*! Version 3.4 23August2019 *! Jean-Benoit Hardouin ************************************************************************************************************ * Stata program : pcm * Estimate the parameters of the Partial Credit Model * Version 1 : December 17, 2007 [Jean-Benoit Hardouin] * Version 2 : July 15, 2011 [Jean-Benoit Hardouin] * Version 2.1 : October 18th, 2011 [Jean-Benoit Hardouin] : -fixedvar- option, new presentation * Version 2.2 : October 23rd, 2013 [Jean-Benoit Hardouin] : correction of -fixedvar- option * Version 2.3 : April 10th, 2014 [Jean-Benoit Hardouin] : correction of -fixedvar- option * Version 2.3 : April 10th, 2014 [Jean-Benoit Hardouin] : correction of -fixedvar- option * Version 3 : July 6th, 2019 [Jean-Benoit Hardouin] : New version using gsem * Version 3.1 : July 9th, 2019 [Jean-Benoit Hardouin] : Small corrections * Version 3.2 : July 17th, 2019 [Jean-Benoit Hardouin] : Small corrections * Version 3.3 : July 25th, 2019 [Jean-Benoit Hardouin] : -pce- option * Version 3.4 : August 23th, 2019 [Jean-Benoit Hardouin] : Correction of a bug * * * * Jean-benoit Hardouin - University of Nantes - France * INSERM UMR 1246-SPHERE "Methods in Patient Centered Outcomes and Health Research", Nantes University, University of Tours * jean-benoit.hardouin@univ-nantes.fr * * News about this program : http://www.anaqol.org * * Copyright 2007, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2019 Jean-Benoit Hardouin * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ************************************************************************************************************/ program define pcm, rclass syntax varlist(min=2 numeric) [iweight] [, CONTinuous(varlist) CATegorical(varlist) ITerate(int 100) TOLerance(real 0.01) model DIFFiculties(name) rsm Graphs noGRAPHItems filesave dirsave(string) docx(string) extension(string) PCE WMLiterate(int 1) GENLT(name) GENINF(name) postpce] qui count local nbobs=r(N) /************************************************************************************************************* GESTION DES VARIABLES CONTINUES ET CATEGORIELLES *************************************************************************************************************/ local modcont local nbpar=0 local nbcont=0 local nbcat=0 if "`continuous'"!="" { tokenize `continuous' local nbcont : word count `continuous' local continuous forvalues i=1/`nbcont' { local cont`i' ``i'' local continuous `continuous' ``i'' local modcont `modcont' ``i'' local ++nbpar } local modcont (`modcont'->T) } local modcat if "`categorical'"!="" { tokenize `categorical' local nbcat : word count `categorical' local categorical forvalues i=1/`nbcat' { local cat`i' ``i'' local categorical `categorical' ``i'' local modcat `modcat' i.``i'' qui levelsof ``i'' local levelsof``i'' `r(levels)' local nbpar=`nbpar'+`r(r)'-1 *di "categorical : ``i'' levels : `levelsof``i'''" } local modcat (`modcat'->T) } if "`dirsave'"=="" { local dirsave `c(pwd)' } if "`genlt'"!=""|"`geninf'"!="" { capture confirm new variable `genlt' se`genlt' `geninf' if _rc!=0 { di in red "The variables `genlt', se`genlt' and/or `geninf' alreday exist. Please modify the -genlt- and/or -geninf- option" exit 198 } } /************************************************************************************************************* GESTION DES ITEMS ET TESTS *************************************************************************************************************/ tokenize `varlist' local nbitems : word count `varlist' marksample touse ,novarlist *preserve local modamax=1 local modamin=0 local pbmin local nbdiff=0 forvalues i=1/`nbitems' { qui su ``i'' if `r(min)'!=`modamin' { local modamin=r(min) local pbmin `pbmin' ``i'' } if `r(max)'>`modamax' { local modamax=r(max) } local modamax``i''=r(max) if "`rsm'"=="" { local nbdiff=`nbdiff'+`modamax``i''' } } if "`rsm'"!