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1 year ago
*! Raschfit version 4 (19 December 2012)
*! Jean-Benoit Hardouin
* Stata program : Raschfit
* The Raschfit and the Raschfit-fast procedures to construct sub-scales of items
* Historic
* Version 1 (2004-05-06) [Jean-Benoit Hardouin]
* Version 2 (2004-06-08) [Jean-Benoit Hardouin]
* Version 3 (2005-12-28) [Jean-Benoit Hardouin]
* Release 3.1 (January 29, 2006) [Jean-Benoit Hardouin] /*MEAN option in raschtestv7, correction of a bug when there is several scales*/
* Release 4 (December 19, 2019) [Jean-Benoit Hardouin] /*identifiant variable for raschtest and mmsrm*/
* Jean-benoit Hardouin, phD, Assistant Professor
* Team of Biostatistics, Pharmacoepidemiology and Subjective Measures in Health Sciences (UPRES EA 4275 SPHERE)
* University of Nantes - Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
* France
* News about this program :
* Copyright 2004-2006, 2012 Jean-Benoit Hardouin
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
program define raschfit,rclass
version 7
syntax varlist(min=2 numeric) [,KERnel(integer 0) NBSCales(integer 1) ITEMSorder(string) nofast ]
if "`itemsorder'"=="" {
local itemsorder mspinv
local nbitemstot : word count `varlist'
tokenize `varlist'
tempfile raschfitfile
qui save `raschfitfile',replace
tempname affect
matrix define `affect'=J(1,`nbitemstot',0)
matrix colnames `affect'=`varlist'
tempvar id
gen `id'=_n
tempname rep item matbetadim1 matbetadim2
if `kernel'!=0 {
local listkernel
forvalues i=1/`kernel' {
local listkernel `listkernel' `rep'`i'
matrix `affect'[1,`i']=1
local dim=0
local nbitemsnosel=`nbitemstot'
local nbitemstotdim1=`nbitemstot'
local nbitemsnoselukernel=`nbitemstot'-`kernel'
tempvar id betadim1 betadim2
forvalues i=1/`nbitemstot' {
qui drop if ``i''==.
rename ``i'' `rep'`i'
qui gen `id'=_n
tempfile filescale
qui save `filescale',replace
di in green "{hline 55}"
qui count
local N=r(N)
if "`fast'"!="" {
di in green "Method: " in ye "Raschfit"
else {
di in green "Method: " in ye "Raschfit-Fast"
di in green "Number of individuals: " in ye `N' in green " (with none missing values)"
di in green "Number of items: " in ye `nbitemstot'
di in green "{hline 55}"
di in green "{hline 100}"
if "`fast'"!="" {
di in green "Model 1: " in ye "Rasch model"
di in green "Model 2: " in ye "MMSRM"
else {
di in green "Model 1: " in ye "Rasch model"
di in green "Model 2: " in ye "Adapted Rasch model (the response of the new item is not influenced by the latent trait)"
di in green "Order of the items:" _c
if "`itemsorder'"=="order" {
di in ye " order of {it:varlist}"
else if "`itemsorder'"=="msp" {
di in ye " Obtained with MSP (from the first selected item to the last one)"
else if "`itemsorder'"=="mspinv" {
di in ye " Obtained with MSP (from the last selected item to the first one)"
if `kernel'!=0 {
di in green "Kernel of the first scale: " _c
forvalues i=1/`kernel' {
di in ye " ``i''" _c
di in green "{hline 100}"
while `nbitemsnosel'>2&`dim'<`nbscales' {
use `filescale',replace
local iteration=0
local dim=`dim'+1
if `dim'>1 {
local kernel=0
local listkernel
di in green "SCALE: " in yellow `dim'
di in green "{hline 9}"
tempname result`dim'
