You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

2980 lines
66 KiB

11 months ago
*! Bastien Perrot, Jean-Benoit Hardouin, Emmanuelle Anthoine
* Stata program : validscale
* Assess validity and reliability of a multidimensional measurement scale using CTT methods
* Required modules :
* delta
* loevh
* kapci
* mi_twoway
* detect
* imputeitems
* lstrfun
* Version 1.1 (September 3, 2018) /*updated the dialog box for Stata 15, fixed a bug with cfarmsea, cfacfi and cfacovs, fixed a bug with descitems when the first observation contained missing data*/
* Version 1.2 August 13, 2019 /* filessave and dirsave options */
program define validscale, rclass
version 12.0
syntax varlist [if], PARTition(numlist integer >0) [HTML(string) CATegories(numlist) SCOREName(string) scores(varlist) IMPute(string) NORound COMPScore(string) DESCitems GRAPHs cfa CFAMethod(string) cfasb CFAStand CFACov(string) CFARmsea(real -999) CFACFi(real -999) CFAOR CFANOCOVDim CONVdiv TCONVdiv(real 0.4) CONVDIVBoxplots Alpha(real 0.7) Delta(real 0.9) h(real 0.3) HJmin(real 0.3) REPet(varlist) scores2(varlist) KAPpa ICKAPpa(integer 0) kgv(varlist) KGVBoxplots KGVGroupboxplots conc(varlist) tconc(real 0.4) DIRsave(string) FILESsave]
foreach c in delta loevh mi_twoway detect imputeitems lstrfun{
capture which "`c'"
if _rc qui ssc install "`c'"
capture which kapci
if _rc qui net install st0076, from(
if "`if'"!="" {
qui keep `if'
global html
global dirsave
global filessave
if "`filessave'" != "" {
global filessave = "`filessave'"
if "`dirsave'" != "" {
global dirsave = "`dirsave'"
else {
global dirsave "`c(pwd)'"
if "`html'" != "" {
global html = "`html'"
set scheme sj
local htmlregion "graphregion(fcolor(white) ifcolor(white))"
local xsize=6
local ysize=4
di in gr "<!-- SphereCalc start of response -->"
di "<br />"
di "<pre>"
if "`categories'" == "" {
foreach v in `varlist' {
tempvar min max
egen `min' = min(`v')
egen `max' = max(`v')
local mi = `min'
local ma = `max'
local m `mi' `ma'
local categories `categories' `m'
global categories = "`categories'"
global compscore = "`compscore'"
if "$compscore" == "" global compscore = "mean"
local C = 0
foreach z in `partition' {
local C = `C' + `z'
local nbvars : word count `varlist'
if `C' != `nbvars' {
di in red "The sum of the numbers in the partition option is different from the number of variables precised in varlist"
exit 119
if "`repet'" != "" {
local b:word count `repet'
if `nbvars' != `b' {
di in red "The number of items in varlist is different from the number of items in repet"
exit 119
local i = 1
foreach x in `varlist' {
local var`i' = "`x'"
local `++i'
local P:word count `partition'
local S:word count `scorename'
if "`scores'" != "" & "`scorename'" != "" {
di in red "scorenames() and scores() cannot be used together"
exit 119
if "`scorename'" != "" {
if `P'!=`S' {
di in red "The number of score names given is different from the number of dimensions in the partition option"
exit 119
foreach sco in `scorename' {
capture confirm variable `sco', exact
if !_rc {
di in red "`sco' already defined. You must choose names that do not already exist or use the scores() option if the scores are already defined."
exit 119
tokenize `scorename'
local g = 0
forvalues i = 1/`S' {
if "`sco'" == "``i''" {
local `++g'
if `g' > 1 {
di in red "2 or more dimensions have the same name"
exit 119
calcscore `varlist', scorename(`scorename') partition(`partition') compscore(`compscore') categories(`categories')
global exist = 0
global scorename = "`scorename'"
else if "`scorename'" == "" & "`scores'" == ""{
local name
local nname
forvalues i = 1/`P' {
local name "Dim`i'"
local nname `nname' `name'
local scorename = "`nname'"
global scorename = "`nname'"
calcscore `varlist', scorename(`scorename') partition(`partition') compscore(`compscore') categories(`categories')
global exist = 0
else if "`scores'" != "" {
local P:word count `partition'
local S2:word count `scores'
if `P'!=`S2' {
di in red "The number of score names given is different from the number of dimensions in the partition option"
exit 119
else {
global scorename = "`scores'"
local scorename = "`scores'"
global exist = 1
local nbm : word count $categories
if `nbm' !=2 &`nbm' !=`P'*2 &`nbm' !=`nbvars'*2 {
di in red "option categories() misspecified. You must enter either 2 or `=`nbvars'*2' or `=`P'*2' elements"
exit 119
if `nbm' == 2{
tokenize $categories
foreach v in `varlist' {
tempvar min
tempvar max
egen `min' = min(`v')
egen `max' = max(`v')
if `min' < `1' {
di in red "error in option categories() : some responses have smaller values than the minimum value in categories()"
exit 119
if `max' > `2' {
di in red "error in option categories() : some responses have greater values than the maximum value in categories()"
exit 119
if `nbm' == `nbvars'*2 {
local i = 1
foreach v in `varlist' {
tempvar min max
egen `min' = min(`v')
egen `max' = max(`v')
local mi = `min'
local ma = `max'
tokenize $categories
if `mi' < ``i'' {
di in red "error in option categories() : some responses have values less than the minimum value specified for the variable in categories()"
exit 119
local `++i'
tokenize $categories
if `ma' > ``i'' {
di in red "error in option categories() : some responses have values greater than the maximum value specified for the variable in categories()"
exit 119
local `++i'
if `nbm' == `P'*2 {
local i = 1
local y = 1
foreach x in `partition' {
//local `i++'
if `i' == 1 local s = `x'
else local s = `s' +`x'
forvalues w = `y'/`s' {
tokenize $categories
tempvar min max
egen `min' = min(`var`w'')
egen `max' = max(`var`w'')
local mi = `min'
local ma = `max'
if `mi' < ``i'' {
di in red "error in option categories() : some responses have values less than the minimum value specified"
exit 119
local j = `i'+1
tokenize $categories
if `ma' > ``j'' {
di in red "error in option categories() : some responses have values greater than the maximum value specified"
exit 119
local i = `i'+2
local y = `s'+1
if "`cfa'" != "" {
if "`cfacov'" != "" {
if !strpos("`cfacov'", "*") {
di "error in cfacov() option : you must enter covariances between errors as follows: item3*item5 item7*item8 ... "
exit 119
local v = subinstr("`cfacov'","*"," ",.)
foreach var in `v' {
capture confirm variable `var'
if _rc {
di in red "error in cfacov() option : `var' is not a variable from the dataset"
exit 119
if "`kgv'" !="" {
foreach k in `kgv' {
capture confirm variable `k'
if _rc!=0 {
di in red "`k' does not exist"
exit 119
if "`conc'" !="" {
foreach c in `conc' {
capture confirm variable `c'
if _rc!=0 {
di in red "`c' does not exist"
exit 119
di as result "Items used to compute the scores"
local i = 1
local j = 1
local y = 1
foreach p in `partition' {
tokenize `scorename'
di "{bf:``i''} : " _c
if `j' == 1 local s = `p'
else local s = `s' +`p'
forvalues z = `y'/`s' {
di "{text:`var`z'' }" _c
local `i++'
local `j++'
local y = `s'+1
di as result "Number of observations: " _c
di as text _N
qui destring _all, replace
if "`descitems'" != "" {
di as result "{hline 105}"
di "Description of items"
di as result "{hline 105}"
descitems `varlist', partition(`partition')
if "`graphs'" != "" {
graphs `varlist', partition(`partition')
if "`repet'" != "" {
if "`descitems'" != "" {
di as result "{hline 105}"
di "Description of items (time 2)"
di as result "{hline 105}"
descitems `repet', partition(`partition')
if "`impute'" != "" {
if "`impute'" != "pms" & "`impute'" !="mi" {
di in red "option impute() incorrectly specified. You must specify {hi:pms} or {hi:mi}."
