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1503 lines
43 KiB
1503 lines
43 KiB
12 months ago
/* v1.1 : Modified for being used after irt pcm and irt rsm */
* Needed modules :
* gausshermite (
* gllamm version 2.3.14 (ssc describe gllamm)
program define pcmtest, rclass
version 11.0
syntax [, APproximation NEw Group(string) NFit(string) Power(string) Alpha(string) GRAPHics FILEgraph(string) Sitest]
tempfile bddtravail
save `bddtravail', replace
tempname x w val freq
capture local cmdavant=e(cmd)
if _rc!=0 | "`cmdavant'"!="pcmodel"{
capture local cmdavant=e(model1)
local condition ="`cmdavant'"=="pcm" | "`cmdavant'"=="rsm"
if _rc!=0 | `condition'!=1{
noi di in red "Please use pcmtest only after pcmodel, irt pcm or irt rsm"
error 100
local testIrtPcm=1
if "`cmdavant'"=="rsm"{
local RSMtest=1
if "`graphics'"!=""{
if "`filegraph'"!=""{
local ReplaceGr2=0
local ReplaceGr=strpos("`filegraph'",",")
if `ReplaceGr'!=0{
local ReplaceGr=strpos(reverse("`filegraph'"),",")
local ReplaceGr2=strpos( substr("`filegraph'", strpos("`filegraph'",","), .), "r")!=0
local filegraphOld="`filegraph'"
local filegraph=rtrim(reverse(substr(reverse("`filegraph'"),`=`ReplaceGr'+1',.)))
if `ReplaceGr2'==0{
capture graph use "`filegraph'_LT_Sc", nodraw
if _rc==0{
noi di in red "`filegraph'_LT_Sc already exists (use option replace for replacing it)"
error 100
capture graph use "`filegraph'_MAP", nodraw
if _rc==0{
noi di in red "`filegraph'_MAP already exists (use option replace for replacing it)"
error 100
capture graph use "`filegraph'_Score_Distrib", nodraw
if _rc==0{
noi di in red "`filegraph'_Score_Distrib already exists (use option replace for replacing it)"
error 100
capture graph use "`filegraph'_Contrib", nodraw
if _rc==0{
noi di in red "`filegraph'_Contrib already exists (use option replace for replacing it)"
error 100
capture save "`filegraph'", replace
if _rc!=0{
noi di in red "Invalid path specification"
error 603
erase "`filegraph'.dta"
/* Récuperation de toutes */
/* les matrices estimées */
local itest=e(itest)
if `itest'==0{
noi di in red "No tests of fit if the items difficulties are fixed (i.e. not estimated) "
error 100
local Elll=e(ll)
local Ecn=e(cn)
local EN=e(N)
local ENit=e(Nit)
local dataR1m=e(dataR1m)
local mugauss=e(mugauss)
local sdgauss=e(sdgauss)
local ordre=e(order)
local ENqual=e(Ncat)
local ENquant=e(Ncont)
local convergeance=e(converged)
local Esigma=e(sigma)
local EVarsigma=e(Varsigma)
local ENumFit=e(NumFit)
local Eitems=e(items)
local IF=e(if)
local IN=e(in)
if "`IF'"!="" & "`IF'"!="."{
local if "`IF'"
if "`IN'"!="" & "`IN'"!="."{
local in "`IN'"
tempname EglobalFit EitemFit Etheta EVartheta Edelta EVardelta
matrix `EglobalFit'=e(globalFit)
matrix `EitemFit'=e(itemFit)
matrix `Etheta'=e(theta)
matrix `EVartheta'=e(Vartheta)
matrix `Edelta'=e(delta)
matrix `EVardelta'=e(Vardelta)
local rsm=e(rsm)
if "`rsm'"!="."{
local RSMtest2=1
else if "`RSMtest'"=="1"{
local RSMtest2=1
local RSMtest2=0
/* irt pcm et irt rsm */
if "`testIrtPcm'"=="1"{
local EN=e(N)
local mugauss=0
local if strpos(,s2)
local IFif=e(cmdline)
local PosIf=strpos("`IFif'"," if ")
local PosIn=strpos("`IFif'"," in ")
if strpos("`IFif'",",")==0{
local posComma="."
local posComma=strpos("`IFif'",",")
if `PosIf'!=0 & `PosIn'!=0{
if `PosIf'<`PosIn'{
local if "`=substr("`IFif'",`=`PosIf'+4',`=`PosIn'-`PosIf'-4')'"
local in "`=substr("`IFif'",`=`PosIn'+4',`=`posComma'-`PosIn'-4')'"
local in "`=substr("`IFif'",`=`PosIn'+4',`=`PosIf'-`PosIn'-4')'"
local if "`=substr("`IFif'",`=`PosIf'+4',`=`posComma'-`PosIf'-4')'"
local if "`=substr("`IFif'",`=`PosIf'+4',`=`posComma'-`PosIf'-4')'"
local in "`=substr("`IFif'",`=`PosIn'+4',`=`posComma'-`PosIn'-4')'"
if `PosIf'==0{
local if=""
if `PosIn'==0{
local in=""
local itPcm=e(n_cuts1)
tempname Edelta DifComPcm tempmatdif EglobalFit EitemFit Etheta EVartheta EVardelta
matrix `DifComPcm'=e(b)
local nbcolMD=0
local plus=0
matrix `Edelta'=(.)
foreach i in `itPcm'{
local sum=0
forvalues it=2/`i'{
local tempmatdifnnn=`DifComPcm'[1,`=2*`it'+`plus'']-`DifComPcm'[1,`=2*`=`it'-1'+`plus'']
matrix `tempmatdif'=(`=-`tempmatdifnnn'')
matrix `Edelta'=`Edelta',`tempmatdif'
local plus=`plus'+2*`i'
matrix `Edelta'=`Edelta'[....,2...]
local sdgauss=`DifComPcm'[1,3]
local Eitems=e(items1)
qui capture matrix list r(globalFitTot)
if _rc!=0{
local testafaire=1
local testafaire=0
if "`new'"!=""{
local testafaire=1
if "`nfit'"!=""{
local numFit=`nfit'
local numFit=.
