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12 months ago
{* 27Mar2008 }{...}
{cmd:help xml_tab}
{p2colset 9 20 22 2}{...}
{p2col :{hi:xml_tab} {hline 2}}Save results in XML format{p_end}
{* SYNTAX *}
{p 6 16 2}
{cmd:xml_tab} [{it:namelist}] [{cmd:,} {it:{help xml_tab##options:options}}]
where {it:namelist} is a list of stored estimations or matrices; see {helpb estimates}. A {it:namelist} comprises
one or more specifications, separated by spaces. A specification can be a name of a stored estimation or a matrix
name. {cmd:xml_tab} will output the estimation coefficients and one of the three statistics (standard errors,
t-ratio, or p-values).
For estimation results {cmd:xml_tab} has enough information to calculate significance levels
itself but if a matrix to be outputted, {cmd:xml_tab} looks also for {it:matname}_STARS matrix
that must be of same size as {it:matname} and contain values 0,1,2 or 3 denoting significance levels.
{help xml_tab##statistics:See} option {opt stars} for more details.
{pstd}{marker extended}{...}
The stored estimation could be also specified in an extended form with parameters.
{p 6 16 2}
{cmd:xml_tab} [{it:estname1(stat11 stat12, {it:eform_option})} [{it:estname2(stat21 stat22)} [...]]] [{cmd:,} {it:{help xml_tab##options:options}}]
where {it:estname} is a name of the stored estimation, and {it:stat1} and {it:stat2} are the names of matrixes stored in
{cmd:e()}. Specification {opt estname(b V)} is identical to {opt estname}. You can access the names of the stored
matrixes with {helpb ereturn list}. See {help xml_tab##exampleme:examples};
The extended form specification is useful when accessing non-standard statistics, for example, when outputting
marginal effects of the parameters after e.g., {helpb mfx}, {helpb dprobit}. The extended form could also be used when
outputting the results in exponentiated forms after commands such as {helpb streg}, {helpb stcox}, {helpb st}, etc.
Note that you may enclose {it:filename} in double quotes and must do so if {it:filename} contains blanks or other special characters.
{marker options}{...}
{synoptset 27 tabbed}{...}
{syntab:{help xml_tab##output:Output}}
{synopt:{opt save(["]filename["])}}name and path for the output file {p_end}
{synopt:{opt replace}}overwrite existing {it:filename}{p_end}
{synopt:{opt append}}if workbook {it:filename} exists, add a new sheet, otherwise create a new workbook {p_end}
{synopt:{opt sh:eet(name [, sh_opts])}}worksheet where the table is outputted{p_end}
{p2col 10 34 40 8:{cmdab:col:or(}{it:#}{cmd:)}}specify tab color for a worksheet{p_end}
{p2col 10 34 40 8:{cmdab:nog:ridlines}}hide gridlines on a worksheet{p_end}
{synopt:{opt savem:at(name [, sm_opts])}}save estimates to a matrix{p_end}
{p2col 10 34 40 8:{cmd:replace}}if matrix {it:name} already exists replace it. The default is to append{p_end}
{p2col 10 34 40 8:{cmd:exit}}after writing the matrix exit {cmd:xml_tab} without creating an output file{p_end}
{synopt:{opt mv(mvspec)}}change missing values to string or numeric values.{p_end}
{syntab:{help xml_tab##statistics:Statistics}}
{synopt:{opt sd}}show estimated coefficients and standard deviations (default){p_end}
{synopt:{opt ts:tat}}show estimated coefficients and t-statistic{p_end}
{synopt:{opt pv:alue}}show estimated coefficients and p-value{p_end}
{synopt:{opt stat:s(scalarlist)}}report {it:scalarlist} statistics in the table{p_end}
{synopt:{opt star:s(starspec)}}controls significance levels and symbols{p_end}
{synopt:{opt noadj:ust}}report not adjusted t-statistics{p_end}
{synopt:{it:eform_option}}display exponentiated coefficients. see {help eform_option};{p_end}
{syntab:{help xml_tab##tablelayout:Table Layout}}
{synopt:{opt b:elow}}show standard deviation (t-statistics or p-values) under the estimates{p_end}
{synopt:{opt nobr:ackets}}remove brackets around standard deviation (t-statistics or p-values){p_end}
{synopt:{opt r:ight}}show standard deviation (t-statistics or p-values) next to the estimates (default){p_end}
{synopt:{opt lo:ng}}long output table style{p_end}
{synopt:{opt wi:de}}wide output table style (default){p_end}
{synopt:{opt keep(keeplist)}}report {it:keeplist} rows{p_end}
{synopt:{opt drop(droplist)}}drop {it:droplist} rows from the table{p_end}
{synopt:{opt eq:uations(matchlist)}}match the equations of the models according to {it:matchlist}{p_end}
{syntab:{help xml_tab##tableformating:Table Formatting}}
{synopt:{opt f:ormat(string)}}description of the output table format{p_end}
{synopt:{opt l:ines(string)}}rows to be underlined{p_end}
{synopt:{opt nol:abel}}display variable names instead of labels{p_end}
{synopt:{opt c:onstant(string)}}specifies label for the constant{p_end}
{synopt:{opt rb:lanks(string)}}add rows to the table{p_end}
{synopt:{opt cb:lanks(cblist)}}add blank columns to the table{p_end}
{synopt:{opt cw:idth(cwlist)}}modify column widths{p_end}
{synopt:{opt tb:lanks(#)}}add blank rows at the top of the table{p_end}
{synopt:{opt t:itle(string)}}table title{p_end}
{synopt:{opt rn:ames(string)}}custom row names{p_end}
{synopt:{opt cn:ames(string)}}custom column names{p_end}
{synopt:{opt ce:q(string)}}custom column equation names (super-titles){p_end}
{synopt:{opt note:s(string)}}add notes to the end of the table{p_end}
{synopt:{opt font(string)}}specifies font for a worksheet{p_end}
{synopt:{opt sty:le(stylename)}}predefined format styles for output{p_end}
{syntab:{help xml_tab##system:System options}}
{synopt:{opt ex:celpath(["]filename["])}}specifies the location of the {it:MS Excel} executable{p_end}
{synopt:{opt cal:cpath(["]filename["])}}specifies the location of the {it:OO Calc} executable{p_end}
{synopt:{opt noi:sily}}displays the complete list of options applied to the table{p_end}
{synopt:{opt updateopts}}forces the options file update{p_end}
{cmd:xml_tab} saves Stata output directly into XML file that could be opened with {it:Microsoft Excel} or
{it:OpenOffice Calc}. The program is relatively flexible and produces print-ready tables in {it:Excel} or {it:Calc}.