error 100
if "`impute'" == "pms" {
pms `varlist', partition(`partition') `noround'
if "`descitems'" != "" {
di as result "{hline 105}"
di "Description of items after missing data handling (PMS imputation)"
di as result "{hline 105}"
descitems `varlist', partition(`partition')
if "`repet'" != "" {
pms `repet', partition(`partition') `noround'
if "`descitems'" != "" {
di as result "{hline 105}"
di "Description of items after missing data handling (time 2)"
di as result "{hline 105}"
descitems `repet', partition(`partition')
if "`impute'" == "mi" {
mitw `varlist', partition(`partition') `noround'
if "`descitems'" != "" {
di as result "{hline 105}"
di "Description of items after missing data handling (mi two-way imputation)"
di as result "{hline 105}"
descitems `varlist', partition(`partition')
if "`repet'" != "" {
mitw `repet', partition(`partition') `noround'
if "`descitems'" != "" {
di as result "{hline 105}"
di "Description of items after missing data handling (time 2)"
di as result "{hline 105}"
descitems `repet', partition(`partition')
rel `varlist', scorename(`scorename') partition(`partition') alpha(`alpha') delta(`delta') h(`h') hjmin(`hjmin') categories(`categories')
if "`convdiv'" != "" {
convdiv `varlist', partition(`partition') tconvdiv(`tconvdiv') `convdivboxplots'
if "`cfa'" != "" {
cfa `varlist', partition(`partition') cfamethod(`cfamethod') `cfasb' `cfastand' cfacov(`cfacov') cfarmsea(`cfarmsea') cfacfi(`cfacfi') `cfaor' `cfanocovdim'
if "`repet'" != "" | "`scores2'" != "" {
global scores2 = "`scores2'"
repet `varlist', t2(`repet') partition(`partition') `kappa' ickappa(`ickappa')
if "`kgv'" != "" {
kgv `scorename', categ(`kgv') `kgvboxplots' `kgvgroupboxplots'
if "`conc'" != "" {
conc `scorename', comp(`conc') tconc(`tconc')
//capture restore, not
/* pms */
capture program drop pms
program pms
syntax varlist, PARTition(numlist integer >0) [NORound]
local C = 0
foreach z in `partition' {
local C = `C' + `z'
local nbvars : word count `varlist'
if `C' != `nbvars' {
di in red "The sum of the numbers in the partition option is different from the number of variables precised in varlist"
local i = 1
local y = 1
tokenize `varlist'
foreach x in `partition' {
if `i' == 1 local s = `x'
else local s = `s' +`x'
local liste = ""
forvalues w = `y'/`s' {
local liste `liste' ``w''
local n : word count `liste'
if mod(`n',2)!=0 local max = floor(`n'/2)
else local max = `n'/2-1
if "`noround'" != "" {
qui imputeitems `liste', method(pms) max(`max') noround
foreach var of varlist `liste' {
qui replace `var' = imp`var'
qui drop imp`var'
else {
qui imputeitems `liste', method(pms) max(`max')
foreach var of varlist `liste' {
qui replace `var' = imp`var'
qui drop imp`var'
local `i++'
local y = `s'+1
/* mitw */
capture program drop mitw
program mitw
syntax varlist, PARTition(numlist integer >0) [NORound]
local C = 0
foreach z in `partition' {
local C = `C' + `z'
local nbvars : word count `varlist'
if `C' != `nbvars' {
di in red "The sum of the numbers in the partition option is different from the number of variables precised in varlist"
local i = 1
local y = 1
foreach x in `partition' {
tokenize `varlist'
if `i' == 1 local s = `x'
else local s = `s' +`x'
local liste = ""
forvalues w = `y'/`s' {
local liste `liste' ``w''
qui mi_twoway `liste', scorename(scoretmp) add(1) style(wide) clear
foreach var of varlist `liste' {
qui replace `var' = _1_`var'
if "`noround'" == "" {
qui replace `var' = round(`var')
/*if `var' > `maxm' {
qui replace `var' = `maxm'
if `var' < `minm' {
qui replace `var' = `minm'
qui drop _1_`var'
capture drop scoretmp
capture drop _1_scoretmp
local `i++'
local y = `s'+1
//capture drop _mi_miss
qui mi unset
/* calcscore */
capture program drop calcscore
program calcscore,rclass
syntax varlist, PARTition(numlist integer >0) [categories(numlist) COMPscore(string) SCOrename(string)]
local P:word count `partition'
local S:word count `scorename'
local C = 0
foreach z in `partition' {
local C = `C' + `z'
local nbvars : word count `varlist'
if `C' != `nbvars' {
di in red "The sum of the numbers in the partition option is different from the number of variables precised in varlist"
if "`scorename'" != "" {
if `P'!=`S' {
di in red "The number of score names given is different from the number of dimensions in the partition option"
exit 119
local i = 1
local y = 1
foreach x in `partition' {
tokenize `varlist'
if `i' == 1 local s = `x'
else local s = `s' +`x'
local liste = ""
forvalues w = `y'/`s' {
local liste `liste' ``w''
tempvar nonmiss
qui egen `nonmiss' = rownonmiss(`liste')
tokenize `scorename'
local sc = "``i''"
if "`compscore'" == "" local compscore = "mean"
if "`compscore'" != "mean" & "`compscore'" != "sum" & "`compscore'" != "stand" {
di in red "option compscore incorrectly specified (choose among mean, sum and stand)"
error 198
if "`compscore'" == "sum" {
qui egen `sc' = rowmean(`liste') if `nonmiss' >= `x'/2
qui replace `sc' = `sc'*`x'
else if "`compscore'" == "stand" {
local nbm:word count `categories'
local nbl:word count `liste'
tokenize `categories'
if `nbm' == 2 {
local min = `1'*`nbl'
local max = `2'*`nbl'
else if `nbm' == `P'*2 {
local min = ``b''*`nbl'
local max = ``=`b'+1''*`nbl'
else if `nbm' == `nbvars'*2 {
if `y'==1 local yy = 1
else local yy = `y'*2-1
local bb = `yy'
local min = 0
local max = 0
forvalues bb = `yy'(2)`=`s'*2' {
local tpmin = ``bb''
local tpmax = ``=`bb'+1''
local min = `min'+`tpmin'
local max = `max'+`tpmax'
else {
di in red "option categories() misspecified. You must enter either 2 or `=`nbvars'*2' or `=`P'*2' elements"
exit 119
qui egen `sc' = rowmean(`liste') if `nonmiss' >= `x'/2
qui replace `sc' = `sc'*`nonmiss'
qui replace `sc' = (`sc'-`min')/(`max'-`min')*100
else {
qui egen `sc' = rowmean(`liste') if `nonmiss' >= `x'/2
local `i++'
local y = `s'+1
/* rel */
capture program drop rel
program rel,rclass
syntax varlist, PARTition(numlist integer >0) [CATegories(numlist) SCOrename(string) Alpha(real 0.7) Delta(real 0.9) h(real 0.3) HJmin(real 0.3)]
local C = 0
foreach z in `partition' {
local C = `C' + `z'
local nbvars : word count `varlist'
if `C' != `nbvars' {
di in red "The sum of the numbers in the partition option is different from the number of variables precised in varlist"
local P:word count `partition'
if "`scorename'" !="" {
local S:word count `scorename'
if `P'!=`S' {
di in red "The number of score names given is different from the number of dimensions in the partition option"
di as result "{hline 105}"
di "{bf:Reliability}"
di as result "{hline 105}"
local y = 1
local nbitems = 0
matrix aa = J(`P',4,.)
foreach z in `partition' {
local nbitems = `nbitems' + `z'
local i = 1
foreach x in `varlist' {
local var`i' = "`x'"
local `++i'
matrix d = J(`nbitems',2,.)
local i = 1
local b = 1
foreach x in `partition' {
tokenize `scorename'
if `i' == 1 local s = `x'
else local s = `s' +`x'
local liste = ""
forvalues w = `y'/`s' {
local liste `liste' `var`w''
capture alpha `liste', asi item std
local al`i' = r(alpha)
capture qui loevh `liste', pairwise
local h`i' = r(loevH)
matrix c = r(loevHj)
matrix ct = c'
local lister = ""
forvalues w = `y'/`s' {
tempvar z
qui gen `z' = round(`var`w'')
local lister `lister' `z'
tempvar nbmiss
local nbl : word count `lister'
egen `nbmiss' = rowmiss(`lister')
qui count if `nbmiss'<`nbl'
local n`i' = r(N)
// delta
if ${exist} == 0 & "$compscore" == "sum" {
local nbm:word count `categories'
tokenize `categories'
if `nbm' == 2 {
local min = `1'*`nbl'
local max = `2'*`nbl'
else if `nbm' == `P'*2 {
local min = ``b''*`nbl'
local max = ``=`b'+1''*`nbl'
else if `nbm' == `nbvars'*2 {
if `y'==1 local yy = 1
else local yy = `y'*2-1
local bb = `yy'
local min = 0
local max = 0
forvalues bb = `yy'(2)`=`s'*2' {
local tpmin = ``bb''
local tpmax = ``=`bb'+1''
local min = `min'+`tpmin'
local max = `max'+`tpmax'
else {
di in red "option categories() misspecified. You must enter either 2 or `=`nbvars'*2' or `=`P'*2' elements"
exit 119
capture delta `lister', min(`min') max(`max')
local delt`i' = r(delta)
else local delt`i' = .
local k = 0
forvalues j = `y'/`s' {
local k = `k'+1
matrix d[`j',1] = ct[`k',1]
matrix d[`j',2] = `i'
matrix aa [`i',1] = `al`i''
matrix aa [`i',2] = `delt`i''
matrix aa [`i',3] = `h`i''
local `i++'
local y = `s'+1
local b = `b'+2
matrix rownames d = `varlist'
local i = 1
local y = 1
foreach x in `partition' {
if `i' == 1 local s = `x'
else local s = `s' +`x'
matrix C = d[`y'..`s',1.]