local varlist `Eitems'
local nbit: word count `varlist'
local nbitsuf=1
if `nbit'<2{
noi di in red "No tests of fit if the number of items is less than 2"
error 100
if `nbit'==2{
noi di in gr "Only the R1m test is performed if the number of items is equal to 2"
local nbitsuf=0
tokenize `varlist'
marksample touse,novarlist
keep if `touse'
local ordre=0
forvalues i=1/`nbit'{
tempname rep__`i'
tab ``i'', matrow(`rep__`i'')
local ordre=`ordre'+`=rowsof(`rep__`i'')'-1
forvalues j=1/`=rowsof(`rep__`i'')'{
replace ``i''=`j'-1 if ``i''==`rep__`i''[`j',1]
if `RSMtest2'==1{
local ordre=`=rowsof(`rep__1')'-2+`nbit'
q memory
tempfile bddini datatest bdd_b bdd_se bdd_seg bdd_P bdd_R1 bdd_G
save `bdd_b', replace
save `datatest', replace
/* test R1m */
noi di in gr "Performing R1m test"
q memory
local matsizeini=r(matsize)
set matsize `matsizeini'
tempfile matU matU1 matU2
tempname dm cell row
egen `dm'=rowmiss(`varlist')
replace `dm'=`dm'>0
tab `dm',matcell(`cell') matrow(`row')
local nbmissing=`cell'[2,1]
local percentmissing=`cell'[2,1]/(`cell'[1,1]+`cell'[2,1])
if `nbmissing'==.{
local nbmissing=0
local percentmissing=0
keep if `dm'==0
local NbIdFit=_N
if `numFit'==.{
local propFit=1
local propFitPb=0
else if `numFit'>`NbIdFit'{
local propFit=1
local propFitPb=1
local propFit=`numFit'/`NbIdFit'
local propFitPb=2
drop `dm'
keep `varlist'
forvalues i=1/`nbit'{
rename ``i'' pre_``i''
forvalues i=1/`nbit'{
gen it`i'=pre_``i''
drop pre_``i''
local nbscore=1
forvalues i=1/`nbit'{
qui tab it`i'
local nbmoda_`i'=r(r)
local nbscore=`nbscore'+`nbmoda_`i''-1
local score "it1"
forvalues i=2/`nbit'{
local score "`score'+it`i'"
gen score=`score'
save `bdd_se', replace
local N=_N
/* autogroup */
if "`group'"==""{
su score, d
local list `=r(p25)'
if `=r(p25)'!=`=r(p50)'{
local list "`list' `=r(p50)'"
if `=r(p50)'!=`=r(p75)'{
local list "`list' `=r(p75)'"
if `=r(p75)'!=`=`nbscore'-1'{
local list "`list' `=`nbscore'-1'"
if wordcount("`list'")==1{
noi di in red "Problem with Autogroup option: creating groups from the score quartiles is not possible"
tab score, matcell(`freq') matrow(`val')
local nbgroup=wordcount("`list'")
tab score, matcell(`freq') matrow(`val')
local list "`group'"
local nbgroup=wordcount("`list'")
if real(word("`list'",`nbgroup'))<`=`nbscore'-1'{
local list "`group' `=`nbscore'-1'"
local nbgroup=wordcount("`list'")
local nbmodagpe=0
forvalues i=1/`nbit'{
local nbmodagpe=`nbmodagpe'+`nbmoda_`i''
gen g=.
local liminf1=-1
forvalues i=1/`nbgroup'{
local limsup`i'=real("`=word("`list'",`i')'")
if `i'>1{
local liminf`i'=real("`=word("`list'",`=`i'-1')'")
replace g=`i' if score<=`limsup`i'' & score>`liminf`i''
forvalues i=1/`nbgroup'{
su score if g==`i'
local N`i'=r(N)
save `bdd_se', replace
save `bdd_seg', replace
use `bdd_se', replace
local count=0
forvalues i=1/`nbit'{
forvalues j=1/`nbmoda_`i''{
if `j'==1{
local diffest`i'_`j'=0
local count=`count'+1
local diffest`i'_`j'=round(`Edelta'[1,`count'],0.001)+`diffest`i'_`=`j'-1''
local num`i'_`j' "exp(`=`j'-1'*x-`diffest`i'_`j'')"
if `j'==1{
local denom`i' "1"
local denom`i' "`denom`i''+`num`i'_`j''"
forvalues j=1/`nbmoda_`i''{
local PCM`i'_`j' "(`num`i'_`j'')/(`denom`i'')"
local nbcomb=1
forvalues i=1/`nbit'{
local nbcomb=`nbcomb'*`nbmoda_`i''
set obs `=int(`nbcomb'+0.1)'
local facteur=1
gen score=0
local order "score"
forvalues i=1/`nbit'{
gen it`i'=floor(mod(_n/`facteur',`nbmoda_`i''))
local facteur=`facteur'*`nbmoda_`i''
replace score=score+it`i'
tab it`i', gen(i`i'c)
local order "`order' it`i'"
order `order', first
sort score
tab score, gen(score)
local nbscore=r(r)
gen P=1
local gdN=_N
/* */
/* Calcul de la probabilité de */
/* chaque patern de réponses */
/* */
if "`approximation'"==""{
local percentcount=0
noi di ""
noi di in ye "`gdN'" in gr " response pattern probabilities to compute"
noi di in gr "Percentage of completion"
noi di in gr "----|---10%---|---20%---|---30%---|---40%---|---50%"
_dots 0, title(Loop computation of theorical probabilities of each response pattern) reps(100)
forvalues l=1/`gdN'{
local exp ""
forvalues i=1/`nbit'{
forvalues m=1/`nbmoda_`i''{
if i`i'c`m'[`l']==1{
if "`exp'"==""{
local exp "`PCM`i'_`m''"
local exp "`exp'*`PCM`i'_`m''"
gausshermite `exp' , sigma(`sdgauss') mu(`mugauss') display
replace P=round(r(int),0.000001) if _n==`l'
local percentcountplus=floor(`l'*100/`gdN')
forvalues percen=`=`percentcount'+1'/`percentcountplus'{
nois _dots `percen' 0
local percentcount=`percentcountplus'
noi di in gr "Response pattern probabilities computation"
replace P=0
sort score it*
save `bdd_P', replace
local NbCol=1
local compteur=1
forvalues i=1/`nbit'{
tempname Dit`i'
matrix `Dit`i''=`Edelta'[1,`compteur'..`=`compteur'+`nbmoda_`i''-2']
if colsof(`Dit`i'')>`NbCol'{
local NbCol=colsof(`Dit`i'')
local compteur=`compteur'+`nbmoda_`i''-1
noi di in gr "----|---25%---|---50%---|---75%---|---100%
qui _dots 0, title(Title) reps(40)
set obs 1000000
gen id=_n
gen theta=`mugauss'+invnormal(uniform())*`sdgauss'
forvalues i=1/`nbit'{
gen denom`i'=1
gen num`i'_0=1
forvalues j=1/`=`nbmoda_`i''-1'{
gen num`i'_`j'=exp(ln(num`i'_`=`j'-1') + theta-`Dit`i''[1,`j'])
replace denom`i'=denom`i'+num`i'_`j'
forvalues j=0/`=`nbmoda_`i''-1'{
gen p`i'_`j'=num`i'_`j'/denom`i'
drop denom`i'
drop num`i'_*
forvalues j=1/`=`nbmoda_`i''-1'{
replace p`i'_`j'=p`i'_`j'+p`i'_`=`j'-1'
gen it`i'=0
gen random`i'=runiform()
forvalues j=1/`=`nbmoda_`i''-1'{
replace it`i'=`j' if random`i'>=p`i'_`=`j'-1' & random`i'<p`i'_`j'
drop random* p`i'_*
forvalues j=1/`=round(`=40/`nbit'')'{
nois _dots `j' 0
egen score=rowtotal(it*)
keep it* score
contract score it*, f(P)
replace P=round(P/1000000,0.000001)
sort score it*
merge score it* using `bdd_P'
drop _merge
order `order', first
order P, last
noi di in gr ""
save `bdd_R1', replace
local dataR1m "`bdd_R1'"
tab score
local Pscoresl=r(r)
tempname Pscores
matrix `Pscores'=J(`Pscoresl',2,.)
