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161 lines
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161 lines
3.7 KiB
12 months ago
*! Version 1.0.1 November 22 2000, by Guillaume R. Frechette (STB-59: sg158)
program define reopc_ll
version 6.0
args todo b lnf g
tempvar F F1 F2 p db1 db2 dr C
tempname rho s2su u x w gr
local nm1 = $S_n-1
local np1 = $S_n+1
local i = 1
while `i' < $S_n {
tempname _cut`i'
tempname g_cut`i'
tempname g_cut1`i'
tempname g_cut2`i'
local i = `i'+1
local h 0
local i 1
local j 2
while `i' < $S_n {
mleval `_cut`i'' = `b', eq(`i') scalar
if `h'>0 {
if `_cut`i''<=`_cut`h'' {
scalar `_cut`h''=`_cut`i''-0.01
/* the above correction should not be needed
in general, but it might preclude `bad'
estimates if, for instance, one performs a
random search */
local h = `h'+1
local i = `i'+1
local j = `j'+1
mleval `rho' = `b', eq($S_n) scalar
if `rho' >= 1 {
scalar `rho' = 0.99
di "rho >= 1, set to rho = 0.99"
scalar `s2su' = sqrt(2*`rho'/(1 - `rho'))
quietly {
gen double `F' = . in 1
gen double `F1' = . in 1
gen double `F2' = . in 1
by $S_i: gen double `p' = cond(_n==_N,0,.)
gen double `db1' = 0
gen double `db2' = 0
gen double `dr' = 0
gen double `C' = .
local m 1
while `m' <= $S_quad {
scalar `x' = $S_x[1,`m']
scalar `w' = $S_w[1,`m']
scalar `u' = `s2su'*`x'
local condf "cond($S_lhs==0, normprob(`_cut1'-`u')"
local i 1
local j 2
while `j' < $S_n {
local condf "`condf', cond($S_lhs==`i', normprob(`_cut`j''-`u')-normprob(`_cut`i''-`u')"
local i = `i'+1
local j = `j'+1
local condf "`condf', 1-normprob(`_cut`nm1''-`u'))"
local i 2
while `i' < $S_n {
local i = `i'+1
local condf "`condf')"
replace `C' = `condf'
replace `C' = 0.00000001 if `C' == 0
by $S_i: replace `F' = /*
*/ cond(_n==1,`C',`C'*`F'[_n-1])
replace `p' = `p' + `w'*`F'
local condg1 "cond($S_lhs==0, 0"
local condg2 "cond($S_lhs==0, -exp(-0.5*(`_cut1'-`u')^2)"
local h 1
local i 2
while `i' < $S_n {
local condg1 "`condg1', cond($S_lhs==`h', exp(-0.5*(`_cut`h''-`u')^2)"
local condg2 "`condg2', cond($S_lhs==`h', -exp(-0.5*(`_cut`i''-`u')^2)"
local h = `h'+1
local i = `i'+1
local condg1 "`condg1', exp(-0.5*(`_cut`nm1''-`u')^2))"
local condg2 "`condg2', 0)"
local i 2
while `i' < $S_n {
local i = `i'+1
local condg1 "`condg1')"
local condg2 "`condg2')"
replace `F1' = `F'
replace `F2' = `F'
by $S_i: replace `F1' = `condg1'*`F1'[_N]/`C'
by $S_i: replace `F2' = `condg2'*`F2'[_N]/`C'
by $S_i: replace `F' = (`condg1'+`condg2')*`F'[_N]/`C'
replace `db1' = `db1' + `w'*`F1'
replace `db2' = `db2' + `w'*`F2'
replace `dr' = `dr' + `w'*`u'*`F'
local m = `m' + 1
tempname lp grps
gen double `lp' = ln(`p'/sqrt(_pi))
by $S_i: gen byte `grps'=_n==_N
sum `grps' if $ML_samp
local N = r(sum)
sum `lp' if $ML_samp, meanonly
if r(N) !=`N' {
scalar `lnf' = .
scalar `lnf' = r(sum)
if `todo'==0|`lnf'==. { exit }
by $S_i: replace `p' = `p'[_N]
replace `db1' = -`db1'/(sqrt(2*_pi)*`p')
replace `db2' = -`db2'/(sqrt(2*_pi)*`p')
local i 0
local j 1
while `j' < $S_n {
capture {
matrix vecaccum `g_cut1`j'' = `db1' if $S_lhs == `j'
matrix vecaccum `g_cut2`j'' = `db2' if $S_lhs == `i'
if _rc {
scalar `lnf' = .
matrix `g_cut`j'' = `g_cut1`j''+`g_cut2`j''
if `j' == 1 {
matrix `g' = `g_cut`j''
else matrix `g' = `g', `g_cut`j''
local i = `i'+1
local j = `j'+1
replace `dr' = sum(`dr'/`p')
scalar `gr' = `dr'[_N]/(2*sqrt(2*_pi)*`rho'*(1-`rho'))
matrix `g' = `g', `gr'