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761 lines
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12 months ago
*! version 4.1 December 17, 2013
*! Jean-Benoit Hardouin
* Simirt: Simulation of dichotomous or polytomous data following an IRT model (Rasch model,
* OPLM, Birnbaum model, 3-PLM, 4-PLM, 5-PAM, RSM,PCM)
* Version 1 : May 9, 2005 (Jean-Benoit Hardouin)
* Version 1.1 : December 8, 2005 (Jean-Benoit Hardouin) /*group and deltagroup options*/
* Version 2 : January 20, 2006 (Jean-Benoit Hardouin) /*Rating Scale model*/
* Version 2.1 : Februar 2, 2006 (Jean-Benoit Hardouin) /*Threshold variables*/
* Version 2.2 : Februar 8, 2006 (Jean-Benoit Hardouin) /*Correction of an error with the RSM model*/
* Version 2.3 : October 22, 2006 (Jean-Benoit Hardouin) /*The "real" rating scale model*/
* Version 2.4 : July 7, 2008 (Jean-Benoit Hardouin) /*Title for the graphs*/
* Version 3 : October 14, 2008 (Jean-Benoit Hardouin) /*3 dimensions + correction for the mu vector*/
* Version 3.1 : December 11, 2008 (Jean-Benoit Hardouin) /*remove an useless output*/
* Version 3.2 : November 26, 2009 (Jean-Benoit Hardouin) /*covmatrix option*/
* Version 3.3 : October 25, 2011 (Jean-Benoit Hardouin) /*pcm option*/
* Version 3.4 : May 7, 2013 (Jean-Benoit Hardouin) /*Minor corrections, norandom option*/
* Version 3.5 : May 16, 2013 (Jean-Benoit Hardouin) /*Minor corrections*/
* Version 4 : December 11, 2013 (Jean-Benoit Hardouin, Myriam Blanchin) /*GPCM + genp, genicc, icc options*/
* Version 4.1 : December 17, 2013 (Jean-Benoit Hardouin, Myriam Blanchin) /*drawall option*/
* Jean-benoit Hardouin, phD, Assistant Professor
* Team of Biostatistics, Pharmacoepidemiology and Subjective Measures in Health Sciences (UPRES EA 4275 SPHERE)
* University of Nantes - Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
* France
* News about this program :
* Copyright 2005-2006, 2008-2009, 2011, 2013 Jean-Benoit Hardouin
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
program define simirt , rclass
version 8.0
syntax [, NBObs(integer 2000) Dim(string) MU(string) COV(string) COVMatrix(string) DISc(string) DIFf(string) PMIN(string) PMAX(string) ACC(string) clear STOre(string) REPlace PREFix(string) DRAW drawall ICC GRoup(real 0) noRANDom DELtagroup(real 0) rsm1(string) rsm2(string) THReshold TITle(string) PCM(string) id(string) GENProba GENIcc]
if `group'<0|`group'>1 {
di in red "{p}The {hi:group} option defines a probability. The values defined by this option must be greater (or equal) to 0 and lesser (or equal) to 1.{p_end}"
error 198
if "`clear'"==""&"`store'"=="" {
di in red "You must use at least one of these two options: clear and/or store."
error 198
if "`dim'"!="" {
local nbdim:word count `dim'
if `nbdim'>2&"`covmatrix'"=="" {
di in red "You can simulate data with one or two dimensions, and you have indicated `nbdim' dimensions in the {hi:dim} option. Please correct it."
error 198
if "`covmatrix'"!="" {
local nbrowcovm=rowsof(`covmatrix')
if `nbdim'!=`nbrowcovm' {
di in red "{p 0 0 0}You define `nbdim' dimension(s) with the {cmd:dim} option and `nbrowcovm' dimension(s) with the {cmd:covmatrix} option. Please correct that."
error 198
local nbitems=0
forvalues d=1/`nbdim' {
local dim`d':word `d' of `dim'
local nbitems=`nbitems'+`dim`d''
local dim=`nbdim'
if "`diff'"!="" {
local nbdiff:word count `diff'
local tmp:word 1 of `diff'
if "`tmp'"=="gauss"|"`tmp'"=="uniform" {
local typediff values
else if `nbdiff'!=`nbitems' {
di in red "You have indicated a number of difficulty parameters ({hi:diff} option) different of the number of items to simulate ({hi:dim} option). Please correct these options."