{cmd:xml_tab} allows users to apply different formats to the elements of the output table and essentially do
everything {it:MS Excel} or {it:OO Calc} can do in terms of formatting from within Stata.
{cmd:xml_tab} can create formatted tables of coefficients, standard errors, t- and p- values, summary statistics, etc.,
after any Stata estimation command that saves its results in {cmd:e()}. The program allows saving the results of
a single estimation or a matrix into a table, combining several stored estimations or matrixes into one table, and
outputting several tables into the different sheets of XML workbook.
Calling {cmd:xml_tab} without any arguments saves the results of last estimation command into file {it:stata_out.xml}
located in the current work directory. After the XML file is saved {cmd:xml_tab} can create links in the Stata Results
window. Clicking on a link opens the output table in {it:MS Excel} or {it:OO Calc}.
See {help xml_tab##system:system options} for details.
{cmd:xml_tab} can combine multiple estimations saved using {helpb estimates store} command. The example of outputting
multiple estimates into one table might look as follows:
{p 6 20 2}{opt .sysuse auto}{p_end}
{p 6 20 2}{opt .regress price rep78 length mpg}{p_end}
{p 6 20 2}{opt .estimates store reg1}{p_end}
{p 6 20 2}{opt .regress price rep78 length mpg turn if foreign==1}{p_end}
{p 6 20 2}{opt .estimates store reg2}{p_end}
{p 6 20 2}{opt .xml_tab reg1 reg2}{p_end}
In this very simple example, the estimates from the first regression are saved under the name {bf:reg1}. The
specification of the second regression contains one extra variable and the sample for the estimation is constrained.
The estimates from the second regression are saved under the name {bf:reg2}. {cmd:xml_tab} creates an output table
containing five columns. The first column contains the names of the variables used in either regression. The second and
the fourth columns contains the estimated coefficients of the first and the second regression, and the standard errors
of the coefficients are outputted in columns 3 and 5.
{cmd:xml_tab} has many additional options to control the outputted statistics, formatting and a general layout of
the output tables. Please read the description of these options below and have a look at our examples.
{* OUTPUT *}
{marker output}{...}
{phang} {* SAVE *}
{opt save(["]filename["])} specifies a name for XML file where tables are outputted. If {opt save(["]filename["])} is
omitted, the output will be saved in {cmd:stata_out.xml} located in the current working directory. Use {opt append} and
{opt replace} options to instruct {cmd:xml_tab} to append a table into the new worksheet of the existing file or to
replace the existing file.
Alternatively, the output file name can be specified with the {opt using} syntax. Instead of {opt save()} users can write:
{p 12 20 2}{cmd: .xml_tab using c:\tmp\xml_out.xml, *} {p_end}
{phang} {* REPLACE *}
{opt replace} permits to overwrite the existing XML file.
{phang} {* APPEND *}
{opt append} if XML file already exists, a new sheet will be added to it where the output table will be saved.
Otherwise the new file will contain one sheet with the output.
{phang}{bf:NOTE:} You need to close XML file opened in Excel or Calc for {cmd:xml_tab} to save new tables there. If XML
file is still opened, {cmd:xml_tab} reports an error message:{err: file can not be saved at this location}.
{phang} {* SHEET *}
{opt sheet(name)}
You can output several tables into the different sheets of XML file (workbook). Excel or Calc files could contain
multiple worksheets within a single document (workbook). {cmd:sheet()} option specifies the name for the new sheet
where the table will be outputted. If not specified, a worksheet named {it:Sheet1} will be added.
A valid Excel worksheet name must have no more than 31 characters. The worksheet name cannot contain any of the
following: : \ / ? * [ or ] and can not be left blank.
{phang} {* SAVEMAT *}
{opt savemat(name)} saves estimation results in a matrix. If {it:name} exists and option {opt replace} was not
used then additional rows will be appended to that matrix. In this case number of columns in the existing matrix
and the one to be appended must be the same. The output matrix will contain estimates and standard errors (t-statistics,
p-values) in a form determined by {help xml_tab##tablelayout:table layout} options. Significance level info will be
saved/appended to {it:name}_STARS matrix, see exporting a matrix {help xml_tab##matrices:example}.