forvalues i=1/`Pscoresl'{
su P if score==`=`i'-1'
matrix `Pscores'[`i',2]=r(sum)
matrix `Pscores'[`i',1]=`i'-1
save `matU2', replace
local sort "score"
forvalues i=1/`nbit'{
local sort "`sort' it`i'"
forvalues j=1/`nbmoda_`i''{
replace i`i'c`j'=i`i'c`j'*P
forvalues i=1/`nbscore'{
replace score`i'=score`i'*P
save `matU1', replace
/* Matrices U */
noi di "U matrix computation"
local order ""
forvalues i=1/`=wordcount("`list'")'{
tempfile b`i'_1
local nbscoreg`i'= `nbscore'
forvalues j=0/`=`nbscore'-1'{
if `j'>`limsup`i'' | `j'<=`liminf`i''{
local nbscoreg`i'=`nbscoreg`i''-1
capture drop s`=`j'+1'g`i'
local order "`order' *g`i'"
use `matU1', replace
keep if score<=`limsup`i'' & score>`liminf`i''
gen g=`i'
forvalues a=1/`nbit'{
forvalues b=1/`nbmoda_`a''{
capture rename i`a'c`b' i`a'c`b'g`i'
forvalues a=1/`nbscore'{
capture rename score`a' s`a'g`i'
forvalues j=1/`=wordcount("`list'")'{
if `=`a'-1'>`limsup`i'' | `=`a'-1' <= `liminf`i''{
capture drop s`a'g`j'
tempfile bloc`i'
sort `sort'
save `b`i'_1', replace
local order ""
forvalues i=1/`=wordcount("`list'")'{
tempfile b`i'_2
local order "`order' *g`i'"
use `matU2', replace
keep if score<=`limsup`i'' & score>`liminf`i''
gen g=`i'
forvalues a=1/`nbit'{
forvalues b=1/`nbmoda_`a''{
capture rename i`a'c`b' i`a'c`b'g`i'b
forvalues a=1/`nbscore'{
capture rename score`a' s`a'g`i'b
forvalues j=1/`=wordcount("`list'")'{
if `=`a'-1'>`limsup`i'' | `=`a'-1' <= `liminf`i''{
capture drop s`a'g`j'
sort `sort'
save `b`i'_2', replace
local mat_`i'=r(k)-3-`nbit'
noi di "W matrix computation"
/* Matrice W */
local nbscoreg0=0
forvalues g=1/`nbgroup'{
tempname W_`g'i W_`g'
tempfile b`g'_2b
qui q memory
if `mat_`g''>r(matsize) & `mat_`g''<=r(m_matsize){
set matsize `mat_`g''
if `mat_`g''>r(m_matsize){
noi di in red "Error, not enough memory to allocate to the W matrix computation"
matrix `W_`g''=J(`mat_`g'',`mat_`g'',.)
use `b`g'_2', replace
local count=1
forvalues i=1/`nbit'{
forvalues j=1/`nbmoda_`i''{
rename i`i'c`j'g`g'b v`count'b
local count=`count'+1
forvalues s=1/`=`nbscore'+1'{
capture rename s`s'g`g'b v`count'b
if _rc ==0{
local count=`count'+1
local Ncol_`g'_=`count'-1
save `b`g'_2b', replace
use `b`g'_1', replace
local count=1
forvalues i=1/`nbit'{
forvalues j=1/`nbmoda_`i''{
rename i`i'c`j'g`g' v`count'
local count=`count'+1
forvalues s=1/`=`nbscore'+1'{
capture rename s`s'g`g' v`count'
if _rc ==0{
local count=`count'+1
local Ncol_`g'__=`count'-1
forvalues i=1/`=`count'-1'{
replace v`i'=P if round(v`i',0.000001)!=round(0,0.000001)
local countW_`g'=`count'-1
merge `sort' using `b`g'_2b'
drop _merge
forvalues i=1/`mat_`g''{
forvalues j=1/`mat_`g''{
gen prod=v`i'*v`j'b
qui su prod
matrix `W_`g''[`i',`j']=r(sum)
drop prod
capture matrix `W_`g'i'=invsym(`W_`g'')
if _rc!=0{
capture matrix `W_`g'i'=inv(`W_`g'')
if _rc!=0{
noi di in red "Error while computing the Wg matrix"
tempname A rank_
mata: `A'=J(1,1,.)
mata: `A'[1,1]=rank(st_matrix("`W_`g''"))
mata: st_matrix("`rank_'",`A')
local rank`g'=`rank_'[1,1]
/* Matrice poid */
forvalues g=1/`nbgroup'{
tempfile bddSe`g' b`g'_2bi
use `bdd_seg', replace
keep if g==`g'
gen Pd=1
contract `sort', f(nb)
sort `sort'
save `bddSe`g'', replace
use `b`g'_2b', replace
sort `sort'
merge `sort' using `bddSe`g''
drop _merge
replace nb=0 if nb==.
gen nbth=P*`N'
gen Di=(nb-nbth)/sqrt(`N')
sort `sort'
save `b`g'_2bi', replace
if `countW_`g''>10{
set matsize `countW_`g''
set matsize 10
tempname deviation_`g'
matrix `deviation_`g''=J(`countW_`g'',1,.)
use `b`g'_2bi', replace
gen Pobs=nb/`N'
gen Diff=Pobs-P
forvalues j=1/`countW_`g''{
replace v`j'b=v`j'b*Diff
su v`j'b
matrix `deviation_`g''[`j', 1]=r(sum)*sqrt(`N')
local sum=0
local ddl=0
local rank ""
qui q memory
if `matsizeini'>r(matsize) & 10000 > r(m_matsize){
set matsize `matsizeini'
set matsize 10000
tempname graphContribPond
matrix `graphContribPond'=J(`nbgroup',2,.)
forvalues g=1/`nbgroup'{
tempname G_`g'
capture matrix `G_`g''=`deviation_`g'''*`W_`g'i'*`deviation_`g''
if _rc!=0{
noi di in red "Error, not enought memory to allocate to the W matrix computation
local sum=`sum'+`G_`g''[1,1]
local ddl=`ddl'+`rank`g''
local rank "`rank'`rank`g'' "
matrix `graphContribPond'[`g',1]=`g'
matrix `graphContribPond'[`g',2]=`G_`g''[1,1]
local ddl=`ddl'-`ordre'-1
set matsize `matsizeini'
local R1m_group "`list'"
local R1m_Rank `rank'
local R1M_ddl=`ddl'
local R1M_stat=`sum'*`propFit'
local R1M_p=`=1-chi2(`ddl', `R1M_stat')'
/* tests Si */
if `nbitsuf'==1 & "`sitest'"!=""{
local countbase=0
forvalues ii=1/`nbit'{
forvalues j=1/`nbmoda_`ii''{
local countbase=`countbase'+1
forvalues s=1/`nbscore'{
local countbase=`countbase'+1
tempname DGibase
matrix `DGibase'=J(6,`countbase',.)
use `bdd_seg', replace
local countbase=0
forvalues ii=1/`nbit'{
tab it`ii', gen(i`ii'c)
forvalues j=1/`nbmoda_`ii''{
local countbase=`countbase'+1
matrix `DGibase'[2,`countbase']=`ii'
matrix `DGibase'[3,`countbase']=`j'
su i`ii'c`j'
matrix `DGibase'[4,`countbase']=r(sum)
drop i`ii'c*
tab score, gen(s)
forvalues s=1/`nbscore'{
capture su s`s'
if _rc!=0{
gen s`s'=0
forvalues s=1/`nbscore'{
local countbase=`countbase'+1
matrix `DGibase'[2,`countbase']=`s'
su s`s'
matrix `DGibase'[4,`countbase']=r(sum)
use `matU2', replace
local countbase=0
forvalues ii=1/`nbit'{
forvalues j=1/`nbmoda_`ii''{
local countbase=`countbase'+1
su P if i`ii'c`j'==1
matrix `DGibase'[5,`countbase']=r(sum)*`N'
matrix `DGibase'[6,`countbase']=(`DGibase'[4,`countbase']-`DGibase'[5,`countbase'])/sqrt(`N')
forvalues s=1/`nbscore'{
local countbase=`countbase'+1
su P if score`s'==1
matrix `DGibase'[5,`countbase']=r(sum)*`N'
matrix `DGibase'[6,`countbase']=(`DGibase'[4,`countbase']-`DGibase'[5,`countbase'])/sqrt(`N')
local colbase=`countbase'
forvalues i=1/`nbit'{
tempfile mU2_`i' mU_`i'
noi di in gr "Performing Si test for the `i'th item"
use `matU2', replace
gen g=.
