You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

256 lines
8.3 KiB

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\newcommand{\name}{Corentin Choisy} % Your Name
\newcommand{\rank}{PhD Student} % Your Rank
\newcommand{\department}{Inserm UMR 1246 SPHERE}
\newcommand{\phone}{0767966900} % Your Phone Number
\newcommand{\emaila}{} %Email 1
\newcommand{\emailb}{} %Email 2
\newcommand{\orcid}{} %ORCID
\newcommand{\website}{} %Website
% replace the fields with your details
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{L r}
\textbf{\LARGE \name} & \phone\\
\rank & \href{\emaila}{\emaila}\\
\department & \href{\orcid}{ORCID - 0009-0002-6988-3289} \\
{Nantes Université, Nantes, France} & \href{\website}{\website}
% %-----------EDUCATION-----------------
\setlength{\tabcolsep}{5pt} % Default value: 6pt
\textbf{Degree/Certificate } & \textbf{University/Institute} & \textbf{Assessment} & \textbf{Year}\\
M.Sc. in Public Health & Université de Rennes / EHESP & with highest honour & 2021-2023\\
B.Sc. in Applied Mathematics & Université de Reims & with high honours & 2019-2021\\
Prep Class & Lycée Franklin Roosevelt & with highest honours & 2018-2019 \\
% %-----------EXPERIENCE-----------------
{Inserm UMR 1246 SPHERE}{Nantes, France}
{PhD Student in Causal Psychometrics}{December 2023 - December 2026}
\item {Evaluating the interest of causal inference in the analysis of Patient-Reported Outcomes and in the evaluation of measurement invariance}
\item {1 paper to be published, 3 in preparation}
\item {Conference speak at ISOQOL 2023}
{Inserm UMR 1246 SPHERE}{Nantes, France}
{Studies Engineer}{March 2023 - December 2023}
\item {Identification of donor-recipient interactions in defining kidney donor marginality for prediction of graft failure: a French multicentric cohort study}
\item {1 paper to be published}
\item {Conference speaks at Ouest Transplant 2023, SFT 2023, SFNDT 2024}
{Gaining information from lack of measurement invariance and restoring causal inference in randomized controlled-trials including patient-reported outcome measures: a Rasch-based simulation study} %Project Name
{BMC Medical Research} %Journal
{Inserm UMR 1246 SPHERE} %Organizations
{\href{Link to project}{ }} %Link to article
{Identification of donor-recipient interactions in defining kidney donor marginality for prediction of graft failure: a French multicentric cohort study} %Project Name
{Kidney International} %Journal
{Inserm UMR 1246 SPHERE, DIVAT Consortium} %Organizations
{\href{Link to project}{ }} %Link to article
\resumeSubItem{Programming} % Category
{Python, R, Stata, HTML/CSS, Rust, NodeJS, Bash}
\resumeSubItem{Teaching} % Category
{\\Masters - Introduction to Biostatistics, Data Manipulation and Analysis, Data Analysis in large dimension \\ Graduate School - Introduction to Biostatistics \\ Speech Therapy 2nd Year - Critical Reading} % Skills
{\\ Developing multivariate, multidimensional predictive statistical models \\ Psychometrical latent variables models and assessment of measurement noninvariance \\ Causal inference in interventional and observational studies \\ General Biostatistics, Epidemiology, Public Health Policies}
\resumeSubItem{Non Technical} % Category
{Experimented in Article writing, Presentation Design, Public Speaking} % Skills
\resumeSubItem{Languages} % Category
{French - Native \\ English - C1/C2 \\ Italian - C1 \\ Welsh - B1} % Skills
% \hspace*{-5mm}\rule{1.035\textwidth}{0.1mm}
\resumePOR{Game Designer/Writer} % Position
{ Star Helix Games} %Club,Event
{2017-2023} %Tenure Period
\resumePOR{Active Member} % Position
{ HARMONY COST Action} %Club,Event
{2023} %Tenure Period