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161 lines
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10 months ago
*!version 1.0 MJB 9 May 2003
cap program drop metannt
program define metannt , rclass
version 7.0
syntax [, measure(string) size(string) confint(string) baseline(string)]
*If measure size & confint left unspecified, assume that these are as stored
*from previous metan/meta-analysis in r(ES) etc
if "`measure'`size'`confint'"=="" {
*Get effect size, conf intervals and type of summary measure from metan
local measure = r(measure)
local size = r(ES)
local conf_l= r(ci_low)
local conf_u= r(ci_upp)
else {
*otherwise, user is assumed to have specified them: conf interval needs parsing (and is optional)
local measure=upper("`measure'")
if "`confint'"!="" {
tokenize "`confint'", parse(",")
local conf_l=`1'
local conf_u=`3'
cap {
if ("`measure'"=="SMD" | "`measure'"=="WMD" | "`measure'"=="ES")
di in re "metannt valid only after binary data meta-analysis"
cap {
assert ("`measure'"=="OR" | "`measure'"=="RR" | "`measure'"=="RD")
assert `size'>-1
assert `size'>0 if ("`measure'"=="OR" |"`measure'"=="RR")
assert `size'<1 if "`measure'"=="RD"
assert `size'!=.
if _rc!=0 {
di in re "Specify a valid measure AND effect size using measure( ) and size( ) options,"
di in re " or use last estimates from metan"
if "`conf_l'"!="" {
cap {
assert `conf_l'>=-1
assert `conf_l'>0 if "`measure'"!="RD"
assert `conf_u'<=1 if "`measure'"=="RD"
assert `size'>`conf_l'
assert `size'<`conf_u'
if _rc!=0 {
di in re "Invalid confidence interval"
if "`baseline'"=="" {
local baseline =r(cger)
local note2 "**" /* to reinforce estimation of CGER from data */
if ( (`size'>0 & "`measure'"=="RD") | (`size'>1 & "`measure'"!="RD") ) {
local directn "excess"
local nntstub "H"
else {
local directn "avoided"
local nntstub "B"
if "`conf_l'"!="" {
local ci "(CI)"
local cont "_cont"
di _n in gr " Control group | Treatment group |" _col(43) "| No. of `directn' "
di in gr " event rate | event rate *" _col(34) "| NNT`nntstub'* | events per 1000 `ci'*"
di in gr _dup(15) "-" "+" _dup(17) "-" "+" _dup(8) "-" "+" _dup(26) "-"
*error check
local flag=0
parse "`baseline'", parse(",")
while "`1'"!="" {
local cger=`1'
*calculate tger then NNT / events from d-a
if "`measure'"=="RD" {
local tger=`cger'+`size'
if "`ci'"!="" {
local tger_ll = `cger'+`conf_l'
local tger_ul = `cger'+`conf_u'
if "`measure'"=="RR" {
local tger=(`cger'*`size')
if "`ci'"!="" {
local tger_ll =(`cger'*`conf_l')
local tger_ul =(`cger'*`conf_u')
if "`measure'"=="OR" {
local tger=(`size'*`cger')/(1-`cger'+`cger'*`size')
if "`ci'"!="" {
local tger_ll =(`conf_l'*`cger')/(1-`cger'+`cger'*`conf_l')
local tger_ul =(`conf_u'*`cger')/(1-`cger'+`cger'*`conf_u')
if (`tger'>=0 & `tger'<=1 & `cger'>=0 & `cger'<=1) {
local nnt = abs(1/(`cger'-`tger'))
local np1000=abs(1000*(`cger'-`tger'))
if "`ci'"!="" {
*direction is important for CI
if `cger'>`tger' {
*events avoided: CI goes from (cg-max_tg to cg-min_tg)
local np1k_ll =(1000*(`cger'-`tger_ul'))
local np1k_ul =(1000*(`cger'-`tger_ll'))
else {
*events excess: CI goes from (tg_min-cg to tg_max-cg)
local np1k_ll =(1000*(`tger_ll'-`cger'))
local np1k_ul =(1000*(`tger_ul'-`cger'))
else {
local flag=10
local nnt =.
local np1000 =.
di in ye _col(5) %6.3f `cger' " `note2'" _col(23) %6.3f `tger' _col(35) %6.1f `nnt' /*
*/ _col(48) %5.1f `np1000' `cont'
if "`ci'"!="" {
di in ye " (" %5.1f `np1k_ll' " , " %5.1f `np1k_ul' ")
local tger_ll = `cger'+`conf_u'
mac shift 2
if `flag'>1 { di in bl "Note some baseline/event rate combinations are invalid"}
di _n in bl "* based on `measure'=" %5.3f `size' " applied to the control group event rate(s)"
if "`note2'"=="**" {
di in bl "** based on an assumed average control group event rate of `cger'"
return scalar cger= `cger'
return scalar tger= `tger'
return scalar nnt= `nnt'
return scalar ep1000= `np1000'