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2458 lines
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2458 lines
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12 months ago
*! version 2.3.1 07oct2009 Ben Jann
* 1. estadd and helpers
* 2. estadd_local
* 3. estadd_scalar
* 4. estadd_matrix
* 5. estadd_mean
* 6. estadd_sd
* 7. estadd_beta
* 8. estadd_coxsnell
* 9. estadd_nagelkerke
* 10. estadd_ysumm
* 11. estadd_summ
* 12. estadd_vif
* 13. estadd_ebsd
* 14. estadd_expb
* 15. estadd_pcorr
* 16. estadd_lrtest
* 17. estadd_brent
* 18. estadd_fitstat
* 19. estadd_listcoef
* 20. estadd_mlogtest
* 21. estadd_prchange
* 22. estadd_prvalue
* 23. estadd_asprvalue
* 24. estadd_margins
* 99. copy of erepost.ado
* 1.
program estadd
version 8.2
local caller : di _caller()
capt _on_colon_parse `0'
if !_rc {
local 0 `"`s(before)'"'
local names `"`s(after)'"'
syntax anything(equalok id="subcommand") [if] [in] [fw aw iw pw] [, * ]
if regexm(`"`anything'"',"^r\((.*)\)$") { // check -estadd r(name)-
capt confirm scalar `anything'
if _rc {
capt confirm matrix `anything'
if _rc {
di as err `"`anything' not found"'
exit 111
else {
local anything `"matrix `anything'"'
else {
local anything `"scalar `anything'"'
gettoken subcommand : anything
capt confirm name `subcommand'
if _rc {
di as err "invalid subcommand"
exit 198
if `"`options'"'!="" local options `", `options'"'
if `"`weight'`exp'"'!="" local wgtexp `"[`weight'`exp']"'
//expand estimates names and backup current estimates if necessary
tempname rcurrent ecurrent
capt _return drop `rcurrent'
_return hold `rcurrent'
capt noisily {
local names: list retok names
if "`names'"=="" {
local names "."
local qui
else local qui quietly
foreach name of local names {
if "`name'"=="." {
capt est_expand "`name'"
if _rc local enames "`enames'`name' "
else local enames "`enames'`r(names)' "
else {
est_expand "`name'" //=> error if estimates not found
local enames "`enames'`r(names)' "
local names: list uniq enames
if "`names'"=="." local active
else {
capt est_expand .
if _rc local active "."
else local active "`r(names)'"
if "`active'"=="." | `:list posof "`active'" in names'==0 {
local active
_est hold `ecurrent', restore estsystem nullok
if _rc {
_return restore `rcurrent'
exit _rc
_return restore `rcurrent', hold
// cases:
// - if active estimates not stored yet and "`names'"==".": simply execute
// estadd_subcmd to active estimates
// - else if active estimates not stored yet: backup/restore active estimates
// - else if active estimates stored but not in `names': backup/restore active estimates
// - else if active estimates stored: no backup but restore at end
//loop over estimates names and run subcommand
nobreak {
foreach m of local names {
if "`names'"!="." {
if "`m'"=="." _est unhold `ecurrent'
else {
capt confirm new var _est_`m' // fix e(sample)
if _rc qui replace _est_`m' = 0 if _est_`m' >=.
_est unhold `m'
capt n break `qui' version `caller': estadd_`anything' `if' `in' `wgtexp' `options'
local rc = _rc
if "`names'"!="." {
if "`m'"=="." _est hold `ecurrent', restore estsystem nullok
else _est hold `m', estimates varname(_est_`m')
if `rc' continue, break
if "`active'"!="" estimates restore `active', noh
_return restore `rcurrent'
if `rc' {
if `rc' == 199 di as error "invalid subcommand"
exit `rc'
program define backup_estimates_name, eclass
ereturn local _estadd_estimates_name `"`e(_estimates_name)'"'
ereturn local _estimates_name ""
program define restore_estimates_name, eclass
ereturn local _estimates_name `"`e(_estadd_estimates_name)'"'
ereturn local _estadd_estimates_name ""
program confirm_new_ename
capture confirm existence `e(`0')'
if !_rc {
di as err "e(`0') already defined"
exit 110
program confirm_esample
local efun: e(functions)
if `:list posof "sample" in efun'==0 {
di as err "e(sample) information not available"
exit 498
program confirm_numvar
args var
local ts = index("`var'",".")
confirm numeric variable `=substr("`var'",`ts'+1,.)'
program define added_macro
args name
di as txt %25s `"e(`name') : "' `""{res:`e(`name')'}""'
program define added_scalar
args name label
di as txt %25s `"e(`name') = "' " " as res e(`name') _c
if `"`label'"'!="" {
di as txt _col(38) `"(`label')"'
else di ""
program define added_matrix
args name label
capture {
local r = rowsof(e(`name'))
local c = colsof(e(`name'))
if _rc {
tempname tmp
mat `tmp' = e(`name')
local r = rowsof(`tmp')
local c = colsof(`tmp')
di as txt %25s `"e(`name') : "' " " ///
as res "`r' x `c'" _c
if `"`label'"'=="_rown" {
local thelabel: rownames e(`name')
local thelabel: list retok thelabel
if `r'>1 {
local thelabel: subinstr local thelabel " " ", ", all
di as txt _col(38) `"(`thelabel')"'
else if `"`label'"'!="" {
di as txt _col(38) `"(`label')"'
else di ""
* 2.
* -estadd- subroutine: add local
program estadd_loc
estadd_local `0'
program estadd_loca
estadd_local `0'
program estadd_local, eclass
version 8.2
syntax anything(equalok) [, Prefix(name) Replace Quietly ]
gettoken name def : anything , parse(" =:")
if "`replace'"=="" {
confirm_new_ename `prefix'`name'
ereturn local `prefix'`name'`def'
di _n as txt "added macro:"
added_macro `prefix'`name'
* 3.
* -estadd- subroutine: add scalar
program estadd_sca
estadd_scalar `0'
program estadd_scal
estadd_scalar `0'
program estadd_scala
estadd_scalar `0'
program estadd_scalar, eclass
version 8.2
syntax anything(equalok) [, Prefix(name) Replace Quietly ]
if regexm("`anything'","^r\((.*)\)$") { // estadd scalar r(name)
local name = regexs(1)
capt confirm name `name'
confirm scalar `anything'
if _rc error 198
local equ "`anything'"
else {
local isname 0
gettoken name equ0: anything, parse(" =")
capt confirm name `name'
if _rc error 198
else if `"`equ0'"'=="" { // estadd scalar name
local isname 1
local equ "scalar(`name')"
else { // estadd scalar name [=] exp
gettoken trash equ : equ0, parse(" =")
if `"`trash'"'!="=" {
local equ `"`equ0'"'
if "`replace'"=="" {
confirm_new_ename `prefix'`name'
ereturn scalar `prefix'`name' = `equ'
di _n as txt "added scalar:"
added_scalar `prefix'`name'
* 4.
* -estadd- subroutine: add matrix
program estadd_mat
estadd_matrix `0'
program estadd_matr
estadd_matrix `0'
program estadd_matri
estadd_matrix `0'
program estadd_matrix, eclass
version 8.2
syntax anything(equalok) [, Prefix(name) Replace Quietly ]
if regexm("`anything'","^r\((.*)\)$") { // estadd matrix r(name)
local name = regexs(1)
capt confirm name `name'
if _rc error 198
confirm matrix `anything'
local equ "`anything'"
else {
local isname 0
gettoken name equ0: anything, parse(" =")
capt confirm name `name'
if _rc error 198
else if `"`equ0'"'=="" { // estadd matrix name
local isname 1
local equ "`name'"
else { // estadd matrix name [=] exp
gettoken trash equ : equ0, parse(" =")
if `"`trash'"'!="=" {
local equ `"`equ0'"'
if "`replace'"=="" {
confirm_new_ename `prefix'`name'
tempname M
mat `M' = `equ'
ereturn matrix `prefix'`name' = `M'
di _n as txt "added matrix:"
added_matrix `prefix'`name'
* 5.
* -estadd- subroutine: means of regressors
program define estadd_mean, eclass
version 8.2
syntax [, Prefix(name) Replace Quietly ]
//check availability of e(sample)
//check e()-names
if "`replace'"=="" confirm_new_ename `prefix'mean
//use aweights with -summarize-
local wtype `e(wtype)'
if "`wtype'"=="pweight" local wtype aweight
local subpop "`e(subpop)'"
if "`subpop'"=="" local subpop 1
//copy coefficients matrix and determine varnames
tempname results
mat `results' = e(b)
local vars: colnames `results'
//loop over variables: calculate -mean-
local j 0
foreach var of local vars {
local ++j
capture confirm_numvar `var'
if _rc mat `results'[1,`j'] = .z
else {
capt su `var' [`wtype'`e(wexp)'] if e(sample) & `subpop', meanonly
mat `results'[1,`j'] = cond(_rc,.,r(mean))
//return the results
ereturn matrix `prefix'mean = `results'
di _n as txt "added matrix:"
added_matrix `prefix'mean
* 6.
