program define xsampsi *version 1.0 Jan Brogger, Jan 31st 2002 *This program will compute *sample size according to senn, 1991, p. 217 version 7.0 syntax , alpha(real) beta(real) delta(real) stddev(real) [ n(numlist) ] di as text "Sample size for cross-over trial (AB/BA)" di "according to Senn 1991: 'Cross-over trials in clinical research'" di "Parameters below expressed in terms of the basic estimator, the treatment contrast." _n _dup(15) "-" _n di as text "Alpha level" _col(15) " = " as inp %4.3f `alpha' _col(25) as text "Power" _col(35) " = " as inp %4.3f (1-`beta') local zalpha=invnorm(1-(`alpha' / 2)) local zbeta=invnorm(1-`beta') di as text "Zalpha " _col(15) " = " as res %4.3f `zalpha' _col(25) as text "Zbeta " _col(35) " = " as res %4.3f `zbeta' di _n as text "Detectable effect size" _col(35) " = " as inp %4.3f `delta' di as text " of basic estimator" _col(35) " = " as inp %4.3f `stddev' local napprox = ((`zalpha'+`zbeta')^2)*((`stddev'/`delta')^2) local napprox=int(`napprox')+1 di _n as text "Approximate N (normal) " _col(35) " = " as res %4.0f `napprox' local tdegfree=`napprox'-2 local tcritical=invttail(`tdegfree',`alpha'/2) di as text "Critical value of t(df=" as res `tdegfree' as text "," as res %4.3f `alpha'/2 as text ")" _col(35) " = " as res %4.3f `tcritical' local noncent = sqrt(`napprox')*(`delta'/`stddev') di as text "Noncentrality parameter of t" _col(35) " = " as res %4.3f `noncent' cap nctprob `tcritical' `noncent' `tdegfree' if _rc~=0 { di as err "Need to install package 'nct' to compute non-central t distribution" error 999 } local power = 1-`r(p)' di as text "Power given approximate N above " _col(35) " = " as res %4.3f `power' if "`n'"=="" { di as text _n "(specify other sample sizes in paramter " as inp "n(numlist)" as text " to get power for other sample sizes)" } else { di _n as text "Sample size" _col(15) "Power" foreach sampsi of numlist `n' { local tdegfree=`sampsi'-2 local tcritical=invttail(`tdegfree',`alpha'/2) local noncent = sqrt(`sampsi')*(`delta'/`stddev') qui nctprob `tcritical' `noncent' `tdegfree' local power = 1-`r(p)' di as res %4.0f `sampsi' _col(15) %4.3f `power' } } end