local min`i' = C[1,1]
local n : rownames C
tokenize `n'
local t`i' = "`1'"
forvalues j = 1/`x' {
local t = "``j''"
if C[`j',1] <= `min`i'' {
local min`i' = C[`j',1]
local t`i' = "``j''"
local itmin`i' = "``j''"
matrix aa [`i',4] = `min`i''
local `i++'
local y = `s'+1
matrix colnames aa = "alpha" "delta" "H" "Hj_min"
if "`scorename'"=="" {
local i = 1
local y = 1
local name
local nname
forvalues i = 1/`P' {
local name "Dim`i'"
local nname `nname' `name'
local scorename = "`nname'"
local maxlen = 0
foreach sco in `scorename' {
local w = length("`sco'")
if `w' > `maxlen' local maxlen = `w'
local i = 1
local j = 1
local y = 1
local col = `maxlen'+8
di _col(`col') "{bf:n}" _c
local col = `col'+6
di _col(`col') "{bf:alpha}" _c
local col = `col'+10
di _col(`col') "{bf:delta}" _c
local col = `col'+14
di _col(`col') "{bf:H}" _c
local col = `col'+5
di _col(`col') "{bf:Hj_min}"
foreach s in `scorename' {
di in blue "{bf:`s'}" _c
local col = `maxlen'+3
local n : di %6.0f `n`i''
di in blue _col(`col') "{text:`n'}" _c
local col = `col'+10
local a : di %6.2f `al`i''
if `a' < `alpha' {
di _col(`col') "{error:`a'} " _c
else di _col(`col') "{text:`a'}" _c
local col = `col'+10
local d : di %6.2f `delt`i''
if `d' < `delta' {
di _col(`col') "{error:`d'} " _c
else di _col(`col') "{text:`d'}" _c
local col = `col'+10
local ht : di %6.2f `h`i''
if `ht' < `h' {
di _col(`col') "{error:`ht'} " _c
else di _col(`col') "{text:`ht'}" _c
local col = `col'+8
local m : di %8.2f `min`i''
if `m' < `hjmin' {
di _col(`col') "{error:`m'} " _c
di "{text:(item `itmin`i'')}" _c
else di _col(`col') "{text:`m'}" _c
local `++i'
/* descitems */
capture program drop descitems
program descitems
syntax varlist, PARTition(numlist integer >0)
local i = 1
local C = 0
foreach z in `partition' {
local C = `C' + `z'
local nbvars : word count `varlist'
if `C' != `nbvars' {
di in red "The sum of the numbers in the partition option is different from the number of variables precised in varlist"
exit 119
local i = 1
foreach x in `varlist' {
local var`i' = "`x'"
local `++i'
foreach var in `varlist' {
qui replace `var' = round(`var')
local lev = ""
foreach var in `varlist' {
qui levelsof `var', local(levels)
foreach l in `levels' {
if strpos("`lev'","`l'") == 0 {
local lev `lev' `l'
_qsort_index `lev'
local lev = r(slist1)
local i = 1
matrix d = J(`nbvars',4,.)
foreach var in `varlist'{
qui count if missing(`var')
local ct=r(N)
local tx`i'=`ct'/_N
matrix d[`i',1] = `tx`i''
local `i++'
matrix rownames d = `varlist'
matrix colnames d = "missing" "alpha" "Hj"
local i = 1
local y = 1
foreach x in `partition' {
if `i' == 1 local s = `x'
else local s = `s' +`x'
local liste = ""
forvalues w = `y'/`s' {
local liste `liste' `var`w''
qui capture alpha `liste', asi item std
mat a = r(Alpha)
mat at = a'
qui capture loevh `liste', pairwise pair
matrix e = r(loevHj)
matrix et = e'
//matrix ns = r(nbHjkNS)
//matrix nst = ns'
matrix pval = r(pvalHjk)
forvalues c = 1/`x' {
forvalues r = 1/`x' {
if pval[`r',`c']>0.05 {
local ns`r' = `ns`r''+1
else local ns`r' = `ns`r''+0
foreach z in `partition' {
local nbitems = `nbitems' + `z'
matrix nst = J(`nbitems',1,0)
local r = 1
forvalues j = `y'/`s'{
matrix nst[`j',1]=`ns`r''
local `r++'
local k = 0
forvalues j = `y'/`s' {
local k = `k'+1
matrix d[`j',2] = at[`k',1]
matrix d[`j',3] = et[`k',1]
matrix d[`j',4] = `ns`k''
local `i++'
local y = `s'+1
forvalues j = 1/21{
local ns`j' = 0
local i = 1
foreach v in `varlist' {
local var`i' = abbrev("`v'",8)
local `++i'
local dec = 10
local col = `dec'
local minm = 999
local maxm = -999
foreach mod in $categories {
if `mod' < `minm' local minm = `mod'
if `mod' > `maxm' local maxm = `mod'
local b = `maxm'-`minm'+1
local i = 1
local j = 1
local y = 1
di in blue _col(`dec') "{bf:Missing}" _c
local col = `col'+11
di in blue _col(`=`col'+2') "{bf:N}" _c
local col = `col'+9
di _col(`col') "{bf:Response categories}" _c
local col = `dec'+18+8*`b'
di _col(`col') "{bf:Alpha}" _c
local col = `col'+9
di _col(`col') "{bf:Loevinger}" _c
local col = `col'+12
di _col(`col') "{bf:Number of}"
local col = `dec'-1
di _col(`col') "{bf:data rate}" _c
local col = `dec'+18
forvalues m = `minm'/`maxm' {
di _col(`=`col'+2') "`m'" _c
local col = `col'+8
di as result _col(`col') "- item" _c
local col = `col'+10
di as result _col(`col') "Hj coeff" _c
local col = `col'+12
di as result _col(`col') "NS Hjk"
local ch = `dec'+18+8*`b'+29
di "{hline `ch'}"
local i = 1
foreach x in `varlist' {
local varo`i' = "`x'"
local `++i'
local y = 1
foreach p in `partition' {
if `j' == 1 local s = `p'
else local s = `s' +`p'
forvalues z = `y'/`s' {
local col = `dec'
di "{bf:`var`z''}" _c
local t = d[`z',1]
local t : di %8.2f `t'*100
di _col(`col') "{text:`t'%}" _c
qui count if missing(`varo`z'')
local m = r(N)
local N = _N-`m'
local N : di %4.0f `N'
local col = `col'+10
di _col(`col') "{text:`N'}" _c
local col = `col'+8
forvalues m = `minm'/`maxm' {
qui count if round(`varo`z'') == `m'
local n = r(N)
if `m' == `maxm' & round(`varo`z'')>`maxm' & `varo`z''!=.{
local n = `n' + 1
if `m' == `minm' & round(`varo`z'')<`minm' & `varo`z''!=.{
local n = `n' + 1
qui count if `varo`z'' != .
local d = r(N)
local e = `n'/`d'
local e : di %4.2f `e'*100
if `e' != 0 di _col(`=`col'-1')"{text:`e'%}" _c
else di _col(`=`col'-1')"{text: -}" _c
local col = `col'+8
local a = d[`z',2]
local a : di %4.2f `a'
di _col(`=`col'+1') "{text:`a'}" _c
local h = d[`z',3]
local h : di %5.2f `h'
local col = `col'+10
di _col(`=`col'+3') "{text:`h'}" _c
local ns = d[`z',4]
local ns : di %2.0f `ns'
local col = `col'+11
di _col(`=`col'+7') "{text:`ns'}"
local `i++'
local `j++'
local y = `s'+1
di "{dup `ch':-}"
capture program drop graphs
program graphs
syntax varlist, PARTition(numlist integer >0)
local P:word count `partition'
local html = "${html}"
local i = 1
foreach x in `varlist' {
local var`i' = "`x'"
local `++i'
if "$compscore" == "stand" local w = 10
if "$compscore" == "sum" local b = 10
if "$compscore" == "mean" local w = 0.5
if "`html'"!="" {
//set graphics off
foreach s in $scorename {
qui local saving "saving(`c(tmpdir)'/`html'_`s',replace) nodraw"
qui hist `s', name(`s',replace) percent fcolor(emidblue) lcolor(none) width(`w') bin(`b') `saving'
qui graph use `c(tmpdir)'/`html'_`s'.gph
qui graph save `c(tmpdir)'/`html'_`s'.gph, replace
//di "<img src=" _char(34) "/data/`html'_`s'.gph" _char(34)
//di " class=" _char(34) "resgraph" _char(34) " alt=" _char(34) "hist score" _char(34) " title= " _char(34) "hist score - click to enlarge" _char(34) " width=" _char(34) "300" _char(34) " height=" _char(34) "200" _char(34) ">"
//set graphics on
qui local saving "saving(`c(tmpdir)'/`html'_group,replace) nodraw"
qui gr combine $scorename, name(group,replace) title("Distribution of scores") `saving'
qui graph use `c(tmpdir)'/`html'_group.gph
qui graph save `c(tmpdir)'/`html'_group.gph, replace
//di "<img src=" _char(34) "/data/`html'_group.gph" _char(34)
//di " class=" _char(34) "resgraph" _char(34) " alt=" _char(34) "group" _char(34) " title= " _char(34) "Distributions of scores - click to enlarge" _char(34) " width=" _char(34) "300" _char(34) " height=" _char(34) "200" _char(34) ">"
qui local saving "saving(`c(tmpdir)'/`html'_scores,replace) nodraw"
qui biplot $scorename, name("Biplot_scores",replace) norow std title("Correlations between scores") xtitle("") ytitle("") `saving'
qui graph use `c(tmpdir)'/`html'_scores.gph
qui graph save `c(tmpdir)'/`html'_scores.gph, replace
//di "<img src=" _char(34) "/data/`html'_scores.gph" _char(34)
