.- help for ^mlogview^ - 1.6.1 - 2/22/01 .- Plots odds ratios and discrete change coefficients from the multinomial logit model. ------------------------------------------------------------ ^Select variables^: select independent variables to include in plot ^Select amount of change^: amount of discrete change to plot for each variable ^+1^: unit change ^+SD^: standard deviation change ^0->1^: change from 0 to 1 ^Don't plot^: exclude variable from plot (Starting values for discrete change taken from output from ^prchange^, which must be executed prior to executing ^mlogview^ if discrete change is to be plotted.) ^DC Plot^: draw discrete change plot ^OR Plot^: draw odds ratio plot ^OR+DC Plot^: draw odds ratio plot in which the size of the letters indicates the discrete change ^Next 6^: list next 6 independent variables for packed plot ^Note^: title for plot ^Number of tics^: # of tic marks on x axis of plot ^Plot from^: minimum and maximum values of x axis for plot ^Connect if^: for odds ratio plots, connect lines if not significant at specified level ^Base category^: value of category to use as base category for odds ratio plot ^Pack odds ratio plot^: eliminate extra vertical space in odds ratio plot ^Use variable labels^: use variable labels instead of names to identify variables in plot ^Print^: send plot to printer .- Author: J. Scott Long www.indiana.edu/~jslsoc/spost.htm spostsup@@indiana.edu