local liminf1=-1
forvalues g=1/`nbgroup'{
replace g=`g' if score<=`limsup`g'' & score>`liminf`g''
forvalues g=1/`nbgroup'{
forvalues j=1/`nbmoda_`i''{
gen testi`i'c`j'g`g'=0
replace testi`i'c`j'g`g'=i`i'c`j' if g==`g'
local count=1
forvalues ii=1/`nbit'{
forvalues j=1/`nbmoda_`ii''{
rename i`ii'c`j' v`count'b
local count=`count'+1
forvalues s=1/`=`nbscore'+1'{
capture rename score`s' v`count'b
if _rc ==0{
local count=`count'+1
forvalues g=1/`nbgroup'{
forvalues j=1/`nbmoda_`i''{
rename testi`i'c`j'g`g' v`count'b
local count=`count'+1
local nbarrive`i'=`count'-1
sort `sort'
save `mU2_`i'', replace
use `matU1', replace
gen g=.
local liminf1=-1
forvalues g=1/`nbgroup'{
replace g=`g' if score<=`limsup`g'' & score>`liminf`g''
forvalues g=1/`nbgroup'{
forvalues j=1/`nbmoda_`i''{
gen testi`i'c`j'g`g'=0
replace testi`i'c`j'g`g'=i`i'c`j' if g==`g'
local count=1
forvalues ii=1/`nbit'{
forvalues j=1/`nbmoda_`ii''{
rename i`ii'c`j' v`count'
local count=`count'+1
forvalues s=1/`=`nbscore'+1'{
capture rename score`s' v`count'
if _rc ==0{
local count=`count'+1
forvalues g=1/`nbgroup'{
forvalues j=1/`nbmoda_`i''{
rename testi`i'c`j'g`g' v`count'
local count=`count'+1
sort `sort'
merge `sort' using `mU2_`i''
drop _merge
if `nbarrive`i''>r(matsize) & `nbarrive`i''<=r(m_matsize){
set matsize `nbarrive`i''
if `nbarrive`i''>r(m_matsize){
noi di in red "Error, not enought memory to allocate to the W matrix computation"
tempname i`i'W
matrix `i`i'W'=J(`nbarrive`i'',`nbarrive`i'',0)
if `=`nbarrive`i''*`nbarrive`i'''>3000{
noi di in gr "----|---25%---|---50%---|---75%---|---100%
qui _dots 0, title(Loop computation of theorical probabilities of each response pattern) reps(40)
local percentcount=0
local countS=1
forvalues ii=1/`nbarrive`i''{
su v`ii'
if r(max)>=0.000001{
forvalues j=1/`nbarrive`i''{
gen prod=v`ii'*v`j'b
qui su prod
matrix `i`i'W'[`ii',`j']=r(sum)
drop prod
if `=`nbarrive`i''*`nbarrive`i'''>3000{
local percentcountplus=floor(`countS'*40/`=`nbarrive`i''*`nbarrive`i''')
forvalues percen=`=`percentcount'+1'/`percentcountplus'{
nois _dots `percen' 0
local percentcount=`percentcountplus'
local countS=`countS'+1
if `=`nbarrive`i''*`nbarrive`i'''>3000{
local percentcountplus=floor((`countS'+`nbarrive`i''-1)*40/`=`nbarrive`i''*`nbarrive`i''')
forvalues percen=`=`percentcount'+1'/`percentcountplus'{
nois _dots `percen' 0
local percentcount=`percentcountplus'
local countS=`countS'+`nbarrive`i''
if `=`nbarrive`i''*`nbarrive`i'''>3000{
noi di ""
tempname i`i'Wi
capture matrix `i`i'Wi'=invsym(`i`i'W')
if _rc!=0{
capture matrix `i`i'Wi'=inv(`i`i'W')
if _rc!=0{
noi di in red "Error while computing the Wg matrix"
tempname A rank_
mata: `A'=J(1,1,.)
mata: `A'[1,1]=rank(st_matrix("`i`i'W'"))
mata: st_matrix("`rank_'",`A')
local i`i'rank=`rank_'[1,1]
tempname plus`i' DGi_`i' DGi`i'_a DGi`i'_b DGi_`i'_v2
matrix `plus`i''=J(6,`=`nbarrive`i''-`colbase'',.)
matrix `DGi_`i''=`DGibase',`plus`i''
matrix `DGi`i'_a'=J(1,`=colsof(`DGibase')',0)
matrix `DGi`i'_b'=J(1,`=`nbarrive`i''-`colbase'',.)
matrix `DGi_`i'_v2'=`DGi`i'_a',`DGi`i'_b'
save `mU_`i'', replace
local count=`colbase'
use `bdd_seg', replace
tab it`i', gen(i`i'c)
forvalues g=1/`nbgroup'{
forvalues j=1/`nbmoda_`i''{
local count=`count'+1
matrix `DGi_`i''[2,`count']=`i'
matrix `DGi_`i''[3,`count']=`j'
matrix `DGi_`i''[1,`count']=`g'
su i`i'c`j' if g==`g'
matrix `DGi_`i''[4,`count']=r(sum)
use `mU_`i'', replace
forvalues t=`=`colbase'+1'/`nbarrive`i''{
su P if v`t'b==1
matrix `DGi_`i''[5,`t']=r(sum)*`N'
matrix `DGi_`i''[6,`t']=(`DGi_`i''[4,`t']-`DGi_`i''[5,`t'])/sqrt(`N')
matrix `DGi_`i'_v2'[1,`t']=(`DGi_`i''[4,`t']-`DGi_`i''[5,`t'])/sqrt(`N')
set matsize `matsizeini'
tempname tDGi_`i' tDGi_`i'_v2 G G_v2
matrix `tDGi_`i''=`DGi_`i''[6,1..`=colsof(`DGi_`i'')']'
matrix `tDGi_`i'_v2'=`DGi_`i'_v2''
matrix `G'=`tDGi_`i'''*`i`i'Wi'*`tDGi_`i''
matrix `G_v2'=`tDGi_`i'_v2''*`i`i'Wi'*`tDGi_`i'_v2'
local sum=`G'[1,1]
local sum_v2=`G_v2'[1,1]
local rank "`i`i'rank'"
local ddl=(`nbgroup'-1)*(`nbmoda_`i''-1)
local S`i'_rank=`rank'
local S`i'_ddl=`ddl'
local S`i'_stat=`sum'*`propFit'
local S`i'_p=`=1-chi2(`S`i'_ddl', `S`i'_stat')'
/* Graphs : */
if "`graphics'"!=""{
noi di ""
noi di ""
noi di in gr "Graphics:"
tempfile graph
local debut=1
local fin=1
forvalues i=1/`nbit'{
local fin=`fin'+`nbmoda_`i''-2
tempname it`i'
matrix `it`i''=`Edelta'[1,`debut'..`fin']
local fin=`fin'+1
local debut=`debut'+`nbmoda_`i''-1
use `bdd_se', replace
local scmin=1
local scmax=-1
forvalues i=1/`nbit'{
local scmax=`scmax'+`nbmoda_`i''-1
gen select=score<=`scmin'
su score if select==1
local scorereel_scmin=r(mean)
replace select=score>=`scmax'
su score if select==1
local scorereel_scmax=r(mean)
replace score=`scmin' if score<`scmin'
replace score=`scmax' if score>`scmax'
tab score, matcell(matname)
local tottab=r(N)
set obs 2000
gen theta=_n/100-10
gen scoreth=0
forvalues i=1/`nbit'{
tempname D`i'
matrix `D`i''=J(1,`nbmoda_`i'',0)
gen eV`i'_0=1
gen SeV`i'=1
forvalues j=1/`=`nbmoda_`i''-1'{
matrix `D`i''[1,`=`j'+1']=`it`i''[1,`j']+`D`i''[1,`j']
gen eV`i'_`j'=exp(`j'*theta-`D`i''[1,`=`j'+1'])
replace SeV`i'=SeV`i'+eV`i'_`j'
gen p`i'_0=eV`i'_0/SeV`i'
forvalues j=1/`=`nbmoda_`i''-1'{
gen p`i'_`j'=eV`i'_`j'/SeV`i'
replace scoreth=scoreth+(eV`i'_`j'/SeV`i')*`j'
drop e* S* p*
su scoreth
local scmin=ceil(r(min))
local scmax=floor(r(max))
gen sc=abs(scoreth-`scorereel_scmin')
sort sc
local valini_`scmin'=theta[1]
drop sc
gen sc=abs(scoreth-`scorereel_scmax')
sort sc
local valini_`scmax'=theta[1]
drop sc
tempname scoretheta
matrix `scoretheta'=J(2,`scmax',.)