//di " class=" _char(34) "resgraph" _char(34) " alt=" _char(34) "Correlations scores" _char(34) " title= " _char(34) "Correlations between scores - click to enlarge" _char(34) " width=" _char(34) "300" _char(34) " height=" _char(34) "200" _char(34) ">"
else {
set graphics off
foreach s in $scorename {
qui local saving "saving(${dirsave}/Histograms_scores_`s',replace) nodraw"
qui hist `s', name("`s'",replace) percent fcolor(emidblue) lcolor(none) width(`w') bin(`b') `saving'
set graphics on
qui local saving "saving(${dirsave}/Histograms_scores,replace) nodraw"
gr combine $scorename, name("Histograms_scores",replace) `saving'
if ("$filessave"!="") qui graph save ${dirsave}/Histograms_scores.gph, replace
qui local saving "saving(${dirsave}/biplot_scores,replace) nodraw"
capture biplot $scorename, name("Biplot_scores",replace) norow std title("") xtitle("") ytitle("") `saving'
if ("$filessave"!="") qui graph save ${dirsave}/Biplot_scores.gph, replace
capture biplot `varlist', name("temp",replace) norow std nograph
mat a = r(V)
tempvar a1 a2
mat colnames a = `a1' `a2'
svmat a, names(col)
tempvar mina1 mina2 maxa1 maxa2
egen `mina1' = min(`a1')
egen `mina2' = min(`a2')
egen `maxa1' = max(`a1')
egen `maxa2' = max(`a2')
local mina1 = `mina1'
local mina2 = `mina2'
local maxa1 = `maxa1'+1.4
local maxa1x = `maxa1'+0.3
local maxa2 = `maxa2'
local colors = "red blue black green ebblue mint erose orange maroon magenta mint gray teal navy olive sienna"
local i = 1
foreach c in `colors' {
local col`i' = "`c'"
local `++i'
local i = 1
local y = 1
local c = 1
local bas = `maxa2'+0.2
local droite = max(`maxa1',0.2)
foreach x in `partition' {
tokenize $scorename
if `i' == 1 local s = `x'
else local s = `s' +`x'
forvalues j=`y'/`s' {
local a = `a1'[`j']
local b = `a2'[`j']
local call `call' || pcarrowi 0 0 `b' `a' "`var`j''", mlabcolor(`col`i'') color(`col`i'') head
local bas = `bas'-0.2
local call `call' text(`bas' `droite' "``i''", size(3) color(`col`i'')) /*`bas' `droite' "``i''", mlabcolor("`r' `g' `b'")*/
local `++i'
local y = `s'+1
local `++c'
if "`html'" != "" {
qui local saving "saving(`c(tmpdir)'/`html'_items,replace) nodraw"
qui twoway `call' name("items",replace) legend(off) xscale(range(`mina1' `maxa1x')) yscale(range(`mina2' `maxa2')) title("Correlations between items") xtitle("") ytitle("") xsize(`xsize') ysize(`ysize') `saving'
qui graph use `c(tmpdir)'/`html'_items.gph
qui graph save `c(tmpdir)'/`html'_items.gph, replace
//di "<img src=" _char(34) "/data/`html'_items.gph" _char(34)
//di " class=" _char(34) "resgraph" _char(34) " alt=" _char(34) "Correlations items" _char(34) " title= " _char(34) "Correlations between items - click to enlarge" _char(34) " width=" _char(34) "300" _char(34) " height=" _char(34) "200" _char(34) ">"
else {
qui twoway `call' name("Biplot_items",replace) legend(off) xscale(range(`mina1' `maxa1x')) yscale(range(`mina2' `maxa2')) xtitle("") ytitle("")
if ("$filessave"!="") qui graph save ${dirsave}/Biplot_items.gph, replace
/* convdiv */
capture program drop convdiv
program convdiv
syntax varlist, PARTition(numlist integer >0) [TCONVdiv(real 0.4) convdivboxplots]
//qui set autotabgraphs on
local C = 0
foreach z in `partition' {
local C = `C' + `z'
local nbvars : word count `varlist'
local P:word count `partition'
local cptdiv = 0
local cptconv = 0
if ${exist} != 1 {
qui detect `varlist', partition(`partition')
matrix A = r(Corrrestscores)
matrix B = r(Corrscores)
local i = 1
local y = 1
foreach x in `partition' {
if `i' == 1 local s = `x'
else local s = `s' +`x'
forvalues z = `y'/`s' {
matrix B[`z',`i'] = A[`z',`i']
local `i++'
local y = `s'+1
matrix colnames B = $scorename
local i = 1
foreach v in `varlist' {
local var`i' = abbrev("`v'",10)
local `++i'
local i = 1
foreach s in $scorename {
local s`i' = abbrev("`s'",7)
local sc `sc' `s`i''
local `++i'
di as result "{hline 105}"
di "{bf:Correlation matrix}"
di "{hline 105}"
local dec = 10
local col = `dec'
local decit = 14
local colit = `decit'
local col1 = `decit'
forvalues i=1/`P' {
di _col(`col1') "{bf:`s`i''}" _c
local col1 = `col1' + `dec'
local h = (`P'-1)*`dec'+`decit'+4
di "{hline `h'}"
local i = 1
local j = 1
local y = 1
foreach p in `partition' {
if `j' == 1 local s = `p'
else local s = `s' +`p'
forvalues z = `y'/`s' {
di as text "{bf:`var`z''}" _c
local col = `decit'-1
local dd = `z' // [count cptdiv (one per item)]
forvalues k = 1/`P' {
local t = B[`z',`k']
local t : di %6.3f `t'
if `k' == `i' {
if `t' < `tconvdiv' {
/*if "${html}" != "" {
di "<p style=" _char(34) "color:red" _char(34)">"
di _col(`col') "{bf:`t'}" _c
di "</p>"
//else {
di in red _col(`col') "{bf:`t'}" _c
local cptconv = `cptconv'+1
local col = `col' + `dec'
else {
/*if "${html}" != "" {
di "<p style=" _char(34) "color:blue"_char(34)">"
di as text _col(`col') "{bf:`t'}" _c
di "</p>"
//else {
di as text _col(`col') "{bf:`t'}" _c
local col = `col' + `dec'
else {
if B[`z',`k'] > B[`z',`i'] {
/*if "${html}" != "" {
di "<span style=" _char(34) "color:red"_char(34)">"
di in red _col(`col') "`t'" _c
di "</span>"
//else {
di in red _col(`col') "`t'" _c
if `dd' == `z' local cptdiv = `cptdiv'+1 // [one per item]
local dd = 0
local col = `col' + `dec'
else {
/*if "${html}" != "" {
di "<p>"
di as text _col(`col') "{text:`t'}"_c
di "</p>"
//else {
di as text _col(`col') "{text:`t'}"_c
local col = `col' + `dec'
di as text "{dup `h':-}"
local `i++'
local `j++'
local y = `s'+1
local y = 1
local h = 1
local np : word count `partition'
foreach p in `partition' {
if `h' == 1 local s = `p'
else local s = `s' +`p'
forvalues j = 1/`np' {
mat C_`h'_`j' = B[`y'..`s',`j']
tempvar tp_`h'_`j'
mat colnames C_`h'_`j' = `tp_`h'_`j''
svmat C_`h'_`j', names(col)
local `++h'
local y = `s'+1
else if ${exist} == 1 {
di as result "{hline 105}"
di "{bf:Correlation matrix (without rest-scores)}"
di "{hline 105}"
local i = 1
foreach v in `varlist' {
local var`i' = abbrev("`v'",10)
local `++i'
local i = 1
foreach s in $scorename {
local s`i' = abbrev("`s'",7)
local sc `sc' `s`i''
local `++i'
local dec = 10
local col = `dec'
local decit = 14
local colit = `decit'
local col1 = `decit'
forvalues i=1/`P' {
di _col(`col1') "{bf:`s`i''}" _c
local col1 = `col1' + `dec'
local h = (`P'-1)*`dec'+`decit'+4
di "{hline `h'}"
qui corr $scorename `varlist'
matrix c = r(C)
matrix B = c[`=`P'+1'..`nbvars'+`P',1..`P']
local i = 1
local j = 1
local y = 1
foreach p in `partition' {
if `j' == 1 local s = `p'
else local s = `s' +`p'
forvalues z = `y'/`s' {
di as text "{bf:`var`z''}" _c
local col = `decit'-1
local dd = `z' // [count cptdiv (one per item)]
forvalues k = 1/`P' {
local t = B[`z',`k']
local t : di %6.3f `t'
if `k' == `i' {
if `t' < `tconvdiv' {
di in red _col(`col') "{bf:`t'}" _c
local cptconv = `cptconv'+1
local col = `col' + `dec'
else {
di _col(`col') "{bf:`t'}" _c
local col = `col' + `dec'
else {
if B[`z',`k'] > B[`z',`i'] {
di in red _col(`col') "`t'" _c
if `dd' == `z' local cptdiv = `cptdiv'+1 // [one per item]
local dd = 0
local col = `col' + `dec'
else {
di as text _col(`col') "{text:`t'}"_c
local col = `col' + `dec'
di "{dup `h':-}"
local `i++'
local `j++'
local y = `s'+1
local y = 1
local h = 1
local np : word count `partition'
foreach p in `partition' {
if `h' == 1 local s = `p'
else local s = `s' +`p'
forvalues j = 1/`np' {
mat C_`h'_`j' = B[`y'..`s',`j']
tempvar tp_`h'_`j'
mat colnames C_`h'_`j' = `tp_`h'_`j''
svmat C_`h'_`j', names(col)
local `++h'
local y = `s'+1
if "`convdivboxplots'" != "" {
if "${html}" != "" {
local html = "${html}"
di "</pre>"
di "<div style=" _char(34) "width:750px;" _char(34) ">"
