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10 months ago
*! tmpdir Version 1.1 22Jan2009
*! Center of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Duke University's Fuqua School of Business
* tmpdir Version 1.1 16Jan2008
* research computing, unc-ch
** - minor code updating to improve efficiency of this program
** and added check to make sure a Linux/UNIX tmpdir does not
** contain spaces.
** tmpdir Version 1.0 08Oct2003
** the carolina population center, unc-ch
program define tmpdir, rclass
args short
version 8
Stata uses the directory that is set by your computer to be the temporary directory
by default. The environment variable STATATMP can be set to specific directory that
Stata should use for the temporary directory. If you want to have certain programs
that call -tmpdir- to use yet another directory for temporary files you can set
the location of that temporary directory here with the local macro variable tmpdir.
If for some reason tmpdir.ado was unable to figure out what the pathname is,
enter the name without spaces in the name. For example:
local tmpdir=`"c:\Documents and Settings\dan\Local Settings\temp"'
should be set using short file names (first 6 characters, plus "~1" or "~2" , etc. :
local tmpdir=`"c:\Docume~1\dan\LocalS~1\temp"'
local tmpdir=`""'
confirmdir `"`tmpdir'"'
if `"`tmpdir'"'=="" | `r(confirmdir)'!=0 { /* tmpdir is not set or not set correctly */
tempfile temp
_getfilename `"`temp'"'
local tfilen `"`r(filename)'"'
local tmpdir : subinstr local temp `"`tfilen'"' ""
local subtest : subinstr local tmpdir " " "" , count(local cnt)
if `cnt' != 0 {
if "`c(os)'"=="Windows" { /* make sure directory structure has no spaces */
shortdir using `"`tmpdir'"' , `short'
local tmpdir `"`r(shortdir)'\"'
} /* end of windows */
else {
di "{error}Your temporary directory contains spaces."
di "{error}You need to set the location of your temporary directory " _n ///
"to a directory that does not contain spaces."
di "{error}Edit your tmpdir.ado file to set the location of your Stata temporary file: "
which tmpdir
if "`c(console)'" == "" {
di `"It's as easy as: "'
di `" {stata adoedit tmpdir: (click here, to edit the tmdpir.ado file}, remember to save when done.)"'
exit 499
} // end of if tmpdir contains spaces
capture confirmdir "`macval(tmpdir)'"
if `r(confirmdir)'!=0 {
di "{error}The setting for your temporary directory: {res}`tmpdir' {error}is not correct."
di "{error}You need to set the location of your temporary directory."
di "{error}Edit your tmpdir.ado file to set the location of your Stata temporary file: "
which tmpdir
if "`c(console)'" == "" {
di `"It's as easy as: "'
di `" {stata adoedit tmpdir: (click here, to edit the tmdpir.ado file}, remember to save when done.)"'
exit 499
} /* end of tmpdir not set or not set correctly */
return local tmpdir "`tmpdir'"