{smcl} {* 26Jun2006}{...} {cmd:help spost} {hline} {title:SPost commands} {space 2}{help asprvalue}{col 15}{lalign 25: predictions for alternative specific models} {space 2}{help brant}{col 15}{lalign 25: Brant test of proportional odds} {space 2}{help case2alt}{col 15}{lalign 25: 1 obs per row to 1 alternative per row} {space 2}{help countfit}{col 15}{lalign 25: assess fit in count models} {space 2}{help fitstat}{col 15}{lalign 25: compute fit statistics} {space 2}{help leastlikely}{col 15}{lalign 25: find least likely predictions} {space 2}{help listcoef}{col 15}{lalign 25: list estimated coefficients} {space 2}{help misschk}{col 15}{lalign 25: examine patterns of missing data} {space 2}{help mlogplot}{col 15}{lalign 25: plot results from mlogit} {space 2}{help mlogtest}{col 15}{lalign 25: tests for mlogit} {space 2}{help mlogview}{col 15}{lalign 25: dialog box for mlogplot} {space 2}{help praccum}{col 15}{lalign 25: accumulate predictions to plot} {space 2}{help prchange}{col 15}{lalign 25: compute discrete change coefficients} {space 2}{help prcounts}{col 15}{lalign 25: compute predictions for count models} {space 2}{help prgen}{col 15}{lalign 25: create predictions and CIs for plotting} {space 2}{help prtab}{col 15}{lalign 25: tables of predictions} {space 2}{help prvalue}{col 15}{lalign 25: predictions with CIs} {space 2}{help spex}{col 15}{lalign 25: run SPost examples or load SPost data} {space 2}{help spost_auxillary}{col 15}{lalign 25: help on auxillary commands for SPost} {hline}