* -estadd- subroutine: standard deviations of regressors
program define estadd_sd, eclass
version 8.2
syntax [, noBinary Prefix(name) Replace Quietly ]
//check availability of e(sample)
//check e()-names
if "`replace'"=="" confirm_new_ename `prefix'sd
//use aweights with -summarize-
local wtype `e(wtype)'
if "`wtype'"=="pweight" local wtype aweight
local subpop "`e(subpop)'"
if "`subpop'"=="" local subpop 1
//copy coefficients matrix and determine varnames
tempname results
mat `results' = e(b)
local vars: colnames `results'
//loop over variables: calculate -mean-
local j 0
foreach var of local vars {
local ++j
capture confirm_numvar `var'
if _rc mat `results'[1,`j'] = .z
else {
capture assert `var'==0 | `var'==1 if e(sample) & `subpop'
if _rc | "`binary'"=="" {
capt su `var' [`wtype'`e(wexp)'] if e(sample) & `subpop'
mat `results'[1,`j'] = cond(_rc,.,r(sd))
else mat `results'[1,`j'] = .z
//return the results
ereturn matrix `prefix'sd = `results'
di _n as txt "added matrix:"
added_matrix `prefix'sd
* 7.
* -estadd- subroutine: standardized coefficients
program define estadd_beta, eclass
version 8.2
syntax [, Prefix(name) Replace Quietly ]
//check availability of e(sample)
//check e()-names
if "`replace'"=="" confirm_new_ename `prefix'beta
//use aweights with -summarize-
local wtype `e(wtype)'
if "`wtype'"=="pweight" local wtype aweight
local subpop "`e(subpop)'"
if "`subpop'"=="" local subpop 1
//copy coefficients matrix and determine varnames
tempname results sddep
mat `results' = e(b)
local vars: colnames `results'
local eqs: coleq `results', q
local depv "`e(depvar)'"
//loop over variables: calculate -beta-
local j 0
local lastdepvar
foreach var of local vars {
local depvar: word `++j' of `eqs'
if "`depvar'"=="_" local depvar "`depv'"
capture confirm_numvar `depvar'
if _rc mat `results'[1,`j'] = .z
else {
if "`depvar'"!="`lastdepvar'" {
capt su `depvar' [`wtype'`e(wexp)'] if e(sample) & `subpop'
scalar `sddep' = cond(_rc,.,r(sd))
capture confirm_numvar `var'
if _rc mat `results'[1,`j'] = .z
else {
capt su `var' [`wtype'`e(wexp)'] if e(sample) & `subpop'
mat `results'[1,`j'] = cond(_rc,.,`results'[1,`j'] * r(sd) / `sddep')
local lastdepvar "`depvar'"
//return the results
ereturn matrix `prefix'beta = `results'
di _n as txt "added matrix:"
added_matrix `prefix'beta
* 8.
* -estadd- subroutine: Cox & Snell Pseudo R-Squared
program define estadd_coxsnell, eclass
version 8.2
syntax [, Prefix(name) Replace Quietly ]
//check e()-names
if "`replace'"=="" confirm_new_ename `prefix'coxsnell
//compute statistic
tempname results
scalar `results' = 1 - exp((e(ll_0)-e(ll))*2/e(N)) // = 1 - exp(e(ll_0)-e(ll))^(2/e(N))
//return the results
*di as txt "Cox & Snell Pseudo R2 = " as res `results'
ereturn scalar `prefix'coxsnell = `results'
di _n as txt "added scalar:"
added_scalar `prefix'coxsnell
* 9.
* -estadd- subroutine: Nagelkerke Pseudo R-Squared
program define estadd_nagelkerke, eclass
version 8.2
syntax [, Prefix(name) Replace Quietly ]
//check e()-names
if "`replace'"=="" confirm_new_ename `prefix'nagelkerke
//compute statistic
tempname results
scalar `results' = (1 - exp((e(ll_0)-e(ll))*2/e(N))) / (1 - exp(e(ll_0)*2/e(N)))
// = (1 - exp(e(ll_0)-e(ll))^(2/e(N))) / (1 - exp(e(ll_0))^(2/e(N)))
//return the results
*di as txt "Nagelkerke Pseudo R2 = " as res `results'
ereturn scalar `prefix'nagelkerke = `results'
di _n as txt "added scalar:"
added_scalar `prefix'nagelkerke
* 10.
* -estadd- subroutine: summary statistics for dependent variable
program define estadd_ysumm, eclass
version 8.2
syntax [, MEan SUm MIn MAx RAnge sd Var cv SEMean SKewness ///
Kurtosis MEDian p1 p5 p10 p25 p50 p75 p90 p95 p99 iqr q all ///
Prefix(passthru) Replace Quietly ]
//check availability of e(sample)
//default prefix
if `"`prefix'"'=="" local prefix y
else {
local 0 ", `prefix'"
syntax [, prefix(name) ]
//use aweights with -summarize-
local wtype `e(wtype)'
if "`wtype'"=="pweight" local wtype aweight
local subpop "`e(subpop)'"
if "`subpop'"=="" local subpop 1
//determine list of stats
tempname results
local Stats p99 p95 p90 p75 p50 p25 p10 p5 p1 kurtosis ///
skewness var sd max min sum mean
if "`all'"!="" {
local stats `Stats'
local range range
local cv cv
local semean semean
local iqr iqr
local sumtype detail
else {
if "`q'"!="" {
local p25 p25
local p50 p50
local p75 p75
if "`median'"!="" local p50 p50
foreach stat of local Stats {
if "``stat''"!="" {
local stats: list stats | stat
if "`stats'"=="" & "`range'"=="" & "`cv'"=="" & ///
"`semean'"=="" & "`iqr'"=="" local stats sd max min mean
local sumtype sum mean min max
if "`:list stats - sumtype'"=="" & "`cv'"=="" & ///
"`semean'"=="" & "`iqr'"=="" local sumtype meanonly
else {
local sumtype `sumtype' Var sd
if "`:list stats - sumtype'"=="" & "`iqr'"=="" local sumtype
else local sumtype detail
local Stats: subinstr local stats "var" "Var"
local nstats: word count `iqr' `semean' `cv' `range' `stats'
if "`replace'"=="" {
foreach stat in `iqr' `semean' `cv' `range' `stats' {
confirm_new_ename `prefix'`=lower("`stat'")'
//calculate stats
local var: word 1 of `e(depvar)'
mat `results' = J(`nstats',1,.z)
qui su `var' [`wtype'`e(wexp)'] if e(sample) & `subpop', `sumtype'
local i 0
if "`iqr'"!="" {
mat `results'[`++i',1] = r(p75) - r(p25)
if "`semean'"!="" {
mat `results'[`++i',1] = r(sd) / sqrt(r(N))
if "`cv'"!="" {
mat `results'[`++i',1] = r(sd) / r(mean)
if "`range'"!="" {
mat `results'[`++i',1] = r(max) - r(min)
foreach stat of local Stats {
mat `results'[`++i',1] = r(`stat')
//return the results
local i 0
di as txt _n "added scalars:"
foreach stat in `iqr' `semean' `cv' `range' `stats' {
local sname = lower("`stat'")
ereturn scalar `prefix'`sname' = `results'[`++i',1]
added_scalar `prefix'`sname'
* 11.
* -estadd- subroutine: various summary statistics
program define estadd_summ, eclass
version 8.2
syntax [, MEan SUm MIn MAx RAnge sd Var cv SEMean SKewness ///
Kurtosis MEDian p1 p5 p10 p25 p50 p75 p90 p95 p99 iqr q all ///
Prefix(name) Replace Quietly ]
//check availability of e(sample)
//use aweights with -summarize-
local wtype `e(wtype)'
if "`wtype'"=="pweight" local wtype aweight
local subpop "`e(subpop)'"
if "`subpop'"=="" local subpop 1
//determine list of stats
tempname results results2
local Stats p99 p95 p90 p75 p50 p25 p10 p5 p1 kurtosis ///
skewness var sd max min sum mean
if "`all'"!="" {
local stats `Stats'
local range range
local cv cv
local semean semean
local iqr iqr
local sumtype detail
else {
if "`q'"!="" {
local p25 p25
local p50 p50
local p75 p75
if "`median'"!="" local p50 p50
foreach stat of local Stats {
if "``stat''"!="" {
local stats: list stats | stat
if "`stats'"=="" & "`range'"=="" & "`cv'"=="" & ///
"`semean'"=="" & "`iqr'"=="" local stats sd max min mean
local sumtype sum mean min max
if "`:list stats - sumtype'"=="" & "`cv'"=="" & ///
"`semean'"=="" & "`iqr'"=="" local sumtype meanonly
else {
local sumtype `sumtype' Var sd
if "`:list stats - sumtype'"=="" & "`iqr'"=="" local sumtype
else local sumtype detail
local Stats: subinstr local stats "var" "Var"
local nstats: word count `iqr' `semean' `cv' `range' `stats'
if "`replace'"=="" {
foreach stat in `iqr' `semean' `cv' `range' `stats' {
confirm_new_ename `prefix'`=lower("`stat'")'
//copy coefficients matrix and determine varnames
mat `results' = e(b)
local vars: colnames `results'
if `nstats'>1 {
mat `results' = `results' \ J(`nstats'-1,colsof(`results'),.z)
//loop over variables: calculate stats
local j 0
foreach var of local vars {
local ++j
capture confirm_numvar `var'
if _rc mat `results'[1,`j'] = .z
else {
capt su `var' [`wtype'`e(wexp)'] if e(sample) & `subpop', `sumtype'
local i 0
if "`iqr'"!="" {
mat `results'[`++i',`j'] = cond(_rc,.,r(p75) - r(p25))
if "`semean'"!="" {
mat `results'[`++i',`j'] = cond(_rc,.,r(sd) / sqrt(r(N)))
if "`cv'"!="" {
mat `results'[`++i',`j'] = cond(_rc,.,r(sd) / r(mean))
if "`range'"!="" {
mat `results'[`++i',`j'] = cond(_rc,.,r(max) - r(min))
foreach stat of local Stats {
mat `results'[`++i',`j'] = cond(_rc,.,r(`stat'))
//return the results
local i 0
di as txt _n "added matrices:"
foreach stat in `iqr' `semean' `cv' `range' `stats' {
local sname = lower("`stat'")
mat `results2' = `results'[`++i',1...]
ereturn matrix `prefix'`sname' = `results2'
added_matrix `prefix'`sname'
* 12.