error 198
else if "`diff'"=="" {
local diff gauss
forvalues d=1/`dim' {
local diff `diff' 0 1
local typediff gauss
local nbdiff:word count `diff'
else if "`dim'"==""{
if "`diff'"==""&"`pcm'"=="" {
di in red "{p 0 0 0}You must indicate the number of items to simulate with the {hi:dim}, the {hi:pcm} or the {hi:diff} option(s)."
error 198
else if "`covmatrix'"!= "" {
local nbrowcovm=rowsof(`covmatrix')
if `nbrowcovm'>1 {
di in red "{p 0 0 0}You have define `nbrowcovm' dimensions with the {hi:covmatrix} option, but you do not affect each item to a specific dimension using the {hi:dim} option. Please define the {hi:dim} option."
error 198
else if "`pcm'"!="" {
local nbitems=rowsof(`pcm')
local dim=1
local dim1=`nbitems'
else {
local nbdiff:word count `diff'
local nbitems=`nbdiff'
local dim=1
local dim1=`nbitems'
if (`group'!=0|`deltagroup'!=0)&`dim'!=1 {
di in red "The {hi:group} and the {hi:deltagroup} options are available only with unidimensional simulated data."
error 198
if "`prefix'"=="" {
local prefix item
local nbprefix:word count `prefix'
if `nbprefix'!=`dim'&`nbprefix'!=1 {
di in red "{p 0 0 0}The {hi:prefix} option is incorrect because the number of defined prefixes (`nbprefix') is different of the number of dimensions (`dim'). Please correct it."
error 198
if `nbprefix'==`dim' {
forvalues d=1/`dim' {
local prefix`d':word `d' of `prefix'
else {
forvalues d=1/`dim' {
local tmp:word `d' of A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
local prefix`d' `prefix'`tmp'
if "`covmatrix'"=="" {
tempname covmatrix2
local nbcov:word count `cov'
if `dim'==1 {
if "`cov'"=="" {
local cov=1
if `nbcov'>1 {
di in red "You simulate one dimension. You must indicate only the variance of the simulated latent trait in the {hi:cov} option."
error 198
if `cov'<0 {
di in red "The variance of your latent trait can not be negative. Please correct your {hi:cov} option."
error 198
matrix `covmatrix2'=(`cov')
else if `dim'==2 {
if `nbcov'!=3&`nbcov'>0 {
di in red "You simulate two dimensions. You must indicate exactly 3 values in the {hi:cov} option (Variance of the first simulated latent trait, Variance of the second simulated latent trait, Covariance between the two simulated latent traits)."
error 198
else if `nbcov'==0 {
if `dim'==1 {
local cov "1"
else if `dim'==2 {
local cov "1 1 0"
local nbcov:word count `cov'
if `nbcov'==3 {
local cov1:word 1 of `cov'
local cov2:word 2 of `cov'
local cov3:word 3 of `cov'
local rho=`cov3'/sqrt(`cov1'*`cov2')
if `cov1'<0|`cov2'<0|`rho'<-1|`rho'>1 {
di in red "Your covariance matrix defined by the {hi:cov} option is not correct. Please correct it."
