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67 lines
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67 lines
2.2 KiB
10 months ago
*! 1.0.2 - 9/28/02 - Jeremy Freese
capture program drop leastlikely
program define leastlikely
version 7.0
syntax [varlist(default=none)] [if] [in] [, n(integer 5) Generate(string) *]
if "`e(cmd)'"=="clogit" | "`e(cmd)'"=="nlogit" | "`e(cmd)'"=="xtlogit" | /*
*/ "`e(cmd)'"=="blogit" | "`e(cmd)'"=="bprobit" | "`e(cmd)'"=="glogit" | /*
*/ "`e(cmd)'"=="gprobit" {
di _n as err "leastlikely not intended for use after `e(cmd)'"
exit 198
local erase "no"
tempname values prob touse
local depvar = "`e(depvar)'"
local depvarlabel : value label `depvar'
if "`generate'"=="" {
local generate "Prob"
local erase "yes"
quietly {
gen `touse' = e(sample) `if' `in'
gen `prob' = .
tabulate `depvar' if e(sample)==1, matrow(`values')
local temp : rownames `values'
local numcats : word count `temp'
forvalues i = 1(1)`numcats' {
local value`i' = `values'[`i', 1]
local isbin "no"
if `numcats'==2 & `value1'==0 & `value2'==1 { local isbin "yes" }
if "`isbin'" == "yes" {
tempname temp
predict `temp', p
replace `prob' = `temp' if `depvar'==1 & `touse'==1
replace `prob' = (1-`temp') if `depvar'==0 & `touse'==1
if "`isbin'" == "no" {
forvalues i = 1(1)`numcats' {
tempname temp
predict `temp', outcome(`value`i'')
replace `prob' = `temp' if `depvar'==`value`i'' & `touse'==1
gen `generate' = `prob'
forvalues i = 1(1)`numcats' {
local vallabel ""
if "`depvarlabel'"!="" {
local vallabel : label `depvarlabel' `value`i''
if "`vallabel'"!="" { local vallabel = "(`vallabel')" }
di _n as txt "Outcome: " as res `value`i'' " `vallabel'"
tempname temp
quietly egen `temp' = rank(`generate') if `depvar'==`value`i'' & `touse'==1, track
list `generate' `varlist' if `temp'<=`n' , `options'
if "`erase'"=="yes" { drop `generate' }