* -estadd- subroutine: variance inflation factors
program define estadd_vif, eclass
version 8.2
local caller : di _caller()
syntax [, TOLerance SQRvif Prefix(name) Replace Quietly ]
//check availability of e(sample)
//check e()-names
if "`replace'"=="" {
confirm_new_ename `prefix'vif
if "`tolerance'"!="" confirm_new_ename `prefix'tolerance
if "`sqrvif'"!="" confirm_new_ename `prefix'sqrvif
//copy coefficients matrix and set to .z
tempname results results2 results3
matrix `results' = e(b)
forv j = 1/`=colsof(`results')' {
mat `results'[1,`j'] = .z
if "`tolerance'"!="" mat `results2' = `results'
if "`sqrvif'"!="" mat `results3' = `results'
//compute VIF and add to results vector
capt n `quietly' version `caller': vif
if _rc {
if _rc == 301 di as err "-estadd:vif- can only be used after -regress-"
exit _rc
local i 0
local name "`r(name_`++i')'"
while "`name'"!="" {
local j = colnumb(`results',"`name'")
if `j'<. {
matrix `results'[1,`j'] = r(vif_`i')
if "`tolerance'"!="" matrix `results2'[1,`j'] = 1 / r(vif_`i')
if "`sqrvif'"!="" matrix `results3'[1,`j'] = sqrt( r(vif_`i') )
local name "`r(name_`++i')'"
//return the results
if "`sqrvif'"!="" | "`tolerance'"!="" di as txt _n "added matrices:"
else di as txt _n "added matrix:"
if "`sqrvif'"!="" {
ereturn matrix `prefix'sqrvif = `results3'
added_matrix `prefix'sqrvif
if "`tolerance'"!="" {
ereturn matrix `prefix'tolerance = `results2'
added_matrix `prefix'tolerance
ereturn matrix `prefix'vif = `results'
added_matrix `prefix'vif
* 13.
* -estadd- subroutine: standardized factor change coefficients
program define estadd_ebsd, eclass
version 8.2
syntax [, Prefix(name) Replace Quietly ]
//check availability of e(sample)
//check e()-names
if "`replace'"=="" confirm_new_ename `prefix'ebsd
//use aweights with -summarize-
local wtype `e(wtype)'
if "`wtype'"=="pweight" local wtype aweight
local subpop "`e(subpop)'"
if "`subpop'"=="" local subpop 1
//copy coefficients matrix and determine varnames
tempname results
mat `results' = e(b)
local vars: colnames `results'
//loop over variables: calculate -mean-
local j 0
foreach var of local vars {
local ++j
capture confirm_numvar `var'
if _rc mat `results'[1,`j'] = .z
else {
capt su `var' [`wtype'`e(wexp)'] if e(sample) & `subpop'
mat `results'[1,`j'] = cond(_rc,.,exp( `results'[1,`j'] * r(sd)))
//return the results
ereturn matrix `prefix'ebsd = `results'
di _n as txt "added matrix:"
added_matrix `prefix'ebsd
* 14.
* -estadd- subroutine: exponentiated coefficients
program define estadd_expb, eclass
version 8.2
syntax [, noCONStant Prefix(name) Replace Quietly ]
//check e()-names
if "`replace'"=="" confirm_new_ename `prefix'expb
//copy coefficients matrix and determine names of coefficients
tempname results
mat `results' = e(b)
local coefs: colnames `results'
//loop over coefficients
local j 0
foreach coef of local coefs {
local ++j
if `"`constant'"'!="" & `"`coef'"'=="_cons" {
mat `results'[1,`j'] = .z
else {
mat `results'[1,`j'] = exp(`results'[1,`j'])
//return the results
ereturn matrix `prefix'expb = `results'
di _n as txt "added matrix:"
added_matrix `prefix'expb
* 15.
* -estadd- subroutine: partial and semi-partial correlations
program define estadd_pcorr, eclass
version 8.2
syntax [, semi Prefix(name) Replace Quietly ]
//check availability of e(sample)
//check e()-names
if "`replace'"=="" {
if "`semi'"!="" confirm_new_ename `prefix'spcorr
confirm_new_ename `prefix'pcorr
//copy coefficients matrix and set to .z
tempname results results2
matrix `results' = e(b)
forv j = 1/`=colsof(`results')' {
mat `results'[1,`j'] = .z
local eqs: coleq `results', quoted
local eq: word 1 of `eqs'
mat `results2' = `results'[1,"`eq':"]
local vars: colnames `results2'
foreach var of local vars {
capt confirm numeric var `var'
if !_rc local temp "`temp'`var' "
local vars "`temp'"
if "`semi'"!="" mat `results2' = `results'
else {
mat drop `results2'
local results2
local depv: word 1 of `e(depvar)'
//compute statistics and add to results vector
local wtype `e(wtype)'
if inlist("`wtype'","pweight","iweight") local wtype aweight
_estadd_pcorr_compute `depv' `vars' [`wtype'`e(wexp)'] if e(sample), ///
eq(`eq') results(`results') results2(`results2')
//return the results
if "`semi'"!="" {
di as txt _n "added matrices:"
ereturn matrix `prefix'spcorr = `results2'
added_matrix `prefix'spcorr
else di as txt _n "added matrix:"
ereturn matrix `prefix'pcorr = `results'
added_matrix `prefix'pcorr
program define _estadd_pcorr_compute // based on pcorr.ado by StataCorp
// and pcorr2.ado by Richard Williams
syntax varlist(min=1) [aw fw] [if], eq(str) results(str) [ results2(str) ]
marksample touse
tempname hcurrent
_est hold `hcurrent', restore
quietly reg `varlist' [`weight'`exp'] if `touse'
if (e(N)==0 | e(N)>=.) error 2000
local NmK = e(df_r)
local R2 = e(r2)
gettoken depv varlist: varlist
foreach var of local varlist {
quietly test `var'
if r(F)<. {
local s "1"
if _b[`var']<0 local s "-1"
local c = colnumb(`results',"`eq':`var'")
mat `results'[1,`c'] = `s' * sqrt(r(F)/(r(F)+`NmK'))
if "`results2'"!="" {
mat `results2'[1,`c'] = `s' * sqrt(r(F)*((1-`R2')/`NmK'))
* 16.
* -estadd- subroutine: Likelihood-ratio test
program define estadd_lrtest, eclass
version 8.2
local caller : di _caller()
syntax anything(id="model") [, Name(name) Prefix(name) Replace Quietly * ]
if "`name'"=="" local name lrtest_
//check e()-names
if "`replace'"=="" {
confirm_new_ename `prefix'`name'p
confirm_new_ename `prefix'`name'chi2
confirm_new_ename `prefix'`name'df
//compute statistics
`quietly' version `caller': lrtest `anything', `options'
//return the results
ereturn scalar `prefix'`name'p = r(p)
ereturn scalar `prefix'`name'chi2 = r(chi2)
ereturn scalar `prefix'`name'df = r(df)
di _n as txt "added scalars:"
added_scalar `prefix'`name'p
added_scalar `prefix'`name'chi2
added_scalar `prefix'`name'df
* 17.
* -estadd- subroutine: support for -brant- by Long and Freese
* (see
program define estadd_brant, eclass
version 8.2
local caller : di _caller()
syntax [ , Prefix(name) Replace Quietly * ]
capt findfile brant.ado
if _rc {
di as error "fitstat.ado from the -spost9_ado- package by Long and Freese required"
di as error `"type {stata "net from"}"'
error 499
// check names
if "`replace'"=="" {
foreach name in brant_chi2 brant_df brant_p brant {
confirm_new_ename `prefix'`name'
// compute and return the results
`quietly' version `caller': brant, `options'
di as txt _n "added scalars:"
foreach stat in chi2 df p {
ereturn scalar `prefix'brant_`stat' = r(`stat')
added_scalar `prefix'brant_`stat'
tempname mat
matrix `mat' = r(ivtests)
matrix `mat' = `mat''
ereturn matrix `prefix'brant = `mat'
di as txt _n "added matrix:"
added_matrix `prefix'brant _rown
* 18.
* -estadd- subroutine: support for -fitstat- by Long and Freese
* (see
program define estadd_fitstat, eclass
version 8.2
local caller : di _caller()
syntax [ , Prefix(name) Replace Quietly Bic * ]
capt findfile fitstat.ado
if _rc {
di as error "fitstat.ado from the -spost9_ado- package by Long and Freese required"
di as error `"type {stata "net from"}"'
error 499
`quietly' version `caller': fitstat, `bic' `options'
local stats: r(scalars)
local allstats ///
dev dev_df lrx2 lrx2_df lrx2_p r2_adj r2_mf r2_mfadj r2_ml ///
r2_cu r2_mz r2_ef v_ystar v_error r2_ct r2_ctadj aic aic_n ///
bic bic_p statabic stataaic n_rhs n_parm
local stats: list allstats & stats
if "`bic'"!="" {
local bic aic aic_n bic bic_p statabic stataaic
local stats: list bic & stats
// check names
if "`replace'"=="" {
foreach stat of local stats {
if inlist("`stat'", "bic", "aic") local rname `stat'0
else local rname `stat'
confirm_new_ename `prefix'`rname'
// return the results
di as txt _n "added scalars:"
foreach stat of local stats {
if inlist("`stat'", "bic", "aic") local rname `stat'0
else local rname `stat'
ereturn scalar `prefix'`rname' = r(`stat')
added_scalar `prefix'`rname'
* 19.