="" { local nbdiff=`nbitems'+`modamax'-1 } if `modamin'!=0 { di as error "The minimal answer category of each item must be coded by 0. This is not the case for the following items: `pbmin' (`modamin') " error 198 } qui count local nbind=r(N) *set trace on local code forvalues k=1/`modamax' { local code`k' forvalues i=1/`nbitems' { if `k'<=`modamax``i''' { local code`k' `code`k'' `k'.``i'' } } local code`k' (`code`k''<-T@`k') local code `code' `code`k'' } /************************************************************************************************************* OPTION PCE *************************************************************************************************************/ if "`pce'"!=""&"`difficulties'"=="" { tempname sedelta b qui raschpce `varlist' local ll=r(ll) matrix `sedelta'=r(sedelta) matrix `sedelta'=`sedelta'' matrix `b'=r(b) *matrix `b'=`b'' local difficulties `b' *matrix list `b' matrix loulou=`b' return matrix diff_parm=`b' `qui' pcm `varlist', diff(loulou) geninf(TInf_0) genlt(lt_0) /*postpce*/ *exit } /************************************************************************************************************* RECUPERATION DES PARAMETRES DE DIFFICULTES ET DEFINITION DES CONTRAINTES *************************************************************************************************************/ if "`difficulties'"!=""&"`rsm'"!="" { di as error "You can not defined in the same time the difficulties and the rsm options" error 198 } if "`difficulties'"!="" { tempname beta matrix `beta'=J(`nbitems',`modamax',.) local t=1 local constraints matrix list `difficulties' forvalues i=1/`nbitems' { forvalues k=1/`modamax``i''' { if `difficulties'[`i',`k']==. { di as error "The kth difficulty parameter of the item ``i'' is not correctly defined in the difficulties matrix" error 198 } else { if `k'==1 { matrix `beta'[`i',1]=-`difficulties'[`i',1] } else { matrix `beta'[`i',`k']=`beta'[`i',`=`k'-1']-`difficulties'[`i',`k'] } constraint `t' [`k'.``i'']_cons=`beta'[`i',`k'] local constraints `constraints' `t' local ++t } } } } /************************************************************************************************************* DEFINITION DES CONTRAINTES POUR UN RSM *************************************************************************************************************/ if "`rsm'"!="" { local t=1 local constraints forvalues k=2/`modamax' { forvalues i=2/`nbitems' { constraint `t' [`=`k'-1'.``i'']_cons-[`k'.``i'']_cons+[1.``i'']_cons=[`=`k'-1'.`1']_cons-[`k'.`1']_cons+[1.`1']_cons local constraints `constraints' `t' local ++t } } } /************************************************************************************************************* MODELE *************************************************************************************************************/ discard *di "`qui' gsem `code' `modcont' `modcat' ,iterate(`iterate') tol(`tolerance') constraint(`constraints')" local qui qui if "`model'"!="" { local qui } `qui' gsem `code' `modcont' `modcat' ,iterate(`iterate') tol(`tolerance') constraint(`constraints') local ll=e(ll) *set trace on tempvar latent score group selatent latent2 tempname groups *capture qui predict mu, mu *su mu qui predict `latent',latent se(`selatent') if "`genlt'"!="" { gen `genlt'=`latent' gen se`genlt'=`selatent' } set seed 123456 qui gen `latent2'=`latent'+invnorm(uniform())*`selatent' qui genscore `varlist',score(`score') qui gengroup `latent',newvariable(`group') continuous qui levelsof `group' local nbgroups=r(r) matrix `groups'=J(`nbgroups',`=`nbitems'+3',.) forvalues g=1/`nbgroups' { matrix `groups'[`g',`=`nbitems'+3']=0 forvalues i=1/`nbitems' { *tab ``i'' if `group'==`g' qui count if ``i''!=.