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Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
176 lines
5.3 KiB
176 lines
5.3 KiB
10 months ago
*! log2html 1.2.9 cfb/njc/br 08jun2006
*! log2html 1.2.8 cfb/njc/br 09feb2005
*! log2html 1.2.7 cfb/njc/br 12oct2004
*! log2html 1.2.6 cfb/njc/br 2oct2003
*! log2html 1.2.5 cfb/njc/br 17Jun2003
*! log2html 1.2.0 cfb/njc 3Mar2003
*! log2html 1.1.1 cfb/njc 17Dec2001
program log2html
version 8.0
syntax anything(name=smclfile id="The name of a .smcl logfile is") ///
[, ERASE replace TItle(str) INput(str) Result(str) BG(str) LINEsize(integer `c(linesize)') ///
TExt(str) ERRor(str) PERcentsize(integer 100) BOLD CSS(str) SCHeme(str)]
// syntax processing
if "`css'" != "" & `"`input'`result'`text'`error'`bg'`scheme'"' != "" {
di as err "if CSS is specified, you may not specify any colors"
exit 198
if "`scheme'" != "" {
if `"`input'`result'`text'`error'`bg'"' != "" {
di as err ///
"if a scheme is specified, you may not specify any colors"
exit 198
local names "bg input result text error"
local cblack "000000 ffffff ffff00 00ff00 ff0000"
local cwhite "ffffff 000000 000000 000000 ff0000"
local cblue "000090 ffffff ffff00 00ff00 ff0000"
local cugly "ff00ff 9999ff ff99ff 00ff00 cccc00"
local cyellow "ffffcc cc00cc 0000cc 000000 ff0000"
local cnt 1
foreach name of local names {
local `name' : word `cnt++' of `c`scheme''
if "`bg'"=="" {
display as error "scheme `scheme' does not exist! Available schemes are "
display as error " black, white, blue, and yellow."
exit 198
else {
if "`input'" == "" local input "CC6600"
if "`result'" == "" local result "000099"
if "`text'" == "" local text "000000"
if "`error'" == "" local error "dd0000"
if "`bg'" == "" local bg "ffffff"
else {
if "`bg'" == "gray" | "`bg'" == "grey" {
local bg "cccccc"
if !inrange(`linesize', 40, 255) {
display as err "linesize must be between 40 and 255"
exit 125
if `percentsize' <= 0 {
display as err "percentsize() must be a positive integer"
exit 198
// filenames and handles
tempname hi ho
tempfile htmlfile
local origfile `smclfile'
if (!index(lower("`origfile'"),".smcl")) {
local origfile "`origfile'.smcl"
local smclfile : subinstr local smclfile ".smcl" ""
local smclfile : subinstr local smclfile ".SMCL" ""
local smclfile : subinstr local smclfile `"""' "", all /* '"' (for fooling emacs) */
local smclfile : subinstr local smclfile "`" "", all
local smclfile : subinstr local smclfile "'" "", all
local outfile `"`smclfile'.html"'
local ll "ll(`linesize')"
qui log html `"`origfile'"' `"`htmlfile'"', `replace' yebf whbf `ll'
// line-by-line processing
file open `hi' using `"`htmlfile'"', r
file open `ho' using `"`outfile'"', w `replace'
file write `ho' _n
file write `ho' "<html>" _n "<head>" _n
if `"`title'"' ~= "" {
file write `ho' `"<title>`title'</title>"' _n
file write `ho' `"<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">"' _newline
file write `ho' `"<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">"' _newline
if "`css'" == "" {
file write `ho' `"<style type="text/css">"' _newline
file write `ho' "BODY{background-color: `bg';" _newline
file write `ho' `" font-family: monaco, "courier new", monospace;"' _newline
if `percentsize' != 100 {
file write `ho' "font-size:`percentsize'%;" _newline
file write `ho' " color: #`text'}" _newline
if "`bold'" != "" {
file write `ho' ".input, .result, .error{font-weight: bold}" _newline
file write `ho' ".input, .result, .error{font-family: Verdana, sans-serif}" _newline
file write `ho' ".input {color: #`input'}" _newline
file write `ho' ".result{color: #`result'}" _newline
file write `ho' ".error{color: #`error'}" _newline
file write `ho' "</style>" _newline
else {
file write `ho' `"<link rel="stylesheet" href="`css'">"' _newline
file write `ho' "</head>" _newline
file write `ho' "<body>" _newline
if `"`title'"' != "" {
file write `ho' `"<h2>`title'</h2>"' _n
file read `hi' line
local cprev = 0
while r(eof) == 0 {
// change <p> (which should be a div) to a <br><br>
local line : ///
subinstr local line "<p>" "<br><br>", all
local line: ///
subinstr local line "<b>. " "<span class=input>. ", count(local c)
// catch continuation lines
local word1 : word 1 of `"`line'"'
if substr(`"`word1'"',1,7) == "<b>>" & `cprev' {
local line : ///
subinstr local line "<b>" "<span class=input>", count(local c)
else {
local line: ///
subinstr local line "<b>" "<span class=result>", all
*local line : subinstr local line "---" "___", all
local line: subinstr local line "</b>" "</span>", all
// check for error number
if substr(`"`word1'"',1,2) == "r(" {
if real(substr(`"`word1'"',3,index(`"`word1'"',")")-3)) < . {
local line `"<div class=error> `line' </div>"'
local tmp=substr("`line'",1,18)
di "first character : `tmp'"
if "`tmp'"!="<span class=input>" {
file write `ho' `"`macval(line)'"' _n
local cprev = `c'
file read `hi' line
file write `ho' "</body>" _n "</html>" _n
file close `ho'
di _n `"HTML log file `outfile' created"'
if "`erase'" ~= "" {
erase `"`origfile'"'