forvalues i=`=`scmin'+1'/`=`scmax'-1'{
matrix `scoretheta'[1,`i']=`i'
gen sc=abs(scoreth-`i')
sort sc
local valini_`i'=theta[1]
drop sc
matrix `scoretheta'[1,1]=`scorereel_scmin'
matrix `scoretheta'[1,`scmax']=`scorereel_scmax'
forvalues i=1/`scmax'{
matrix `scoretheta'[2,`i']=`valini_`i''
tempfile graphscthscobstheta
save `graphscthscobstheta', replace
use `bdd_se', replace
gen select=score<=`scmin'
su score if select==1
local scorereel_scmin=r(mean)
replace select=score>=`scmax'
su score if select==1
local scorereel_scmax=r(mean)
replace score=`scmin' if score<`scmin'
replace score=`scmax' if score>`scmax'
drop g
forvalues i=1/`nbit'{
gen rep`i' = it`i'
drop it`i'
contract rep1-rep`nbit' score, f(wt2)
gen id=_n
reshape long rep, i(id) j(it)
drop if rep==.
gen obs=_n
forvalues i=1/`nbit'{
expand `nbmoda_`i'' if it==`i'
by obs, sort: gen `x'=_n-1
gen choix=rep==`x'
rename it item
tab item, gen(it)
forvalues i=1/`nbit'{
forvalues g=1/`=`nbmoda_`i''-1'{
gen d_i`i'_m`g'=(-1)*it`i'*(`x'>=`g')
gen difficulties=0
forvalues i=1/`nbit'{
forvalues g=1/`=`nbmoda_`i''-1'{
replace difficulties=difficulties+`it`i''[1,`g']*d_i`i'_m`g'
tab score, gen(score__) matrow(nom)
local nbmodscore=r(r)
forvalues k=1/`nbmodscore'{
replace score__`k'=`x' if score__`k'==1
local ident=nom[`k',1]
if `k'==1{
local ident1=`ident'
rename score__`k' score_`ident'
eq slope: `x'
noi di in gr "Performing graphics"
use `graphscthscobstheta', replace
gen sc=abs(scoreth-`scorereel_scmin')
sort sc
local limginf=theta[1]-1.5
drop sc
gen sc=abs(scoreth-`scorereel_scmax')
sort sc
local limgsup=theta[1]+1.5
drop sc
drop if theta<`limginf' | theta>`limgsup'
capture graph drop Obs_vs_Exp_LT
capture graph drop MAP
capture graph drop Score_Distrib
capture graph drop Contrib
twoway (line scoreth theta, sort) , ytitle(Score) xtitle(Latent trait) title("Expected scores depending on individual latent traits", size(medium)) scheme(s2mono) graphregion(fcolor(white) ifcolor(white)) name("LT_Sc", replace)
tempfile gEO
graph save `gEO', replace
if "`filegraph'"!=""{
graph save "`filegraph'_LT_Sc", replace
set obs `=int(`=rowsof(matname)+colsof(`Edelta')'+0.1)'
gen theta=.
gen diff=0
gen freq=.
forvalues i=1/`=rowsof(matname)'{
replace theta=`scoretheta'[2,`i'] if _n==`i'
replace freq=matname[`i',1]/`tottab' if _n==`i'
su freq
local tadatzouinzou=-r(max)/8
forvalues i=1/`=colsof(`Edelta')'{
replace theta=`Edelta'[1,`i'] if _n==`i'+`=rowsof(matname)'
replace freq=`tadatzouinzou' if _n==`i'+`=rowsof(matname)'
replace diff=1 if _n==`i'+`=rowsof(matname)'
sort diff theta
bysort diff: replace freq=freq-(`tadatzouinzou'/5) if theta<theta[_n-1]+0.08 & diff==1 & _n!=1
replace theta=round(theta,0.01)
sort theta
save `graph', replace
su theta
local mininf=round(`=r(min)-(r(max)-r(min))/4',0.01)
local maxinf=round(`=r(max)+(r(max)-r(min))/4',0.01)
set obs `=int(`=(`maxinf'-`mininf')*100'+0.1)'
gen theta=round(_n/100+`mininf',0.01)
sort theta
merge theta using `graph'
drop _merge
forvalues i=1/`nbit'{
tempname D`i'
matrix `D`i''=J(1,`nbmoda_`i'',0)
gen eV`i'_0=1
gen SeV`i'=1
forvalues j=1/`=`nbmoda_`i''-1'{
matrix `D`i''[1,`=`j'+1']=`it`i''[1,`j']+`D`i''[1,`j']
gen eV`i'_`j'=exp(`j'*theta-`D`i''[1,`=`j'+1'])
replace SeV`i'=SeV`i'+eV`i'_`j'
gen p`i'_0=eV`i'_0/SeV`i'
forvalues j=1/`=`nbmoda_`i''-1'{
gen p`i'_`j'=eV`i'_`j'/SeV`i' + p`i'_`=`j'-1'
drop eV* SeV*
gen L=1
forvalues i=1/`nbit'{
forvalues j=0/`=`nbmoda_`i''-1'{
replace L=L*p`i'_`j'
sort theta
replace L=ln(L)
gen d1=.
replace d1=(L-L[_n-1])/(theta-theta[_n-1]) if _n>1
gen d2=.