&`group'==`g' local n=r(N) if `n'>0 { qui su ``i'' if `group'==`g' matrix `groups'[`g',`i']=r(mean) matrix `groups'[`g',`=`nbitems'+3']=`groups'[`g',`=`nbitems'+3']+`r(mean)' } else { matrix `groups'[`g',`i']=. matrix `groups'[`g',`=`nbitems'+3']=. } } qui su `latent' if `group'==`g' matrix `groups'[`g',`=`nbitems'+1']=r(mean) qui count if `group'==`g' matrix `groups'[`g',`=`nbitems'+2']=r(N) } *matrix list `groups' qui count if `score'!=. local nbobsssmd=r(N) di di as text "Number of individuals:" %6.0f as result `nbobs' di as text "Number of complete individuals:" %6.0f as result `nbobsssmd' di as text "Number of items:" %6.0f as result `nbitems' di as text "Marginal log-likelihood:" %12.4f as result `ll' di return scalar ll=`ll' *set trace on /************************************************************************************************************* RECUPERATION DES ESTIMATIONS DES PARAMETRES DE DIFFICULTE *************************************************************************************************************/ tempname diff diffmat vardiff diffmat2 *set trace on qui matrix `diffmat'=J(`nbitems',`modamax',.) qui matrix `diffmat2'=J(`nbitems',`modamax',.) qui matrix `diff'=J(`nbdiff',6,.) local rn *qui matrix `vardiff'=J(`nbdiff',`nbdiff',.) *matrix list `diff' *set trace on local t=1 forvalues i=1/`nbitems' { qui matrix `diffmat'[`i',1]=-_b[1.``i'':_cons] qui matrix `diffmat2'[`i',1]=-_b[1.``i'':_cons] qui lincom -_b[1.``i'':_cons] qui matrix `diff'[`t',1]=`r(estimate)' qui matrix `diff'[`t',2]=`r(se)' qui matrix `diff'[`t',3]=`r(z)' qui matrix `diff'[`t',4]=`r(p)' qui matrix `diff'[`t',5]=`r(lb)' qui matrix `diff'[`t',6]=`r(ub)' *qui matrix `vardiff'[`t',`t']=_se[1.``i'':_cons]^2 local rn `rn' 1.``i'' local ++t local sum _b[1.``i'':_cons] if "`rsm'"=="" { forvalues k=2/`modamax``i''' { local sum "_b[`k'.``i'':_cons]-(`sum')" di "``i'' `k' `sum'" local sum2 "_b[`=`k'-1'.``i'':_cons]-_b[`k'.``i'':_cons]" qui lincom (`sum2') *set trace on qui matrix `diffmat'[`i',`k']=`r(estimate)' qui matrix `diffmat2'[`i',`k']=`diffmat2'[`i',`=`k'-1']+`diffmat'[`i',`k'] qui matrix `diff'[`t',1]=`r(estimate)' qui matrix `diff'[`t',2]=`r(se)' qui matrix `diff'[`t',3]=`r(z)' qui matrix `diff'[`t',4]=`r(p)' qui matrix `diff'[`t',5]=`r(lb)' qui matrix `diff'[`t',6]=`r(ub)' *qui matrix `vardiff'[`t',`t']=`r(se)'^2 *set trace off local rn `rn' `k'.``i'' local ++t } } } if "`rsm'"!="" { forvalues k=2/`modamax' { qui lincom _b[`=`k'-1'.`1':_cons]-_b[`k'.`1':_cons]+_b[1.`1':_cons] qui matrix `diff'[`t',1]=`r(estimate)' qui matrix `diff'[`t',2]=`r(se)' qui matrix `diff'[`t',3]=`r(z)' qui matrix `diff'[`t',4]=`r(p)' qui matrix `diff'[`t',5]=`r(lb)' qui matrix `diff'[`t',6]=`r(ub)' forvalues i=1/`nbitems' { qui matrix `diffmat'[`i',`k']=`diff'[`t',1]+`diffmat'[`i',1] qui matrix `diffmat2'[`i',`k']=`diffmat'[`i',`k']+`diffmat2'[`i',`=`k'-1'] } local rn `rn' tau`k' local ++t } } local cn Estimate S.e. z p "Lower bound" "Upper Bound" matrix colnames `diff'=`cn' matrix rownames `diff'=`rn' *matrix list `diff' *matrix list `diffmat' *matrix list `diffmat2' *matrix list `vardiff' /************************************************************************************************************* RECUPERATION DES ESTIMATIONS DES PARAMETRES POUR LES COVARIABLES ET LA VARIANCE *************************************************************************************************************/ tempname covariates qui matrix `covariates'=J(`=`nbpar'+1',6,.) *set trace on if "`continuous'"!=""|"`categorical'"!="" { qui lincom _b[/var(e.T)] } else { qui lincom _b[/var(T)] } qui matrix `covariates'[1,1]=`r(estimate)' qui matrix `covariates'[1,2]=`r(se)' qui matrix `covariates'[1,3]=`r(z)' qui matrix `covariates'[1,4]=`r(p)' qui matrix `covariates'[1,5]=`r(lb)' qui matrix `covariates'[1,6]=`r(ub)' local t=2 forvalues i=1/ `nbcont' { qui lincom `cont`i'' qui matrix `covariates'[`t',1]=`r(estimate)' qui matrix `covariates'[`t',2]=`r(se)' qui matrix `covariates'[`t',3]=`r(z)' qui matrix `covariates'[`t',4]=`r(p)' qui matrix `covariates'[`t',5]=`r(lb)' qui matrix `covariates'[`t',6]=`r(ub)' local ++t } forvalues i=1/ `nbcat' { local first=0 foreach j in `levelsof`cat`i''' { if `first'==0 { local ++first } else { qui lincom `j'.