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512 lines
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512 lines
13 KiB
1 year ago
// program runs old graph command in tandem
// should be able to use other Stata 10 graph options in `options' once removed
// allow labelling of data points? Can extra plots be added?
*! version 1.22 Sep2003
*! version 2.01 Jul2008
*Can add lines corresponding to RR, OR and RD measures. Allows the analyst to see the
*line fitted to the points (p1,p0)
*Also has logit option added
*2008 update by Ross Harris
program define labbe
version 8
syntax varlist(min=4 max=4) [if] [in] /*
*/ [, RR(string) RRN(string) RD(string) OR(string) NULL PERCent noWT XLOg YLOg /*
*/ SAving(string) YLAbel(string) XLAbel(string) YSCale(string) XSCale(string) LOGIT NOLEGend /*
*/ id(varname) CLOCKvar(varname) gap(real 1) textsize(real 1) symbol(string) wgt(varname) * ]
local lines = 0
local cmd_legend = ""
if "`if'`in'"!="" {
qui keep `if' `in'
parse "`varlist'", parse(" ")
tempvar r1 r2 N /* id yrange xrange hsqrwt */
if ~( `1'>=0 & `2'>=0 & `3'>=0 & `4'>=0 ) {
di in re "Negative cell counts encountered"
exit 198
qui gen `r1'=`1'/(`1'+`2')
qui gen `r2'=`3'/(`3'+`4')
cap assert ((`r1'>=0 & `r1'<=1) | `r1'==.) & ((`r2'>=0 & `r2'<=1 ) | `r2'==. )
if _rc!=0 {
di in re "Data incorrectly specified"
exit 198
qui gen `N' =`1'+`2'+`3'+`4'
if "`wt'"=="" {
if "`wgt'" != ""{
local weight "[weight=`wgt']"
local weight "[weight=`N']"
*display logit scale if needed
if "`logit'"!="" {
cap {
assert (`r1'>0) & (`r2'>0)
assert (`r1'<1) & (`r2'<1)
if _rc!=0 {
di in re "Non-finite values encountered"
qui replace `r1'=log(`r1'/(1-`r1'))
qui replace `r2'=log(`r2'/(1-`r2'))
local subtitl ", logit scale"
label var `r1' "Event rate group 1`subtitl'"
label var `r2' "Event rate group 2`subtitl'"
if strpos("`options'","xtitle(") == 0 & strpos("`options'","ytitle(") == 0{
local ytitle "Event rate group 1`subtitl'"
local xtitle "Event rate group 2`subtitl'"
if "`percent'"!="" {
if "`logit'"!="" {
di in re "percent option not valid with logit"
qui replace `r1'=100*`r1'
qui replace `r2'=100*`r2'
local scale=100
else {
local scale=1
if ("`xlog'`ylog'"!="") {
if ("`logit'"!="") {
di in re "Cannot use logit and xlog or ylog"
if "`rr'`or'`rd'`rrn'"!="" {
di in re "Cannot use rr(), or(), rd() or rrn() with xlog or ylog"
if "`xlabel'`ylabel'`yscale'`xscale'"=="" {
local zero=0
if "`percent'"!="" {
if "`xlog'`ylog'"!="" {
local zero=1
local ylabel "ylabel(`zero',25,50,75,100)"
local xlabel "xlabel(`zero',25,50,75,100)"
if "`percent'"=="" & "`logit'"=="" {
if "`xlog'`ylog'"!="" {
local zero=0.01
local ylabel "ylabel(`zero',0.25,0.5,0.75,1)"
local xlabel "xlabel(`zero',0.25,0.5,0.75,1)"
if "`percent'"=="" & "`logit'"!="" {
*make own labels if on logit scale
qui sum `r1'
local r1min=r(min)
local r1max=r(max)
qui sum `r2'
local r2min=r(min)
local r2max=r(max)
local lo=min(`r1min',`r2min')
local hi=max(`r1max',`r2max')
local ylabel "ylabel(`lo',`hi')"
local xlabel "xlabel(`lo',`hi')"
else {
if "`ylabel'"!="" {
local ylabel "ylabel(`ylabel')"
if "`xlabel'"!="" {
local xlabel "xlabel(`xlabel')"
if "`yscale'"!="" {
local yscale "yscale(range(`yscale'))"
if "`xscale'"!="" {
local xscale "xscale(range(`xscale'))"
if "`saving'"!="" {
local saving "saving(`saving')"
*graph `r1' `r2' `weight' , `options' `xlog' `ylog' `xlabel' `ylabel' `xscale' `yscale'
*gph open, `saving'
local ay=r(ay)
local by=r(by)
local ax=r(ax)
local bx=r(bx)
local ymax=r(ymax)
local ymin=r(ymin)
local xmax=r(xmax)
local xmin=r(xmin)
local Grmax=min(`ymax', `xmax')
local Grmin=max(`ymin', `xmin')
local xvals = subinstr("`xlabel'","xlabel(","",.)
