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10 months ago
*! Mata definitions for confa package; 3 March 2009; v.2.0
set matalnum on
mata set matastrict on
mata clear
// needed by confa.ado
real CONFA_NF( string input ) {
real scalar nopenpar, nclosepar, ncolon;
// opening and closing parentheses
nopenpar = length(tokens(input, ")" ))
nclosepar = length(tokens(input, "(" ))
// n*par will be 2*nf
ncolon = length(tokens(input, ":" ))
// ncolon will be 2*nf + 1
if ( (nopenpar == nclosepar) & (nopenpar == ncolon-1 ) ) {
if (mod(nopenpar,2) == 0) {
return( nopenpar/2 )
// if everything was OK, should've exited by now
// if something's wrong, return zero
matrix CONFA_StrucToSigma(real vector parms) {
real scalar CONFA_loglevel, nobsvar, nfactors, eqno;
real matrix Lambda, Phi, Theta, Sigma, CONFA_Struc;
// loglevel
CONFA_loglevel = strtoreal( st_global("CONFA_loglevel"))
CONFA_Struc = st_matrix("CONFA_Struc")
if (CONFA_loglevel>4) CONFA_Struc
if (CONFA_loglevel>4) {
printf("{txt}Current parameter values:\n")
// the length should coinicde with the # pars from CONFA_Struc
if ( cols(parms) ~= rows(CONFA_Struc) ) {
// something's wrong, let's just drop out with an empty matrix
if (CONFA_loglevel>4) {
printf("{txt}Expected parameters: {res}%3.0f{txt}; received parameters: {res}%3.0f\n",
// # observed variables: max entry in the number of means
nobsvar = colmax( select(CONFA_Struc[,3], !(CONFA_Struc[,1]-J(rows(CONFA_Struc),1,1)) ) )
if (CONFA_loglevel>4) printf("{txt}No. of observed variables: {res}%3.0f\n",nobsvar)
// # observed factors: max entry in the phi indices
nfactors = colmax( select(CONFA_Struc[,3], !(CONFA_Struc[,1]-J(rows(CONFA_Struc),1,3)) ) )
if (CONFA_loglevel>4) printf("{txt}No. of latent factors: {res}%3.0f\n",nfactors)
// set up the matrices
Lambda = J(nobsvar,nfactors,0)
Phi = J(nfactors,nfactors,0)
Theta = J(nobsvar,nobsvar,0)
// fill the stuff in
for(eqno=nobsvar+1;eqno<=rows(CONFA_Struc);eqno++) {
if (CONFA_Struc[eqno,1] == 2) {
// a lambda-type entry
Lambda[ CONFA_Struc[eqno,3], CONFA_Struc[eqno,4] ] = parms[eqno]
if (CONFA_Struc[eqno,1] == 3) {
// a phi-type entry
Phi[ CONFA_Struc[eqno,3], CONFA_Struc[eqno,4] ] = parms[eqno]
Phi[ CONFA_Struc[eqno,4], CONFA_Struc[eqno,3] ] = parms[eqno]
if (CONFA_Struc[eqno,1] == 4) {
// a theta-type entry
Theta[ CONFA_Struc[eqno,3], CONFA_Struc[eqno,3] ] = parms[eqno]
if (CONFA_Struc[eqno,1] == 5) {
// a theta-type correlated errors entry
Theta[ CONFA_Struc[eqno,3], CONFA_Struc[eqno, 4] ] = parms[eqno]
Theta[ CONFA_Struc[eqno,4], CONFA_Struc[eqno, 3] ] = parms[eqno]
if (CONFA_loglevel > 4) {
printf("{txt}Factor covariances:\n")
printf("{txt}Residual variances:\n")
Sigma = Lambda*Phi*Lambda' + Theta
if (CONFA_loglevel > 4) {
printf("{txt}Implied moments:\n")
if (CONFA_loglevel == -1) {
// post matrices to Stata
// done with model structure, compute and return implied matrix
return( Sigma )
// vech covariance matrix, for Satorra-Bentler
void SBvechZZtoB(string dlist, string blist) {
real matrix data, moments, B;
real scalar i;
// view the deviation variables
// view the moment variables
// blist=st_local("blist")
// vectorize!