`cat`i'' qui matrix `covariates'[`t',1]=`r(estimate)' qui matrix `covariates'[`t',2]=`r(se)' qui matrix `covariates'[`t',3]=`r(z)' qui matrix `covariates'[`t',4]=`r(p)' qui matrix `covariates'[`t',5]=`r(lb)' qui matrix `covariates'[`t',6]=`r(ub)' local ++t } } } * matrix list `covariates' /************************************************************************************************************* OUTPUTS *************************************************************************************************************/ if "`postpce'"=="" { local t=1 local diffname *set trace on di "{hline 73}" di as text _col(60) "<--95% IC -->" di "Items" _col(60) "Lower" _col(68) "Upper" di "parameters" _col(13) "category" _col(25) "Estimate" _col(37) "s.e." _col(48) "z" _col(56) "p" _col(59) " Bound" _col(68) "Bound" di "{hline 73}" *set trace on forvalues i=1/`nbitems' { *local l=1 forvalues j=1/`modamax``i''' { if "`rsm'"==""|`j'==1 { if `j'==1 { di as text abbrev("``i''",19) _c } di as text _col(20) %5.2f "`j'" as result _col(28) %5.2f `diff'[`t',1] _col(36) %5.2f `diff'[`t',2] _col(44) %5.2f `diff'[`t',3] _col(52) %5.2f `diff'[`t',4] _col(60) %5.2f `diff'[`t',5] _col(68) %5.2f `diff'[`t',6] local ++t *local ++l local diffname `diffname' `j'.``i'' } } } if "`rsm'"!="" { forvalues k=2/`modamax' { di as text "tau`k'" as result _col(28) %5.2f `diff'[`t',1] _col(36) %5.2f `diff'[`t',2] _col(44) %5.2f `diff'[`t',3] _col(52) %5.2f `diff'[`t',4] _col(60) %5.2f `diff'[`t',5] _col(68) %5.2f `diff'[`t',6] local diffname `diffname' tau`k' local ++t } } di as text "{hline 73}" local t=1 local n: word count Variance `continuous' forvalues i=1/`n' { local v: word `i' of Variance `continuous' di as text _col(1) %5.2f "`v'" as result _col(28) %5.2f `covariates'[`t',1] _col(36) %5.2f `covariates'[`t',2] _col(44) %5.2f `covariates'[`t',3] _col(52) %5.2f `covariates'[`t',4] _col(60) %5.2f `covariates'[`t',5] _col(68) %5.2f `covariates'[`t',6] local ++t } local rn Variance `continuous' local n: word count of `categorical' local catname forvalues i=1/`n' { local v: word `i' of `categorical' local first=1 local saute=1 foreach j in `levelsof`cat`i''' { if `saute'==0 { if `first'==1 { di as text _col(1) abbrev("`v'",19) _c } di as text _col(20) %5.2f "`j'" as result _col(28) %5.2f `covariates'[`t',1] _col(36) %5.2f `covariates'[`t',2] _col(44) %5.2f `covariates'[`t',3] _col(52) %5.2f `covariates'[`t',4] _col(60) %5.2f `covariates'[`t',5] _col(68) %5.2f `covariates'[`t',6] local ++first local rn `rn' `j'.`n' local ++t local catname `catname' `j'.`v' } else { local saute=0 } } local ++t } di as text "{hline 73}" di qui su `latent' qui local PSI=1-(`r(sd)')^2/((`covariates'[1,1])^2) di as text "PSI:" as result %4.2f `PSI' di matrix colnames `covariates'=`cn' matrix rownames `covariates'=`rn' } /************************************************************************************************************* FIT TESTS *************************************************************************************************************/ tempname fit qui matrix `fit'=J(`nbitems',4,.) matrix colnames `fit'=OUTFIT INFIT "Standardized OUTFIT" "Standardized INFIT" matrix rownames `fit'=`varlist' *matrix list `fit' tempvar Tcum TInf cum qui gen `Tcum'=0 qui gen `TInf'=0 if "`postpce'"=="" { di as text "{hline 90}" di as text _col(60) "<--- Standardized --->" di as text "Items" _col(34) "OUTFIT" _col(50) "INFIT" _col(64) "OUTFIT" _col(80) "INFIT" di as text "{hline 90}" di as text "Referenced values*" _col(29) "[" %4.2f `=1-6/sqrt(`nbobs')' ";" %4.2f `=1+6/sqrt(`nbobs')' "]" _col(44) "[" %4.2f `=1-2/sqrt(`nbobs')' ";" %4.2f `=1+2/sqrt(`nbobs')' "]" _col(60) "[-2.6;2.6]" _col(75) "[-2.6;2.6]" di as text "Referenced values**" _col(29) "[0.75;1.30]" _col(44) "[0.75;1.30]" _col(60) "[-2.6;2.6]" _col(75) "[-2.6;2.6]" di as text "{hline 90}" } *set trace on local chi2=0 local chi2_old=0 forvalues g=1/`nbgroups' { local chi2_g`g'=0 local chi2_old_g`g'=0 } forvalues i=1/`nbitems' { if "`rsm'"=="" { local mm=`modamax``i''' } else { local mm `modamax' } tempvar cum_old``i'' c_old0_``i'' Inf_old``i'' y_old``i'' y2_old``i'' tempvar cum``i'' c0_``i'' Inf``i'' C``i'' C2``i'' C3``i'' y``i'' y2``i'' z``i'' z2``i'' i``i'' local d=1 local d_old=1 qui gen `cum``i'''=0 qui gen `cum_old``i'''=0 forvalues k=1/`mm' { local d `d'+exp(`k'*`latent2'-`diffmat2'[`i',`k']) local d_old `d_old'+exp(`k'*`latent'-`diffmat2'[`i',`k']) } qui gen `c0_``i'''=1/(`d') qui gen `c_old0_``i'''=1/(`d_old') forvalues k=1/`mm' { tempvar c`k'_``i'' c_old`k'_``i'' qui gen `c`k'_``i'''=exp(`k'*`latent2'-`diffmat2'[`i',`k'])/(`d') qui gen `c_old`k'_``i'''=exp(`k'*`latent'-`diffmat2'[`i',`k'])/(`d') qui replace `cum``i'''=`cum``i'''+`c`k'_``i'''*`k' qui replace `cum_old``i'''=`cum_old``i'''+`c_old`k'_``i'''*`k' } qui gen `Inf``i'''=0 qui gen `Inf_old``i'''=0 qui gen `C``i'''=0 forvalues k=0/`mm' { qui replace `Inf``i'''=`Inf``i'''+(`k'-`cum``i''')^2*`c`k'_``i''' qui replace `Inf_old``i'''=`Inf_old``i'''+(`k'-`cum_old``i''')^2*`c_old`k'_``i''' qui replace `C``i'''=`C``i'''+(`k'-`cum``i''')^4*`c`k'_``i''' } qui count if ``i''!=. local n``i''=r(N) qui gen `C2``i'''=`C``i'''/((`Inf``i''')^2) qui su `C2``i''' local q2o``i''=(`r(mean)'-1)/((`n``i''')) qui gen `C3``i'''=`C``i'''-(`Inf``i''')^2 qui su `C3``i''' local n=r(sum) qui su `Inf``i''' local d=r(sum) local q2i``i''=`n'/((`d')^2) //di "``i'' qo = `=sqrt(`q2o``i''')' qi = `=sqrt(`q2i``i''')'" qui replace `Tcum'=`Tcum'+`cum``i''' qui replace `TInf'=`TInf'+`Inf``i''' qui gen `y``i'''=``i''-`cum``i''' qui gen `y_old``i'''=``i''-`cum_old``i''' qui gen `y2``i'''=(`y``i''')^2 qui gen `y2_old``i'''=(`y_old``i''')^2 qui gen `z``i'''=(`y``i'''/sqrt(`Inf``i''')) local chi2_``i''=0 local chi2_old_``i''=0 forvalues g=1/`nbgroups' { qui su `y2``i''' if `group'==`g' local n=r(sum) qui su ``i'' if `group'==`g' local n1=r(sum) qui su `cum``i''' if `group'==`g' local n2=r(sum) qui su `Inf``i''' if `group'==`g' local d=r(sum) *di "chi2_`g'_``i''=`chi2'+(`n1'-`n2')^2/(`d')" local chi2=`chi2'+(`n1'-`n2')^2/(`d') local chi2_``i''=`chi2_``i'''+(`n1'-`n2')^2/(`d') local chi2_g`g'=`chi2_g`g''+(`n1'-`n2')^2/(`d') qui su `y2_old``i''' if `group'==`g' local n_old=r(sum) qui su ``i'' if `group'==`g' local n1_old=r(sum) qui su `cum_old``i''' if `group'==`g' local n2_old=r(sum) qui su `Inf_old``i''' if `group'==`g' local d_old=r(sum) local chi2_old=`chi2_old'+(`n1_old'-`n2_old')^2/(`d_old') local chi2_old_``i''=`chi2_old_``i'''+(`n_old')/(`d_old') local chi2_old_g`g'=`chi2_old_g`g''+(`n_old')/(`d_old') } *di "Item ``i'' Chi2``i''=`chi2_``i''' et chi2=`chi2' Chi2_old=`chi2_old_``i''' et chi2_old=`chi2_old' " *su `z``i''' label variable `z``i''' "Standardized residuals associated to ``i''" label variable `latent' "Latent trait" *set trace on if "`graphs'"!=""&"`graphitems'"=="" { if "`filesave'"!="" { local fs saving("`dirsave'//residuals_``i''",replace) } qui graph twoway scatter `z``i''' `latent', name(residuals``i'',replace) title("Standardized residuals associated to ``i''") `fs' } *set trace off qui gen `z2``i'''=(`z``i''')^2 qui su `z2``i''' local OUTFIT``i''=`r(mean)' qui matrix `fit'[`i',1]=`OUTFIT``i''' local OUTFITs``i''=((`r(mean)')^(1/3)-1)*(3/sqrt(`q2o``i'''))+sqrt(`q2o``i''')/3 qui matrix `fit'[`i',3]=`OUTFITs``i''' qui su `Inf``i''' if ``i''!=. local sumw``i''=r(sum) qui gen `i``i'''=`Inf``i'''*`z2``i''' qui su `i``i''' if ``i''!