* -estadd- subroutine: support for -listcoef- by Long and Freese
* (see
program define estadd_listcoef, eclass
version 8.2
local caller : di _caller()
syntax [anything] [ , Prefix(name) Replace Quietly ///
nosd gt lt ADJacent Matrix EXpand * ]
// handle some options and look for e(sample)
if `"`matrix'"'!="" {
local matrix matrix
if `"`e(cmd)'"'=="slogit" & "`expand'"!="" {
di as err "-expand- option not supported"
exit 198
// set some constants
local listcoef_matrices "xs ys std fact facts pct pcts"
if "`sd'"=="" local listcoef_matrices "`listcoef_matrices' sdx"
// run listcoef
capt findfile listcoef.ado
if _rc {
di as error "-listcoef- from the -spost9_ado- package by Long and Freese required"
di as error `"type {stata "net from"}"'
error 499
`quietly' version `caller': listcoef `anything' , matrix `gt' `lt' `adjacent' `options'
// check existing e()'s
if "`replace'"=="" {
confirm_new_ename `prefix'pvalue
foreach matrix of local listcoef_matrices {
_estadd_listcoef_ChkEName b_`matrix', prefix(`prefix')
// grab r()-results and post in e()
di as txt _n "added matrices:"
if inlist(`"`e(cmd)'"',"mlogit","mprobit") {
_estadd_listcoef_AddResToNomModl `listcoef_matrices', prefix(`prefix') `gt' `lt' `adjacent'
else {
foreach matrix of local listcoef_matrices {
_estadd_listcoef_AddMatToE `matrix', prefix(`prefix')
program define _estadd_listcoef_ChkEName
syntax name [, prefix(str) ]
capt confirm matrix r(`namelist')
if _rc exit
confirm_new_ename `prefix'`namelist'
program define _estadd_listcoef_AddMatToE, eclass
syntax name [, prefix(str) ]
capt confirm matrix r(b_`namelist')
if _rc exit
tempname tmp
matrix `tmp' = r(b_`namelist')
capt confirm matrix r(b2_`namelist')
if _rc==0 {
local eqnames: coleq e(b), quoted
local eqnames: list uniq eqnames
local eqname: word 1 of `eqnames'
mat coleq `tmp' = `"`eqname'"'
tempname tmp2
matrix `tmp2' = r(b2_`namelist')
local eqname: word 2 of `eqnames'
mat coleq `tmp2' = `"`eqname'"'
mat `tmp' = `tmp' , `tmp2'
mat drop `tmp2'
ereturn matrix `prefix'b_`namelist' = `tmp'
added_matrix `prefix'b_`namelist' _rown
program define _estadd_listcoef_AddResToNomModl, eclass
syntax anything(name=listcoef_matrices) [, prefix(str) gt lt ADJacent ]
if "`lt'"=="" & "`gt'"=="" {
local lt lt
local gt gt
local adjacent = "`adjacent'"!=""
local lt = "`lt'"!=""
local gt = "`gt'"!=""
// outcomes and labels
tempname outcomes
if `"`e(cmd)'"'=="mlogit" {
if c(stata_version) < 9 local type cat
else local type out
mat `outcomes' = e(`type')
local noutcomes = colsof(`outcomes')
local eqnames `"`e(eqnames)'"'
if (`:list sizeof eqnames'<`noutcomes') {
local ibase = e(ibase`type')
else local ibase 0
forv i = 1/`noutcomes' {
if `i'==`ibase' {
local outcomelab`i' `"`e(baselab)'"'
else {
gettoken eq eqnames : eqnames
local outcomelab`i' `"`eq'"'
if `"`outcomelab`i''"'=="" {
local outcomelab`i': di `outcomes'[1,`i']
else if `"`e(cmd)'"'=="mprobit" {
mat `outcomes' = e(outcomes)'
local noutcomes = colsof(`outcomes')
forv i = 1/`noutcomes' {
local outcomelab`i' `"`e(out`i')'"'
else {
di as err `"`e(cmd)' not supported"
exit 499
// collect vectors
tempname stats
mat `stats' = r(b) \ r(b_z) \ r(b_z) \ r(b_p)
forv i = 1/`=colsof(`stats')' {
mat `stats'[2,`i'] = `stats'[1,`i'] / `stats'[3,`i']
mat rown `stats' = "b" "se" "z" "P>|z|"
local enames "b_raw b_se b_z b_p"
foreach matrix of local listcoef_matrices {
capt confirm matrix r(b_`matrix')
if _rc continue
mat `stats' = `stats' \ r(b_`matrix')
local enames `"`enames' b_`matrix'"'
// select/reorder contrasts of interest
local contrast "r(contrast)"
local ncontrast = colsof(`contrast')
tempname stats0 temp
matrix rename `stats' `stats0'
forv i = 1/`noutcomes' {
local out1 = `outcomes'[1, `i']
local j 0
forv j = 1/`noutcomes' {
local out2 = `outcomes'[1, `j']
if `out1'==`out2' continue
if `adjacent' & abs(`i'-`j')>1 continue
if `lt'==0 & `out1'<`out2' continue
if `gt'==0 & `out1'>`out2' continue
forv l = 1/`ncontrast' {
if el(`contrast',1,`l')!=`out1' continue
if el(`contrast',2,`l')!=`out2' continue
mat `temp' = `stats0'[1..., `l']
mat coleq `temp' = `"`outcomelab`i''-`outcomelab`j'"'
mat `stats' = nullmat(`stats'), `temp'
capt mat drop `stats0'
// post rows to e()
local i 0
foreach ename of local enames {
local ++i
mat `temp' = `stats'[`i', 1...]
ereturn matrix `prefix'`ename' = `temp'
added_matrix `prefix'`ename' _rown
* 20.
* -estadd- subroutine: support for -mlogtest- by Long and Freese
* (see
program define estadd_mlogtest, eclass
version 8.2
local caller : di _caller()
syntax [anything] [ , Prefix(name) Replace Quietly set(passthru) * ]
`quietly' version `caller': mlogtest `anything' , `set' `options'
local rmat: r(matrices)
// check names
if `"`replace'"'=="" {
foreach m in combine lrcomb {
if `:list m in rmat'==0 continue
forv r = 1/`=rowsof(r(`m'))' {
local cat1 = el(r(`m'),`r',1)
local cat2 = el(r(`m'),`r',2)
confirm_new_ename `prefix'`m'_`cat1'_`cat2'_chi2
confirm_new_ename `prefix'`m'_`cat1'_`cat2'_df
confirm_new_ename `prefix'`m'_`cat1'_`cat2'_p
foreach m in hausman suest smhsiao {
if `:list m in rmat'==0 continue
forv r = 1/`=rowsof(r(`m'))' {
local cat = el(r(`m'),`r',1)
confirm_new_ename `prefix'`m'_`cat'_chi2
confirm_new_ename `prefix'`m'_`cat'_df
confirm_new_ename `prefix'`m'_`cat'_p
if `"`set'"'!="" {
foreach m in wald lrtest {
if `:list m in rmat'==0 continue
local i 0
local r = rownumb(r(`m'),"set_`++i'")
while(`r'<.) {
confirm_new_ename `prefix'`m'_set`i'_chi2
confirm_new_ename `prefix'`m'_set`i'_df
confirm_new_ename `prefix'`m'_set`i'_p
local r = rownumb(r(`m'),"set_`++i'")
foreach m in wald lrtest {
if `:list m in rmat'==0 continue
local r .
if `"`set'"'!="" local r = rownumb(r(`m'),"set_1")-1
if `r'<1 continue
confirm_new_ename `prefix'`m'
local di_added_scalars `"di _n as txt "added scalars:"'
// combine
foreach m in combine lrcomb {
if `:list m in rmat'==0 continue
local di_added_scalars
forv r = 1/`=rowsof(r(`m'))' {
local cat1 = el(r(`m'),`r',1)
local cat2 = el(r(`m'),`r',2)
eret scalar `prefix'`m'_`cat1'_`cat2'_chi2 = el(r(`m'),`r',3)
added_scalar `prefix'`m'_`cat1'_`cat2'_chi2
eret scalar `prefix'`m'_`cat1'_`cat2'_df = el(r(`m'),`r',4)
added_scalar `prefix'`m'_`cat1'_`cat2'_df
eret scalar `prefix'`m'_`cat1'_`cat2'_p = el(r(`m'),`r',5)
added_scalar `prefix'`m'_`cat1'_`cat2'_p
// iia
foreach m in hausman suest smhsiao {
if `:list m in rmat'==0 continue
local di_added_scalars
if "`m'"=="smhsiao" local skip 2
else local skip 0
forv r = 1/`=rowsof(r(`m'))' {
local cat = el(r(`m'),`r',1)
eret scalar `prefix'`m'_`cat'_chi2 = el(r(`m'),`r',2+`skip')
added_scalar `prefix'`m'_`cat'_chi2
eret scalar `prefix'`m'_`cat'_df = el(r(`m'),`r',3+`skip')
added_scalar `prefix'`m'_`cat'_df
eret scalar `prefix'`m'_`cat'_p = el(r(`m'),`r',4+`skip')
added_scalar `prefix'`m'_`cat'_p
// wald/lrtest
tempname tmp
if `"`set'"'!="" {
foreach m in wald lrtest {
if `:list m in rmat'==0 continue
local i 0
local r = rownumb(r(`m'),"set_`++i'")
if `r'>=. continue
local di_added_scalars
while(`r'<.) {
eret scalar `prefix'`m'_set`i'_chi2 = el(r(`m'),`r',1)
added_scalar `prefix'`m'_set`i'_chi2
eret scalar `prefix'`m'_set`i'_df = el(r(`m'),`r',2)
added_scalar `prefix'`m'_set`i'_df
eret scalar `prefix'`m'_set`i'_p = el(r(`m'),`r',3)
added_scalar `prefix'`m'_set`i'_p
local r = rownumb(r(`m'),"set_`++i'")
local di_added_matrices `"di _n as txt "added matrices:"'
foreach m in wald lrtest {
if `:list m in rmat'==0 continue
local r .
if `"`set'"'!="" local r = rownumb(r(`m'),"set_1")-1
if `r'<1 continue
local di_added_matrices
mat `tmp' = r(`m')
mat `tmp' = `tmp'[1..`r',1...]'
eret mat `prefix'`m' = `tmp'
added_matrix `prefix'`m' _rown
* 21.