local colors = "red blue green orange maroon magenta ebblue mint erose gray teal navy olive sienna"
local i = 1
foreach c in `colors' {
local col`i' = "`c'"
local `++i'
forvalues h = 1/`np' {
tokenize $scorename
local call = ""
local callbox = ""
local callleg = ""
forvalues j = 1/`np' {
local call `call' `tp_`h'_`j''
local callbox `callbox' box(`j',fcolor(`col`j'') lcolor(`col`j'')) marker(`j', mcolor(`col`j''))
local lab = "``j''"
local lab = `"`lab'"'
local callleg `callleg' `j' "`lab'"
qui local saving "saving(`c(tmpdir)'/`html'_Conv_div_``h'',replace) nodraw"
qui graph box `call', name("Conv_div_``h''",replace) `callbox' legend(order(`"`callleg'"') stack rows(1) size(small)) title(Correlations between items of ``h'' and scores) yline(`tconvdiv', lpattern(dot) lcolor(black)) `saving'
qui graph use `c(tmpdir)'/`html'_Conv_div_``h''.gph
qui graph save `c(tmpdir)'/`html'_Conv_div_``h''.gph, replace
di "<img src=" _char(34) "/data/`html'_Conv_div_``h''.gph" _char(34)
di "style="_char(34) "margin-bottom:10px;margin-right:22px" _char(34)" class=" _char(34) "resgraph" _char(34) " alt=" _char(34) "convdiv boxplots" _char(34) " title= " _char(34) "Correlations between items of ``h'' and scores - click to enlarge" _char(34) " width=" _char(34) "225" _char(34) " height=" _char(34) "150" _char(34) ">"
//qui set autotabgraphs on
di "</div>"
di "<pre>"
else {
forvalues h = 1/`np' {
tokenize $scorename
local call = ""
local callbox = ""
local callleg = ""
forvalues j = 1/`np' {
local call `call' `tp_`h'_`j''
local callbox `callbox' box(`j',fcolor(`color') lcolor(`color')) marker(`j', mcolor(`color'))
local lab = "``j''"
local lab = `"`lab'"'
local callleg `callleg' `j' "`lab'"
di "ok1"
graph box `call', name("Conv_div_``h''",replace) `callbox' legend(order(`"`callleg'"') stack rows(1) size(small)) title(Correlations between items of ``h'' and scores) yline(`tconvdiv', lpattern(dot) lcolor(black))
di "ok2"
if ("$filessave"!="") qui graph save ${dirsave}/Conv_div_``h''.gph, replace
qui set autotabgraphs on
local t : di %5.3f `tconvdiv'
local p1 = (`nbvars'-`cptconv')/`nbvars'*100
local p1 : di %4.1f `p1'
local p2 = (`nbvars'-`cptdiv')/`nbvars'*100
local p2 : di %4.1f `p2'
di as result "Convergent validity:" _c
di as text " `=`nbvars'-`cptconv''/`nbvars' items (`p1'%) have a correlation coefficient with the score of "
di _col(22) "their own dimension greater than `t'"
di as result "Divergent validity:" _c
di as text " `=`nbvars'-`cptdiv''/`nbvars' items (`p2'%) have a correlation coefficient with the score"
di _col(22) "of their own dimension greater than those computed with other scores."
/* cfa */
capture program drop cfa
program cfa,rclass
syntax varlist, PARTition(numlist integer >0) [CFAMethod(string) cfasb CFAStand CFACov(string) CFARmsea(real -999) CFACfi(real -999) CFAOR CFANOCOVDim]
if "`cfasb'"!="" & `cfacfi'!=-999 {
di in red "You cannot use both cfasb and cfacfi()"
exit 119
if "`cfasb'"!="" & `cfarmsea'!=-999 {
di in red "You cannot use both cfasb and cfarmsea()"
exit 119
if `cfarmsea' == -999{
local cfarmsea
//di in red "error in cfaautormsea option : you must specify a value"
//exit 119
if `cfacfi' == -999{
local cfacfi
//di in red "error in cfaautocfi option : you must specify a value"
//exit 119
local nbvars:word count `varlist'
local P:word count `partition'
local C = 0
foreach z in `partition' {
local C = `C' + `z'
local i = 1
foreach x in `varlist' {
local var`i' = "`x'"
local `++i'
if "`cfarmsea'" != "" & "`cfacov'" != "" {
di in red "You cannot use both cfacov() and cfarmsea"
exit 119
if "`cfacfi'" != "" & "`cfacov'" != "" {
di in red "You cannot use both cfacov() and cfacfi"
exit 119
if "`cfacov'" != "" {
lstrfun v, subinstr("`cfacov'","*"," ",.)
foreach var in `v' {
capture confirm variable `var'
if _rc {
di in red "error in cfacov() option : `var' is not a variable from the dataset"
exit 119
lstrfun s, subinstr("`cfacov'","* ","*",.)
lstrfun s, subinstr("`s'"," *","*",.)
lstrfun s, subinstr("`s'","*","*e.",.)
lstrfun f, subinstr("`s'"," "," e.",.)
local g e.`f'
lstrfun g , lower("`g'")
local covs `g'
local i = 1
foreach x in `varlist' {
local var`i' = lower("`x'")
qui rename `x' `var`i''
local `++i'
local upscorename = upper("$scorename")
local i = 0
local y = 1
tokenize `upscorename'
foreach x in `partition' {
local `i++'
if `i' == 1 local s = `x'
else local s = `s' +`x'
local liste = ""
forvalues w = `y'/`s' {
local liste `liste' `var`w''
local a = "(``i'' -> `liste')"
local zz `zz' `a'
local y = `s'+1
if "`cfamethod'" == "" local cfamethod = "ml"
if "`cfamethod'" != "ml" & "`cfamethod'" != "mlmv" & "`cfamethod'" != "adf" {
di "`cfamethod'"
di in red "option cfamethod incorrectly specified (choose among ml, mlmv and adf)."
error 198
if "`cfastand'" != "" local cfastand = "stand"
if "`cfasb'" != "" {
local cfasb = "vce(sbentler)"
local sb = "_sb"
di as result "{hline 105}"
di "{bf:Confirmatory factor analysis}"
di as result "{hline 105}"
local exitloop = 0
foreach v in `varlist' {
local low = lower("`v'")
qui su `low'
local range = r(max)-r(min)+1
if `range' < 5 & "`cfamethod'"=="ml"{
local message "Warning: some items have less than 5 response categories. If multivariate normality assumption does not hold, maximum likelihood estimation might not be appropriate. Consider using cfamethod(adf)."
continue, break
else if `range' >= 5 & `range' < 7 & "`cfamethod'"=="ml" & "`cfasb'" == "" {
local message "Warning: some items have less than 7 response categories. If multivariate normality assumption does not hold, maximum likelihood estimation might not be appropriate. Consider using cfasb in order to apply Satorra-Bentler adjustment or using cfamethod(adf)."
di in red "`message'"
local ii = 1
local s
local stop = 0
while (`ii' == 1 | "`covsi'" != "") & `stop'!=1 {
if `ii' == 1 & ("`cfarmsea'"!="" | "`cfacfi'"!="") {
di as text "step 1 (model without covariances between errors)"
if "`covs'" != "" & ("`cfarmsea'"!="" | "`cfacfi'"!="") di _n "{bf:step `ii':} {text:`covsi'}"
local covsi
if "`cfanocovdim'" == "" {
qui sem `zz', method(`cfamethod') `cfastand' cov(`covs') iterate(50) `cfasb'
else {
qui sem `zz', method(`cfamethod') `cfastand' cov(`covs') iterate(50) covstruct(_lexogenous, diagonal) `cfasb'
/* factor loadings */
matrix r = r(table)
matrix r = r[1,1...]
matrix r = r'
local n = `nbvars'*2
matrix a = r[1,1]
forvalues i=3(2)`n' {
matrix b = r[`i',1]
matrix a = a\b
/* standard error factor loadings*/
matrix r = r(table)
matrix r = r[2,1...]
matrix r = r'
local n = `nbvars'*2
matrix sef = r[1,1]
forvalues i=3(2)`n' {
matrix b = r[`i',1]
matrix sef = sef\b
/* intercepts */
matrix r = r(table)
matrix r = r[1,1...]
matrix r = r'
local n = `nbvars'*2
matrix a2 = r[2,1]
forvalues i=4(2)`n' {
matrix b = r[`i',1]
matrix a2 = a2\b
/* standard error intercepts*/
matrix r = r(table)
matrix r = r[2,2...]
matrix r = r'
local n = `nbvars'*2
matrix sei = r[1,1]
forvalues i=3(2)`n' {
matrix b = r[`i',1]
matrix sei = sei\b
//mat li sei
/* error variances */
local m = `n'+1
matrix r = r(table)
matrix r = r[1,`m'...]
matrix r = r'
matrix a3 = r[1,1]
forvalues i=2/`nbvars' {
matrix b = r[`i',1]
matrix a3 = a3\b
/* variance of dimensions*/
matrix r = r(table)
local n = `nbvars'*3+1
matrix r = r[1,`n'...]
matrix r = r'
matrix var = r[1,1]
forvalues i=2/`P' {
matrix b = r[`i',1]
matrix var = var\b
//mat li var
/* Covariances between dimensions */
matrix r = r(table)
local P:word count `partition'
if `P' > 1 {
local one = 1
local one = 0
local n = `nbvars'*3+`one'+`P'
if "`cfanocovdim'" == "" {
//mat li r
matrix r = r[1,`n'...]
