;"' _n ///
`"%end; ** end of if syslast is not in WORK **; "' _n _n
if "`keep'"!="" | "`firstobs'"!="" | length(`"`if'"')>5 {
/** apply subsetting to work dataset **/
file write sasfile `" data work.&dset."' _n
if "`keep'"!="" {
file write sasfile `" (keep=`keep' &sortedby.) "'
file write sasfile `";;; "' _n ///
`" set &dset."'
if "`firstobs'"!="" {
file write sasfile `"(firstobs=`firstobs' obs=`obs')"' _n
file write sasfile `";;; "' _n
if length(`"`if'"')>5 /* b/c "where" has 5 letters */ {
file write sasfile `" `if'; "' _n
file write sasfile `"run; "' _n
file write sasfile `" %nevrmind: ; "' _n /*
*/ `"%mend; "' _n /*
*/ `"%makework; "'
else if "`sasprogram'"=="" { /* write SAS program to feed SAS data set into savastata */
if "`formats'"!="" {
if "`engine'"=="v6" {
file write sasfile `"libname library v6 "`dir'" ; "'_n _n
else {
file write sasfile `"libname library `engine' "`dir'" `shortfileext'; "'_n _n
if "`engine'"=="`rver'" | "`engine'"=="v6" {
file write sasfile `"libname ___in___ `engine' "`dir'" `shortfileext' ; "'_n _n
// preserve sort order
// Transport datasets cannot be opened and they do not save sort info anyway
file write sasfile `"%let sortedby=; "' _n _n `"data _null_;"' _n `" dsid=open('___in___.`filen'','i');"' _n ///
`" sortedby=attrc(dsid,'SORTEDBY'); "' _n `" call symput('sortedby',trim(sortedby));"' _n `" rc=close(dsid);"' _n `"run;"' _n _n ///
`" %macro __sort; %if %index(&sortedby.,DESCENDING) %then %sysfunc(tranwrd(&sortedby.,%str(DESCENDING ),-)); "' ///
`" %mend __sort; %__sort; "'
} // end of normal SAS dataset
else if "`engine'"=="xport" { // test xport file to see if created by cimport
// Transport datasets cannot be opened and they do not save sort info anyway
file write sasfile `"%let sortedby=; "'
file write sasfile `"filename ___in___ "`xpt'"; "' _n _n ///
`"%macro ___xt___ ;"' _n `" data _null_; "' _n `" infile ___in___ ; "' _n `" input xt $ 1-6; "' _n ///
`" call symput('header',xt); "' _n `" if _n_ = 1 then stop; "' _n `" run; "' _n
file write sasfile `" %if %index(&header.,HEAD) ^= 0 %then %do; "' _n _n ///
`" libname ___in___ xport "`xpt'"; "' _n _n
file write sasfile `" data _null_;"' _n `" set sashelp.vmember; "' _n ///
`" if upcase(libname)="___IN___" and upcase(memtype)="DATA" then call symput("filen",memname); "' _n
file write sasfile `" run;"' _n _n `" data `filen'; "' _n `" set ___in___.&filen.;"' _n ///
`" run; "' _n `" %end; "' _n
file write sasfile `" %else %do;"' _n `" proc cimport data=`filen' infile=___in___; "' _n ///
`" run; "' _n `" %if &syserr. ^=0 %then %do; "' _n ///
`" proc printto log="`tmpdir'_`sysjobid'_report.log"; options nonotes; "' _n ///
`" data _null_; "' _n ///
`" put "ERROR: SAS could not open `filen' because it was created in a newer version of SAS *"; "' _n ///
`" put " or there is not just a data set named `filen' in the file. *"; "' _n ///
`" run; proc printto; ** end printing to *_report.log "' _n ///
`" %let badx=1; %end; "' _n `"%end; "' _n `"%mend ___xt___;"' _n _n `"%___xt___; ** now run macro ___xt___ ***; "' ///
_n _n
if "`engine'"!="spss" {
if "`formats'"!="" {
/* look for datasetname.formatscatalog file */
local rc=1
if ("`engine'"=="`rver'" | "`engine'"=="xport") & "`shortfileext'"=="" {
capture confirm file `"`macval(dir)'`filen'.sas7bcat"'
if _rc ==0 {
local rc=0
else if ("`engine'"=="`rver'" | "`engine'"=="xport") & "`shortfileext'"!="" {
capture confirm file `"`macval(dir)'`filen'.sc7"'
if _rc ==0 {
local rc=0
else if "`engine'"=="v6" & "`c(os)'"=="Unix" {
capture confirm file `"`macval(dir)'`filen'.sct01"'
if _rc ==0 {
local rc=0
else if "`engine'"=="v6" & "`c(os)'"=="Windows" {
capture confirm file `"`macval(dir)'`filen'.sc2"'
if _rc ==0 {
local rc=0
if `rc'==0 {
file write sasfile _n `"%macro __fmt__;"' ///
`" %if %sysfunc(cexist(LIBRARY.`filen')) = 1 %then %do;"' _n ///