* -estadd- subroutine: support for -prchange- by Long and Freese
* (see
program define estadd_prchange
version 8.2
local caller : di _caller()
syntax [anything] [if] [in] [ , Prefix(name) Replace Quietly ///
PAttern(str) Binary(str) Continuous(str) NOAvg Avg split SPLIT2(name) ///
adapt /// old syntax; now works as synonym for noavg
Outcome(passthru) Fromto noBAse * ]
// handle some options
if `"`split2'"'!="" local split split
if "`split'"!="" & `"`outcome'"'!="" {
di as err "split and outcome() not both allowed"
exit 198
if "`split'"!="" & `"`avg'`noavg'"'!="" {
di as err "split and avg not both allowed"
exit 198
if "`avg'"!="" & `"`outcome'"'!="" {
di as err "avg and outcome not both allowed"
exit 198
if "`avg'"!="" & "`noavg'"!="" {
di as err "avg and noavg not both allowed"
exit 198
if `"`adapt'"'!="" local noavg noavg
if `:list sizeof binary'>1 | `:list sizeof continuous'>1 error 198
estadd_prchange_ExpandType binary `"`binary'"'
estadd_prchange_ExpandType continuous `"`continuous'"'
if `"`binary'"'=="" local binary 2
if `"`continuous'"'=="" local continuous 4
if `"`pattern'"'!="" {
estadd_prchange_ExpandType pattern `"`pattern'"'
// check e(sample)
// run prchange
capt findfile prchange.ado
if _rc {
di as error "-prchange- from the -spost9_ado- package by Long and Freese required"
di as error `"type {stata "net from"}"'
error 499
`quietly' version `caller': prchange `anything' `if' `in', `base' `outcome' `fromto' `options'
// determine type of model (ordinal: nomord = 1; nominal: nomord = 2)
local nomord = (r(modeltype)=="typical nomord")
if inlist(`"`e(cmd)'"',"mlogit","mprobit") local nomord = 2
if "`avg'`noavg'"!="" {
if `nomord'==0 {
di as err "avg not allowed with this model"
exit 198
if !`nomord' & "`split'"!="" {
di as err "split not allowed with this model"
exit 198
// determine outcome number (in prchange-returns)
if `"`outcome'"'!="" {
if `nomord' {
forv i = 1/`=colsof(r(catval))' {
if el(r(catval), 1, `i') == r(outcome) {
local outcomenum `i'
continue, break
if "`outcomenum'"=="" { // should never happen
di as err `"outcome `outcome' not found"'
exit 499
else {
local outcomenum = colnumb(r(predval), `"`r(outcome)'"')
// check names
if "`replace'"=="" {
if `"`outcome'"'!="" | "`split'"!="" | `nomord'==0 {
confirm_new_ename `prefix'predval
if `"`outcome'"'!="" | "`split'"!="" {
confirm_new_ename `prefix'outcome
else {
forv i = 1/`=colsof(r(catval))' {
local theoutcome: di el(r(catval),1,`i')
confirm_new_ename `prefix'predval`theoutcome'
confirm_new_ename `prefix'delta
confirm_new_ename `prefix'centered
confirm_new_ename `prefix'dc
if "`fromto'"!="" {
confirm_new_ename `prefix'dcfrom
confirm_new_ename `prefix'dcto
if "`nobase'"=="" {
confirm_new_ename `prefix'X
// grab r()-results and post in e()
if "`split'"!="" {
if `"`split2'"'=="" {
local split2 `"`e(_estadd_estimates_name)'"'
if `"`split2'"'=="" {
local split2 `"`e(cmd)'"'
local split2 `"`split2'_"'
_estadd_prchange_StoreEachOutc `split2' , nomord(`nomord') ///
pattern(`pattern') binary(`binary') continuous(`continuous') ///
`base' `fromto' prefix(`prefix')
else {
_estadd_prchange_AddStuffToE, nomord(`nomord') outcome(`outcomenum') ///
pattern(`pattern') binary(`binary') continuous(`continuous') ///
`avg' `noavg' `base' `fromto' prefix(`prefix')
program estadd_prchange_ExpandType
args name list
foreach l of local list {
local w = length(`"`l'"')
if `"`l'"'==substr("minmax",1,max(2,`w')) local type 1
else if `"`l'"'==substr("01",1,max(1,`w')) local type 2
else if `"`l'"'==substr("delta",1,max(1,`w')) local type 3
else if `"`l'"'==substr("sd",1,max(1,`w')) local type 4
else if `"`l'"'==substr("margefct",1,max(1,`w')) local type 5
else {
di as err `"'`l'' not allowed"'
exit 198
local newlist `newlist' `type'
c_local `name' `newlist'
program define _estadd_prchange_AddStuffToE, eclass
// input add
// ========================= ========================================
// outcome() nomord opt change changenm change# predval outcome
// no 0 - x last
// yes 0 - x x x
// no 1/2 - x all all
// yes 1/2 - x x x
// no 1/2 avg x all
// no 1/2 noavg all all
// nobase=="" => add X, SD, Min, Max
// all models => add centered, delta
syntax , nomord(str) [ pattern(passthru) binary(passthru) continuous(passthru) ///
outcome(str) NOAVG avg nobase fromto prefix(str) ] //
// prepare predval and determine value of outcome
if `"`outcome'"'!="" {
tempname predv
mat `predv' = r(predval)
mat `predv' = `predv'[1...,`outcome']
if `nomord' {
local theoutcome: di el(r(catval),1,`outcome')
else {
local theoutcome: colnames `predv'
// add scalars
di _n as txt "added scalars:"
// - predval and outcome
local cpredval = colsof(r(predval))
if `"`outcome'"'!="" {
ereturn scalar `prefix'predval = `predv'[1,1]
added_scalar `prefix'predval `"`lab_predval'"'
ereturn scalar `prefix'outcome = `theoutcome'
added_scalar `prefix'outcome
else if `nomord' { // add all
forv i=1/`cpredval' {
local theoutcome: di el(r(catval),1,`i')
ereturn scalar `prefix'predval`theoutcome' = el(r(predval),1,`i')
added_scalar `prefix'predval`theoutcome'
else { // add last
ereturn scalar `prefix'predval = el(r(predval),1,`cpredval')
added_scalar `prefix'predval
// - delta and centered
ereturn scalar `prefix'delta = r(delta)
added_scalar `prefix'delta
ereturn scalar `prefix'centered = r(centered)
added_scalar `prefix'centered
// add matrices
di _n as txt "added matrices:"
if `nomord'==0 {
if r(modeltype)=="twoeq count" & "`test'"=="" {
local eq: coleq e(b)
local eq: word 1 of `eq'
_estadd_prchange_PostMat r(change), prefix(`prefix') ///
name(dc) `pattern' `binary' `continuous' `fromto' eq(`eq')
else {
if `"`outcome'"'=="" {
if "`avg'"!="" local nomordmat "r(changemn)"
else {
tempname nomordmat
_estadd_prchange_GatherNomChMat `nomordmat' `noavg'
_estadd_prchange_PostMat `nomordmat', prefix(`prefix') ///
name(dc) `pattern' `binary' `continuous' `fromto'
else {
if `nomord'==2 {
_estadd_prchange_GetEqnmNomModl `theoutcome'
_estadd_prchange_PostMat r(change`theoutcome'), prefix(`prefix') ///
name(dc) `pattern' `binary' `continuous' `fromto' eq(`eq')
if `"`base'"'=="" {
_estadd_prchange_PostMat r(baseval), prefix(`prefix') name(X)
if `"`pattern'"'=="" {
_estadd_prchange_dcNote, prefix(`prefix') name(dc) `binary' `continuous'
program define _estadd_prchange_dcNote
syntax [ , prefix(str) name(str) binary(str) continuous(str) ]
local res `""{res:minmax} change" "{res:01} change" "{res:delta} change" "{res:sd} change" "{res:margefct}""'
local bres: word `binary' of `res'
local cres: word `continuous' of `res'
di _n as txt `"first row in e(dc) contains:"'
di _n `" `bres' for binary variables"'
di `" `cres' for continuous variables"'
program define _estadd_prchange_PostMat, eclass
syntax anything, name(str) [ Fromto eq(str) prefix(str) ///
pattern(passthru) binary(passthru) continuous(passthru) ]
capt confirm matrix `anything'
if _rc exit
tempname tmp1
local nmlist "`name'"
matrix `tmp1' = `anything'
if `"`eq'"'!="" {
mat coleq `tmp1' = `"`eq'"'
if `"`pattern'`binary'`continuous'"'!="" {
tempname pattmat
_estadd_prchange_Merge `tmp1', pattmat(`pattmat') `pattern' `binary' `continuous' `fromto'
if "`fromto'"!="" {
local nmlist "`nmlist' `name'from `name'to"
tempname tmp tmp2 tmp3
mat rename `tmp1' `tmp'
local r = rowsof(`tmp')
local i = 1
while (`i'<=`r') {
if (`r'-`i')>=2 {
mat `tmp2' = nullmat(`tmp2') \ `tmp'[`i++',1...] // from
mat `tmp3' = nullmat(`tmp3') \ `tmp'[`i++',1...] // to
mat `tmp1' = nullmat(`tmp1') \ `tmp'[`i++',1...]
