*! baplot.ado version 1.21 written by PTS (p.seed@umds.ac.uk) (STB-55: sbe33) *! Produces Bland-Altman plots for two variables *! See Bland & Altman Lancet Feb 8 1986, pp 307-310 *! *! syntax: baplot var1 var2 if in, symbol(symbol) format(%6.3f) avlab("Average") difflab("Difference") yline(str) textsize(#) other graph options * Now allows choice of symbol, and extra ylines Feb 8 1996 * larger plotting symbols for overlapping points * Silly comparisons taken out cap prog drop baplot prog define baplot version 6.0 * set trace off syntax varlist(min=2 max=2 numeric) [if] [in], /* */ [Symbol(string) format(string) avlab(string) difflab(string) /* */ novars noGRaph ci zero mean yline(string) diag saving(string) /* */ text(real 100) ratio(real 1) *]" parse "`varlist'", parse(" ") local m1 "`1'" local m2 "`2'" if "`symbol'" == "" { local symbol "o" } if "`format'" == "" {local format "%6.3f" } if "`saving'" ~= "" { local saving "saving(`saving')"} if "`ci'" ~= "" {local mean = "mean" } preserve tempvar touse mark `touse' `if' `in' markout `touse' `m1' `m2' qui keep if `touse' tempvar av diff if "`avlab'" == "" { local avlab "Average"} if lower("`avlab'") == "nolab" { local avlab " "} if "`difflab'" == "" { local difflab "Difference" } if lower("`difflab'") == "nolab" { local difflab " "} qui gen `av' = (`m1' + `m2')/2 qui gen `diff' = `m1' - `m2' label var `av' "`avlab'" label var `diff' "`difflab'" qui summ `diff' if `touse' local xbar = _result(3) local sd = _result(4)^.5 local n = _result(2) local se = `sd'/`n'^.5 local t = invt(_result(2)-1, .95) local lrr = `xbar' - 2*`sd' local urr = `xbar' + 2*`sd' local min = _result(5) local max = _result(6) local lcb = `xbar' - `t'*`se' local ucb = `xbar' + `t'*`se' summ `av', meanonly local xmin = _result(5) local xmax = _result(6) local yline "`lrr', `urr'" if "`ci'" ~= "" { local yline "`yline', `lcb', `ucb'" } if "`mean'" ~= "" | "`zero'" == "" {local yline "`yline', `xbar'"} if "`zero'" ~= "" {local yline "`yline', 0"} qui corr `av' `diff' local r = _result(4) local n = _result(1) local sig = tprob(`n'-2, `r'*((`n'-2)/(1-`r'^2))^.5) #delim ; di in gr _n "Bland-Altman comparison of `m1' and `m2'"; di in gr "Limits of agreement (Reference Range for difference): " in ye `format' `lrr' in gr " to " in ye `format' `urr' ; di in gr "Mean difference: " in ye `format' `xbar' in gr " (CI " in ye `format' `lcb' in gr " to " in ye `format' `ucb' in gr ") "; di in gr "Range : " in ye `format' `xmin' in gr " to " in ye `format' `xmax'; di in gr "Pitman's Test of difference in variance: r = " in ye `format' `r' in gr ", n = " in ye `n' in gr ", p =" in ye `format' `sig' ; #delim cr if "`vars'" ~= "" { qui corr `m1' `m2', cov local tau = _result(4) qui summ `m1' local err1 = _result(4) - `tau' qui summ `m2' local err2 = _result(4) - `tau' di in gr "Estimated variance of true measure: " in ye `format' `tau' di in gr "Estimated error variance (`1'): " in ye `format' `err1' di in gr "Estimated error