for(i=1; i<=rows(data); i++) {
B = data[i,.]'*data[i,.]
moments[i,.] = vech(B)'
// duplication matrix, for Satorra-Bentler
void Dupl(scalar p, string Dname) {
real scalar pstar, k;
real matrix Ipstar, D;
pstar = p*(p+1)/2
Ipstar = I(pstar)
D = J(p*p,0,.)
for(k=1;k<=pstar;k++) {
D = (D, vec(invvech(Ipstar[.,k])))
// Satorra-Bentler Delta matrix
// Delta = \frac \partial{\partial \theta} vech \Sigma(\theta)
void SBStrucToDelta(string DeltaName) {
real scalar CONFA_loglevel, p, t, varno, facno, i, j, k, fac1, fac2, k1, k2;
// log level, # obs vars, # parameters, current var, current factor, cycle indices, temp indices
real matrix Lambda, Phi, Theta, Sigma, CONFA_Struc, Delta, DeltaRow;
// must be self-explanatory
real matrix U, E;
// identity matrices of the size #factors and #obs vars
// loglevel
CONFA_loglevel = strtoreal( st_global("CONFA_loglevel"))
// need the CONFA matrices
CONFA_Struc = st_matrix("CONFA_Struc")
Sigma = st_matrix("CONFA_Sigma")
Lambda = st_matrix("CONFA_Lambda")
Phi = st_matrix("CONFA_Phi")
// Theta = st_matrix("CONFA_Theta")
if (CONFA_loglevel>4) CONFA_Struc
// # parameters in the model
t = rows(CONFA_Struc)
// cols(Delta) = t = # pars
// rows(Delta) = pstar = p*(p+1)/2 = length( vech( Sigma ) )
// but that should be accumulated one by one...
Delta = J(0,t,.)
// sources of u and e vectors
p = rows( Sigma )
U = I( p )
E = I( rows(Phi) )
for(i=1;i<=p;i++) {
for(j=i;j<=p;j++) {
if (CONFA_loglevel > 4) printf("{txt}Working with pair ({res}%2.0f{txt},{res}%2.0f{txt})\n",i,j)
DeltaRow = J(1,t,0)
// parse Struc matrix and see how each parameter affects Cov(X_i,X_j)
for(k=1;k<=t;k++) {
if (CONFA_Struc[k,1] == 1) {
// a mean-type entry
// for the moment, assume it does not affect anything
if (CONFA_Struc[k,1] == 2) {
// a lambda-type entry
// CONFA_Struc[k,.] = (2, equation #, variable #, factor #)
varno = CONFA_Struc[k,3]
facno = CONFA_Struc[k,4]
DeltaRow[1,k] = U[i,.] * U[.,varno] * E[facno,.] * Phi * Lambda' * U[.,j] +
U[i,.] * Lambda * Phi * E[.,facno] * U[varno,.] * U[.,j]
if (CONFA_Struc[k,1] == 3) {
// a phi-type entry
// CONFA_Struc[k,.] = (3, equation #, `factor`kk'', `factor`k'')
fac1 = CONFA_Struc[k,3]
fac2 = CONFA_Struc[k,4]
DeltaRow[1,k] = U[i,.] * Lambda * E[.,fac1] * E[fac2,.] * Lambda' * U[.,j]
if (CONFA_Struc[k,1] == 4) {
// a theta-type entry
// CONFA_Struc[k,.] = (4, equation #, variable #, 0)
varno = CONFA_Struc[k,3]
DeltaRow[1,k] = (i==j) & (i==varno)
if (CONFA_Struc[k,1] == 5) {