mat drop `tmp'
local i 0
foreach nm of local nmlist {
local ++i
local rown: rown `tmp`i''
mat rown `tmp`i'' = `rown' // fix problem with leading blanks in equations
ereturn matrix `prefix'`nm' = `tmp`i''
added_matrix `prefix'`nm' _rown
if `"`pattmat'"'!="" {
ereturn matrix `prefix'pattern = `pattmat'
added_matrix `prefix'pattern
program define _estadd_prchange_Merge
syntax name(name=tmp1) [, pattmat(str) pattern(str) binary(str) continuous(str) fromto ]
tempname tmp
mat rename `tmp1' `tmp'
local r = cond("`fromto'"!="", 3, 1)
mat `tmp1' = `tmp'[1..`r',1...]*.
mat `pattmat' = `tmp'[1,1...]*.
local rtot = rowsof(`tmp')
mat rown `tmp1' = main
mat rown `pattmat' = :type
local vars: colnames `tmp1'
local eqs: coleq `tmp1', quoted
local j 0
foreach var of local vars {
local ++j
gettoken eq eqs : eqs
if `"`eq'"'!=`"`lasteq'"' gettoken type rest : pattern
else gettoken type rest : rest
local lasteq `"`eq'"'
if `"`type'"'=="" {
capt assert `var'==0|`var'==1 if e(sample) & `var'<.
if _rc local type `continuous'
else local type `binary'
local ii = (`type'-1)*`r'+1
forv i = 1/`r' {
if `r'>1 & `i'<3 & `ii'>=`rtot' {
mat `tmp1'[`i',`j'] = .z
else {
mat `tmp1'[`i',`j'] = `tmp'[`ii++',`j']
mat `pattmat'[1,`j'] = `type'
mat `tmp1' = `tmp1' \ `tmp'
program define _estadd_prchange_GatherNomChMat
args mat noavg
local cmd `"`e(cmd)'"'
tempname tmpmat
if `"`noavg'"'=="" {
mat `tmpmat' = r(changemn)
mat coleq `tmpmat' = `"Avg|Chg|"'
mat `mat' = `tmpmat'
if `"`cmd'"'=="mlogit" {
if c(stata_version) < 9 local outcat cat
else local outcat out
local k_cat = e(k_`outcat')
local eqnames `"`e(eqnames)'"'
if `k_cat'>`:list sizeof eqnames' { // no base equation
local ibase = e(ibase`outcat')
local baselab `"`e(baselab)'"'
if `"`baselab'"'=="" {
local baselab `"`e(base`outcat')'"'
forv i = 1/`k_cat' {
if `i'==`ibase' {
local eq `"`"`baselab'"'"'
else gettoken eq eqnames : eqnames, quotes
local temp `"`temp' `eq'"'
local eqnames: list retok temp
local i 0
foreach eq of local eqnames {
local ++i
local theoutcome: di el(e(`outcat'),1,`i')
mat `tmpmat' = r(change`theoutcome')
mat coleq `tmpmat' = `"`eq'"'
mat `mat' = nullmat(`mat'), `tmpmat'
else if `"`cmd'"'=="mprobit" {
local eqnames `"`e(outeqs)'"'
local i 0
foreach eq of local eqnames {
local ++i
local theoutcome: di el(e(outcomes),`i',1)
mat `tmpmat' = r(change`theoutcome')
mat coleq `tmpmat' = `"`eq'"'
mat `mat' = nullmat(`mat'), `tmpmat'
else { // ordered models
local eqnames : colnames r(catval)
local i 0
foreach eq of local eqnames {
local ++i
local theoutcome: di el(r(catval),1,`i')
mat `tmpmat' = r(change`theoutcome')
mat coleq `tmpmat' = `"`eq'"'
mat `mat' = nullmat(`mat'), `tmpmat'
program define _estadd_prchange_GetEqnmNomModl
args theoutcome
local cmd `"`e(cmd)'"'
if `"`cmd'"'=="mlogit" {
if c(stata_version) < 9 local outcat cat
else local outcat out
local k_cat = e(k_`outcat')
local eqnames `"`e(eqnames)'"'
local nobase = (`k_cat'>`:list sizeof eqnames')
if `nobase' {
local ibase = e(ibase`outcat')
local baselab `"`e(baselab)'"'
forv i = 1/`k_cat' {
if `nobase' {
if `i'==`ibase' {
local eq `"`baselab'"'
else gettoken eq eqnames : eqnames
else gettoken eq eqnames : eqnames
if el(e(`outcat'),1,`i')==`theoutcome' {
local value `"`eq'"'
continue, break
else if `"`cmd'"'=="mprobit" {
local eqnames `"`e(outeqs)'"'
local i 0
foreach eq of local eqnames {
if el(e(outcomes),`++i',1)==`theoutcome' {
local value `"`eq'"'
continue, break
if `"`value'"'=="" local value `theoutcome'
c_local eq `"`value'"'
program define _estadd_prchange_StoreEachOutc // only for nomord models
syntax anything [, nomord(str) nobase fromto prefix(passthru) ///
pattern(passthru) binary(passthru) continuous(passthru) ]
// backup estimates
tempname hcurrent
_est hold `hcurrent', copy restore estsystem
if `"`nomord'"'=="2" { // backup b and V
tempname b bi V Vi
mat `b' = e(b)
mat `V' = e(V)
// cycle through categories
local k_kat = colsof(r(predval))
tempname catval catvali
mat `catval' = r(catval)
forv i=1/`k_kat' {
mat `catvali' = `catval'[1...,`i']
local catlabi: colnames `catvali'
local catnumi: di `catvali'[1,1]
if `"`nomord'"'=="2" {
_estadd_prchange_GetEqnmNomModl `catnumi'
if colnumb(`b', `"`eq':"')<. {
mat `bi' = `b'[1...,`"`eq':"']
mat `Vi' = `V'[`"`eq':"',`"`eq':"']
else { // base outcome; get first eq and set zero
local tmp : coleq `b', q
gettoken tmp : tmp
mat `bi' = `b'[1...,`"`tmp':"'] * 0
mat `Vi' = `V'[`"`tmp':"',`"`tmp':"'] * 0
mat coleq `bi' = ""
mat coleq `Vi' = ""
mat roweq `Vi' = ""
erepost b=`bi' V=`Vi'
`qui' _estadd_prchange_AddStuffToE, nomord(1) outcome(`i') ///
`base' `fromto' `pattern' `binary' `continuous' `prefix'
`qui' di ""
local qui qui
_eststo `anything'`catnumi', title(`"`catlabi'"') // store without e(sample)
di as txt "results for outcome " as res `catnumi' ///
as txt " stored as " as res "`anything'`catnumi'"
// retore estimates
_est unhold `hcurrent'
* 22.
* -estadd- subroutine: support for -prvalue- by Long and Freese
* (see
program define estadd_prvalue, eclass
version 9.2
local caller : di _caller()
syntax [anything] [if] [in] [ , Prefix(passthru) Replace Quietly ///
LABel(str) Title(passthru) swap Diff * ]
// post
if `"`anything'"'!="" {
gettoken post post2 : anything
if `"`post'"'!="post" {
di as err `"`post' not allowed"'
exit 198
else if `"`label'"'!="" {
di as err "label() not allowed"
exit 198
_estadd_prvalue_Post `post2' `if' `in', `prefix' `replace' `quietly' ///
`title' `swap' `diff' `options'
else if `"`title'"'!="" {
di as err "title() not allowed"
exit 198
else if "`swap'"!="" {
di as err "swap not allowed"
exit 198
// look for e(sample)
// run prvalue
capt findfile prvalue.ado
if _rc {
di as error "-prvalue- from the -spost9_ado- package by Long and Freese required"
di as error `"type {stata "net from"}"'
error 499
`quietly' version `caller': prvalue `if' `in', `diff' `options'
// append?