error 198
matrix `covmatrix2'=(`cov1' , `cov3' \ `cov3' , `cov2')
local covmatrix `covmatrix2'
local nbmu:word count `mu'
if `nbmu'!=`dim'&`nbmu'!=0 {
di in red "You must indicate as many values in the {hi:mu} option as the number of dimension(s) (`dim')"
error 198
local nbdisc:word count `disc'
if `nbdisc'!=`nbitems'&`nbdisc'!=0 {
di in red "You must indicate as many values in the {hi:disc} option as items defined by the {hi:dim} and the {hi:diff} options (`nbitems')"
error 198
local nbpmin:word count `pmin'
if `nbpmin'!=`nbitems'&`nbpmin'!=0 {
di in red "You must indicate as many values in the {hi:pmin} option as items defined by the {hi:dim} and the {hi:diff} options (`nbitems')"
error 198
local nbpmax:word count `pmax'
if `nbpmax'!=`nbitems'&`nbpmax'!=0 {
di in red "You must indicate as many values in the {hi:pmax} option as items defined by the {hi:dim} and the {hi:diff} options (`nbitems')"
error 198
local nbacc:word count `acc'
if `nbacc'!=`nbitems'&`nbacc'!=0 {
di in red "You must indicate as many values in the {hi:acc} option as items defined by the {hi:dim} and the {hi:diff} options (`nbitems')"
error 198
if ("`threshold'"!="")&("`disc'"!=""|"`pmin'"!=""|"`pmax'"!=""|"`acc'"!="") {
di in red "If you use the {hi:threshold} option, you cannot define the {hi:disc}, {hi:pmin}, {hi:pmax} or {hi:acc} options"
error 198
if ("`rsm1'"!=""|"`rsm2'"!="")&("`pmin'"!=""|"`pmax'"!=""|"`acc'"!="") {
di in red "If you use the {hi:rsm1} and/or {hi:rsm2} option(s), you cannot define the {hi:pmin}, {hi:pmax} or {hi:acc} options"
error 198
if ("`pcm'"!="")&("`pmin'"!=""|"`pmax'"!=""|"`acc'"!="") {
di in red "If you use the {hi:pcm} option, you cannot define the {hi:pmin}, {hi:pmax} or {hi:acc} options"
error 198
if ("`rsm1'"!=""|"`rsm2'"!="")&("`pcm'"!="") {
di in red "You cannot use in the same time the {hi:rsm1} and/or {hi:rsm2} options with the {hi:pcm} option"
error 198
if "`rsm2'"!=""&`dim'==1 {
di in red "You cannot define the {hi:rsm2} option if you simulate only one dimension"
error 198
if "`id'"=="" {
local id="id"
tempfile saveraschbin
capture qui save `saveraschbin'
local hour=real(substr("$S_TIME",1,2))
local min=real(substr("$S_TIME",4,2))
local sec=real(substr("$S_TIME",7,2))
local jour=real(substr("$S_DATE",1,2))
if "$seed"!="" {
global seed2=int($seed)
else {
global seed2=0
global seed=$seed2+256484+`sec'*1000000+`min'*10000+`hour'*100+`jour'
while $seed>2^31-1 {
global seed=int($seed/231)
qui set seed $seed
if "`typediff'"=="uniform" {
if `nbdiff'==`=`dim'*2+1' {
local min`d':word `=(`d'-1)*2+2' of `diff'
local max`d':word `=(`d'-1)*2+3' of `diff'
else if `nbdiff'==1 {
local min`d'=-2
local max`d'=2
else {
di in red "Your {hi:diff} option is uncorrect. Please correct it."
local diff
forvalues d=1/`dim' {
forvalues i=1/`dim`d'' {
local diff `diff' `=`min`d''+(`max`d''-`min`d'')*`i'/(`dim`d''+1)'
else if "`typediff'"=="gauss" {
if `nbdiff'==`=`dim'*2+1' {
forvalues d=1/`dim' {
local mean`d':word `=(`d'-1)*2+2' of `diff'
local var`d':word `=(`d'-1)*2+3' of `diff'
else if `nbdiff'==1 {
forvalues d=1/`dim' {
local mean`d'=0
local var`d'=1
else {
di in red "Your {hi:diff} option is uncorrect. Please correct it."
error 198
local diff
forvalues d=1/`dim' {
forvalues i=1/`dim`d'' {
local tmp=invnorm(`i'/(`dim`d''+1))*sqrt(`var`d'')+`mean`d''
local diff `diff' `tmp'
forvalues d=1/`dim' {
if "`rsm`d''"!="" {
local nbrsm`d':word count `rsm`d''
forvalues i=2/`=`nbrsm`d''+1' {
local rsm`d'`i':word `=`i'-1' of `rsm`d''
if "`threshold'"!=""&`rsm`d'`i''<0 {
di in red "With the {hi:threshold} option, the numbers defined in the {hi:rsm1} and {hi:rsm2} options must be positive."
error 198
if "`diff'"!=""&"`pcm'"=="" {
tempname pcm
qui matrix `pcm'=J(`nbitems',1,.)