local yvals = subinstr("`ylabel'","ylabel(","",.)
local xvals = subinstr("`xvals'",")","",.)
local yvals = subinstr("`yvals'",")","",.)
local xvals2 = subinstr("`xscale'","xscale(range(","",.)
local yvals2 = subinstr("`yscale'","yscale(range(","",.)
local xvals2 = subinstr("`xvals2'","))","",.)
local yvals2 = subinstr("`yvals2'","))","",.)
// need to find graph widths etc. manually
qui summ `r1'
local ymin = r(min)
local ymax = r(max)
if "`yvals'" != ""{
local ymin = min(`ymin',`yvals')
local ymax = max(`ymax',`yvals')
if "`yvals2'" != ""{
local ymin = min(`ymin',`yvals2')
local ymax = max(`ymax',`yvals2')
qui summ `r2'
local xmin = r(min)
local xmax = r(max)
if "`xvals'" != ""{
local xmin = min(`xmin',`xvals')
local xmax = max(`xmax',`xvals')
if "`xvals2'" != ""{
local xmin = min(`xmin',`xvals2')
local xmax = max(`xmax',`xvals2')
local aspect = (`ymax'-`ymin')/(`xmax'-`xmin')
*trap errors :RR, OR,RRN need to be positive; RD in range -1 to 1
local flag= 0
*gph font 300 200
if "`xlog'"!="" {
local xlog "log"
if "`ylog'"!="" {
local ylog "log"
if "`null'"!="" {
*Draw null line
if `ymin' < `xmin'{
local Axco0 = `xmin'
local Ayco0 = `xmin'
local Axco0 = `ymin'
local Ayco0 = `ymin'
if `ymax' > `xmax'{
local Axco1 = `xmax'
local Ayco1 = `xmax'
local Axco1 = `ymax'
local Ayco1 = `ymax'
local cmd_null = "(scatteri `Ayco0' `Axco0' `Ayco1' `Axco1', recast(line) lpattern(dash) lcolor(gs6))"
local lines = `lines'+1
local q = char(34)
local cmd_legend = "`cmd_legend' `lines' "+ `"`q'"' + "Null" + `"`q'"'
if "`or'"!="" & "`logit'"=="" {
*gph pen 5
parse "`or'", parse(",")
while "`1'"!="" {
local or_gph=`1'
if (`or_gph'<=0 ) {
local flag=10
else {
if `ymin' > `scale'*(`or_gph'*`xmin'/(`scale'*1-`xmin'+(`or_gph'*`xmin'))) {
local yco0=`ymin'
local xco0=`ymin'/(`scale'*`or_gph'+`ymin'-`ymin'*`or_gph')
else {
local yco0=`scale'*`or_gph'*`xmin'/(`scale'*1-`xmin'+(`or_gph'*`xmin'))
local xco0=`xmin'
local Ayco0=`ay'*`yco0' + `by'
local Axco0=`ax'*`xco0' + `bx'
if `xmax' < (`scale'*`ymax'/(`scale'*`or_gph'+`ymax'-(`or_gph'*`ymax'))) {
local cgermax = `xmax'
else {
local cgermax = (`scale'*`ymax'/(`scale'*`or_gph'+`ymax'-(`or_gph'*`ymax')))
local cger=`xco0'
while `cger'<=`cgermax' {
local cger = `cger'+`scale'*0.005
local tger = `scale'*`or_gph'*`cger'/(`scale'*1-`cger'+(`or_gph'*`cger'))
local Ayco1= `ay'*`tger'+`by'
local Axco1= `ax'*`cger'+`bx'
local sub_cmds "`sub_cmds' `tger' `cger'"
local Ayco0=`Ayco1'
local Axco0=`Axco1'
local cmd_or "(scatteri `sub_cmds', recast(line) lcolor(maroon))"
local lines = `lines'+1
local q = char(34)
local cmd_legend = `"`cmd_legend'"' + " `lines' " + `"`q'"' + "Odds ratio" + `"`q'"'
mac shift 2
if "`or'"!="" & "`logit'"!="" {
*gph pen 9
parse "`or'", parse(",")