{phang} {* MV *}
{cmd:mv(}{it:#}|{it:mvc}{cmd:=}{it:#} [{bind:{cmd:\} {it:mvc}{cmd:=}{it:#}}...] [{cmd:\} {opt else=}{it:#}]{cmd:)} specifies
the new values (string or numeric) to which the missing values ate to be changed.
{opt mv(str)} specifies that all types of missing values be changed to {it:str}.
{opt mv(mvc=str)} specifies that occurrences of missing-value code {it:mvc} be
changed to {it:str}. Multiple transformation rules may be specified, separated
by a backward slash {cmd:\}. The list may be terminated by the special rule
{opt else=}{it:str}, specifying that all types of missing values not yet
transformed be set to {it:str}.
For example: {cmd:mv("")}, {cmd:mv(.n="N.A." \ .d="(dropped)" \ else="")}
{pmore}{help xml_tab##options:back to top}
{marker statistics}{...}
{phang} {* SD TSTAT PVALUE *}
{opt sd}, {opt tstat} and {opt pvalue} control what statistic will be outputted together with the estimated coefficient.
If option {opt sd} is specified, the standard errors of the estimated coefficients are outputted. Specifying
{opt ts:tat} produces a table of coefficients and the t-statistics. {opt pv:alues} outputs the probability that the true
value of the estimated coefficient is zero.
Only one option can be specified. If no options are specified {opt sd} the standard deviations are outputted.
{phang} {* STATS *}
{opt stats(scalarlist)} specifies one or more statistics (scalars) to be displayed in the table. The statistics
specified in {opt stats} are outputted at the end of the table and could be the number of observation stats(N);
adjusted R2 for a regression {opt stats}(r2_a); value of log-likelihood {opt stats}(ll) and any statistics that are
saved in e() scalars after estimation routines. See {helpb ereturn}.
In addition {it:scalarlist} may contain the following statistics:
{p 12 20 2}{opt aic}{space 9}Akaike's information criterion{p_end}
{p 12 20 2}{opt bic}{space 9}Schwarz's information criterion{p_end}
{p 12 20 2}{opt rank}{space 8}rank of {cmd:e(V)} {hline 1} number of free parameters in model{p_end}
If several estimations are combined in one table the specified statistics will be displayed for each estimation.
{phang} {* Stars *}
{opt stars(starspec)} specifies the significance level(s) and the symbol(s) for the coefficients to be marked in the
output table. The simple syntax for {bf:starspec} may contain up to three numbers separated by spaces corresponding to
significance levels denoted by one, two and three stars. If {bf:numlist} is just one number, the coefficients with the
p-value less than that number will be marked by a star. For example, option {opt stars(0.1)} will mark with one star
all the coefficients with p-value less than 0.1. If two values are specified in the {bf:numlist}, {cmd:xml_tab} will
mark with one star the coefficients with p-values that are less or equal to the first value and grater than the second
value. Coefficients with p-values less than the second value will be marked by two starts. For example, specifying {opt
stars(0.1 0.05)} will put one star on coefficients with pvalues in the range from 0.1 to 0.5 and put two stars on the
coefficients with p-value less than 0.5.
{pmore}The extended syntax allows selecting the symbols to mark the significance leves. In this case, {bf starspec}
consist of up to three symbol/number pairs. The symbol could by one or several characters and the number indicates the
significance level similar to the simple syntax described above.
By default, {cmd:xml_tab} output tables with the following {opt star} specification: {opt star(0.1 0.05 0.01)}.
Alternatively, this option could be specified in the extended syntax as {opt star(* 0.1 ** 0.05 *** 0.01)}. Note that
any symbol or a combination of several symbols cold be used instead of * in this specification. Specifying 0 in the
numlist would suppress stars on the table: {opt star(0)}.
{phang} {* NOADJust *}
{opt noadjust} is used when outputting some transformations of the estimated coefficients (i.e. marginal effects). By
default, {cmd:xml_tab} calculates t-statistics as f(b)/sd_f(b). But if {opt noadjust} is specified then t-stat=b/sd_b
will be reported and used for p-values and significance calculations.
{phang} {* eform *}
{it:eform_option} when this option is specified the coefficients and the standard errors (t-statistics and
p-values) for {ul:all} estimation results will be reported in exponentiated form. To transform only some of the
estimation results, the {help xml_tab##extended:extended syntax} can be used. For example,
{p 12 20 2}{cmd:.xml_tab reg streg(, hr) prob, replace}
{pmore}outputs unmodified coefficients and standard errors for esimations {it:reg} and {it:prob}, but exponentiated
(Hazard ratio) coefficients and modified standard errors for the estimation {it:streg} (displaying 'Haz Ratio' as a
{pmore}{help xml_tab##options:back to top}
{marker tablelayout}{...}
{dlgtab:Table Layout}
{phang} {* BELOW & RIGHT *}
{opt below} and {opt right} control whether the standard deviation, t-statistic or p-values
(see {help xml_tab##statistics:sd tstat pvalue}) will be placed to the right or below the coefficients. {opt right} is
used by default.