forvalues j=1/`nbitems' {
local tmp:word `j' of `diff'
qui matrix `pcm'[`j',1]=`tmp'
tempname matmu matcov matdiff matdisc matpmin matpmax matacc
matrix define `matdiff'=J(`nbitems',1,0)
matrix define `matdisc'=J(`nbitems',1,0)
matrix define `matpmin'=J(`nbitems',1,0)
matrix define `matpmax'=J(`nbitems',1,0)
matrix define `matacc'=J(`nbitems',1,0)
matrix define `matmu'=J(`dim',1,0)
matrix define `matcov'=J(`=(`dim'+1)*`dim'/2',1,0)
forvalues i=1/`nbitems'{
if `nbdisc'!=0 {
local tmp:word `i' of `disc'
matrix `matdisc'[`i',1]=`tmp'
else {
matrix `matdisc'[`i',1]=1
if "`pcm'"==""|"`rsm1'"!="" {
tempname pcm
if "`rsm1'"=="" {
forvalues i=1/`nbitems' {
local tmp:word `i' of `diff'
matrix `matdiff'[`i',1]=`tmp'
matrix `pcm'=`matdiff'
else {
local moda1:word count `rsm1'
local moda2:word count `rsm2'
local nbmodas=max(`=`moda1'+1',`=`moda2'+1')
matrix `pcm'=J(`nbitems',`nbmodas',.)
forvalues i=1/`dim1' {
local tmp:word `i' of `diff'
matrix `pcm'[`i',1]=`tmp'
forvalues j=1/`=`nbmodas'-1' {
local tmp:word `j' of `rsm1'
matrix `pcm'[`i',`=1+`j'']=`pcm'[`i',1]+`tmp'
if "`rsm2'"!="" {
forvalues i=`dim1'+1/`=`dim1'+`dim2'' {
local tmp:word `i' of `diff'
matrix `pcm'[`i',1]=`tmp'
forvalues j=1/`=`modamax'-1' {
local tmp:word `j' of `rsm2'
matrix `pcm'[`i',`=1+`j'']=`pcm'[`i',1]+`tmp'
local nbmodas=colsof(`pcm')
forvalues j=1/`nbitems' {
local pcmpj`j'k0=-999999999999999
forvalues k=1/`nbmodas' {
local pcmpj`j'k`k'=`pcm'[`j',`k']
if `pcmpj`j'k`k''!=. {
local nbmodas`j'=`k'
local tmp=`k'-1
if "`threshold'"!=""&`pcmpj`j'k`k''<`pcmpj`j'k`tmp'' {
di in red "With the {hi:threshold} option, the difficulties of a given item must increase."
error 198
forvalues i=1/`nbitems' {
if `nbpmin'!=0 {
local tmp:word `i' of `pmin'
matrix `matpmin'[`i',1]=`tmp'
else {
matrix `matpmin'[`i',1]=0
if `nbpmax'!=0 {
local tmp:word `i' of `pmax'
matrix `matpmax'[`i',1]=`tmp'
else {
matrix `matpmax'[`i',1]=1
if `nbacc'!=0 {
local tmp:word `i' of `acc'
matrix `matacc'[`i',1]=`tmp'
else {
matrix `matacc'[`i',1]=1
if "`covmatrix'"=="" {
tempname covmatrix
if `nbcov'==1 {
matrix `covmatrix'=(`cov')
if `nbcov'==3 {
local tmp1:word 1 of `cov'
local tmp2:word 2 of `cov'
local tmp12:word 3 of `cov'
matrix `covmatrix'=(`tmp1',`tmp12'\`tmp12',`tmp2')
matrix `matcov'=`covmatrix'
if (`nbmu'==`dim') {
forvalues d=1/`dim' {
local tmp:word `d' of `mu'
matrix `matmu'[`d',1]=`tmp'
if `dim'==2 {
local corr=`covmatrix'[1,2]/sqrt(`covmatrix'[1,1]*`covmatrix'[2,2])
drop _all
qui set obs `=`nbobs'+2001'
qui gen `id'=_n
tempname graphobs
qui gen `graphobs'=`id'>`nbobs'
local names
forvalues d=1/`dim' {
qui gen x`d'=invnorm(uniform())
qui compress
local names `names' lt`d'
matrix Chol=cholesky(corr(`covmatrix'))
forvalues d=1/`dim' {
qui gen lt`d'=0
forvalues i=1/`d' {
qui replace lt`d'=lt`d'+Chol[`d',`i']*x`i'
qui compress
qui drop x*
forvalues d=1/`dim' {
qui replace lt`d'=lt`d'*sqrt(`covmatrix'[`d',`d'])+`matmu'[`d',1]