// a theta_{jk}-type entry
// CONFA_Struc[k,.] = (5, equation #, variable k1, variable k2)
k1 = CONFA_Struc[k,3]
k2 = CONFA_Struc[k,4]
DeltaRow[1,k] = ((i==k1) & (j==k2) ) | ((i==k2) & (j==k1))
Delta = Delta \ DeltaRow
// needed by confa_p.ado
void CONFA_P_EB(string Fnames, string ObsVarNames, string ToUseName) {
real matrix ff, xx;
// views
real matrix bb, Sigma, Lambda, Theta, Phi;
// substantive matrices
real scalar p
// view on the newly generated factors
// view on the observed variables
// get the estimated matrices
bb = st_matrix("e(b)")
Sigma = st_matrix("e(Sigma)")
Theta = st_matrix("e(Theta)")
Lambda = st_matrix("e(Lambda)")
Phi = st_matrix("e(Phi)")
// # observed vars
p = rows(Sigma)
// prediction
ff[,] = (xx-J(rows(xx),1,1)*bb[1..p]) * invsym(Sigma) * Lambda * Phi
void CONFA_P_MLE(string Fnames, string ObsVarNames, string ToUseName) {
real matrix ff, xx;
// views
real matrix bb, Sigma, Lambda, Theta, Phi, ThetaInv;
// substantive matrices
real scalar p
// view on the newly generated factors
// view on the observed variables
// get the estimated matrices
bb = st_matrix("e(b)")
Sigma = st_matrix("e(Sigma)")
Theta = st_matrix("e(Theta)")
Lambda = st_matrix("e(Lambda)")
Phi = st_matrix("e(Phi)")
// # observed vars
p = rows(Sigma)
// Theta is the vector of diagonal elements,
// so the inverse is easy!
ThetaInv = diag( 1:/Theta )
// prediction
ff[,] = (xx-J(rows(xx),1,1)*bb[1..p]) * ThetaInv * Lambda * invsym(Lambda' * ThetaInv * Lambda)
// needed by confa_lf.ado
void CONFA_NormalLKHDr( string ParsName, string lnfname) {
// ParsName are the parameters
// lnfname is the name of the likelihood variable
// the observed variables are in $CONFA_obsvar
real scalar CONFA_loglevel, nobsvar, ldetWS, i;
// log level, # obs vars, log determinant, cycle index
real matrix Sigma, means, SS, InvWorkSigma;
// intermediate computations
string scalar obsvar, touse;
// list of observed variables
real matrix data, lnl, parms;
// views
CONFA_loglevel = strtoreal( st_global("CONFA_loglevel"))
obsvar = st_global("CONFA_obsvar")
nobsvar = length(tokens(obsvar))
touse = st_global("CONFA_touse")
st_view(data=., ., tokens(obsvar), touse )
st_view(lnl=., ., tokens(lnfname), touse)
st_view(parms=., ., tokens(ParsName), touse)
// using the set up where the means are the first nobsvar entries of the parameter vector,
means = parms[1,1..nobsvar]
Sigma = CONFA_StrucToSigma(parms[1,.])
if (CONFA_loglevel > 2) {
// do some equilibration??