replace d2=(d1-d1[_n-1])/(theta-theta[_n-1]) if _n>1
replace d2=-d2
su freq
local freqmin=r(min)
local freqmax=r(max)
su d2
local d2max=r(max)
local d2min=`d2max'*`freqmax'/`freqmin'
label variable freq "Freq. (%)"
label variable d2 "Information"
sort theta
twoway (spike freq theta if diff==0, lwidth(thick) horizontal xscale(alt axis(1)) ) (scatter theta freq if diff==1,mcolor(black) msymbol(plus)) (line theta d2, xaxis(2) xscale(alt axis(2))) , yscale(noline) ylabel(#5, angle(horizontal)) xscale(range(`freqmin' `freqmax') axis(1)) xscale(reverse range(`d2min' `d2max') axis(2)) yscale(range(`mininf' `maxinf')) xline(0) xlabel(0 (0.05) `freqmax') title(, size(medium)) legend(order(1 "Persons" 2 "Thresholds location" 3 "Information curve") cols(1) size(small)) scheme(s2mono) graphregion(fcolor(white) ifcolor(white)) ytitle(Latent trait) title(MAP) name("MAP", replace)
tempfile gMAP
graph save `gMAP', replace
if "`filegraph'"!=""{
graph save "`filegraph'_MAP", replace
use "`dataR1m'"
keep score P
collapse (sum) P, by(score)
sort score
save `bdd_G', replace
use "`datatest'"
keep `varlist'
tempname dm SumScore
egen `dm'=rowmiss(`varlist')
replace `dm'=`dm'>0
keep if `dm'==0
tempname SumScore
egen `SumScore'=rowtotal(`varlist')
gen Pobs=1
rename `SumScore' score
keep Pobs score
local tot=_N
collapse (sum) Pobs, by(score)
replace Pobs=Pobs/`tot'
sort score
merge 1:1 score using `bdd_G'
gen g=.
drop _merge
sort g
save `bdd_G', replace
svmat `graphContribPond'
rename `graphContribPond'1 g
rename `graphContribPond'2 Contrib
sort g
merge g using `bdd_G'
su Contrib
replace Contrib=Contrib/r(sum)
capture label drop g
local liminf1=-1
forvalues i=1/`nbgroup'{
local limsup`i'=real("`=word("`list'",`i')'")
if `i'>1{
local liminf`i'=real("`=word("`list'",`=`i'-1')'")
replace g=`i' if score<=`limsup`i'' & score>`liminf`i''
if `i'==1{
label define g `i' "[0;`limsup`i'']"
else if `i' == `nbgroup'{
label define g `i' "]`liminf`i'';`=`nbscore'-1']", a
label define g `i' "]`liminf`i'';`limsup`i'']", a
label values g g
gen nb=P*`EN'
su score [iweight=nb]
local MoyThScore=r(mean)
local SdThScore=r(sd)
gen nbObs=Pobs*`EN'
su score [iweight=nbObs]
local MoyObsScore=r(mean)
local SdObdcore=r(sd)
drop _merge
tempfile BDD
sort score
save `BDD', replace
set obs `=(`=r(max)'+2)*100'
gen score=(_n/100)-1
gen p=normalden(score,`MoyThScore',`SdThScore')
gen pobs=normalden(score,`MoyObsScore',`SdObdcore')
sort score
merge score using `BDD'
gen score1=score if Pobs!=.
gen scorep=score1-0.15
gen scorep2=score1+0.15
twoway (bar Pobs scorep, horizontal barwidth(0.3)) (bar P scorep2, horizontal barwidth(0.3)) (line score p, lpattern(solid)lcolor(black)) (line score pobs, lpattern(vshortdash) lcolor(gs12)), yscale(reverse) scheme(s2mono) xtitle(%) xscale(range(0 0.01)) xlabel(#5) legend(order(1 "% observed" 3 "" 2 "% expected" 4 "") cols(2) size(small)) title("Observed and expected" "scores distribution", size(medium)) graphregion(fcolor(white)) name("Score_Distrib", replace)
tempfile gTS
graph save `gTS', replace
if "`filegraph'"!=""{
graph save "`filegraph'_totscore", replace
graph hbar (sum) Pobs P Contrib, over(g) yvaroptions(relabel(1 "% observed" 2 "% expected" 3 "% R1m contribution") label(labcolor(none) labsize(zero))) title("Groups contribution to" "the R1m statistic", size(medium)) legend(cols(1) size(small)) ytitle("%") scheme(s2mono) graphregion(fcolor(white)) bar(3, fcolor(black)) bar(1, fcolor(gs8)) bar(2, fcolor(gs13)) name("Contrib", replace)
tempfile gSG
graph save `gSG', replace
if "`filegraph'"!=""{
graph save "`filegraph'_scoregp", replace
tempname globalFit itemFit
matrix `globalFit'=(`R1M_stat',`R1M_ddl',`R1M_p')
if `nbitsuf'==1 & "`sitest'"!=""{
matrix itemFit=J(`nbit',3,.)
forvalues i=1/`nbit'{
matrix itemFit[`i',1]=`S`i'_stat'
matrix itemFit[`i',2]=`S`i'_ddl'
matrix itemFit[`i',3]=`S`i'_p'
if "`alpha'"==""{
local alpha=0.05
tempname g it r Power bB cC Discriminant
matrix `g'=`globalFit'
if `nbitsuf'==1 & "`sitest'"!=""{
matrix `it'=itemFit
if "`nfit'"==""{
local `r'=1
local `r'=`NbIdFit'/`nfit'
local `g'_t=`g'[1,1]*``r''
if `g'[1,2]<=200{
local `Power'_t_R1m= 1-nchi2(`g'[1,2],``g'_t',invchi2tail(`g'[1,2],`alpha'))
local `Power'_t_R1m=1-(normal((invchi2tail(`g'[1,2],`alpha')-(`g'[1,2]+``g'_t'))/sqrt(2*(`g'[1,2]+2*``g'_t'))))
if `nbitsuf'==1 & "`sitest'"!=""{
forvalues i=1/`nbit'{
local `it'_`i'_t=`it'[`i',1]*``r''
if `it'[`i',2]>200 | ``it'_`i'_t'>1000{
local `Power'_t_S`i'=1-(normal((invchi2tail(`it'[`i',2],`alpha')-(`it'[`i',2]+``it'_`i'_t'))/sqrt(2*(`it'[`i',2]+2*``it'_`i'_t'))))
local `Power'_t_S`i'= 1-nchi2(`it'[`i',2],``it'_`i'_t',invchi2tail(`it'[`i',2],`alpha'))
if "`nfit'"!=""{
local `r'_2=``r''*`nfit'/`NbIdFit'
local `g'_newN=`g'[1,1]*``r'_2'
if `g'[1,2]<=200{
local `Power'_newN_R1m= 1-nchi2(`g'[1,2],``g'_newN',invchi2tail(`g'[1,2],`alpha'))