//mat li r
matrix c = J(`P',`P',.)
local nbcov:word count `cfacov'
local `++nbcov'
local k = `nbcov'
forvalues c = 1/`P' {
forvalues r = 2/`P' {
if `r'>`c' {
matrix c[`r',`c']=r[1,`k']
local `++k'
local k = 1
forvalues c = 1/`P' {
matrix c[`c',`c']=var[`k',1]
local `++k'
matrix rownames c = $scorename
matrix colnames c = $scorename
if ("`cfarmsea'"!="" | "`cfacfi'"!="") {
local stoprmsea = 0
local stopcfi = 0
if "`cfarmsea'"!="" {
qui estat gof
di "rmsea =" round(r(rmsea),0.001)
if r(rmsea)<=`cfarmsea' {
local stoprmsea = 1
//else local stoprmsea = 0
else local stoprmsea = 1
if "`cfacfi'"!="" {
qui estat gof
di "cfi =" round(r(cfi),0.001)
if r(cfi)>=`cfacfi' {
local stopcfi = 1
//else local stopcfi = 0
else local stopcfi = 1
/* OR */
if "`cfaor'"!="" {
if `stoprmsea'==1 | `stopcfi'==1 {
local stop = 1
/* AND */
if "`cfaor'"=="" {
if `stoprmsea'==1 & `stopcfi'==1 {
local stop = 1
if ("`cfarmsea'"!="" | "`cfacfi'"!="") & `stop'!=1 {
qui estat mindices, showpclass(mcons merrvar)
tempname mm nomcol
mat `mm' = r(mindices)
svmat2 `mm' , r(`nomcol') full
gsort - `mm'1
local nrows = rowsof(`mm')
local y = 1
local i = 0
foreach x in `partition' {
local `i++'
if `i' == 1 local s = `x'
else local s = `s' +`x'
forvalues w = `y'/`s' {
local class_`var`w'' = `i'
local y = `s'+1
forvalues i = 1/`nrows' {
local tmp3=`nomcol'[`i']
lstrfun e, subinstr("`tmp3'","cov(","",.)
lstrfun e, subinstr("`e'",")","",.)
lstrfun e, subinstr("`e'",":_cons","",.)
lstrfun e, subinstr("`e'",",","*",.)
lstrfun d, subinstr("`e'",","," ",.)
lstrfun d, subinstr("`d'","e.","",.)
lstrfun d, subinstr("`d'","*"," ",.)
qui replace `nomcol' = "`d'" in `i'
local d = `nomcol'[`i']
tokenize "`d'"
if "`class_`1''" != "`class_`2''" {
qui replace `nomcol' = "" in `i'
local tmp3=`nomcol'[`i']
if "`tmp3'" != "" {
continue, break
else {
local e
local covsi `e'
local covs `covs' `e'
drop `mm'1-`nomcol'
if e(converged) == 0 di in red "Warning : model did not converge after 50 iterations"
local `++ii'
local i = 1
foreach v in `varlist' {
local var`i' = abbrev("`v'",10)
local `++i'
local i = 1
foreach s in $scorename {
local s`i' = abbrev("`s'",10)
local sc `sc' `s`i''
local `++i'
local max = 10
local dec = `max'+5
local max2 = 10
local dec2 = `dec'+`max2'+5
local a = e(N)
if e(converged) == 0 di in red "Warning : model did not converge after 50 iterations"
di as result ""
if "`covs'" != "" {
di as result "{bf:Covariances between errors added:} {text:`covs'}"
di "{bf:Number of used individuals: } {text:`a'}"
//di _col(`=`dec2'+17+4') "{bf:Estimation:}"
di as result "{bf:Item}" _c
di _col(`dec') "{bf:Dimension}" _c
di _col(`dec2') "{bf:Factor}" _c
di _col(`=`dec2'+14') "{bf:Standard}" _c
di _col(`=`dec2'+28') "{bf:Intercept}" _c
di _col(`=`dec2'+43') "{bf:Standard}" _c
if "`cfastand'" == "" {
di _col(`=`dec2'+57') "{bf:Error}" _c
di _col(`=`dec2'+66') "{bf:Variance of}"
di _col(`dec2') "{bf:loading}" _c
di _col(`=`dec2'+14') "{bf:error}" _c
di _col(`=`dec2'+43') "{bf:error}" _c
di _col(`=`dec2'+55') "{bf:variance}" _c
di _col(`=`dec2'+67') "{bf:dimension}"
local h = `dec2'+76
else {
di _col(`=`dec2'+57') "{bf:Error}"
di _col(`dec2') "{bf:loading}" _c
di _col(`=`dec2'+14') "{bf:error}" _c
di _col(`=`dec2'+44') "{bf:error}" _c
di _col(`=`dec2'+57') "{bf:variance}"
local h = `dec2'+62
di "{hline `h'}"
local i = 1
local y = 1
foreach x in `partition' {
if `i' == 1 local s = `x'
else local s = `s' +`x'
forvalues z = `y'/`s' {
tokenize `sc'
di "{bf:`var`z''}"_c
di _col(`dec') "{bf:``i''}" _c
local t = a[`z',1]
local t : di %7.2f `t'
di _col(`dec2') "{text:`t'}" _c
local t = sef[`z',1]
local t : di %8.2f `t'
di _col(`=`dec2'+14') "{text:`t'}" _c
local t = a2[`z',1]
local t : di %9.2f `t'
di _col(`=`dec2'+28') "{text:`t'}" _c
local t = sei[`z',1]
local t : di %9.2f `t'
di _col(`=`dec2'+42') "{text:`t'}" _c
local t = a3[`z',1]
local t : di %11.2f `t'
if "`cfastand'" == "" & `z' == `y'{
di _col(`=`dec2'+52') "{text:`t'}" _c
local t = var[`i',1]
local t : di %11.2f `t'
di _col(`=`dec2'+66') "{text:`t'}"
else di _col(`=`dec2'+52') "{text:`t'}"
local `i++'
local y = `s'+1
qui estat gof, stats(all)
if "`cfasb'" != "" {
local chi2 = r(chi2sb_ms)
local p = r(psb_ms)
local ddl = r(df_ms)
local ratio = `chi2'/`ddl'
local rmsea = r(rmsea_sb)
*local lb = r(lb90_rmsea)
*local ub = r(ub90_rmsea)
local nfi = 1-(r(chi2sb_ms)/r(chi2sb_bs))
local rni = 1-(r(chi2sb_ms)-r(df_ms))/(r(chi2sb_bs)-r(df_bs))
local cfi = r(cfi_sb)
local ifi = (r(chi2sb_bs)-r(chi2sb_ms))/(r(chi2sb_bs)-r(df_ms))
local mci = exp(-0.5*((r(chi2sb_ms)-r(df_ms))/(e(N)-1)))
local srmr = r(srmr)
else {
local chi2 = r(chi2_ms)
local p = r(p_ms)
local ddl = r(df_ms)
local ratio = `chi2'/`ddl'
local rmsea = r(rmsea)
local lb = r(lb90_rmsea)
local ub = r(ub90_rmsea)
local nfi = 1-(r(chi2_ms)/r(chi2_bs))
local rni = 1-(r(chi2_ms)-r(df_ms))/(r(chi2_bs)-r(df_bs))
local cfi = r(cfi)
local ifi = (r(chi2_bs)-r(chi2_ms))/(r(chi2_bs)-r(df_ms))
local mci = exp(-0.5*((r(chi2_ms)-r(df_ms))/(e(N)-1)))
local srmr = r(srmr)
if "`cfanocovdim'" == "" {
di "Covariances between dimensions:"
mat li c, nodotz noheader format(%4.2f)
if "`cfasb'" != "" {
di "{bf:Goodness of fit (with Satorra-Bentler correction):}"
else {
di "{bf:Goodness of fit:}"
if "${html}" != "" {
di as result _col(4) "chi2" _c
di as result _col(20) "df" _c
di as result _col(28) "chi2/df" _c
di as result _col(42) "RMSEA [90% CI]" _c
di as result _col(64) "SRMR" _c
di as result _col(74) "NFI" _c
di as result _col(84) "RNI"
local t : di %7.2f `chi2'
di "{text:`t'}" _c
local t : di %3.0f `ddl'
di _col(20) "{text:`t'}" _c
local t : di %7.1f `ratio'
di _col(29) "{text:`t'}" _c
local t : di %5.3f `rmsea'
local l : di %5.3f `lb'