SS = cholesky(Sigma)
InvWorkSigma = solvelower(SS,I(rows(SS)))
InvWorkSigma = solveupper(SS',InvWorkSigma)
ldetWS = 2*ln(dettriangular(SS))
for( i=1; i<=rows(data); i++ ) {
lnl[i,1] = -.5*(data[i,.]-means)*InvWorkSigma*(data[i,.]-means)' - .5*ldetWS - .5*nobsvar*ln(2*pi())
if (CONFA_loglevel>2) {
// normal likelihood with missing data
void CONFA_NormalLKHDrMiss( string ParsName, string lnfname) {
// ParsName are the parameters
// lnfname is the name of the likelihood variable
// the observed variables are in $CONFA_obsvar
real scalar CONFA_loglevel, nobsvar, thisldetWS, i, j;
// log level, # obs vars, log determinant, cycle index
real matrix Sigma, means, thisSigma, thisSS, thisInvSigma, thispattern, parms;
// intermediate computations
string scalar obsvar, misspat, touse;
// list of observed variables; the names of the missing patterns and touse tempvars
real matrix data, lnl, parmview, pattern, mdata, mlnl, info;
// views
CONFA_loglevel = strtoreal( st_global("CONFA_loglevel"))
obsvar = st_global("CONFA_obsvar")
nobsvar = length(tokens(obsvar))
misspat = st_global("CONFA_miss")
touse = st_global("CONFA_touse")
st_view(pattern=., ., misspat, touse )
st_view(data=., ., tokens(obsvar), touse )
st_view(lnl=., ., lnfname, touse )
st_view(parmview=., ., tokens(ParsName), touse )
parms = parmview[1,1..cols(parmview)]
if (CONFA_loglevel>2) {
// using the set up where the means are the first nobsvar entries of the parameter vector,
means = parms[1..nobsvar]
Sigma = CONFA_StrucToSigma(parms)
// utilize an existing set up of the missing data patterns
// data assumed to be sorted by the patterns of missing data
info = panelsetup( pattern, 1 )
for (i=1; i<=rows(info); i++) {
panelsubview(mdata=., data, i, info)
panelsubview(mlnl=., lnl, i, info)
// mdata should contain the portion of the data with the same missing data pattern
// mlnl will be conforming to mdata
// OK, now need to figure out that pattern
thispattern = J(1, cols(data), 1) - colmissing( mdata[1,] )
if (CONFA_loglevel > 2) {
printf("{txt}Pattern #{res}%5.0f{txt} :", i)
// modify the matrices
thisSigma = select( select( Sigma, thispattern), thispattern' )
thisSS = cholesky(thisSigma)
thisInvSigma = solvelower(thisSS,I(rows(thisSS)))
thisInvSigma = solveupper(thisSS',thisInvSigma)
thisldetWS = 2*ln(dettriangular(thisSS))
if (CONFA_loglevel > 3) {
for( j=1; j<=rows(mdata); j++ ) {
// this is actually a single line broken by arithmetic operator signs
// that's bad style but it works
mlnl[j,1] = -.5*(select(data[j,.],thispattern)-select(means,thispattern)) *
thisInvSigma *
(select(data[j,.],thispattern)-select(means,thispattern))' -
.5*thisldetWS - .5*sum(thispattern)*ln(2*pi())
if (CONFA_loglevel>3) {
// Bollen-Stine bootstrap rotation
void CONFA_BSrotate(
string SigmaName, // the parameter matrix name
string varnames // the variable names
) {
// declarations
real matrix data // views of the data
real matrix Sigma, SS, S2, SS2 // the covariance matrices and temp matrices
real matrix means // the means -- need modifications for weighted data!!!
real scalar n // dimension, no. obs
// get the data in
st_view(data=., ., tokens(varnames) )
Sigma = st_matrix(SigmaName)
// probability weights!!!
means = colsum(data)/n
SS = (cross(data,data)-n*means'*means)/(n-1)
S2 = cholesky(Sigma)
SS2 = cholesky(SS)
SS2 = solveupper(SS2',I(rows(SS)))
data[,] = data*SS2*S2'
// build a library
mata mlib create lconfa, replace
mata mlib add lconfa *()
mata mlib index
// of mata
// don't need this:
string scalar CONFA_UL( string input ) {
string rowvector s;
real scalar i,j,n;
// tokenize input into a string vector
s = tokens( input )
n = cols( s )
for(i=1;i<=n;i++) {
// as I go over the elements, compare to the previous ones
for(j=1;j<i;j++) {
if ( s[i] == s[j] ) {
s[i] = ""
// assemble back into a string scalar
return( stritrim(invtokens( s ) ) )