=. local INFIT``i'' = `=`r(sum)'/`sumw``i'''' qui matrix `fit'[`i',2]=`INFIT``i''' local INFITs``i''=(`=`r(sum)'/`sumw``i''''^(1/3)-1)*(3/sqrt(`q2i``i'''))+sqrt(`q2i``i''')/3 qui matrix `fit'[`i',4]=`INFITs``i''' if "`postpce'"=="" { di abbrev("``i''",19) _col(35) %5.3f `OUTFIT``i''' _col(50) %5.3f `INFIT``i''' _col(64) %6.3f `OUTFITs``i''' _col(79) %6.3f `INFITs``i''' } } if "`postpce'"=="" { di as text "{hline 90}" di as text "*: As suggested by Wright (Smith, 1998) di as text "**: As suggested by Bond and Fox (2007) } if "`geninf'"!="" { gen `geninf'=`TInf' } *set trace off /************************************************************************************************************* ESTIMATION OF THE WEIGHTED ML ESTIMATORS **************************************************************************************************************/ *set trace on *di "estimation `wmliterate'" if "`postpce'"!="" { local conv=10 local it=`wmliterate' di "Iteration : `it'" while(`conv'>=1) { di "Itération `it' : conv=`conv'" tempvar sinf qui gen `sinf'=sqrt(TInf_`=`it'-1') `qui' pcm `varlist' [iweight=`sinf'],diff(loulou) wmliterate(`it') geninf(TInf_`it') genlt(lt_`it') tempvar ecart_`it' qui gen `ecart_`it''=abs(lt_`it'-lt_`=`it'-1') qui su `ecart_`it'' local conv =r(mean) local ++it } exit } /************************************************************************************************************* Categories/Items/Test Characteristics Curves and Information graphs *************************************************************************************************************/ if "`graphs'"!="" { tempfile savefile qui save `savefile' qui clear qui set obs 2000 qui gen u=(_n-1000)/250 qui gen Tcum=0 qui gen TInf=0 forvalues i=1/`nbitems' { local scatteri`i' forvalues g=1/`nbgroups' { local x=`groups'[`g',`=`nbitems'+1'] local y=`groups'[`g',`i'] local s1=`groups'[`g',`=`nbitems'+2'] local seuil=30 local s vtiny *set trace on foreach lab in tiny vsmall small medsmall medium medlarge large vlarge huge vhuge /*ehuge*/ { if `s1'>`seuil' { local s `lab' } local seuil=`seuil'+10 } local scatteri`i' `scatteri`i'' || scatteri `y' `x' , mcolor(black) msize(`s') legend(off) *set trace off } local d=1 qui gen cum``i''=0 *set trace on if "`rsm'"=="" { local mm=`modamax``i''' } else { local mm `modamax' } forvalues k=1/`mm' { local d `d'+exp(`k'*u-`diffmat2'[`i',`k']) } qui gen c0_``i''=1/(`d') label variable c0_``i'' "Pr(``i''=0)" forvalues k=1/`mm' { qui gen c`k'_``i''=exp(`k'*u-`diffmat2'[`i',`k'])/(`d') qui replace cum``i''=cum``i''+c`k'_``i''*`k' label variable c`k'_``i'' "Pr(``i''=`k')" } qui gen Inf``i''=0 forvalues k=1/`mm' { qui replace Inf``i''=Inf``i''+(`k'-cum``i'')^2*c`k'_``i'' } if "`graphitems'"=="" { if "`filesave'"!="" { local fsc saving("`dirsave'//CCC_``i''",replace) local fsi saving("`dirsave'//ICC_``i''",replace) } qui graph twoway line c*_``i'' u , name(CCC``i'', replace) title(Categories Characteristic Curve (CCC) of ``i'') ytitle("Probability") xtitle("Latent trait") `fsc' qui graph twoway line cum``i'' u, name(ICC``i'',replace) title("Item Characteristic Curve (ICC) of ``i''") ytitle("Score to the item") xtitle("Latent trait") `scatteri`i'' `fsi' } qui replace Tcum=Tcum+cum``i'' qui replace TInf=TInf+Inf``i'' label variable Inf``i'' "``i''" } if "`filesave'"!