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74 lines
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74 lines
1.3 KiB
10 months ago
*! version 1.0.3 PR 16oct2004.
* History
* 1.0.3 16oct2004 Saving, using etc of file safest with compound quotes, fixed.
program define mijoin, rclass
version 7
syntax [anything(name=filestub)], CLEAR [ IMPid(string) m(int 0) ]
if "`filestub'"=="" {
capture assert "$mimps"!="" & "$mi_sf"!=""
if _rc {
di as error "please set up your data with -{help miset}-, or specify a filename stub"
exit 198
local filestub $mi_sf
if `m'>$mimps {
di as err "m cannot exceed its -miset- value of $mimps"
exit 198
if `m'==0 {
local m $mimps
if `m'<=0 {
di as err "number of imputations m(), if specified, must be a positive integer"
exit 198
if "`impid'"=="" {
local J _j
else local J `impid'
quietly {
forvalues j=1/`m' {
use `"`filestub'`j'"', clear
local I `s(I)'
if "`I'"=="" {
* create row number
local I _i
cap drop `I'
gen long `I'=_n
lab var `I' "obs. number"
cap drop `J'
gen int `J'=`j'
lab var `J' "imputation number"
tempfile tmp`j'
save `"`tmp`j''"'
use `"`tmp1'"', clear
forvalues j=2/`m' {
append using `"`tmp`j''"'
char _dta[mi_id] `I'
restore, not
program define chkrowid, sclass
local I: char _dta[mi_id]
if "`I'"=="" {
cap confirm var `I'
if _rc {
sret local I `I'