variance (`2'): " in ye `format' `err2' di in gr "Very low or negative error variances may indiate that modelling assumptions are violated." } global S_1 `xbar' global S_2 `lrr' global S_3 `urr' if "`graph'" == "" & "`diag'" == "" { sort `diff' `av' tempvar f n qui by `diff' `av': gen `f' = _N if `diff' ~= . & `av' ~= . qui by `diff' `av': gen `n' = _n if `diff' ~= . & `av' ~= . graph `diff' `av' if `touse' & `n' == 1 [fw=`f'], symbol(`symbol') `xlabel' `ylabel' yline(`yline') `saving' `options' } else if "`diag'" ~= "" { local nobs = _N + 1 qui set obs `nobs' qui replace `m2' = 0 if `m2' == . * loa tempvar lb ub qui gen `ub' = `m2' + `xbar' + 2*`sd' qui replace `ub' = . if `ub' < 0 summ `ub', mean qui replace `ub' = . if `ub' > _result(5) & `ub' < _result(6) qui gen `lb' = `m2' + `xbar' - 2*`sd' summ `lb', mean if _result(5) < 0 { qui replace `lb' = . if `lb' < 0 local nobs = _N + 1 qui set obs `nobs' qui replace `lb' = 0 if _n == _N qui replace `m2' = 2*`sd' - `xbar' if _n == _N } summ `lb', mean qui replace `lb' = . if `lb' > _result(5) & `lb' < _result(6) * ci if "`ci'" ~= "" { tempvar lci uci qui gen `lci' = `m2' + `xbar' - invt(`n'-1,0.95)*`sd'/`n'^.5 qui gen `uci' = `m2' + `xbar' + invt(`n'-1,0.95)*`sd'/`n'^.5 summ `lci', mean if _result(5) < 0 { qui replace `lci' = . if `lci' < 0 local nobs = _N + 1 qui set obs `nobs' qui replace `lci' = 0 if _n == _N qui replace `m2' = invt(`n'-1,0.95)*`sd'/`n'^.5 - `xbar' if _n == _N } summ `uci', mean if _result(5) < 0 { qui replace `uci' = . if `uci' < 0 local nobs = _N + 1 qui set obs `nobs' qui replace `uci' = 0 if _n == _N qui replace `m2' = - invt(`n'-1,0.95)*`sd'/`n'^.5 - `xbar' if _n == _N } summ `lci', mean qui replace `lci' = . if `lci' > _result(5) & `lci' < _result(6) summ `uci', mean qui replace `uci' = . if `uci' > _result(5) & `lci' < _result(6) } summ `m2' if `m2' ~= ., mean tempvar diag * zero if "`zero'" ~= "" | "`mean'" == "" { qui gen `diag' = `m2' if `m2' == _result(5) | `m2' == _result(6) } * mean else { qui gen `diag' = `m2' + `xbar' if `m2' == _result(5) | `m2' == _result(6) summ `diag', mean if _result(5) < 0 { qui replace `diag' = . if `diag' < 0 local nobs = _N + 1 qui set obs `nobs' qui replace `diag' = 0 if _n == _N qui replace `m2' = - `xbar' if _n == _N } } sort `m1' `m2' tempvar f n qui by `m1' `m2': gen `f' = _N qui by `m1' `m2': gen `n' = _n if ("`xlabel'" == "" | "`ylabel'" == "") & index("`options'","xlab") == 0 & index("`options'","ylab") == 0 { nicenum labels = 0 `m1' `m2' local xlabel xlab($labels) local ylabel ylab($labels) } local r_tx = int(923 * `text'/100) local c_tx = int(444 * `text'/100) local c_min = int(16000 - (23063*`ratio'/2)) local c_max = int(16000 + (23063*`ratio'/2)) di "bbox(0,`c_min',23063,`c_max',`r_tx',`c_tx',0) " gph open, `saving' graph `m1' `diag' `ub' `lb' `lci' `uci' `m2' if `n' == 1 [fw=`f'], /* */ `xlabel' `ylabel' s(oiiiii) c(.lllll) sort /* */ bbox(0,`c_min',23063,`c_max',`r_tx',`c_tx',0) `options' gph close } end exit