="" { local fst saving("`dirsave'//TCC",replace) local fsteo saving("`dirsave'//TCCeo",replace) local fsi saving("`dirsave'//ICC",replace) local fsti saving("`dirsave'//TIC",replace) local fsm saving("`dirsave'//map",replace) } qui graph twoway line Tcum u, name(TCC,replace) title("Test Characteristic Curve (TCC)") ytitle("Score to the test") xtitle("Latent trait") `fst' qui graph twoway line Inf* u, name(IIC,replace) title("Item Information Curves") ytitle("Information") xtitle("Latent trait") `fsi' qui graph twoway line TInf u, name(TIC,replace) title("Test Information Curve") ytitle("Information") xtitle("Latent trait") `fsti' local scatteri forvalues g=1/`nbgroups' { local x=`groups'[`g',`=`nbitems'+1'] local y=`groups'[`g',`=`nbitems'+3'] local s1=`groups'[`g',`=`nbitems'+2'] local seuil=30 local s vtiny *set trace on foreach lab in tiny vsmall small medsmall medium medlarge large vlarge huge vhuge /*ehuge*/ { if `s1'>`seuil' { local s `lab' } local seuil=`seuil'+10 } local scatteri `scatteri' || scatteri `y' `x' , mcolor(black) msize(`s') legend(off) } qui graph twoway line Tcum u , name(TCCeo,replace) title("Test Characteristic Curve (TCC)") ytitle("Score to the test") xtitle("Latent trait") `scatteri' `fsteo' /************************************************************************************************************* MAP *************************************************************************************************************/ *set trace on gen eff=0 local effmax=0 forvalues g=1/`nbgroups' { local eff=`groups'[`g',`=`nbitems'+2'] if `groups'[`g',`=`nbitems'+2']>`effmax' { local effmax=`groups'[`g',`=`nbitems'+2'] } local lat=round(`groups'[`g',`=`nbitems'+1'],0.004) *di "replace eff=`eff' if round(u,0.004)==`lat'" qui replace eff=`eff' if round(u,0.004)==`lat' } gen density=normalden(u)*sqrt(`covariates'[1,1]) label variable eff "Frequencies" label variable u "Latent trait" label variable TInf "Information curve" label variable density "Density function of the latent trait" local scatteri qui su u if eff!=0 *set trace on local floor=floor(`r(min)') local ceil=ceil(`r(max)') forvalues i=1/`nbitems' { local color`i':word `i' of `color' local y=-`i'*`effmax'/`nbitems' forvalues l=1/`modamax' { local x=`diffmat'[`i',`l'] local scatteri `scatteri' || scatteri `y' `x' "`l'" ,mcolor(black) mlabcolor(black) if `x'<`floor' { local floor=floor(`x') } if `x'>`ceil'&`x'!=. { local ceil=ceil(`x') } } local scatteri `scatteri' || scatteri `y' `floor' "``i''",mcolor(black) mlabcolor(black) msize(vtiny) } qui su eff local maxe=ceil(`=(floor(`r(max)'/10)+1)*10') qui su TInf local maxi=ceil(`r(max)') qui su density local maxd=ceil(`r(max)') qui drop if u<`floor'|u>`ceil' qui graph twoway (bar eff u, barwidth(.2) yaxis(1) legend(off) xlabel(`floor'(1)`ceil')) (line TInf u,yaxis(2)) (line density u,yaxis(3)) `scatteri' , name(map,replace) ytitle("Frequencies") ylabel(-`maxi'(`=`maxi'/5')`maxi' ,axis(2)) ylabel(-`maxd'(`=`maxd'/5')`maxd' ,axis(3)) ylabel(-`maxe'(`=`maxe'/5')`maxe' ,axis(1)) title("Individuals/items representations (Map)") xsize(12) ysize(9) note("Red line: Information curve - Green line : Density of the latent trait") xtitle("Latent trait") `fsm' qui clear qui use `savefile' } /************************************************************************************************************* RESULTS BY GROUP *************************************************************************************************************/ di di as text "{hline 57}" di _col(31) "Latent Variable" _col(50) "Expected" di "Group" _col(10) "Score" _col(20) "Freq" _col(32) "Mean" _col(42) "s.e." _col(53) "Score" di as text "{hline 57}" *set trace on forvalues g=1/`nbgroups' { qui count if `group'==`g' local eff`g'=r(N) qui count if `score'!=.