while "`1'"!="" {
if (`1'<=0 ) {
local flag=10
else {
local or_lgph=log(`1')
if `ymin' > `xmin'+`or_lgph' {
local yco0=`ymin'
local xco0=`ymin'-`or_lgph'
else {
local yco0=`xmin'+`or_lgph'
local xco0=`xmin'
if `ymax' >`xmax'+`or_lgph' {
local yco1=`xmax'+`or_lgph'
local xco1=`xmax'
else {
local yco1=`ymax'
local xco1=`ymax'-`or_lgph'
local Ayco0=`ay'*`yco0' + `by'
local Axco0=`ax'*`xco0' + `bx'
local Ayco1=`ay'*`yco1' + `by'
local Axco1=`ax'*`xco1' + `bx'
if ( (`ymax'>`yco0') & (`xmax'>`xco0') & (`ymin'<`yco1') & (`xmin'<`xco1') ) {
*gph line `Ayco0' `Axco0' `Ayco1' `Axco1'
local cmd_or2 = "(scatteri `yco0' `xco0' `yco1' `xco1', recast(line) lcolor(maroon))"
local lines = `lines'+1
local q = char(34)
local cmd_legend = `"`cmd_legend'"' + " `lines' " + `"`q'"' + "Odds ratio" + `"`q'"'
mac shift 2
if "`rr'"!="" {
if "`logit'"!="" {
di in re "rr option not valid with logit"
*gph pen 6
parse "`rr'", parse(",")
while "`1'"!="" {
local rr_gph=`1'
if (`rr_gph'<=0 ) {
local flag=10
else {
if `ymin' > `rr_gph'*`xmin' {
local yco0=`ymin'
local xco0=`ymin'/`rr_gph'
else {
local yco0=`rr_gph'*`xmin'
local xco0=`xmin'
if `ymax' > `rr_gph'*`xmax' {
local yco1=`rr_gph'*`xmax'
local xco1=`xmax'
else {
local yco1=`ymax'
local xco1=`ymax'/`rr_gph'
local Ayco0=`ay'*`yco0' + `by'
local Axco0=`ax'*`xco0' + `bx'
local Ayco1=`ay'*`yco1' + `by'
local Axco1=`ax'*`xco1' + `bx'
if ( (`ymax'>`yco0') & (`xmax'>`xco0') & (`ymin'<`yco1') & (`xmin'<`xco1') ) {
*gph line `Ayco0' `Axco0' `Ayco1' `Axco1'
local cmd_rr = "(scatteri `yco0' `xco0' `yco1' `xco1', recast(line) lcolor(dkgreen))"
local lines = `lines'+1
local q = char(34)
local cmd_legend = `"`cmd_legend'"' + " `lines' " + `"`q'"' + "Risk ratio" + `"`q'"'
mac shift 2
if "`rrn'"!="" {
if "`logit'"!="" {
di in re "rrn option not valid with logit"
*gph pen 7
parse "`rrn'", parse(",")
while "`1'"!="" {
local rrn_gph=`1'
if (`rrn_gph'<=0 ) {
local flag=10
else {
if `ymin' > (`scale'*(1 -`rrn_gph') + `rrn_gph'*`xmin') {
local yco0=`ymin'
local xco0=(`ymin'+`scale'*(`rrn_gph'-1))/`rrn_gph'
else {
local yco0=`scale'*(1-`rrn_gph') + `rrn_gph'*`xmin'
local xco0=`xmin'
if `ymax' >(`scale'*(1-`rrn_gph') + `rrn_gph'*`xmax' ) {
local yco1=`scale'*(1-`rrn_gph') + `rrn_gph'*`xmax'
local xco1=`xmax'
else {
local yco1=`ymax'
local xco1=(`ymax'+`scale'*(`rrn_gph'-1))/`rrn_gph'
local Ayco0=`ay'*`yco0' + `by'
local Axco0=`ax'*`xco0' + `bx'
local Ayco1=`ay'*`yco1' + `by'
local Axco1=`ax'*`xco1' + `bx'
if ( (`ymax'>`yco0') & (`xmax'>`xco0') & (`ymin'<`yco1') & (`xmin'<`xco1') ) {
*gph line `Ayco0' `Axco0' `Ayco1' `Axco1'
local cmd_rrn = "(scatteri `yco0' `xco0' `yco1' `xco1', recast(line) lcolor(ltgreen))"
local lines = `lines'+1
local q = char(34)