{pmore} For example: if {opt right} is specified the element of the output table will look like:{p_end}
{p 13 20 2}{bf: 0.123 {it:0.456}}{p_end}
{pmore} if {opt below} is specified the element of the output table will look like:{p_end}
{p 13 20 2}{bf:0.123}{p_end}
{p 12 20 2}{it:(0.456)}{p_end}
{phang} {* NOBRACKETS *}
{opt nobrackets} removes brackets around standard deviations (t-statistics or p-values), which is the default format when
{opt below} is used.
{phang} {* LONG & WIDE *}
{opt long} and {opt wide} produce "long version" or "wide version" of output table. {opt wide} specifies that the
individual equations from multiple-equation models (e.g., mlogit, biprobit, heckman) to be placed in separate columns.
Summary statistics will be reported under the first equation if {opt wide} is specified. This is a default option.
For example if a dependent variable with three categories is fitted with {cmd:mlogit} using 10 exogenous
variables, specifying {opt wide} option would result in a 12x5 table. The first column of this table contains variable
labels/names, the second and third columns contain the estimated coefficients and a standard errors for the first
equation, and the fourth and fifth columns contain the estimated coefficients and a standard errors for the second
Alternatively, specifying option {opt long} places the equations of the multiple-equation estimation below one another
in a single column.
{phang} {* KEEP *}
{opt keep(keeplist)} specifies the coefficients (and their order) to be included in the table. A {it:keeplist}
comprises one or more specifications, separated by a space: a variable name (e.g., price), and equation name (e.g.,
mean:), or a full name (e.g., mean:price).
{pmore} Using {opt keep} in a multiple-equation or in multiple-estimation tables would output only variables specified
in the {it:keeplist}. If some of the equations/estimations contain no variables in {it:keeplist}, these equations will
not be outputted.
{pmore} If you want to keep some variables only in selected equations, make sure you specify the correct names for the
equations. {cmd:xml_tab} uses the name of a dependent variable as an equation name. {opt keep} will
output statistics for the variables in {it:keeplist} in all estimation/equations with identical names (same dependent
{phang} {* DROP *}
{opt drop(droplist)} identifies the coefficients to be dropped from the table. A {it:droplist} comprises one or more
specifications, separated by spaces. A specification can be either a variable name (e.g. price), an equation
name followed by a colon (e.g. mean:), or a full name (e.g. mean:price).
{opt drop(droplist)} option could be useful if a user wants to suppress the output of coefficients for some
variables. For example, if the empirical specification includes several regional dummies, one might want to create the
output tables without the coefficients on these dummies. If regional dummies are named reg1,...,reg12,
specifying {opt drop(reg*)} will suppress the output of the coefficients on these dummies in the table.
In the multi-equation estimations (e.g., {helpb heckman}, {helpb heckprobit}) sometimes you might want to suppress the
output of the coefficients for first stage equation. This could be done by specifying {cmd:drop(}select:{cmd:)}, where
select is the name of the first stage equation. See more example of using {opt drop()} option in
{help xml_tab##exampledk:Examples} section.
Characters * and ? can be used for variable names in the {it:keeplist} and {it:droplist}. The * character
indicates to match one or more characters and the ? character matches a single character. All variables matching the
pattern will be a included in the lists.
{p 8 20 2}{cmd:.xml_tab, droop(region_*)}{p_end}
{p 8 20 2}{cmd:.xml_tab, droop(region_?)}{p_end}
{pmore}In this example, the first command will suppress the output of coefficients for variables region_1-region_15,
but the second one will output just suppress the coefficients for region_1-region_9, because only the one
digit(character) was allowed by ?.
If both {cmd:keep()} and {cmd:drop()} are specified, {cmd:keep} will be applied first.
{phang} {* EQUATIONS *}
{opt equations(matchlist)} specifies how the equations of the models in {it:namelist} are to be matched. This option works
exactly the same way as {opt equations} in {cmd:estimates table}; see {help estimates##matchlist:estimates_options} for
{pmore}{help xml_tab##options:back to top}
{marker tableformating}{...}
{dlgtab:Table Formatting}
{phang} {* FORMAT *}
{opt format(flist)} specifies a list containing the formatting information for each cell of an XML table. The format
of each cell is defined by a formatting string. A formatting string consists of five alpha-numerical symbols in the order
specified bellow:
{space 10}Cell type : (S|s) - string, (N|n) - numeric
{space 10}Vertical alignment: (T|t|1) - Top , (C|c|2) - Center, (B|b|3) - Bottom
{space 10}Horizontal alignment: (L|l|1) - Left, (C|c|2) - Center, (R|r|3) - Right
{space 10}Font style: (R|r|0) - Regular, (B|b|1)- Bold, (I|i|2) - Italic, (O|o|3) - Bold Italic, (U|u|4) - Underline
{space 10}Decimal places : 0-9 defining number of digits after the decimal
{pmore}The order of codes in the formatting string is important. The formatting string can contain a mixture of
alpha-numerical symbols. Upper and lower-case character and numerical codes can be used interchangably. For example,
a formatting string can look like N2210, NCCI2, nT1R0, sccb0 etc.
{pmore}The formatting for a table of size nxm is described as a list of codes for table's columns. That list has a
{pmore}{cmd:((F_00 F_01...F_0n) (F_10 F_11...F1_n) ... (F_n0 F_n1...F_mn))}
{pmore} Format lists for the different columns are enclosed in parenthesis and separated by a space. The first format
list (F_00 F_01...F_0n) defines format for the rownames (e.g. variable names). The list (F_k0 F_k1...F_kn) describes
formatting of cells of the {it:k}-th column; the F_k0 defines the format for the {it:k}-th column's header (e.g. coeff.