local u : di %5.3f `ub'
di _col(40) "{text:`t' [`l' ; `u']}" _c
local t : di %5.3f `srmr'
di _col(63) "{text:`t'}" _c
local t : di %5.3f `nfi'
di _col(72) "{text:`t'}" _c
local t : di %5.3f `rni'
di _col(82) "{text:`t'}"
local p : di %5.3f `p'
di "{text:(p-value = `p')}"
di as result
di as result _col(4) "CFI" _c
di as result _col(15) "IFI" _c
di as result _col(26) "MCI"
local t : di %5.3f `cfi'
di _col(4) "{text:`t'}" _c
local t : di %5.3f `ifi'
di _col(15) "{text:`t'}" _c
local t : di %5.3f `mci'
di _col(26) "{text:`t'}"
di as result
else {
di as result _col(4) "chi2" _c
di as result _col(20) "df" _c
di as result _col(28) "chi2/df" _c
di as result _col(42) "RMSEA [90% CI]" _c
di as result _col(64) "SRMR" _c
di as result _col(74) "NFI" _c
di as result _col(84) "RNI" _c
di as result _col(94) "CFI" _c
di as result _col(104) "IFI" _c
di as result _col(114) "MCI"
local t : di %7.2f `chi2'
di "{text:`t'}" _c
local t : di %3.0f `ddl'
di _col(20) "{text:`t'}" _c
local t : di %7.1f `ratio'
di _col(29) "{text:`t'}" _c
local t : di %5.3f `rmsea'
local l : di %5.3f `lb'
local u : di %5.3f `ub'
di _col(40) "{text:`t' [`l' ; `u']}" _c
local t : di %5.3f `srmr'
di _col(63) "{text:`t'}" _c
local t : di %5.3f `nfi'
di _col(72) "{text:`t'}" _c
local t : di %5.3f `rni'
di _col(82) "{text:`t'}" _c
local t : di %5.3f `cfi'
di _col(92) "{text:`t'}" _c
local t : di %5.3f `ifi'
di _col(102) "{text:`t'}" _c
local t : di %5.3f `mci'
di _col(112) "{text:`t'}"
local p : di %5.3f `p'
di "{text:(p-value = `p')}"
di as result
/* repet */
capture program drop repet
program repet,rclass
syntax varlist, PARTition(numlist integer >0) [t2(varlist) KAPpa ICKAPpa(integer 0)]
local nbvars : word count `varlist'
if `ickappa' <= 0 {
local ickappa = ""
local C = 0
foreach z in `partition' {
local C = `C' + `z'
local P:word count `partition'
if "$scores2" != "" {
local t:word count $scores2'
if `P' != `t' {
di in red "The number of score names given in scores2() is different from the number of scores defined"
exit 119
if "`t2'" != "" {
local i = 1
foreach s in $scorename {
local s`i' = abbrev("`s'",10)
local sc `sc' `s`i''
local `++i'
local i = 1
foreach v in `varlist' {
local var`i' = abbrev("`v'",10)
local `++i'
local maxit = 1
forvalues i=1/`nbvars' {
local len = length("`var`i''")
if `len' > `maxit' local maxit = `len'
local decit = `maxit' + 4
local colit = `decit'
di as result "{hline 105}"
di as result "{bf:Reproducibility}"
di as result "{hline 105}"
if "$scores2" == "" {
foreach sco in $scorename {
*local t = "`sco'bis"
tempname s
local scorename2 `scorename2' `s'
qui calcscore `t2', scorename(`scorename2') partition(`partition') compscore(${compscore}) categories($categories)
else {
foreach sco in $scores2 {
local scorename2 `scorename2' `sco'
local i = 1
foreach var in `varlist' {
tokenize `t2'
qui kap `var' ``i''
local k`i' = r(kappa)
if "`ickappa'" != "" {
qui kapci `var' ``i'', reps(`ickappa')
local lbk`i' = r(lb_bc)
local ubk`i' = r(ub_bc)
local `++i'
local i = 1
foreach s in $scorename {
tokenize `scorename2'
tempname score id temps
qui gen `id' = _n
qui gen `score'_1 = `s'
qui gen `score'_2 = ``i'' if ``i''!=.
qui reshape long `score'_, i(`id') j(`temps')
qui icc `score'_ `id'
local n`i' = r(N_target)
local icc`i' = r(icc_i)
local lb`i' = r(icc_i_lb)
local ub`i' = r(icc_i_ub)
qui sort `id'
qui duplicates drop `id', force
local `++i'
tokenize `sc'
local max = length("dimension")
forvalues j=1/`P' {
local len`j' = length("`s`j''")
if `len`j'' > `max' local max = `len`j''
local dec = `max' + 5
local i = 1
local j = 1
local y = 1
di "{bf:Dimension}" _c
di _col(`=`dec'+2') "{bf:n}" _c
local col = `dec'+6
di _col(`col') "{bf:Item}" _c
local col = `col'+`decit'
if "`kappa'" != "" {
di _col(`col') "{bf:Kappa}" _c
local col = `col'+10
if "`ickappa'" != "" {
di _col(`col') "{bf:95% CI for Kappa}" _c
local col = `col'+20
di _col(`=`col'+2') "{bf:ICC}" _c
local col = `col'+9
di _col(`col') "{bf:95% CI for ICC}"
local zz = 0
foreach var in `varlist' {
qui levelsof `var', local(levels)
local z : word count `levels'
if `z' > 2 local zz = 1
if "`kappa'" != "" & "`ickappa'" != "" & `zz' == 1 {
local col = `dec'+`decit'+16
di _col(`col') "{bf:(bootstrapped)}"
if "`ickappa'" != "" local h = `dec'+6+`decit'+10+8+21+12+1
else if "`kappa'" != "" local h = `dec'+6+`decit'+10+8+21+12-20
else local h = `dec'+6+`decit'+10+8+21+12-29
di "{hline `h'}"
local i = 1
foreach p in `partition' {
tokenize `sc'
di "{bf:``i''}" _c
di _col(`dec') "{text:`n`i''}" _c
if `j' == 1 local s = `p'
else local s = `s' +`p'
local col = `dec'+6
di _col(`col') "{text:`var`y''}" _c
if "`kappa'" != "" {
local k : di %5.2f `k`y''
local col = `col'+`decit'
di _col(`col') "{text:`k'}" _c
if "`ickappa'" != "" {
local lbk : di %5.2f `lbk`i''
local ubk : di %5.2f `ubk`i''
local col = `col'+11
di _col(`col') "{text:[`lbk' ; `ubk']}" _c
local col = `decit'+50
else local col = `decit'+30
else local col = `decit'+20
local icc : di %5.2f `icc`i''
di _col(`col') "{text:`icc'}" _c
local lb : di %5.2f `lb`i''
local ub : di %5.2f `ub`i''
local col = `col'+8
di _col(`col')"{text:[`lb' ; `ub']}"
local w = `y'+1
forvalues z = `w'/`s' {
local col = `dec'+6
di _col(`col') "{text:`var`z''}" _c
if "`kappa'" != "" {
local k : di %5.2f `k`z''
local col = `col'+`decit'
di _col(`col') "{text:`k'}" _c
if "`ickappa'" != "" {
local lbk : di %5.2f `lbk`z''
local ubk : di %5.2f `ubk`z''
local col = `col'+11
di _col(`col')"{text:[`lbk' ; `ubk']}"
else di
else di
local `i++'
local `j++'
local y = `s'+1
else {
local i = 1
foreach s in $scorename {
tokenize $scores2
tempname score id temps
qui gen `id' = _n
qui gen `score'_1 = `s'
qui gen `score'_2 = ``i'' if ``i''!=.