local listitemsnosel
local varlist`dim'
tokenize `varlist'
forvalues i=1/`nbitemstot' {
if `affect'[1,`i']==0 {
local varlist`dim' `varlist`dim'' ``i''
local listitemsnosel `listitemsnosel' `rep'`i'
local nbitemsnosel:word count `listitemsnosel'
if `dim'>1 {
local nbitemstotdim`dim':word count `listitemsnosel'
if `kernel'>=2 {
local fixed=`kernel'
else {
local fixed=2
matrix define `result`dim''=J(`=`nbitemstotdim`dim''-`fixed'',`=`nbitemstotdim`dim''+7',0)
tempname order`dim' affect`dim'
matrix `order`dim''=J(1,`nbitemstotdim`dim'',0)
matrix `affect`dim''=J(1,`nbitemstotdim`dim'',0)
if "`itemsorder'"=="msp"|"`itemsorder'"=="mspinv" {
di in green _col(0) "The program is ordering the items"
qui msp `listkernel' `listitemsnosel',c(-99) notest kernel(`kernel')
local scale1 "`r(scale1)'"
local scalenum1 "`r(scalenum1)'"
tokenize `scalenum1'
local listitemsselnum
forvalues j=`=`nbitemstotdim`dim''+1-`fixed''/`nbitemstotdim`dim'' {
matrix `order`dim''[1,`j']=1
local k:word `j' of `scalenum1'
matrix `affect`dim''[1,`k']=1
local listitemsselnum `listitemsselnum' `k'
forvalues j=1/`nbitemsnosel' {
matrix `order`dim''[1,`j']=`=`nbitemsnosel'+1-`j''
tokenize `scale1'
local listitemssel ``=`nbitemstotdim`dim''-1'' ``nbitemstotdim`dim'''
local listitemsnosel
local listitemsnoselnum
if "`itemsorder'"=="mspinv" {
forvalues j=1/`=`nbitemstotdim`dim''-`fixed'' {
local listitemsnosel `listitemsnosel' ``j''
local k:word `j' of `scalenum1'
local listitemsnoselnum `listitemsnoselnum' `k'
else if "`itemsorder'"=="msp"{
forvalues j=`=`nbitemstotdim`dim''-`fixed''(-1)1 {
local listitemsnosel `listitemsnosel' ``j''
local k:word `j' of `scalenum1'
local listitemsnoselnum `listitemsnoselnum' `k'
else if "`itemsorder'"=="order" {
tokenize `listkernel' `varlist`dim''
local listitemssel
local listitemsselnum
local listitemsnosel
local listitemsnoselnum
forvalues j=1/`fixed'{
local listitemssel `listitemssel' `rep'`j'
local listitemsselnum `listitemsselnum' `j'
matrix `affect`dim''[1,`j']=1
forvalues j=`=`fixed'+1'/`nbitemstotdim`dim'' {
local listitemsnosel `listitemsnosel' `rep'`j'
local listitemsnoselnum `listitemsnoselnum' `j'
if `dim'>1 {
tokenize `varlist`dim''
else {
tokenize `varlist'
local nbitemsnosel:word count `listitemsnosel'
local list
tokenize `varlist`dim''
forvalues i=1/`=`nbitemsnosel'+`fixed'' {
local tmp:word `i' of `listitemsnoselnum' `listitemsselnum'
local list `list' ``tmp''
matrix colnames `result`dim''=`list' Iteration Nbitems ll1 AIC1 ll2 AIC2 Selected
di _col(0) in green "The kernel of the scale is " in yellow _continue
forvalues i=1/`fixed' {
local inum:word `i' of `listitemsselnum'
di in yellow "``inum'' " _continue
tokenize `listitemsnosel'
di in green "{hline 90}"
di in green _col(36) "Log-Likelihood" _col(58) "Akaike Criterion (AIC)"
di in green _col(4) "Iteration" _col(20) "New Item" _col(34) "Model 1" _col(47) "Model 2" _col(60) "Model 1" _col(73) "Model 2" _col(81) "Selected"
di in green "{hline 90}"
forvalues i=1/`=`nbitemsnosel-2'' {
local iteration=`iteration'+1
qui use `filescale' , clear
local i2:word `i' of `listitemsnosel'
local i2num:word `i' of `listitemsnoselnum'
qui keep `id' `listitemssel' `i2'
tempname score1 score2