capture confirm existence `e(_estadd_prvalue)'
local append = (_rc==0) & ("`replace'"=="")
tempname prvalue prvalue_x prvalue_x2
if `append' {
mat `prvalue' = e(_estadd_prvalue)
mat `prvalue_x' = e(_estadd_prvalue_x)
capt mat `prvalue_x2' = e(_estadd_prvalue_x2)
local ires = rowsof(`prvalue') + 1
else local ires 1
if `"`label'"'=="" {
local label "pred`ires'"
else {
local label = substr(`"`label'"', 1, 30) // 30 characters max
local problemchars `": . `"""'"'
foreach char of local problemchars {
local label: subinstr local label `"`char'"' "_", all
// collect results
tempname pred
mat `pred' = r(pred)
if `"`diff'"'!="" {
_estadd_prvalue_GetRidOfD `pred'
_estadd_prvalue_ReshapePred `pred', label(`label')
_estadd_prvalue_AddPred `prvalue' `pred' `append'
_estadd_prvalue_AddX `prvalue_x', label(`label')
capture confirm matrix r(x2)
local hasx2 = _rc==0
if `hasx2' {
_estadd_prvalue_AddX `prvalue_x2', label(`label') two
// post in e()
di as txt _n cond(`append',"updated","added") " matrices:"
ereturn matrix _estadd_prvalue = `prvalue'
added_matrix _estadd_prvalue
ereturn matrix _estadd_prvalue_x = `prvalue_x'
added_matrix _estadd_prvalue_x
if `hasx2' {
ereturn matrix _estadd_prvalue_x2 = `prvalue_x2'
added_matrix _estadd_prvalue_x2
program _estadd_prvalue_GetRidOfD
args pred
local coln: colnames `pred'
local firstcol: word 1 of `coln'
local nfirstcol = substr("`firstcol'",2,.)
local coln : subinstr local coln "`firstcol'" "`nfirstcol'" , word
mat coln `pred' = `coln'
program _estadd_prvalue_ReshapePred
syntax anything, label(str)
tempname tmp res
local r = rowsof(`anything')
forv i=1/`r' {
mat `tmp' = `anything'[`i',1...]
local nm: rownames `tmp'
mat coleq `tmp' = `"`nm'"'
mat `res' = nullmat(`res'), `tmp'
mat rown `res' = `"`label'"'
mat `anything' = `res'
program _estadd_prvalue_AddPred
args prvalue pred append
if `append' {
local coln1: colfullnames `prvalue'
local coln2: colfullnames `pred'
if `"`coln1'"'!=`"`coln2'"' {
di as err "incompatible prvalue results"
exit 498
mat `prvalue' = nullmat(`prvalue') \ `pred'
program _estadd_prvalue_AddX
syntax anything, label(str) [ two ]
if "`two'"!="" local two 2
tempname tmp
mat `tmp' = r(x`two')
mat rown `tmp' = `"`label'"'
mat `anything' = nullmat(`anything') \ `tmp'
program _estadd_prvalue_Post, eclass
syntax [name(name=post2)] [ , Prefix(name) Replace Quietly ///
Title(passthru) swap ]
capture confirm matrix e(_estadd_prvalue)
if _rc {
di as err "prvalue results not found"
exit 498
// backup estimates
tempname hcurrent
_est hold `hcurrent', copy restore estsystem
local cmd = e(cmd)
local depvar = e(depvar)
local N = e(N)
local estname `"`e(_estadd_estimates_name)'"'
// get results
tempname prvalue prvalue_x prvalue_x2
mat `prvalue' = e(_estadd_prvalue)
mat `prvalue_x' = e(_estadd_prvalue_x)
capture confirm matrix e(_estadd_prvalue_x2)
local hasx2 = _rc==0
if `hasx2' {
mat `prvalue_x2' = e(_estadd_prvalue_x2)
// return prvalues
tempname tmp tmp2 b se
if "`swap'"=="" {
local eqs: coleq `prvalue', q
local eqs: list uniq eqs
foreach eq of local eqs {
mat `tmp' = `prvalue'[1...,`"`eq':"']
mat `tmp2' = `tmp'[1...,1]'
mat coleq `tmp2' = `"`eq'"'
mat roweq `tmp2' = ""
mat `b' = nullmat(`b'), `tmp2'
mat `tmp2' = `tmp'[1...,`"`eq':SE"']'
mat coleq `tmp2' = `"`eq'"'
mat roweq `tmp2' = ""
mat `se' = nullmat(`se'), `tmp2'
mat drop `tmp' `tmp2'
else {
local r = rowsof(`prvalue')
local c = colsof(`prvalue')
local coln: colnames `prvalue'
local eqs: coleq `prvalue', q
mat coln `prvalue' = `eqs'
mat coleq `prvalue' = `coln'
local coln: list uniq coln
local ncol: list sizeof coln
local icol: list posof "SE" in coln
forv i=1/`r' {
mat `tmp' = `prvalue'[`i',1...]
local labl : rownames `tmp'
forv j=1(`ncol')`c' {
mat `tmp2' = nullmat(`tmp2'), `tmp'[1...,`j']
mat coleq `tmp2' = `"`labl'"'
mat `b' = nullmat(`b'), `tmp2'
mat drop `tmp2'
forv j=`icol'(`ncol')`c' {
mat `tmp2' = nullmat(`tmp2'), `tmp'[1...,`j']
mat coleq `tmp2' = `"`labl'"'
mat `se' = nullmat(`se'), `tmp2'
mat drop `tmp2'
mat drop `tmp'
ereturn post `b', obs(`N')
ereturn local model "`cmd'"
ereturn local cmd "estadd_prvalue"
ereturn local depvar "`depvar'"
di as txt _n "scalars:"
added_scalar N
di as txt _n "macros:"
added_macro depvar
added_macro cmd
added_macro model
added_macro properties
di as txt _n "matrices:"
added_matrix b "predictions"
ereturn matrix se = `se'
added_matrix se "standard errors"
local istat 0
foreach stat in LB UB Category Cond {
local elabel: word `++istat' of "lower CI bounds" "upper CI bounds" ///
"outcome values" "conditional predictions"
if "`swap'"=="" {
foreach eq of local eqs {
local colnumb = colnumb(`prvalue',`"`eq':`stat'"')
if `colnumb'>=. continue
mat `tmp2' = `prvalue'[1...,`colnumb']'
mat coleq `tmp2' = `"`eq'"'
mat roweq `tmp2' = ""
mat `tmp' = nullmat(`tmp'), `tmp2'
else {
local icol: list posof "`stat'" in coln
if `icol'==0 continue
forv i=1/`r' {
mat `tmp2' = `prvalue'[`i',1...]
local labl : rownames `tmp2'
mat coleq `tmp2' = `"`labl'"'
forv j=`icol'(`ncol')`c' {
mat `tmp' = nullmat(`tmp'), `tmp2'[1...,`j']
mat drop `tmp2'
capt confirm matrix `tmp'
if _rc==0 {
ereturn matrix `prefix'`stat' = `tmp'
added_matrix `prefix'`stat' "`elabel'"
// return x-values
matrix `prvalue_x' = `prvalue_x''
ereturn matrix `prefix'X = `prvalue_x'
added_matrix `prefix'X _rown
if `hasx2' {
matrix `prvalue_x2' = `prvalue_x2''
ereturn matrix `prefix'X2 = `prvalue_x2'
added_matrix `prefix'X2 _rown
// store
if "`post2'"!="" {
_eststo `estname'`post2', `title'
di as txt _n "results stored as " as res "`estname'`post2'"
else if `"`title'"'!="" {
estimates change ., `title'
// retore estimates
if "`post2'"!="" {
_est unhold `hcurrent'
else {
_est unhold `hcurrent', not
* 23.
* -estadd- subroutine: support for -asprvalue- by Long and Freese
* (see
program define estadd_asprvalue, eclass
version 9.2
local caller : di _caller()
syntax [anything] [ , Prefix(passthru) Replace Quietly ///
LABel(str) Title(passthru) swap * ]
// post
if `"`anything'"'!="" {
gettoken post post2 : anything
if `"`post'"'!="post" {
di as err `"`post' not allowed"'
exit 198
else if `"`label'"'!="" {
di as err "label() not allowed"
exit 198
_estadd_asprvalue_Post `post2' , `prefix' `replace' `quietly' ///
`title' `swap' `options'
else if `"`title'"'!="" {
di as err "title() not allowed"
exit 198
else if "`swap'"!="" {
di as err "swap not allowed"
exit 198
// look for e(sample)
// run prvalue
capt findfile asprvalue.ado
if _rc {
di as error "-asprvalue- from the -spost9_ado- package by Long and Freese required"
di as error `"type {stata "net from"}"'
error 499
`quietly' version `caller': asprvalue , `options'
// append?
capture confirm existence `e(_estadd_asprval)'
local append = (_rc==0) & ("`replace'"=="")
tempname asprval asprval_asv asprval_csv
if `append' {
mat `asprval' = e(_estadd_asprval)
capt mat `asprval_asv' = e(_estadd_asprval_asv)
capt mat `asprval_csv' = e(_estadd_asprval_csv)
local ires = rowsof(`asprval') + 1
else local ires 1
if `"`label'"'=="" {
local label "pred`ires'"
else {
local label = substr(`"`label'"', 1, 30) // 30 characters max
local problemchars `": . `"""'"'
foreach char of local problemchars {
local label: subinstr local label `"`char'"' "_", all
// collect results
tempname res
mat `res' = r(p)
_estadd_asprvalue_Reshape `res', label(`label')
_estadd_asprvalue_Add `asprval' `res' `append'
capture confirm matrix r(asv)
local hasasv = _rc==0
if `hasasv' {
mat `res' = r(asv)
_estadd_asprvalue_Reshape `res', label(`label')
_estadd_asprvalue_Add `asprval_asv' `res' `append'
capture confirm matrix r(csv)
local hascsv = _rc==0
if `hascsv' {
_estadd_asprvalue_AddCsv `asprval_csv', label(`label')
// post in e()
di as txt _n cond(`append',"updated","added") " matrices:"
ereturn matrix _estadd_asprval = `asprval'
added_matrix _estadd_asprval
if `hasasv' {
ereturn matrix _estadd_asprval_asv = `asprval_asv'
added_matrix _estadd_asprval_asv
if `hascsv' {
ereturn matrix _estadd_asprval_csv = `asprval_csv'
added_matrix _estadd_asprval_csv
program _estadd_asprvalue_Reshape
syntax anything, label(str)
tempname tmp res
local r = rowsof(`anything')
forv i=1/`r' {
mat `tmp' = `anything'[`i',1...]
