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234 lines
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1 year ago
*! version 1.1.0 20jun1995 sg41: STB-26
program define rfprobit
version 4.0
local options "Level(integer $S_level)"
if substr("`1'",1,1)=="," | "`*'"=="" {
if "$S_E_cmd"~="rfprobit" {
error 301
parse "`*'"
else {
local varlist "req ex"
local if "opt"
local in "opt"
local options /*
*/ "`options' I(string) Quadrat(integer 6) noCHIsq noLOg *"
parse "`*'"
parse "`varlist'", parse(" ")
local y "`1'"
macro shift
xt_iis `i'
local i "$S_1"
tempvar doit x w
mark `doit' `if' `in'
markout `doit' `y' `*' `i'
/* Check to see if outcome varies. */
quietly count if `doit'
local n = _result(1)
quietly count if `y'==0 & `doit'
local n0 = _result(1)
if `n0'==0 | `n0'==`n' {
di _n in blu "outcome does not vary"
/* Sort data. */
sort `doit' `i'
/* Get points and weights for Gaussian-Hermite quadrature. */
ghquad double(`x' `w'), n(`quadrat')
/* Set up macros for ml function. */
global S_sample "`doit'"
global S_ivar "`i'"
global S_x "`x'"
global S_w "`w'"
global S_quad "`quadrat'"
/* Fit constant-only model. */
if "`chisq'"=="" & "`*'"~="" {
rfpr_ml `y', title("Constant-only model") /*
*/ `log' `options'
local lf0 "lf0($S_1)"
local rho "rho($S_2)"
/* Fit full model. */
rfpr_ml `y' `*', title("Full model") post `lf0' `rho' /*
*/ `log' `options'
/* Display results. */
ml mlout rfprobit, level(`level')
/* Compute LR test for rho = 0. */
local chi = 2*($S_E_ll - $S_E_rho0)
#delimit ;
di in gr "LR test of rho = 0: chi2(" in ye "1" in gr ") = "
in ye %7.2f `chi' _n
in gr " Prob > chi2 = " in ye %7.4f
chiprob(1,`chi') ;
#delimit cr
program define rfpr_ml /* y x, title(string) POST noLOg ml_options */
version 4.0
local varlist "req ex"
local options "TITLE(string) POST LF0(string) RHO(string) noLOg *"
parse "`*'"
parse "`varlist'", parse(" ")
local y "`1'"
macro shift
local doit "$S_sample"
if "`lf0'"~="" { local lf0 "lf0(`lf0')" }
tempname llrho0 b0 b1 lllast b ll V
tempvar mldoit
/* Get initial values. */
quietly probit `y' `*' if `doit'
scalar `llrho0' = _result(2)
if "`log'"=="" {
di _n in gr "`title'"
di in gr "rho =" in ye %4.1f 0 /*
*/ in gr " Log Likelihood = " in ye `llrho0'
matrix `b0' = get(_b)
matrix coleq `b0' = `y'
matrix `b1' = (0)
matrix colnames `b1' = rho:_cons
matrix `b0' = `b0' , `b1'
local rcol = colnumb(`b0',"rho:_cons")
/* Search for good starting value for rho if not supplied. */
if "`rho'"=="" {
global S_mldepn "`y'"
scalar `lllast' = `llrho0'
local rho 0.05
local rhotry 0.1
while `rhotry' < 0.91 {
matrix `b0'[1,`rcol'] = `rhotry'
rfpr_ll1 `b0' `ll' `b' , fast(0)
if "`log'"=="" {
di in gr "rho =" in ye %4.1f `rhotry' /*
*/ in gr " Log Likelihood ~ " in ye `ll'
if `ll' < `lllast' { /* exit loop */
local rhotry 1
else {
scalar `lllast' = `ll'
local rho `rhotry'
local rhotry = `rhotry' + 0.1
matrix `b0'[1,`rcol'] = `rho'
/* Set up ml commands. */
ml begin
ml function rfpr_ll1
ml method deriv1
eq `y': `y' `*'
eq rho:
ml model `b' = `y' rho, depv(10) from(`b0')
ml sample `mldoit' if `doit', noauto
if "`log'"=="" { noisily ml max `ll' `V', `options' }
else quietly ml max `ll' `V', `options'
global S_1 = `ll'
global S_2 = `b'[1,`rcol']
if "`post'"~="" {
ml post rfprobit, `lf0' pr2 title("Random-Effects Probit")
global S_E_rho0 = `llrho0'
Routines that compute weights and points for Gaussian-Hermite
quadrature follow:
* version 1.0.1 29jun1995
program define ghquad
version 4.0
local varlist "req new min(2) max(2)"
local options "N(integer 10)"
parse "`*'"
parse "`varlist'", parse(" ")
local x "`1'"
local w "`2'"
if `n' + 2 > _N {
di in red /*
*/ "`n' + 2 observations needed to compute quadrature points"
exit 2001
tempname xx ww
local i 1
local m = int((`n' + 1)/2)
while `i' <= `m' {
if `i' == 1 {
scalar `xx' = sqrt(2*`n'+1)-1.85575*(2*`n'+1)^(-1/6)
else if `i' == 2 { scalar `xx' = `xx'-1.14*`n'^0.426/`xx' }
else if `i' == 3 { scalar `xx' = 1.86*`xx'-0.86*`x'[1] }
else if `i' == 4 { scalar `xx' = 1.91*`xx'-0.91*`x'[2] }
else { scalar `xx' = 2*`xx'-`x'[`i'-2] }
hermite `n' `xx' `ww'
qui replace `x' = `xx' in `i'
qui replace `w' = `ww' in `i'
local i = `i' + 1
if mod(`n', 2) == 1 { qui replace `x' = 0 in `m' }
qui replace `x' = -`x'[`n'+1-_n] in `i'/`n'
qui replace `w' = `w'[`n'+1-_n] in `i'/`n'
program define hermite /* integer n, scalar x, scalar w */
version 4.0
local n "`1'"
local x "`2'"
local w "`3'"
local last = `n' + 2
tempvar p
tempname i
qui gen double `p' = .
scalar `i' = 1
while `i' <= 10 {
qui replace `p' = 0 in 1
qui replace `p' = _pi^(-0.25) in 2
qui replace `p' = `x'*sqrt(2/(_n-2))*`p'[_n-1] /*
*/ - sqrt((_n-3)/(_n-2))*`p'[_n-2] in 3/`last'
scalar `w' = sqrt(2*`n')*`p'[`last'-1]
scalar `x' = `x' - `p'[`last']/`w'
if abs(`p'[`last']/`w') < 3e-14 {
scalar `w' = 2/(`w'*`w')
scalar `i' = `i' + 1
di in red "hermite did not converge"
exit 499