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147 lines
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147 lines
3.3 KiB
10 months ago
program define tri
syntax varlist [fweight iweight] [,global test(int 2) all]
local nbvar:word count `varlist'
tokenize `varlist'
/*forvalues i=1/`nbvar' {
qui su ``i'' [`weight'`exp']
qui replace ``i''=(``i''-r(mean))/r(sd)
} */
if "`global'"!="" {
tempname Cov W
qui matrix accum `Cov'=`varlist' [`weight'`exp'],nocons dev
qui matrix `Cov'=`Cov'/(`nbind'-1)
matrix `W'=J(2,`nbvar',0)
local newlist
tempvar centroid
genscore `varlist',mean score(`centroid')
forvalues i=1/`nbvar' {
qui corr ``i'' `centroid' [`weight'`exp']
matrix `W'[1,`i']=`r(rho)'
forvalues c=1/`nbvar'{
local corrmin=2
local var=0
forvalues i=1/`nbvar' {
if `W'[1,`i']<`corrmin'&`W'[2,`i']==0 {
local corrmin=`W'[1,`i']
local var=`i'
matrix `W'[2,`var']=`c'
matrix list `W'
forvalues c=1/`nbvar' {
forvalues i=1/`nbvar' {
if `W'[2,`i']==`c' {
local newlist `newlist' ``i''
local varlist "`newlist'"
tokenize `varlist'
if "`all'"=="" {
local time=1
else {
local time=`nbvar'
local maxc=-99
local part
forvalues t=1/`time' {
tempname W
matrix `W'=J(1,`nbvar',0)
matrix `W'[1,`t']=1
forvalues iter=1/`nbvar' {
local dejaselect
forvalues i=1/`nbvar' {
if `W'[1,`i']!=0 {
local dejaselect `dejaselect' ``i''
tempvar centroid
qui genscore `dejaselect',score(`centroid') standardized
local maxr=-2
local maxi=0
forvalues i=1/`nbvar' {
if `W'[1,`i']==0 {
qui corr `centroid' ``i''
local r=r(rho)
if `r'>`maxr' {
local maxr=`r'
local maxi=`i'
if `maxi'!=0 {
matrix `W'[1,`maxi']=`iter'+1
local list
forvalues class=1/`nbvar' {
forvalues i=1/`nbvar' {
if `W'[1,`i']==`class' {
local list `list' ``i''
di "`list'"
forvalues i=0/`nbvar' {
local j=`nbvar'-`i'
if `test'>2 {
local jb `j'
else {
local jb 0
forvalues k=0/`jb' {
local l=`nbvar'-`i'-`k'
if `test'>3 {
local lb=`l'
else {
local lb=0
forvalues m=0/`lb' {
local n=`nbvar'-`i'-`k'-`m'
qui di "compart `list',part(`i' `k' `m' `n')"
di "`i' `k' `m' `n'"
if `i'>=0&`k'>=0&`m'>=0&`n'>=0 {
di " compart `list',part(`i' `k' `m' `n')"
qui compart2 `list',part(`i' `k' `m' `n')
local c=r(compart)
di "`c'"
if `c'>`maxc' {
local maxc=`c'
local part=r(part)
local savlist `list'
*di "Best : `c'"
di "The best partition in two groups is `part'"
di "for `savlist'"
di "COMPART=`maxc'"