qui compress
qui replace lt1=_n-`nbobs' if `graphobs'
qui replace lt1=(lt1-1001)/1000*4*sqrt(`covmatrix'[1,1])+`matmu'[1,1] if `graphobs'
if `dim'==1&`group'!=0 {
if "`random'"=="" {
qui gen group=uniform()<`group'
else {
qui gen group=`id'<=`group'*`nbobs'
qui replace lt1=lt1+`deltagroup'*(1-`group') if group==1
qui replace lt1=lt1-`deltagroup'*`group' if group==0
qui compress
di in gr "Number of individuals: " in ye `nbobs'
if "`threshold'"=="" {
local line di in gr "{hline 75}"
else {
local line di in gr "{hline 27}"
if "`threshold'"=="" {
di _col(1) in gr "Items" _col(18) "Difficulty" _col(34) "Discr." _col(45) "Pmin" _col(58) "Pmax" _col(73) "Acc"
else {
di _col(1) in gr "Items" _col(18) "Difficulty"
local dim0=0
local deb1=1
local fin0=0
local fin1=`dim1'
forvalues d=1/`dim' { /* FOREACH DIMENSION*/
local deb`d'=`fin`=`d'-1''+1
local fin`d'=`deb`d''+`dim`d''-1
local p=`d'-1
local q=1
forvalues i=`deb`d''/`fin`d'' { /*FOREACH ITEM*/
qui compress
tempname prob`i'_`=`nbmodas`i''+1'
qui gen `prob`i'_`=`nbmodas`i''+1''=0
local tau0=0
local tau1=`pcm'[`i',1]
local D "1+exp(`matdisc'[`i',1]*(lt`d'-`tau1'))"
forvalues k=2/`nbmodas`i'' {
local tau`k'=`tau`=`k'-1''+`pcm'[`i',`k']
local D "`D'+exp(`matdisc'[`i',1]*(`k'*lt`d'-`tau`k'')) "
if "`threshold'"=="" {
tempname icc`i'
qui gen `icc`i''=0
tempname proba`i'_0
gen `proba`i'_0'=1
forvalues k=`nbmodas`i''(-1)1 {
tempname prob`i'_`k' proba`i'_`k'
qui gen `proba`i'_`k''=`matpmin'[`i',1]+(`matpmax'[`i',1]-`matpmin'[`i',1])*(exp(`matdisc'[`i',1]*(`k'*lt`d'-`tau`k''))/(`D'))^`matacc'[`i',1]
qui replace `proba`i'_0'=`proba`i'_0'-`proba`i'_`k''
qui gen `prob`i'_`k''=`proba`i'_`k''+`prob`i'_`=`k'+1''
qui replace `icc`i''=`icc`i''+`k'*`proba`i'_`k''
qui compress
if "`genproba'"!="" {
qui gen proba`i'_`k'=`prob`i'_`k''-`prob`i'_`=`k'+1''
if "`genicc'"!="" {
qui gen icc`i'=`icc`i''
qui gen `prefix`d''`q'=0
di _col(1) in gr "`prefix`d''`q'" _col(20) in ye %8.4f `pcm'[`i',1] _col(32) %8.4f `matdisc'[`i',1] _col(44) %6.4f `matpmin'[`i',1] _col(56) %6.4f `matpmax'[`i',1] _col(68) %8.4f `matacc'[`i',1]
forvalues k=2/`nbmodas`i'' {
di _col(1) in gr "`prefix`d''`q'_`k'" _col(20) in ye %8.4f `pcm'[`i',`k']
tempname uni
qui gen `uni'=uniform()
forvalues k=1/`nbmodas`i'' {
qui replace `prefix`d''`q'=`k' if `uni'<=`prob`i'_`k''
qui compress
else { /*if "`threshold'"!=""*/
qui gen `prefix`d''`q'=lt`d'>`pcm'[`i',1]
local tmp=0
forvalues k=1/`nbmodas`i'' {
di _col(1) in gr "`prefix`d''`q'_`k'" _col(20) in ye %8.4f `pcm'[`i',`k']
local tmp=`tmp'+`pcm'[`i',`k']
qui replace `prefix`d''`q'=`k' if lt`d'>`tmp'
qui compress
local q=`q'+1
set tracedepth 1
if "`draw'"!=""|"`icc'"!=""|"`drawall'"!="" {
label variable lt1 "Latent trait"
local dess
sort lt1
if "`draw'"!=""|"`drawall'"!="" {
local alldess
forvalues i=1/`dim1' {
if "`title'"=="" {
local title2="Category Probability Curves of the Item `i'"