local nm: rownames `tmp'
mat coleq `tmp' = `"`nm'"'
mat `res' = nullmat(`res'), `tmp'
mat rown `res' = `"`label'"'
mat `anything' = `res'
program _estadd_asprvalue_Add
args master using append
if `append' {
local coln1: colfullnames `master'
local coln2: colfullnames `using'
if `"`coln1'"'!=`"`coln2'"' {
di as err "incompatible asprvalue results"
exit 498
mat `master' = nullmat(`master') \ `using'
program _estadd_asprvalue_AddCsv
syntax anything, label(str)
tempname tmp
mat `tmp' = r(csv)
mat rown `tmp' = `"`label'"'
mat `anything' = nullmat(`anything') \ `tmp'
program _estadd_asprvalue_Post, eclass
syntax [name(name=post2)] [ , Prefix(name) Replace Quietly ///
Title(passthru) swap ]
capture confirm matrix e(_estadd_asprval)
if _rc {
di as err "asprvalue results not found"
exit 498
// backup estimates
tempname hcurrent
_est hold `hcurrent', copy restore estsystem
local cmd = e(cmd)
local depvar = e(depvar)
local N = e(N)
local estname `"`e(_estadd_estimates_name)'"'
// get results
tempname asprval asprval_asv asprval_csv
mat `asprval' = e(_estadd_asprval)
capture confirm matrix e(_estadd_asprval_asv)
local hasasv = _rc==0
if `hasasv' {
mat `asprval_asv' = e(_estadd_asprval_asv)
capture confirm matrix e(_estadd_asprval_csv)
local hascsv = _rc==0
if `hascsv' {
mat `asprval_csv' = e(_estadd_asprval_csv)
// return predictions
tempname tmp tmp2 b
if "`swap'"=="" {
local eqs: coleq `asprval', q
local eqs: list uniq eqs
foreach eq of local eqs {
mat `tmp' = `asprval'[1...,`"`eq':"']
mat `tmp2' = `tmp'[1...,1]'
mat coleq `tmp2' = `"`eq'"'
mat roweq `tmp2' = ""
mat `b' = nullmat(`b'), `tmp2'
mat drop `tmp' `tmp2'
else {
local r = rowsof(`asprval')
local coln: colnames `asprval'
local eqs: coleq `asprval', q
mat coln `asprval' = `eqs'
forv i=1/`r' {
mat `tmp' = `asprval'[`i',1...]
local labl : rownames `tmp'
mat coleq `tmp' = `"`labl'"'
mat `b' = nullmat(`b'), `tmp'
mat drop `tmp'
ereturn post `b', obs(`N')
ereturn local model "`cmd'"
ereturn local cmd "estadd_asprvalue"
ereturn local depvar "`depvar'"
di as txt _n "scalars:"
added_scalar N
di as txt _n "macros:"
added_macro depvar
added_macro cmd
added_macro model
added_macro properties
di as txt _n "matrices:"
added_matrix b "predictions"
// return asv-values
if `hasasv' {
if "`swap'"=="" {
local vars: coleq `asprval_asv'
local vars: list uniq vars
local cats: colnames `asprval_asv'
local cats: list uniq cats
foreach var of local vars {
foreach cat of local cats {
mat `tmp2' = `asprval_asv'[1...,`"`var':`cat'"']'
mat coleq `tmp2' = `"`cat'"'
mat roweq `tmp2' = ""
mat `tmp' = nullmat(`tmp'), `tmp2'
mat rown `tmp' = `"`var'"'
mat `b' = nullmat(`b') \ `tmp'
mat drop `tmp'
else {
local r = rowsof(`asprval_asv')
local vars: coleq `asprval_asv'
local vars: list uniq vars
forv i=1/`r' {
foreach var of local vars {
mat `tmp2' = `asprval_asv'[`i',`"`var':"']
local lbl: rownames `tmp2'
mat coleq `tmp2' = `"`lbl'"'
mat rown `tmp2' = `"`var'"'
mat `tmp' = nullmat(`tmp') \ `tmp2'
mat `b' = nullmat(`b') , `tmp'
mat drop `tmp'
ereturn matrix `prefix'asv = `b'
added_matrix `prefix'asv _rown
// return csv-values
if `hascsv' {
matrix `asprval_csv' = `asprval_csv''
ereturn matrix `prefix'csv = `asprval_csv'
added_matrix `prefix'csv _rown
// store
if "`post2'"!="" {
_eststo `estname'`post2', `title'
di as txt _n "results stored as " as res "`estname'`post2'"
else if `"`title'"'!="" {
estimates change ., `title'
// retore estimates
if "`post2'"!="" {
_est unhold `hcurrent'
else {
_est unhold `hcurrent', not
* 24. estadd_margins
program define estadd_margins, eclass
version 11.0
local caller : di _caller()
syntax [ anything(everything equalok)] [fw aw iw pw] [, Prefix(name) Replace Quietly * ]
// set default prefix
if "`prefix'"=="" local prefix "margins_"
// compute and return the results
if `"`weight'`exp'"'!="" local wgtexp `"[`weight'`exp']"'
`quietly' version `caller': margins `anything' `wgtexp', `options'
// check names
local rscalars: r(scalars)
local rmacros: r(macros)
local rmatrices: r(matrices)
local rmatrices: subinstr local rmatrices "V" "se", word
if "`replace'"=="" {
foreach nmlist in rscalars rmacros rmatrices {
foreach name of local `nmlist' {
confirm_new_ename `prefix'`name'
// add results
di as txt _n "added scalars:"
foreach name of local rscalars {
ereturn scalar `prefix'`name' = r(`name')
added_scalar `prefix'`name'
di as txt _n "added macros:"
foreach name of local rmacros {
ereturn local `prefix'`name' `"`r(`name')'"'
added_macro `prefix'`name'
di as txt _n "added matrices:"
tempname tmpmat
foreach name of local rmatrices {
if "`name'"=="se" {
mat `tmpmat' = vecdiag(r(V))
forv i = 1/`=colsof(`tmpmat')' {
mat `tmpmat'[1,`i'] = sqrt(`tmpmat'[1,`i'])
else {
mat `tmpmat' = r(`name')
eret matrix `prefix'`name' = `tmpmat'
added_matrix `prefix'`name'
* 99.
* copy of erepost.ado, version 1.0.1, Ben Jann, 30jul2007
* used by estadd_listcoef and estadd_prchange
prog erepost, eclass
version 8.2
syntax [anything(equalok)] [, cmd(str) noEsample Esample2(varname) REName ///
Obs(passthru) Dof(passthru) PROPerties(passthru) * ]
if "`esample'"!="" & "`esample2'"!="" {
di as err "only one allowed of noesample and esample()"
exit 198
// parse [b = b] [V = V]
if `"`anything'"'!="" {
tokenize `"`anything'"', parse(" =")
if `"`7'"'!="" error 198
if `"`1'"'=="b" {
if `"`2'"'=="=" & `"`3'"'!="" {
local b `"`3'"'
confirm matrix `b'
else error 198
if `"`4'"'=="V" {
if `"`5'"'=="=" & `"`6'"'!="" {
local v `"`6'"'
confirm matrix `b'
else error 198
else if `"`4'"'!="" error 198
else if `"`1'"'=="V" {
if `"`4'"'!="" error 198
if `"`2'"'=="=" & `"`3'"'!="" {
local v `"`3'"'
confirm matrix `v'
else error 198
else error 198
//backup existing e()'s
if "`esample2'"!="" {
local sample "`esample2'"
else if "`esample'"=="" {
tempvar sample
gen byte `sample' = e(sample)
local emacros: e(macros)
if `"`properties'"'!="" {
local emacros: subinstr local emacros "properties" "", word
foreach emacro of local emacros {
local e_`emacro' `"`e(`emacro')'"'
local escalars: e(scalars)
if `"`obs'"'!="" {
local escalars: subinstr local escalars "N" "", word
if `"`dof'"'!="" {
local escalars: subinstr local escalars "df_r" "", word
foreach escalar of local escalars {
tempname e_`escalar'
scalar `e_`escalar'' = e(`escalar')
local ematrices: e(matrices)
if "`b'"=="" & `:list posof "b" in ematrices' {
tempname b
mat `b' = e(b)
if "`v'"=="" & `:list posof "V" in ematrices' {
tempname v
mat `v' = e(V)
local bV "b V"
local ematrices: list ematrices - bV
foreach ematrix of local ematrices {
tempname e_`ematrix'
matrix `e_`ematrix'' = e(`ematrix')
// rename
if "`b'"!="" & "`v'"!="" & "`rename'"!="" {
local eqnames: coleq `b', q
local vnames: colnames `b'
mat coleq `v' = `eqnames'
mat coln `v' = `vnames'
mat roweq `v' = `eqnames'
mat rown `v' = `vnames'
// post results
if "`esample'"=="" {
eret post `b' `v', esample(`sample') `obs' `dof' `properties' `options'
else {
eret post `b' `v', `obs' `dof' `properties' `options'
foreach emacro of local emacros {
eret local `emacro' `"`e_`emacro''"'
if `"`cmd'"'!="" {
eret local cmd `"`cmd'"'
foreach escalar of local escalars {
eret scalar `escalar' = scalar(`e_`escalar'')
foreach ematrix of local ematrices {
eret matrix `ematrix' = `e_`ematrix''