local cmd_legend = `"`cmd_legend'"' + " `lines' " + `"`q'"' + "Risk ratio (non-event)" + `"`q'"'
mac shift 2
if "`rd'"!="" {
if "`logit'"!="" {
di in re "rd option not valid with logit"
*gph pen 8
parse "`rd'", parse(",")
while "`1'"!="" {
local rd_gph=`1'
if (`rd_gph'<=-1 | `rd_gph'>=1 ) {
local flag=10
else {
if `ymin' > `xmin'+`scale'*`rd_gph' {
local yco0=`ymin'
local xco0=`ymin'-`scale'*`rd_gph'
else {
local yco0=`xmin'+`scale'*`rd_gph'
local xco0=`xmin'
if `ymax' >`xmax'+`rd_gph' {
local yco1=`xmax'+`scale'*`rd_gph'
local xco1=`xmax'
else {
local yco1=`ymax'
local xco1=`ymax'-`scale'*`rd_gph'
local Ayco0=`ay'*`yco0' + `by'
local Axco0=`ax'*`xco0' + `bx'
local Ayco1=`ay'*`yco1' + `by'
local Axco1=`ax'*`xco1' + `bx'
if ( (`ymax'>`yco0') & (`xmax'>`xco0') & (`ymin'<`yco1') & (`xmin'<`xco1') ) {
*gph line `Ayco0' `Axco0' `Ayco1' `Axco1'
local cmd_rd = "(scatteri `yco0' `xco0' `yco1' `xco1', recast(line) lcolor(olive))"
local lines = `lines'+1
local q = char(34)
local cmd_legend = `"`cmd_legend'"' + " `lines' " + `"`q'"' + "Risk difference" + `"`q'"'
mac shift 2
*gph close
if `flag'>1 {
display _n "Note: some effect sizes are outside valid ranges"
// sort out xlabel etc. later
local xlabel = subinstr("`xlabel'", "," ," " ,.)
local ylabel = subinstr("`ylabel'", "," ," " ,.)
local q = char(34)
local l2 = `lines'+1
local cmd_legend = `"`cmd_legend'"' + " `l2' " + `"`q'"' + "Studies" + `"`q'"'
if `"`cmd_legend'"' != ""{
local cmd_legend = "legend(order(" + `"`cmd_legend'"' + ") span)"
if "`nolegend'" != "" | (`lines' == 2 & "`null'" != "") | (`lines'<=1){
local cmd_legend = "legend(off)"
if "`id'" != ""{
tempvar clockVar
local lsize = min(`textsize'*30/_N,2)
qui gen `clockVar' = `r2'<`r1'
qui replace `clockVar' = 3+`clockVar'*6
if "`clockvar'" != ""{
qui replace `clockVar' = `clockvar' if `clockvar' < . // user defined
tempvar r11 r22 radians
qui summ `N'
qui gen `radians' = (`clockVar'/12)*2*_pi
if `gap' == 0{
local gap = 0.0001
local invgap = 17/`gap' // smaller means more gap
qui gen `r11' = `r1' + `N'/r(max)*((`ymax'-`ymin')/`invgap')*cos(`radians')
qui gen `r22' = `r2' + `N'/r(max)*((`xmax'-`xmin')/`invgap')*sin(`radians')
local cmd_lab "(scatter `r11' `r22', msymbol(none) mlabel(`id') mlabvposition(`clockVar') mlabcolor(black) mlabsize(`lsize'))"
if "`symbol'" == ""{
local s2 = "circle_hollow"
local s2 = "`symbol'"
if "`weight'" == ""{
qui replace `r22' = `r2'
qui replace `r11' = `r1'
if "`symbol'" == ""{
local s2 = "default"
qui twoway `cmd_null' `cmd_or' `cmd_or2' `cmd_rr' `cmd_rrn' `cmd_rd' ///
(scatter `r1' `r2' `weight', msymbol(`s2') mcolor(navy)) `cmd_lab' ///
, `options' `xlog' `ylog' `xlabel' `ylabel' `xscale' `yscale' ///
`cmd_legend' xtitle("`xtitle'") ytitle("`ytitle'") aspect(`aspect')