If the dimensions of the formatting list are smaller than the dimensions of the output table, the formatting will be
extended for the remaining rows/columns. If just one formatting code is specified as in {opt format((S2110))} (string,
centered vertically, left justified, in bold, with 0 decimal places), that format will be applied to each cell
of the output table (including variable names and column headers). If two codes are specified as in
{opt format((S2110) (N2230))}, the column with variables names will be formatted using S2110 format and all other
columns in the table will be formatted with N2230. Specifying three codes ({opt format((S2110) (NCCI0) (N2211))}) will
apply format S2110 to the column of variable names; format N2230 to all odd numerical columns; and format N2211 to all
even numerical columns of the table.
{pmore}Similarly, is {opt k+1} formatting codes are specified the first format will be applied to the column of the
variable/row names and remaining {opt k} formats will be applied repeatedly to every group of k columns of the table.
By specifying more than one formatting code for a column you can control the formatting of every cell in a column.
{pmore}Analogously to the extension rule for the column formats, the first code of the list will be applied to the column
header and the next codes will be used repeatedly for the cells of a column. For example, format((S2110) (SCCB0 N2302
N2322)) outputs the variable names with format S2110, the headers for each numerical column with format S2210
format; every odd row has a format N2302 (right justified with 2 decimals) and every even row is formatted with
N2322 (italic with 2 decimals).
{pmore}See {opt styles} for an alternative way of specifying the formatting of the output table.
{phang} {* LINES *}
{opt lines(string)} will draw the bottom borderline in the cells with the listed variables. {it:string} is list
of paired parameters. The first parameter specifies the variable name (or row number) and the second parameter a line style.
The line style can be a number from 0 to 13 that corresponds to the line styles defined below. In addition, specifying
{cmd:SCOL_NAMES}, {cmd:COL_NAMES} and {cmd:LAST_ROW} instead of variable names {cmd:xml_tab} will draw
lines under equation names ({cmd:SCOL_NAMES}), statistic titles (e.g., coeff. std.error) {cmd:COL_NAMES} or under the
last row of table ({cmd:LAST_ROW}).
{pmore}{it:Line #} {it:Style}
{synoptset 14}{...}
{synopt:{space 8}{opt #}}{it:Style}{p_end}
{synopt:{space 8}{opt 0}}None{p_end}
{synopt:{space 8}{opt 1}}Continuous hairline{p_end}
{synopt:{space 8}{opt 2}}Continuous thin{p_end}
{synopt:{space 8}{opt 3}}Continuous medium{p_end}
{synopt:{space 8}{opt 4}}Continuous thick{p_end}
{synopt:{space 8}{opt 5}}Dot thin{p_end}
{synopt:{space 8}{opt 6}}DashDotDot thin{p_end}
{synopt:{space 8}{opt 7}}DashDotDot medium{p_end}
{synopt:{space 8}{opt 8}}DashDot thin{p_end}
{synopt:{space 8}{opt 9}}DashDot medium{p_end}
{synopt:{space 8}{opt 10}}Dash thin{p_end}
{synopt:{space 8}{opt 11}}Dash medium{p_end}
{synopt:{space 8}{opt 12}}SlantDashDot thin{p_end}
{synopt:{space 8}{opt 13}}Double thick{p_end}
For example, {cmd:lines(COL_NAMES 1 turn 1 LAST_ROW 13)} draws a single line under the captions (e.g., coeff
std.err), a single line under the variable {it:turn}, and draw a double line under the last raw of the table.
{phang} {* NOLABEL *}
{opt nolabel} by default, variable labels will be displayed as row names in the output table. If {opt nolabel} is
specified, variable names will be displayed in the output table. This option is ignored when outputting matrixes.
{phang} {* CONSTANT *}
{opt constant(string)} controls the label for the constant term. The default in Stata is {bf:_cons}, but if
specified, {it:string} will be displayed instead.
{phang} {* RBLANKS *}
{opt rblanks(varname [text] [format], [varname [text] [format]], [...])} inserts an
empty row or text after the specified rows ({it:varname}) in the output table. For each inserted row {cmd:xml_tab}
expects variable name {it:varname} after which an empty row or text should be added, the text itself {it:text}, and
format for a new cell {it:format}. Multiple rows are separated by comma. Also see {opt format}.
{pmore} For example, {cmd:rblanks}(turn "this text after turn" S2210, headroom "and this one below headroom") will add
vertically and horizontally centered "{cmd:this text after turn}" below data row for variable called {it:turn} (if
found) and "and this one below headroom" after variable headroom using the same format as for headroom.
{pmore}In addition, specifying {cmd:SCOL_NAMES}, {cmd:COL_NAMES} and {cmd:LAST_ROW} instead of variable names
{cmd:xml_tab} will add a row under equation names ({cmd:SCOL_NAMES}), statistic titles (e.g., coeff. std.error)
{cmd:COL_NAMES} or under the last row of table ({cmd:LAST_ROW}).
{phang} {* CBLANKS *}
{opt cblanks(Equations|numlist)} inserts an empty column after each column specified in the {it: numlist}. The numbering of the
numeric columns in the output table starts from 1, For example, {opt cblanks(2 4)} inserts an empty column after the second and
the fourth columns of the output table. Column with the row names is number 0. If keyword {it:Equations} (abbreviation allowed) is
used then blank column will be added after every equation (group of columns having the same column equation value).