else {
local title2="`title'"
local dess
local tauj`j'k0=0
forvalues k=`nbmodas`i''(-1)0 {
local dess `dess' (line `proba`i'_`k'' lt1)
label variable `proba`i'_`k'' "`k'"
graph twoway `dess' , ylabel(0(.25)1) legend(on) ytitle("Probability of response to each modality") title("`title2'") name(item`i',replace)
local alldess `alldess' `dess'
if "`drawall'"!="" {
graph twoway `alldess' , ylabel(0(.25)1) legend(on) ytitle("Probability of response to each modality") title("`title2'") name(all,replace)
if "`icc'"!="" {
local hicc
forvalues i=1/`dim1' {
if "`titleicc'"=="" {
local title3="Item Characteristic Curve of the Item `i'"
else {
local title3="`title'"
graph twoway (line `icc`i'' lt1) if `graphobs', ylabel(0(1)`nbmodas') legend(off) ytitle("Expected response") title("`title3'") name(iccitem`i',replace)
local hicc `hicc' (line `icc`i'' lt1)
label variable `icc`i'' "Item `i'"
graph twoway `hicc' if `graphobs', ylabel(0(1)`nbmodas') legend(on) ytitle("Expected response") title("Item Characteristic Curves") name(icc,replace)
qui drop if `graphobs'
forvalues d=1/`dim' {
qui su lt`d'
local var_`d'=r(Var)
local mean_`d'=r(mean)
forvalues l=`=`d'+1'/`dim' {
qui corr lt`d' lt`l' ,cov
local cov_`d'_`l'=r(cov_12)
return scalar cov_`d'_`l'=`cov_`d'_`l''
return scalar mean_`d'=`mean_`d''
return scalar var_`d'=`var_`d''
forvalues d=1/`dim' {
forvalues l=`=`d'+1'/`dim' {
local corr_`d'_`l'=`cov_`d'_`l''/sqrt(`var_`d''*`var_`l'')
return scalar corr_`d'_`l'=`corr_`d'_`l''
if `dim'==1&`group'!=0 {
qui su lt1 if group==0
local mean_0=r(mean)
qui su lt1 if group==1
local mean_1=r(mean)
local delta=`mean_1'-`mean_0'
return scalar nbobs=`nbobs'
tempname matcorr
matrix `matcorr'=corr(`matcov')
di in gr "{hline 50}"
di _col(1) in gr "Latent trait" _c
if `dim'==2 {
di in gr "s"_c
di in gr _col(30) "Expected" _col(42) "Observed"
di in gr "{hline 50}"
forvalues i=1/`dim' {
di _col(1) in gr "Mean(lt`i')" _col(30) in ye %8.4f `matmu'[`i',1] _col(42) %8.4f `mean_`i''
di _col(1) in gr "Variance(lt`i')" _col(30) in ye %8.4f `matcov'[`i',`i'] _col(42) %8.4f `var_`i''
forvalues d=`=`i'+1'/`dim' {
di _col(1) in gr "Covariance `i'_`d'" _col(30) in ye %8.4f `matcov'[`i',`d'] _col(42) %8.4f `cov_`i'_`d''
di _col(1) in gr "Correlation `i'_`d'" _col(31) in ye %7.4f `matcorr'[`i',`d'] _col(43) %7.4f `corr_`i'_`d''
di in gr "{hline 50}"
if `dim'==1&`group'!=0 {
di _col(1) in gr "Mean(lt1) group 0" _col(30) in ye %8.4f `matmu'[1,1]-`deltagroup'*`group' _col(42) %8.4f `mean_0'
di _col(1) in gr "Mean(lt1) group 1" _col(30) in ye %8.4f `matmu'[1,1]+`deltagroup'*(1-`group') _col(42) %8.4f `mean_1'
qui count if group==1
local prop=r(N)/`nbobs'
di _col(1) in gr "Proportion group 1" _col(30) in ye %8.4f `group' _col(42) %8.4f `prop'
di in gr "{hline 50}"
qui compress
if "`clear'"!="" {
restore, not
if "`store'"!="" {
save "`store'",`replace'
if "`clear'"=="" {
use "`saveraschbin'",replace