local `Power'_newN_R1m=1-(normal((invchi2tail(`g'[1,2],`alpha')-(`g'[1,2]+``g'_newN'))/sqrt(2*(`g'[1,2]+2*``g'_newN'))))
if `nbitsuf'==1 & "`sitest'"!=""{
forvalues i=1/`nbit'{
local `it'_`i'_newN=`it'[`i',1]*``r'_2'
if `it'[`i',2]>200 | ``it'_`i'_newN'>1000{
local `Power'_newN_S`i'=1-(normal((invchi2tail(`it'[`i',2],`alpha')-(`it'[`i',2]+``it'_`i'_newN'))/sqrt(2*(`it'[`i',2]+2*``it'_`i'_newN'))))
local `Power'_newN_S`i'= 1-nchi2(`it'[`i',2],``it'_`i'_newN',invchi2tail(`it'[`i',2],`alpha'))
if "`power'"!=""{
if `g'[1,2]<=200{
local `g'_newP=npnchi2(`=`g'[1,2]',`=invchi2tail(`=`g'[1,2]',`alpha')',`=1-`power'')
local `bB'=2*`=`g'[1,2]'-2*`=invchi2tail(`=`g'[1,2]',`alpha')'-4*(invnormal(`=1-0.8'))^2
local `cC'=(`=invchi2tail(`=`g'[1,2]',`alpha')')^2-2*`=`g'[1,2]'*`=invchi2tail(`=`g'[1,2]',`alpha')'+(`=`g'[1,2]')^2-2*`=`g'[1,2]'*(invnormal(`=1-0.8'))^2
local `Discriminant'=(``bB'')^2-4*``cC''
local `g'_newP=(sqrt(``Discriminant'')-``bB'')/2
local `r'_3=``g'_newP'/``g'_t'
if `nbitsuf'==1 & "`sitest'"!=""{
forvalues i=1/`nbit'{
local `it'_`i'_newP=``it'_`i'_t'*``r'_3'
if `it'[`i',2]>200 | ``it'_`i'_newP'>1000{
local `Power'_newP_S`i'=1-(normal((invchi2tail(`it'[`i',2],`alpha')-(`it'[`i',2]+``it'_`i'_newP'))/sqrt(2*(`it'[`i',2]+2*``it'_`i'_newP'))))
local `Power'_newP_S`i'= 1-nchi2(`it'[`i',2],``it'_`i'_newP',invchi2tail(`it'[`i',2],`alpha'))
/* print */
di ""
di ""
di in gr "Global tests of the fit : test R1m"
di in gr " groups : " in ye "`R1m_group'"
di in gr " Number of individuals with missing data : " in ye "`nbmissing' " in gr "(" in ye "`=round(`=`percentmissing'*100',0.01)'%" in gr ")"
di ""
if "`nfit'"!="" & "`power'"!=""{
di in gr "{hline 90}"
di _col(30) in gr "N = " in ye %6.0f `NbIdFit' _col(53) in gr "N = " in ye %6.0f `nfit' _col(76) in gr "N = " in ye %6.0f `=ceil(`NbIdFit'*``r'_3')'
di _col(16) in gr "df" _col(26) in gr "R1m" _col(32) in gr "p-val" _col(39) in gr "Power" _col(49) in gr "R1m" _col(55) in gr "p-val" _col(62) in gr "Power" _col(72) in gr "R1m" _col(78) in gr "p-val" _col(85) in gr "Power"
di in gr "{hline 90}"
di _col(3) in gr "R1m" _col(14) in ye %4.0f `R1M_ddl' _col(23) in ye %6.1f ``g'_t' _col(32) in ye %5.4f `=1-chi2(`=`g'[1,2]', ``g'_t')' _col(39) in ye %5.4f ``Power'_t_R1m' _col(46) in ye %6.1f ``g'_newN' _col(55) in ye %5.4f `=1-chi2(`=`g'[1,2]', ``g'_newN')' _col(62) in ye %5.4f ``Power'_newN_R1m' _col(69) in ye %6.1f ``g'_newP' _col(78) in ye %5.4f `=1-chi2(`=`g'[1,2]', ``g'_newP')' _col(85) in ye %5.4f `power'
di in gr "{hline 90}"
di in gr ""
if `nbitsuf'==1 & "`sitest'"!=""{
di in gr "Items specific tests of the fit : tests Si"
di in gr ""
di in gr "{hline 90}"
di _col(30) in gr "N = " in ye %6.0f `NbIdFit' _col(53) in gr "N = " in ye %6.0f `nfit' _col(76) in gr "N = " in ye %6.0f `=ceil(`NbIdFit'*``r'_3')'
di _col(1) in gr "Item" _col(16) in gr "df" _col(27) in gr "Si" _col(32) in gr "p-val" _col(39) in gr "Power" _col(50) in gr "Si" _col(55) in gr "p-val" _col(62) in gr "Power" _col(73) in gr "Si" _col(78) in gr "p-val" _col(85) in gr "Power"
di in gr "{hline 90}"
forvalues i=1/`nbit'{
di _col(1) in gr "``i'' :" _col(14) in ye %4.0f `S`i'_ddl' _col(23) in ye %6.1f ``it'_`i'_t' _col(32) in ye %5.4f `=1-chi2(`=`it'[`i',2]', ``it'_`i'_t')' _col(39) in ye %5.4f ``Power'_t_S`i'' _col(46) in ye %6.1f ``it'_`i'_newN' _col(55) in ye %5.4f `=1-chi2(`=`it'[`i',2]', ``it'_`i'_newN')' _col(62) in ye %5.4f ``Power'_newN_S`i'' _col(69) in ye %6.1f ``it'_`i'_newP' _col(78) in ye %5.4f `=1-chi2(`=`it'[`i',2]', ``it'_`i'_newP')' _col(85) in ye %5.4f ``Power'_newP_S`i''
di in gr "{hline 90}"
else if "`nfit'"!=""{
di in gr "{hline 67}"
di _col(30) in gr "N = " in ye %6.0f `NbIdFit' _col(53) in gr "N = " in ye %6.0f `nfit'
di _col(16) in gr "df" _col(26) in gr "R1m" _col(32) in gr "p-val" _col(39) in gr "Power" _col(49) in gr "R1m" _col(55) in gr "p-val" _col(62) in gr "Power"
di in gr "{hline 67}"
di _col(3) in gr "R1m" _col(14) in ye %4.0f `R1M_ddl' _col(23) in ye %6.1f ``g'_t' _col(32) in ye %5.4f `=1-chi2(`=`g'[1,2]', ``g'_t')' _col(39) in ye %5.4f ``Power'_t_R1m' _col(46) in ye %6.1f ``g'_newN' _col(55) in ye %5.4f `=1-chi2(`=`g'[1,2]', ``g'_newN')' _col(62) in ye %5.4f ``Power'_newN_R1m'
di in gr "{hline 67}"
di in gr ""
if `nbitsuf'==1 & "`sitest'"!=""{
di in gr "Items specific tests of the fit : tests Si"
di in gr ""
di in gr "{hline 67}"
di _col(30) in gr "N = " in ye %6.0f `NbIdFit' _col(53) in gr "N = " in ye %6.0f `nfit'
di _col(1) in gr "Item" _col(17) in gr "df" _col(26) in gr "Si" _col(32) in gr "p-val" _col(39) in gr "Power" _col(50) in gr "Si" _col(55) in gr "p-val" _col(62) in gr "Power"
di in gr "{hline 67}"
forvalues i=1/`nbit'{