{phang} {* CWIDTH *}
{opt cwidth(string)} controls the column withs in Excel worksheet. {it:string} is list of paired parameters.
The first parameter specifies the column number (0 being the row names column) or keyword {it:Equations} and the second parameter
a column width. You can specify a column width of 0 to 255. This value represents the number of characters
that can be displayed in a cell that is formatted with the standard font. If the column width is set to 0,
the column is hidden. {opt cwidth} is evaluated after the {opt cblanks} option so additional blank columns
(if any) should be taken into consideration when determining column numbering.
{phang} {* TBLANKS *}
{opt tblanks(#)} inserts {it:#} rows at the beginning of an Excel sheet. The output table shifts down by # rows.
{phang} {* TITLE *}
{opt title(string)} specifies the title for the table. The {it:string} is inserted at the top of table. Example:
{p 8 20 2}{cmd:.xml_tab *, title("Table 1.1")}{p_end}
{phang} {* RNAMES CNAMES CEQ*}
{opt rnames(string)}, {opt cnames(string)} and {opt ceq(string)} modify default row/column names as well as
column equation names (super-titles) for the output matrix/estimation result. {it:string} should
contain as many words as rows/columns in the output. To specify a name containing spaces it must be included in
quotes. Table formating options {opt long}, {opt below}, {opt keep()}, {opt drop()}, {opt rblanks()} and
{opt cblanks()} will be applied before the {opt rnames()}, {opt cnames(string)} and {opt ceq(string)}.
{phang} {* NOTES *}
{opt notes([#] line1 [, [#] line2 [, ...]])} adds one or more lines of text at the end of the table. Lines are
separated by commas. If first word (after comma) of a line specification is numeric then the note will be shifted
down by {it:#} rows, otherwise it will be written imediately after the previous output row.
{phang} {* FONT *}
{opt font("FontName" [Fontsize])} specifies the font for the output table in a particular sheet of the workbook. The
{it:FontName} is a font name enclosed in quotes; an optional argument {it:FontSize} is the size of the font. Example:
{p 8 20 2}{cmd:.xml_tab *, font("Arial Narrow" 12)}{p_end}
{pmore}If no {opt font} is specified, the defualt font is used. When a new sheet is added to the existing workbook and
{opt font} is specified, that {opt font} will be applied only to the table in this new sheet. So, each sheet in the
workbook can use differnt fonts.
{phang} {* NOGRIDLINES *}
{opt nogridlines} hides gridlines on a worksheet. The default in Excel is to display gridlines. This option affects
only the on-screen appearance, these lines are not printed.
{phang} {* STYLE *}
{opt style(stylename)} specifies layouts and formatting for the output table from predefined list of styles. These
predefined styles are stored in the {cmd:xml_tab_options.txt}. If file is missing it will be recreated. There are
several preset styles: default, S1, S2. user-defined styles can be added to the file. If neither {cmd:style} nor
{cmd:format} was specified, the program creates output with {cmd:style(}default{cmd:)}.
{pmore} {opt styles} in {cmd:xml_tab} are just sets of options that are written in file {it:xml_tab_options.txt} located
in the directory where {cmd:xml_tab} is installed. Each {opt style} is recorded on the separate line. You can define
your own styles by modifying file {it:xml_tab_options.txt}. The syntax for the styles consist of the style name, equal
sign, and the set of options corresponding to that particular style. To create a style, add a new line in the file
{it:xml_tab_options.txt} and define your style. For example:
{p 8 20 2}{cmd:MYTABLES=sd right replace wide font("Arial Narrow" 12) sheet(Table 1)}{p_end}
{pmore}You can instruct {cmd:xml_tab} to use this style by specifying:
{p 8 20 2}{cmd:xml_tab *, style(mytables)}{p_end}
{pmore}This command will create a table using the set of options defined in {opt style(mytables)}. In other words, the
previous command is equivalent to:
{p 8 20 2}{cmd:xml_tab *, sd right replace wide font("Arial Narrow" 12) sheet(Table 1)}{p_end}
{pmore}User-specified options supersede any options defined in style. You can check the complete set of options
associated with a particular style by using option {opt noisily}.
{pmore}{help xml_tab##options:back to top}
{* SYSTEM *}
{marker system}{...}
{dlgtab:System requirements and other options}
{cmd:xml_tab} is designed for Stata Version 8.0 and later. The XML files generated by {cmd:xml_tab} could be opened
with 2003 or later versions of {it:Microsoft Excel} and {it:OpenOffice Calc 2.0} under Windows OS. It might be
possible to open XML files with {it:MS Excel 2002}. The XML format is not supported by {it:MS Excel 2000} and
We have not tested the compatibility of XML output generated by {cmd: xml_tab} with {it:OpenOffice Calc} or
{it:Microsoft Excel} running under Macintosh, UNIX, or Linux OS. We would be thankful for the comments from the
users running Stata on these platforms about any problems they encounter with using {cmd:xml_tab}.
{cmd:xml_tab} will try to locate either {it:MS Excel} or {it:OO Calc} on your computer and if found, will create a
link in the results window clicking on which will automatically open the output. You can explicitly specify where should
{cmd: xml_tab} look for {it:Excel} or {it:Calc} if the programs are installed not in their default locations (you will
need to do it just once). If neither of two programs was found or Stata runs in "console" or "batch" modes, no link
will be created but {cmd:xml_tab} will still generate the output file.