qui reshape long `score'_, i(`id') j(`temps')
qui icc `score'_ `id'
local n`i' = r(N_target)
local icc`i' = r(icc_i)
local lb`i' = r(icc_i_lb)
local ub`i' = r(icc_i_ub)
qui sort `id'
qui duplicates drop `id', force
local `++i'
tokenize $scorename
local max = length("dimension")
local h = 1
foreach s in $scorename {
local s`h' = abbrev("`s'",10)
local sc `sc' `s`h''
local `++h'
forvalues j=1/`P' {
local len`j' = length("`s`j''")
if `len`j'' > `max' local max = `len`j''
local dec = `max' + 5
local i = 1
local j = 1
local y = 1
di as result "{hline 105}"
di as result "{bf:Reproducibility}"
di as result "{hline 105}"
di "{bf:Dimension}" _c
local col = `dec'
di _col(`col') "{bf:n}" _c
di _col(`=`col'+6') "{bf:ICC}" _c
local col = `col'+14
di _col(`col') "{bf:95% CI for ICC}"
di "{hline 50}"
local i = 1
foreach p in `partition' {
tokenize $scorename
di "{bf:``i''}" _c
local n : di % 4.0f `n`i''
di _col(`=`dec'-3') "{text:`n'}" _c
if `j' == 1 local s = `p'
else local s = `s' +`p'
local col = `dec'+4
local icc : di %5.2f `icc`i''
di _col(`col') "{text:`icc'}" _c
local lb : di %5.2f `lb`i''
local ub : di %5.2f `ub`i''
local col = `col'+9
di _col(`col')"{text:[`lb' ; `ub']}"
local w = `y'+1
local `i++'
/* kgv */
capture program drop kgv
program kgv,rclass
syntax varlist, categ(varlist) [KGVBoxplots KGVGroupboxplots]
foreach c in `categ' {
tempname j
capture encode `c', generate(`j')
capture confirm variable `j'
if _rc local j = "`c'"
local categ2 `categ2' `j'
local i = 1
local j = 1
local k = 0
local max = 0
local a : word count `categ'
local nb:word count `varlist'
di as result "{hline 105}"
di "{bf:Known-groups validity}"
di as result "{hline 105}"
foreach sco in `varlist' {
foreach cat in `categ2' {
local nblev = 0
local maxlen`j' = 0
qui anova `sco' `cat'
local p`i'_`j' = Ftail(e(df_m), e(df_r), e(F))
qui kwallis `sco', by(`cat')
local p2`i'_`j' = chi2tail(r(df), r(chi2))
/*local inf30 = 0
qui tab `cat' if `sco'!=., matcell(x)
local r = r(r)
forvalues n = 1/`r' {
if x[`n',1]<48 {
local `++inf30'
if `inf30' > 0 {
//di in red "kw"
kwallis `sco', by(`cat')
local p2`i'_`j' = chi2tail(r(df), r(chi2))
anova `sco' `cat'
local p`i'_`j' = Ftail(e(df_m), e(df_r), e(F))
else {
//di in red "aov"
anova `sco' `cat'
local p`i'_`j' = Ftail(e(df_m), e(df_r), e(F))
qui levelsof `cat', local(levels)
local lbe : value label `cat'
foreach l of local levels {
qui count if `sco' !=. & `cat' == `l'
local `++k'
local eff`i'_`j'_`k' = r(N)
if "`lbe'" != "" {
local ll`j'_`k' : label `lbe' `l'
local len = length("`ll`j'_`k''")
if `len' > 10 {
local c = substr("`ll`j'_`k''",1,9)
local d = substr("`ll`j'_`k''",-1,1)
local ll`j'_`k' "`c'" "~" "`d'"
local w = length("`ll`j'_`k''")
if `w' > `maxlen`j'' local maxlen`j' = `w'
else {
local ll`j'_`k' = `l'
local len = length("`ll`j'_`k''")
if `len' > 10 {
local c = substr("`ll`j'_`k''",1,9)
local d = substr("`ll`j'_`k''",-1,1)
local ll`j'_`k' "`c'" "~" "`d'"
local w = length("`ll`j'_`k''")
if `w' > `maxlen`j'' local maxlen`j' = `w'
qui su `sco' if `cat' == `l'
local m`i'_`j'_`k' = r(mean)
local s`i'_`j'_`k' = r(sd)
local nblev = `nblev' + 1
if `nblev' > `max' local max = `nblev'
local `++j'
local k = 0
local `++i'
local j = 1
local i = 1
foreach s in `varlist' {
local s`i' = abbrev("`s'",7)
local sc `sc' `s`i''
local `++i'
local maxs = 0
forvalues j=1/`nb' {
local len`j' = length("`s`j''")
if `len`j'' > `maxs' local maxs = `len`j''
local i = 1
local k = 0
local j = 2
foreach cat in `categ'{
local `++k'
tokenize `categ'
local c`k' = "``i'' ``j''"
local i = `i' + 2
local j = `j' + 2
local d = 1
local f = 2
forvalues h = 1/`a' {
if `f' > `a' local f = `f'-1
local j = 1
local col = `maxs'+6
foreach cat in `c`h'' {
di _col(`col') "{bf:`cat'}" _c
local col = `col' + `maxlen`j'' + 5 + 40
local `++j'
local j = `d'
local col = `maxs'+6
foreach cat in `c`h'' {
di _col(`=`col'+`maxlen`j''+5') "{bf: mean }" _c
di "{bf: sd }" _c
di "{bf:p-value}" _c
//di "{bf:p-value (Kruskal-Wallis)}" _c
local col = `col' + `maxlen`j'' + 5 + 40
local `++j'
local j = `d'
local col = `maxs'+6
local i = 1
local col = `maxs'+6
forvalues g = 1/`nb' {
di "{bf:`s`g''}" _c
forvalues k = 1/`max' {
forvalues j = `d'/`f' {
di _col(`col') "{bf:`ll`j'_`k''} " _c
if "`eff`i'_`j'_`k''" != "" di as text "(n=`eff`i'_`j'_`k'')" _c
local m : di %6.2f `m`i'_`j'_`k''
di _col(`=`col'+`maxlen`j''+10') "{text:`m'} " _c
local s : di %8.2f `s`i'_`j'_`k''
di "{text: `s'} " _c
if `k' == 1 {
local p : di %8.3f `p`i'_`j''
local p2 : di %4.3f `p2`i'_`j''
di _col(`=`col'+31') "{text:`p'} " _c
di _col(`=`col'+35') "{text:(KW: `p2')} " _c
local col = `col' + `maxlen`j'' + 5 + 40
local col = `maxs'+6
local `++i'
local d = `d'+2
local f = `f'+2
if `d' > `a' continue, break
if "`kgvboxplots'" != "" {
local html = "${html}"
if "`html'" != "" {
di "</pre>"
di "<div style=" _char(34) "width:750px;" _char(34) ">"
if "`kgvgroupboxplots'" != "" {
local cc = 1
foreach c in `categ' {
local k = 1
foreach s in `varlist' {
local pp = round(`p`k'_`cc'',0.001)
//graph box `s', over(`c') name("`s'_`c'",replace) b1title("`c'") nodraw
qui local saving "saving(`c(tmpdir)'/`html'_kgv`s',replace) nodraw"
qui graph box `s', over(`c') name("`s'_`c'",replace) b1title("`c' (p=`pp')") `saving'
qui graph use `c(tmpdir)'/`html'_kgv`s'.gph
qui graph save `c(tmpdir)'/`html'_kgv`s'.gph, replace
local g `g' `s'_`c'
local k = `k'+1
local cc = `cc'+1
qui local saving "saving(`c(tmpdir)'/`html'_kgv,replace) nodraw"
qui gr combine `g', name(kgv,replace) `saving'
qui graph use `c(tmpdir)'/`html'_kgv.gph
qui graph save `c(tmpdir)'/`html'_kgv.gph, replace
//di "<img src=" _char(34) "/data/`html'_kgv.gph" _char(34)
//di "style="_char(34) "margin-bottom:10px;margin-right:22px" _char(34)" class=" _char(34) "resgraph" _char(34) " alt=" _char(34) "kgv" _char(34) " title= " _char(34) "kgv - click to enlarge" _char(34) " width=" _char(34) "225" _char(34) " height=" _char(34) "150" _char(34) ">"
else {
local cc = 1
foreach c in `categ' {
local k = 1
foreach s in `varlist' {
local pp = round(`p`k'_`cc'',0.001)
//graph box `s', over(`c') name("`s'_`c'",replace) b1title("`c'")
qui local saving "saving(`c(tmpdir)'/`html'_kgv`s',replace) nodraw"
qui graph box `s', over(`c') name("`s'_`c'",replace) b1title("`c' (p=`pp')") `saving'
qui graph use `c(tmpdir)'/`html'_kgv`s'.gph
qui graph save `c(tmpdir)'/`html'_kgv`s'.gph, replace
//di "<img src=" _char(34) "/data/`html'_kgv`s'.gph" _char(34)
//di "style="_char(34) "margin-bottom:10px;margin-right:22px" _char(34)" class=" _char(34) "resgraph" _char(34) " alt=" _char(34) "kgv" _char(34) " title= " _char(34) "kgv - click to enlarge" _char(34) " width=" _char(34) "225" _char(34) " height=" _char(34) "150" _char(34) ">"
local g `g' `s'_`c'
local k = `k'+1
local cc = `cc'+1
di "</div>"
di "<pre>"
else {
if "`kgvgroupboxplots'" != "" {
local cc = 1
foreach c in `categ' {
local k = 1
foreach s in `varlist' {
local pp = round(`p`k'_`cc'',0.001)
graph box `s', over(`c') name("`s'_`c'",replace) b1title("`c' (p=`pp')") nodraw
local g `g' `s'_`c'
local k = `k'+1
local cc = `cc'+1
gr combine `g', name(Known_groups_validity,replace)
if ("$filessave"!="") qui graph save ${dirsave}/Known_groups_validity.gph, replace
else {
local cc = 1
foreach c in `categ' {
local k = 1
foreach s in `varlist' {
local pp = round(`p`k'_`cc'',0.001)
graph box `s', over(`c') name("`s'_`c'",replace) b1title("`c' (p=`pp')")
if ("$filessave"!="") qui graph save ${dirsave}/Known_groups_validity_`c'_`s'.gph, replace
local g `g' `s'_`c'
local k = `k'+1
local cc = `cc'+1
/* conc */
capture program drop conc
program conc,rclass
syntax varlist, comp(varlist) [tconc(real 0.4)]
di as result "{hline 105}"
di "{bf:Concurrent validity}"
di as result "{hline 105}"
local n : word count `varlist'
local p : word count `comp'
matrix m = J(`n',`p',.)
matrix rownames m = `varlist'
matrix colnames m = `comp'
local r = 1
foreach i in `varlist' {
local c = 1
foreach j in `comp' {
qui corr `i' `j'
mat e = r(C)
local f = e[2,1]
mat m[`r',`c'] = `f'
local `++c'
local `++r'
tokenize `varlist'
local maxv = length("`1'")
forvalues i=1/`n' {
local lenv = length("``i''")
if `lenv' > `maxv' local maxv = `lenv'
local decv = `maxv'+6
tokenize `comp'
local maxc = length("`1'")
forvalues i=1/`p' {
local lenc = length("``i''")
if `lenc' > `maxc' local maxc = `lenc'
local decc = `maxc'+4
local col = `decv'
foreach c in `comp' {
di as result _col(`col') "`c'" _c
local col = `col'+`decc'
local i = 1
foreach x in `varlist' {
local var`i' = "`x'"
local `++i'
forvalues i=1/`n' {
di as result "`var`i''" _c
local col = `decv'
forvalues j=1/`p' {
local t = m[`i',`j']
if `t' > `tconc' | `t' < -`tconc' {
di as result _col(`=`col'-1') %5.2f `t' _c
else di as text _col(`=`col'-1') %5.2f `t' _c
local col = `col'+`decc'
capture restore, not