qui gen `score2'=0
tokenize `listitemssel'
local nbitemssel: word count `listitemssel'
forvalues j=1/`i' {
local j2num:word `j' of `listitemsnoselnum'
if `affect`dim''[1,`j2num']==1 {
matrix `result`dim''[`iteration',`j']=1
forvalues j=1/`nbitemssel' {
local j2:word `j' of `listitemssel'
local j2num:word `j' of `listitemsselnum'
qui replace `score2'=`score2'+`j2'
tokenize `listitemsnosel'
qui gen `score1'=`score2'+`i2'
forvalues j=`=`nbitemsnosel'+1'/`=`nbitemsnosel'+`nbitemssel'' {
matrix `result`dim''[`iteration',`j']=1
matrix `result`dim''[`iteration',`=`nbitemstotdim`dim''+1']=`iteration'
matrix `result`dim''[`iteration',`=`nbitemstotdim`dim''+2']=`nbitemssel'
matrix `result`dim''[`iteration',`i']=2
if "`fast'"=="" {
qui count
local N=r(N)
* di "qui raschtestv7 `listitemssel' `i2' , mean method(cml) test(none)"
qui raschtestv7 `listitemssel' `i2' , mean method(cml) test(none) id(`id')
matrix `result`dim''[`iteration',`=`nbitemstotdim`dim''+3']=r(ll)
matrix `result`dim''[`iteration',`=`nbitemstotdim`dim''+4']=2*(-r(ll)+(2*`nbitemssel'+3))
local nb1:word count `listitemssel'
qui raschtestv7 `listitemssel',trace test(none) mean id(`id')
matrix `result`dim''[`iteration',`=`nbitemstotdim`dim''+5']=r(ll)
qui logit `i2'
matrix `result`dim''[`iteration',`=`nbitemstotdim`dim''+5']=`result`dim''[`iteration',`=`nbitemstotdim`dim''+5']+e(ll)
matrix `result`dim''[`iteration',`=`nbitemstotdim`dim''+6']=2*(-`result`dim''[`iteration',`=`nbitemstotdim`dim''+5']+(2*`nbitemssel'+3))
else {
qui count
local N=r(N)
qui raschtestv7 `listitemssel' `i2' , method(mml) test(none) id(`id')
matrix `result`dim''[`iteration',`=`nbitemstotdim`dim''+3']=r(ll)
matrix `result`dim''[`iteration',`=`nbitemstotdim`dim''+4']=2*(-r(ll)+`nbitemssel'+2)
local nb1:word count `listitemssel'
qui mmsrm `listitemssel' `i2' , part(`nb1' 1) iterate(20) id(`id')
matrix `result`dim''[`iteration',`=`nbitemstotdim`dim''+5']=e(ll)
matrix `result`dim''[`iteration',`=`nbitemstotdim`dim''+6']=2*(-e(ll)+`nbitemssel'+4)
tokenize `listkernel' `varlist`dim''
di in ye _col(4) %9.0f `iteration' _col(14) %14s abbrev("``i2num''",14) _col(29) %12.4f `result`dim''[`iteration',`=`nbitemstotdim`dim''+3'] _col(42) %12.4f `result`dim''[`iteration',`=`nbitemstotdim`dim''+5'] _col(55) %12.4f `result`dim''[`iteration',`=`nbitemstotdim`dim''+4'] _col(68) %12.4f `result`dim''[`iteration',`=`nbitemstotdim`dim''+6'] _c
if `result`dim''[`iteration',`=`nbitemstot'+4']<=`result`dim''[`iteration',`=`nbitemstot'+6'] {
matrix `result`dim''[`iteration',`i']=1
matrix `result`dim''[`iteration',`=`nbitemstotdim`dim''+7']=1
local nbitemssel=`nbitemssel'+1
local nbitemsnosel=`nbitemsnosel'-1
* local listitemssel `listitemssel' `rep'`i2num'
local listitemssel `listitemssel' `i2'
local listitemsselnum `listitemsselnum' `i2num'
matrix `affect`dim''[1,`i2num']=1
di in ye _col(88) "X"
else {
matrix `result`dim''[`iteration',`=`nbitemstotdim`dim''+7']=2
di in green "{hline 90}"
return matrix result`dim' `result`dim''
local j=`kernel'+1
forvalues i=`=`kernel'+1'/`nbitemstot' {
if `affect'[1,`i']==0 {
if `affect`dim''[1,`j']==1 {
matrix `affect'[1,`i']=`dim'
local j=`j'+1
use `raschfitfile',clear
return matrix affect `affect'