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54 lines
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54 lines
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10 months ago
*! version 1.0.1 PR 01oct2004.
program define misplit, rclass
version 7
syntax, CLEAR [ IMPid(string) m(int 5) ]
cap assert `m'>1
if _rc {
di "{err}more than one imputation is required"
exit 198
if "`impid'"=="" {
local impid _j
cap confirm var `impid'
if _rc {
di as err "imputation identifier `impid' not found in file `using'"
exit 601
tempvar J
egen int `J'=group(`impid')
sum `J', meanonly
local m=r(max)
if r(max)<2 {
di as error "more than one imputation is required"
exit 198
if r(max)<`m' {
local m=r(max)
di as text "[note: data for only `m' imputations found in file]"
quietly {
forvalues j=1/`m' {
keep if `J'==`j'
drop `J'
cap erase "_mitemp`j'.dta"
save "_mitemp`j'.dta"
restore, preserve
*egen int `J'=group(`impid')
global mi_uf `using'
global mi_sf _mitemp
global mimps `m'
use _mitemp1.dta, clear
if $mimps==2 {
di "{p}{txt}data for $mimps imputations have been copied to _mitemp1.dta and _mitemp$mimps.dta"
else {
di _n "{p}{txt}Data for $mimps imputations have been copied to ${mi_sf}1.dta to $mi_sf$mimps.dta"
restore, not