`" options fmtsearch=(library.`filen' library.formats); "' _n _n ///
`" proc datasets; "' _n ///
`" copy in=library out=work memtype=catalog; "' _n ///
`" select `filen'; "' _n ///
`" change `filen'=formats;"' _n ///
`" run; quit;"' _n ///
`" %end; "' _n ///
`" %else %do; "' _n ///
`" proc printto log="`tmpdir'_`sysjobid'_report.log"; options nonotes; "' _n ///
`" data _null_; "' _n ///
`" put "ERROR: File LIBRARY.`filen'.CATALOG was created for a different operating system. *" ; "' _n ///
`" put "ERROR: -usesas- did not create Stata value labels from SAS formats. *"; "' _n ///
`" run; proc printto; ** end printing to *_report.log "' _n ///
`" %end; "' _n ///
`"%mend __fmt__; "' _n ///
`"%__fmt__; "' _n
} /* if filen.catalog file exists */
} /* end of if "`formats'"!="" */
file write sasfile _n `"data `filen'"'
if "`keep'"!="" {
file write sasfile `" (keep=`keep' &sortedby.) "'
if "`engine'" == "xport" {
file write sasfile `";;;"' _n `" set work.`filen' "' // 08Apr2005 use `filen' in work lib
else {
file write sasfile `";;;"' _n `" set ___in___.`filen' "'
if "`firstobs'"!="" {
file write sasfile `"(firstobs=`firstobs' obs=`obs')"' _n
file write sasfile `";;; "' _n
if length(`"`if'"')>5 /* b/c "where" has 5 letters */ {
file write sasfile `" `if'; "' _n //
file write sasfile `"run; "' _n
else {
file write sasfile `"filename spss "`xpt'"; "' _n _n /*
*/ `"proc convert spss=spss out=`filen'; "' _n /*
*/ `"run; "'
file write sasfile _n `"data `filen'"'
if "`keep'"!="" {
file write sasfile `" (keep=`keep') "'
file write sasfile `";;;"' _n `" set `filen' "'
if "`firstobs'"!="" {
file write sasfile `"(firstobs=`firstobs' obs=`obs')"' _n
file write sasfile `";;; "' _n
if length(`"`if'"')>5 /* b/c "where" has 5 letters */ {
file write sasfile `" `if'; "' _n //
file write sasfile `"run; "' _n
} /* end of if no sas program submitted */
if `c(stata_version)' < 9 & "`char2lab'" != "" {
noisily {
di as error `"option char2lab is not allowed prior to Stata 9."'
di as error `"option will be ignored."'
local char2lab ""
file write sasfile _n _n ///
`"%macro runit;"' _n `" %if &badx.=0 %then %do; "'
if "`describe'" == "describe" {
file write sasfile _n ///
_n `" proc contents data=`filen' out=`filen'(keep=name varnum type label format "' ///
`" nobs length memlabel) noprint; run; "'
file write sasfile _n ///
_n `" data `filen'(drop=type rename=(stype=type)); "'
// truncate long string vars just to make life simple
if `c(stata_version)' < 9.2 & "$S_StataSE" == "" & "$S_StataMP" == "" {
file write sasfile _n `" length label memlabel $80; "'
else {
file write sasfile _n `" length label memlabel $244; "'
file write sasfile ///
_n `" set `filen'; "' ///
_n `" if type =1 then stype="numeric"; "' ///
_n `" if type =2 then stype="string "; "' ///
_n `" label stype = "Variable Type"; "' ///
_n `" run; "'
file write sasfile ///
_n `" data _null_; "' ///
_n `" file "`tmpdir'_`sysjobid'_usesas.txt"; "' ///
_n `" put "%trim(&sortedby.)"; "' ///
_n `" run;"'
file write sasfile _n ///
_n `" proc sort data=`filen'; by varnum; run; "'
file write sasfile _n ///
_n `" %let sortedby=varnum; "'
} // end of if describe
// need to put c(SE) and c(MP) in quotes since c(MP) doesn't exist in Stata 8
// need to pass a zero or a one to savastata for SE or MP
file write sasfile `" libname ___dir__ "`dir'" ; "' _n ///
`" %let _dir=%nrbquote(%sysfunc(pathname(___dir__))); "' _n ///
`" /* &sortedby. is global because of: call symput creates it */ "' _n ///
`" %savastata("`tmpdir'",`quotes' `char2lab' `check' messy `float', &sortedby., "' ///
`" `sysjobid',nosave,"&_dir.`dirsep'",`= ("`c(SE)'" == "1") + ("`c(MP)'" == "1")', "' ///
`" version=`c(stata_version)'); "' _n ///
`"%end; %* if &badx.=0 *; %mend runit;"' _n `" %runit;"' _n _n
file close sasfile
} /* end of quietly */