{phang} {* EXCELPATH *}
{opt ex:celpath(["]filename["])}, {opt cal:cpath(["]filename["])} tells {cmd:xml_tab} where to find Excel and/or Calc
executables, for example:
{p 8 20 2}{cmd:.xml_tab, excelpath("D:\My programs\MS Excel\excel.exe")}{p_end}
{p 8 20 2}{cmd:.xml_tab, calcpath("D:\My programs\\scalc.exe")}{p_end}
{phang} {* NOISILY *}
{opt noi:sily} displays the complete list of options applied to the table. This option could be useful whey using
{opt style} in order to see all options associated with a particular style.
{phang} {* UPDATEOPTS *}
{opt updateopts} is used to recreate the options file. if {cmd: xml_tab_options.txt} is missing, it will be created
automatically, otherwise {cmd:updateopts} can be specified to overwrite the existing options file with the one containing
the default styles.
{phang} {* WHICH *}
{cmd:which xml_tab} displays the version and location of {cmd:xml_tab} installed on the computer. The latest version of
the program can be installed in Stata by typing:
{p 8 20 2}{cmd:.adoupdate xml_tab, update}
{pmore}{help xml_tab##options:back to top}
In all our examples we use stored estimates and matrixes defined by the code below:
{p 6 20 2}{cmd:.sysuse auto, clear}{p_end}
{p 6 20 2}{cmd:.regress price mpg headroom trunk if foreign==0}{p_end}
{p 6 20 2}{cmd:.estimates store reg1}{p_end}
{p 6 20 2}{cmd:.regress price mpg headroom trunk turn if foreign==1}{p_end}
{p 6 20 2}{cmd:.estimates store reg2, title(Only foreign cars)}{p_end}
{p 6 20 2}{cmd:.heckman mpg weight length, sel(foreign = length displ) nolog}
{p 6 20 2}{cmd:.estimates store heck1, title(Selection model)}{p_end}
In the above code we use datafile {bf:auto.dta}. We run a regression and save the results of this regression into the
stored estimate {it:reg1}. We then run another regression with a different specification and save the results in the
estimate {it:reg2} giving this estimate a title. Then we estimate {cmd:heckman} selection model. We store the estimates
from this model to {it:heck1}.
{dlgtab:Basic syntax}
{p 6 20 2}{cmd:.xml_tab reg1 reg2, replace stats(r2_a) title("price regressions by car type")}{p_end}
In this example, {cmd:xml_tab} merges the estimates of two regression {it:reg1} and {it:reg2} forming a table with
five columns. The first column contains the variable names; the second column contains the estimated coefficients
from the first regression; the third column contains the standard errors for the coefficients from the first
regression; the estimated coefficients and the standard errors from the second regression are placed in the fourth and
fifth columns of the output table.
In addition to the coefficients and standard errors {cmd:xml_tab} also outputs the adjusted R2 for each regression at
the bottom of the output table (option {opt stat(r2_a)}. With option {opt title("price regressions by car type")}
{cmd:xml_tab} is instructed to place a text "Price regression by car type" on the top of output table. The numerical
values in the table are formatted with a default format: both the a coefficients and the standard errors have three
decimal places, standard errors are placed to the right from the coefficients and italicized.
The table is outputted into the file {it:stata_out.xml} located in the current Stata directory.
{it:Extensions:} options {opt below, tstat, save, sheet}
{p 6 20 2}{cmd:.xml_tab reg1 reg2 using "c:\my documents\table1", tstat below sheet("Table 2") stats(N r2_a)}{p_end}
{pstd}{opt save()} saves the XML file as {it:c:\my documents\table1.xml}. The output table is placed in the sheet of
XML workbook with the name {it:Table 2}. Specifying {opt tstat} outputs the estimation coefficients and the
corresponding t-statistics. Option {opt below} places t-statistics in parenthesis under the coefficients.
{marker exampledk}{...}
{it:Extensions:} options {opt append, drop/keep}
{p 6 20 2}{cmd:.xml_tab heck1 using "c:\my documents\table1", pvalue right drop(length) sheet("Heckman") stats(ll)}
{cmd: append}{p_end}
This command saves the estimation results from {cmd:heckman}. Option {opt append} adds a new sheet "Heckman" to XML file
used in the previous example and outputs there the estimated coefficients and p-values for the binary and continuous
parts of the ML Heckman estimation. Option {opt drop(length)} suppresses the output of the estimated coefficient for
{it:length}. {opt stats(ll)} reports log-likelihood value for the system at the bottom of the table.
To suppress the output of the binary part of the ML Heckman estimation (loosely speaking to supers the output of the
first stage equation), we insert the equation name as a parameter: {bf:drop(}foreign:{bf:)}.
{it:Extensions:} options {opt long and wide}
By default, {cmd:xml_tab} outputs the results of multiple-equation estimations into separate columns for each equation.
For example, the table formed in the last example consists of five columns: column with the variable names, two columns
with the coefficients and p-values from the first stage equation, and two columns with the second stage equation
estimates. To output the coefficients from both equations into one column, specify option {opt long}:
{p 6 20 2}{cmd:.xml_tab heck1 using "c:\my documents\table1", long pvalue right sheet("Heckman_long") stats(ll)}
{cmd: append}{p_end}
Note that the code above will keep two previous tables saved in sheets {it:Table 1} and {it:Heckman} in the file
{it:c:\my documents\table1}. {cmd:xml_tab} will add a new sheet {it:Heckman_long} to the workbook and output the
results in long specification into this sheet.
