.- help for ^prtab^ - 2Nov2005 .- Table of predicted values/probabilities/rates for regression models ------------------------------------------------------------------- ^prtab^ rowvar [colvar [supercolvar]] [^if^ exp] [^in^ range], [^by(^superrowvar^)^ ^x(^variables_and_values^)^ ^r^est^(^stat^)^ ^o^utcome^(^string^)^ ^b^rief ^noba^se ^nol^abel ^novar^lbl ^con^ditional ^a^ll] where ^rowvar^, ^colvar^, ^supercolvar^, and ^superrowvar^ are independent variables in the previous estimation. ^variables_and_values^ is an alternating list of variables and either numeric values or mean, median, min, max, upper, lower, previous ^stat^ is either mean, median, min, max, upper, lower, previous, grmean (group mean), grmedian, grmin, grmax Description ----------- After estimating a regression model, ^prtab^ presents a one- to four-way table of the predicted values (probabilities, rate) for different combinations of values of independent variable. The command works with cloglog, cnreg, intreg, logit, mlogit, mprobit, nbreg, ologit, oprobit, poisson, probit, regress, slogit, tobit, zinb, zip, ztnb, and ztp. Options ------- ^by(superrowvar)^ specifies numeric variable to be treated as superrow. Only one variable is allowed. ^x()^ sets the values of independent variables for calculating predicted values. The list must alternate variable names and values. The values may be either numeric values or can be mean, median, min, max, previous, upper, or lower. The latter cannot be used if rest() specifies a group summary statistic (e.g., grmean). ^rest()^ sets the independent variables not specified in x() to their ^mean^ (default), ^minimum^, ^maximum^, ^median^ when calculating predicted values. ^grmean^ sets these independent variables to the mean conditional on the variables and values specified in x(); ^grmedian^, ^grmax^, and ^grmin^ can also be used. If ^prvalue^ has already been run after the last estimate, ^previous^ will set unspecified variables to their prior values. For models other than mlogit, ^upper^ and ^lower^ can be used to set independent variables to their minimum or maximum depending on which will yield the upper or lower extreme predicted value. ^outcome()^ presents results for the specified outcome. For ordered models or mlogit, the default is to provide results for all outcomes (each one in a separate table); for count models, the default is to present changes in the predicted rate. ^conditional^ for -ztp- and -ztnb-, table with contain conditional predictions rather than the default unconditional predictions. ^all^ specifies that any calculations of means, medians, etc., should use the entire sample instead of the sample used to estimate the model. ^brief^ and ^nobase^ suppress the base values of x in the output. ^novallbl^ causes the numeric codes to be displayed rather than value labels. ^nolabel^ causes the variable name to be displayed rather than the variable label. Examples -------- ^. probit faculty female fellow phd mcit3 mnas^ ^. prtab female fellow mnas^ ^. ologit jobclass female fellow pub1 phd^ ^. prtab female fellow, x(phd=min)^ ^. poisson pub1 female fellow phd enrol^ ^. prtab female fellow^ ^. prtab female fellow, outcome(0)^ .- Authors: J. Scott Long and Jeremy Freese www.indiana.edu/~jslsoc/spost.htm spostsup@@indiana.edu