di _col(1) in gr "``i'' :" _col(14) in ye %4.0f `S`i'_ddl' _col(23) in ye %6.1f ``it'_`i'_t' _col(32) in ye %5.4f `=1-chi2(`=`it'[`i',2]', ``it'_`i'_t')' _col(39) in ye %5.4f ``Power'_t_S`i'' _col(46) in ye %6.1f ``it'_`i'_newN' _col(55) in ye %5.4f `=1-chi2(`=`it'[`i',2]', ``it'_`i'_newN')' _col(62) in ye %5.4f ``Power'_newN_S`i''
di in gr "{hline 90}"
else if "`power'"!=""{
di in gr "{hline 67}"
di _col(30) in gr "N = " in ye %6.0f `NbIdFit' _col(53) in gr "N = " in ye %6.0f `=ceil(`NbIdFit'*``r'_3')'
di _col(16) in gr "df" _col(26) in gr "R1m" _col(32) in gr "p-val" _col(39) in gr "Power" _col(49) in gr "R1m" _col(55) in gr "p-val" _col(62) in gr "Power"
di in gr "{hline 67}"
di _col(3) in gr "R1m" _col(14) in ye %4.0f `R1M_ddl' _col(23) in ye %6.1f ``g'_t' _col(32) in ye %5.4f `=1-chi2(`=`g'[1,2]', ``g'_t')' _col(39) in ye %5.4f ``Power'_t_R1m' _col(46) in ye %6.1f ``g'_newP' _col(55) in ye %5.4f `=1-chi2(`=`g'[1,2]', ``g'_newP')' _col(62) in ye %5.4f `power'
di in gr "{hline 67}"
di in gr ""
if `nbitsuf'==1 & "`sitest'"!=""{
di in gr "Items specific tests of the fit : tests Si"
di in gr ""
di in gr "{hline 67}"
di _col(30) in gr "N = " in ye %6.0f `NbIdFit' _col(53) in gr "N = " in ye %6.0f `=ceil(`NbIdFit'*``r'_3')'
di _col(1) in gr "Item" _col(16) in gr "df" _col(27) in gr "Si" _col(32) in gr "p-val" _col(39) in gr "Power" _col(50) in gr "Si" _col(55) in gr "p-val" _col(62) in gr "Power"
di in gr "{hline 67}"
forvalues i=1/`nbit'{
di _col(1) in gr "``i'' :" _col(14) in ye %4.0f `S`i'_ddl' _col(23) in ye %6.1f ``it'_`i'_t' _col(32) in ye %5.4f `=1-chi2(`=`it'[`i',2]', ``it'_`i'_t')' _col(39) in ye %5.4f ``Power'_t_S`i'' _col(46) in ye %6.1f ``it'_`i'_newP' _col(55) in ye %5.4f `=1-chi2(`=`it'[`i',2]', ``it'_`i'_newP')' _col(62) in ye %5.4f ``Power'_newP_S`i''
di in gr "{hline 67}"
di in gr "{hline 44}"
di _col(30) in gr "N = " in ye %6.0f `NbIdFit'
di _col(16) in gr "df" _col(26) in gr "R1m" _col(32) in gr "p-val" _col(39) in gr "Power"
di in gr "{hline 44}"
di _col(3) in gr "R1m" _col(14) in ye %4.0f `R1M_ddl' _col(23) in ye %6.1f ``g'_t' _col(32) in ye %5.4f `=1-chi2(`=`g'[1,2]', ``g'_t')' _col(39) in ye %5.4f ``Power'_t_R1m'
di in gr "{hline 44}"
di in gr ""
if `nbitsuf'==1 & "`sitest'"!=""{
di in gr "Items specific tests of the fit : tests Si"
di in gr ""
di in gr "{hline 44}"
di _col(30) in gr "N = " in ye %6.0f `NbIdFit'
di _col(1) in gr "Item" _col(16) in gr "df" _col(27) in gr "Si" _col(32) in gr "p-val" _col(39) in gr "Power"
di in gr "{hline 44}"
forvalues i=1/`nbit'{
di _col(1) in gr "``i'' :" _col(14) in ye %4.0f `S`i'_ddl' _col(23) in ye %6.1f ``it'_`i'_t' _col(32) in ye %5.4f `=1-chi2(`=`it'[`i',2]', ``it'_`i'_t')' _col(39) in ye %5.4f ``Power'_t_S`i''
di in gr "{hline 44}"
/* ereturn */
return clear
if "`nfit'"!=""{
return scalar NumFit=`nfit'
tempname globalFitNu itemFitNu
matrix `globalFitNu'=(``g'_newN',`R1M_ddl',`=1-chi2(`=`g'[1,2]', ``g'_newN')',``Power'_newN_R1m',`nfit')
if `nbitsuf'==1 & "`sitest'"!=""{
matrix `itemFitNu'=J(`nbit',5,.)
forvalues i=1/`nbit'{
matrix `itemFitNu'[`i',1]=``it'_`i'_newN'
matrix `itemFitNu'[`i',2]=`S`i'_ddl'
matrix `itemFitNu'[`i',3]=`=1-chi2(`=`it'[`i',2]', ``it'_`i'_newN')'
matrix `itemFitNu'[`i',4]=``Power'_newN_S`i''
matrix `itemFitNu'[`i',5]=`nfit'
matrix coln `globalFitNu'=R1m df alpha power N
matrix rown `globalFitNu'=Global
if `nbitsuf'==1 & "`sitest'"!=""{
matrix coln `itemFitNu'=Si df alpha power N
return matrix itemFitNu=`itemFitNu'
return matrix globalFitNu=`globalFitNu'
if "`power'"!=""{
return scalar PowFit=`power'
tempname globalFitPo itemFitPo
matrix `globalFitPo'=(``g'_newP',`R1M_ddl',`=1-chi2(`=`g'[1,2]', ``g'_newP')',`power',`=ceil(`NbIdFit'*``r'_3')')
if `nbitsuf'==1 & "`sitest'"!=""{
matrix `itemFitPo'=J(`nbit',5,.)
forvalues i=1/`nbit'{
matrix `itemFitPo'[`i',1]=``it'_`i'_newP'
matrix `itemFitPo'[`i',2]=`S`i'_ddl'
matrix `itemFitPo'[`i',3]=`=1-chi2(`=`it'[`i',2]', ``it'_`i'_newP')'
matrix `itemFitPo'[`i',4]=``Power'_newP_S`i''
matrix `itemFitPo'[`i',5]=`=ceil(`NbIdFit'*``r'_3')'
matrix coln `globalFitPo'=R1m df alpha power N
matrix rown `globalFitPo'=Global
if `nbitsuf'==1 & "`sitest'"!=""{
matrix coln `itemFitPo'=Si df alpha power N
return matrix itemFitPo=`itemFitPo'
return matrix globalFitPo=`globalFitPo'
tempname globalFitTot itemFitTot
matrix `globalFitTot'=(``g'_t',`R1M_ddl',`=1-chi2(`=`g'[1,2]', ``g'_t')',``Power'_t_R1m',`NbIdFit')
if `nbitsuf'==1 & "`sitest'"!=""{
matrix `itemFitTot'=J(`nbit',5,.)
forvalues i=1/`nbit'{
matrix `itemFitTot'[`i',1]=``it'_`i'_t'
matrix `itemFitTot'[`i',2]=`S`i'_ddl'
matrix `itemFitTot'[`i',3]=`=1-chi2(`=`it'[`i',2]', ``it'_`i'_t')'
matrix `itemFitTot'[`i',4]=``Power'_t_S`i''
matrix `itemFitTot'[`i',5]=`NbIdFit'
matrix coln `globalFitTot'=R1m df alpha power N
matrix rown `globalFitTot'=Global
if `nbitsuf'==1 & "`sitest'"!=""{
matrix coln `itemFitTot'=Si df alpha power N
return matrix itemFitTot=`itemFitTot'
return matrix globalFitTot=`globalFitTot'
use `bddtravail', replace