.- help for ^brant^ - 1.0.1 - 11/26/00 .- Perform Brant test of parallel regression assumption after @ologit@ ------------------------------------------------------------ ^brant^ [^,^ ^detail^] ^brant^ is for use after ^ologit^; see help @ologit@. Description ----------- ^brant^ performs a Brant test of the parallel regression assumption (also called the proportional odds assumption) after ologit. The test compares slope coefficients of the J-1 binary logits implied by the ordered regression model. Stata reports both the results of an omnibus test for the entire model and tests of the assumption for each of the independent variables in the model. The Brant test can only be computed if all of the independent variables in the ordered model are retained in all of the implied binary models. This is most likely not to be the case with models that have few observations in the extreme categories and many independent variables. Options ------- ^detail^ specifies that the coefficients for each of the estimated binary logits should be presented. Example ------- . ^ologit warm yr89 male white age ed prst^ . ^brant^ . ^ologit warm yr89 male white age ed prst^ . ^brant, detail^ Also see -------- Manual: ^[R] ologit^ .- Authors: J. Scott Long and Jeremy Freese www.indiana.edu/~jslsoc/spost.htm spostsup@@indiana.edu