{dlgtab:Print ready tables}
{cmd:xml_tab} allows to create print-ready tables from within Stata. Several options control the look of the output
Subcategories of variables could be conveniently separated using {opt rblanks()} option. The example below inserts an
empty row after variable {it:{bf:mpg}} and puts a heading in italic into this row:
{p 6 20 2}{cmd:.xml_tab reg1 reg2, replace stats(r2_a) rblanks(mpg "Interior Dimensions" S2220)}{p_end}
To separate the results of two regressions, use option {opt cblanks()} that insert an empty column after the columns
specified as argument of this option. The code below inserts an empty column after the third column (standard errors of
the first regressions).
{p 6 20 2}{cmd:.xml_tab reg1 reg2, replace stats(r2_a) cblanks(3)}{p_end}
Option {opt line()} allows to underline rows of the table. To underline the last row of the output table with a double
line use the following syntax:
{p 6 20 2}{cmd:.xml_tab reg1 reg2, replace stats(r2_a) line(LAST_ROW 13)}{p_end}
To underline the row with coefficient {bf:mpg} with a single line and to underline the last row of the table with a
double line use:
{p 6 20 2}{cmd:.xml_tab reg1 reg2, replace stats(r2_a) line(LAST_ROW 13 mpg 1)}{p_end}
{marker exampleme}{...}
{dlgtab:Marginal effects}
You have to use a non-standard specification in order to create tables of marginal effects, elasticities, and other
statistics generated by {helpb mfx}, {helpb dprobit}, and {helpb dlogit}. Suppose we want to generate a table of
marginal effects after {helpb heckman} estimation.
{p 6 20 2}{cmd:.heckman mpg weight length, sel(foreign = length displ) nolog}{p_end}
{p 6 20 2}{cmd:.mfx, predict(xb)}{p_end}
{p 6 20 2}{cmd:.estimates store heck_mfx, title(Heckman marginals)}{p_end}
Now, if we want to output, for example, the marginal effects from this estimation we write:
{p 6 20 2}{cmd:.xml_tab heck_mfx(Xmfx_dydx Xmfx_se_dydx), replace}{p_end}
To output the marginal effects and the standard errors after {helpb dprobit} you would specify {it:(dfdx se_dfdx)}
Note that now we specify the names of matrixes with corresponding statistics parenthesis with the name of the
stored estimates. You can check the names of the matrixes with stored statistics using {helpb ereturn list}.
{marker matrices}{...}
{dlgtab:Exporting a matrix}
{cmd:xml_tab} can also output any matrix in Stata memory. You can apply most of the options of {cmd:xml_tab} to control
the layout and the formatting of the matrix output. You can create custom tables forming the matrixes of results and
outputting them with {cmd:xml_tab}. {helpb tabstatmat} is a useful command to save various summary statistics into
matrixes. The example below outputs matrix {bf:M} with a custom format into the default XML file.
{p 6 20 2}{cmd:.matrix M = 1, 2 \ 3, 4}{p_end}
{p 6 20 2}{cmd:.matrix M_STARS = 0, 2 \ 3, 1}{p_end}
{p 6 20 2}{cmd:.xml_tab M, format((S2210, S2100, S2100), (S2210, N2301, N2301), (S2230, N2321, N2321))}{p_end}
{pstd}Since matrix {bf:M_STARS} exists, output table will contain significance stars based on default levels
and symbols. Thus, the output table will have a form:
r1{tab} 1.0{tab} {it:2.1}**
r2{tab} 3.0*{tab} {it:4.1}***
Another example demonstrates how to create and output a simple table of the means:
{p 6 20 2}{cmd:.tabstat price mpg rep78 headroom trunk weight length, by(foreign) save}{p_end}
{p 6 20 2}{cmd:.tabstatmat A}{p_end}
{p 6 20 2}{cmd:.matrix TAB=A'}{p_end}
{p 6 20 2}{cmd:.xml_tab TAB, replace}{p_end}
{pstd}{cmd:tabstat} generates a table of means for the list of variables categorized by {opt foreigh}. {cmd:tabstatmat}
saves the resutls to matrix A. This matrix has tree rows for Domestic, Foreign and Total. In the columns of matrix A
are the means for the listed variables. We save the transpose matrix A into another matrix TAB. {cmd:xml_tab} ouptuts
the matrix into the default XML file.
{pstd}You can see more examples of using {cmd:xml_tab} in {opt}.
{phang}Zurab Sajaia,
{phang}Michael Lokshin,
{phang}Development Economics Research Group,
{phang}The World Bank, 2006
While the concept of {cmd:xml_tab} is original, we borrowed some functionality ideas from such programs as
{helpb estout} by Ben Jann, {helpb outreg} by John Luke Gallup, {helpb outreg2} by Roy Wada,
{helpb modltbl} by John H. Tyler, {helpb mktab} by Nicholas Winter, {helpb outtex} by Antoine Terracol, or
{helpb est2tex} by Marc Muendler.
{title:Also see}
Online: {helpb xmlsave}, {helpb estimates}, {helpb matrix}, {helpb which}{p_end}