&`group'==`g' local n=r(N) di as text "`g' (n=" as result `eff`g'' as text ")" _c if `n'>0 { qui su `score' if `group'==`g' local scoremin`g'=`r(min)' local scoremax`g'=`r(max)' forvalues s=`scoremin`g''/`scoremax`g'' { qui count if `group'==`g'&`score'==`s' local eff=r(N) qui su `latent' if `group'==`g'&`score'==`s' local mean=r(mean) qui su `selatent' if `group'==`g'&`score'==`s' local se=r(mean) qui su `Tcum' if `group'==`g'&`score'==`s' local exp=r(mean) if `eff'>0 { di as text _col(10) %5.0f `s' as result _col(20) %4.0f `eff' _col(30) %6.3f `mean' _col(40) %6.3f `se' _col(53) %5.2f `exp' } } } qui count if `group'==`g'&`score'==. local eff=r(N) qui su `latent' if `group'==`g'&`score'==. local mean=r(mean) qui su `selatent' if `group'==`g'&`score'==. local se=r(mean) qui su `Tcum' if `group'==`g'&`score'==. local exp=r(mean) if `eff'>0 { di as text _col(10) " ." as result _col(20) %4.0f `eff' _col(30) %6.3f `mean' _col(40) %6.3f `se' _col(53) %5.2f `exp' } di as text "{hline 57}" } /************************************************************************************************************* CREATION DU DOCX *************************************************************************************************************/ if "`docx'"!="" { putdocx clear putdocx begin putdocx paragraph putdocx text ("General informations") , bold underline font(,14) smallcaps putdocx paragraph putdocx text ("Number of individuals: `nbobs'") putdocx paragraph putdocx text ("Number of complete individuals: `nbobsssmd'") putdocx paragraph putdocx text ("Number of items: `nbitems'") putdocx paragraph putdocx text ("List of items: `varlist'") putdocx paragraph putdocx text ("Date: $S_DATE, $S_TIME") putdocx paragraph local model Partial Credit Model (PCM) if "`rsm'"!="" { local model Rating Scale Model (RSM) } putdocx text ("Model: `model'") putdocx paragraph putdocx text ("Marginal log-likelihood: `ll'") putdocx paragraph putdocx text ("Estimation of the parameters") , bold underline font(,14) smallcaps putdocx table tablename = matrix(`diff') , nformat(%9.3f) rownames colnames border(start, nil) border(insideH, nil) border(insideV, nil) border(end, nil) qui putdocx table tablename = matrix(`covariates') , nformat(%9.3f) rownames colnames border(start, nil) border(insideH, nil) border(insideV, nil) border(end, nil) putdocx paragraph putdocx text ("Fit indexes for items") , bold underline font(,14) smallcaps qui putdocx table tablename = matrix(`fit') , nformat(%9.3f) rownames colnames border(start, nil) border(insideH, nil) border(insideV, nil) border(end, nil) local extension png } /************************************************************************************************************* SAUVEGARDE DES GRAPHIQUES *************************************************************************************************************/ *set trace on if "`filesave'"!="" { if "`graphs'"!="" { if "`docx'"!="" { putdocx pagebreak putdocx paragraph putdocx text ("General graphs") , bold underline font(,14) smallcaps } foreach i in TCC TCCeo TIC IIC map { if "`extension'"!="" { qui graph export "`dirsave'//`i'.`extension'", replace name(`i') } *graph display `i' *qui graph save "`dirsave'//`i'", replace if "`docx'"!="" { putdocx paragraph putdocx image "`dirsave'//`i'.png", height(10cm) } } *discard if "`graphitems'"=="" { forvalues i=1/`nbitems' { if "`docx'"!="" { putdocx paragraph putdocx text ("Graphs for ``i''") , bold underline font(,14) smallcaps } foreach j in CCC ICC residuals { *graph display `j'``i'' *qui graph save "`dirsave'//`j'_``i''", replace if "`extension'"!="" { qui graph export "`dirsave'//`j'_``i''.`extension'", replace name(`j'``i'') } if "`docx'"!="" { putdocx paragraph putdocx image "`dirsave'//`j'_``i''.png" , height(10cm) } } } } } } if "`docx'"!="" { putdocx save "`dirsave'//`docx'.docx", replace } /************************************************************************************************************* RETURNS *************************************************************************************************************/ matrix colnames `diff'=Estimate "s.e." z p lb ul matrix colnames `covariates'=Estimate "s.e." z p lb ul matrix rownames `diff'=`diffname' matrix rownames `covariates'=Variance `continuous' `catname' return matrix difficulties=`diff' return matrix covariates=`covariates' capture restore, not end