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2 months ago
% The outer AAU sidebar theme is derived from the outer sidebar theme which has the following
% copyright notice:
% Copyright 2007 by Till Tantau
% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the GNU Public License.
% See the file doc/licenses/LICENSE for more details.
% <end of copyright notice>
% All the changes are (c) 2010-2013 by Jesper Kjær Nielsen <> and are
% provided under the same license. (GPLv3)
% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You can find the GNU General Public License at <>.
\ProvidesPackage{beamerouterthemeAAUsidebar}[2013/05/26 v1.3.0 The AAU Sidebar Beamer Theme]
% Load required packages
% Theme options and definitions
%%%theme options
%the height of the header is 2.5 times the lineheight of the frame title
\usebeamerfont{frametitle} %use the frame title font
\reset@font %reset fonts
\def\beamer@lefttext{left} %used for comparison below
%width of vertical bar separating the main text from the sidebar
\setlength{\beamer@barwidth}{2\beamer@height/15} %the bar width depends on the header height (by a factor of 7.5)
%beamer specific options
\mode<presentation>%refers to the first four modes (beamer,handout,second and trans). That is, to all modes except the article mode
%define the aau sidebar color if it is not defined (which may be due to that the AAUsidebar color theme is not loaded)
\setbeamercolor{AAUsidebar}{use={structure,palette sidebar primary},fg=palette sidebar primary.fg,bg=structure.fg}
%aau header is defined - nothing to do
\setbeamersize{sidebar width \beamer@sidebarside=\beamer@width}
\setbeamersize{text margin left=0.5cm,text margin right=0.5cm}
% %headline
\defbeamertemplate*{headline}{AAUsidebar theme}{%
%frame title
\defbeamertemplate*{frametitle}{AAUsidebar theme}{%
\ifx\beamer@sidebarside\beamer@lefttext% sidebar on the left
\ifx\beamer@sidebarside\beamer@righttext% sidebar on the right
\defbeamertemplate*{sidebar \beamer@sidebarside}{AAUsidebar theme}{%
\ifx\beamer@hidetitle\undefined% insert short title
\usebeamercolor[fg]{title in sidebar}
\usebeamerfont{title in sidebar}%
\ifx\beamer@hideauthor\undefined% insert short author
\usebeamercolor[fg]{author in sidebar}
\usebeamerfont{author in sidebar}%
\ifx\beamer@hideinst\undefined% insert short institute
\usebeamercolor[fg]{title in sidebar}
\usebeamerfont{subtitle in sidebar}%
\ifx\beamer@shownavsym\undefined% insert navigation symbols
%do nothing
%insert the navigation symbols if the sidebar is on the right
\ifx\beamer@sidebarside\beamer@lefttext %sidebar on the left
%do nothing
\llap{\usebeamertemplate***{navigation symbols}\hskip0.4cm}
% When the sidebar is on the left, the default theme places a logo in the bottom right of the slide (this is NOT the case, when the sidebar is on the right). We remove this logo.
\ifx\beamer@sidebarside\beamer@lefttext %sidebar on the left
\defbeamertemplate*{sidebar right}{AAUsidebar theme}{%
% remove the logo and insert the navigation symbols if option is set
\ifx\beamer@shownavsym\undefined% insert navigation symbols
%do nothing
\else %insert navigation symbols
\llap{\usebeamertemplate***{navigation symbols}\hskip0.4cm}
% current section in the sidebar
\defbeamertemplate*{section in sidebar}{AAUsidebar theme}{%
\vskip1ex% add some extra space when inserting a new section
\sidebarnavitem{4pt}{section in sidebar}{%
% all section in the sidebar but the current
\defbeamertemplate*{section in sidebar shaded}{AAUsidebar theme}{%
\vskip1ex% add some extra space when inserting a new section
\sidebarnavitem{4pt}{section in sidebar shaded}{\insertsectionhead}
% current subsection in the sidebar
\defbeamertemplate*{subsection in sidebar}{AAUsidebar theme}{%
\sidebarnavitem{6pt}{subsection in sidebar}{
% all subsection in the sidebar but the current
\defbeamertemplate*{subsection in sidebar shaded}{AAUsidebar theme}{%
\sidebarnavitem{6pt}{subsection in sidebar shaded}{\insertsubsectionhead}
% current subsubsection in the sidebar
\defbeamertemplate*{subsubsection in sidebar}{AAUsidebar theme}{%
\sidebarnavitem{8pt}{subsubsection in sidebar}{
% all subsubsection in the sidebar but the current
\defbeamertemplate*{subsubsection in sidebar shaded}{AAUsidebar theme}{%
\sidebarnavitem{8pt}{subsubsection in sidebar shaded}{\insertsubsubsectionhead}
\ifx\beamer@shownavsym\undefined% insert navigation symbols
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{%
%disable navigation symbols
}%end of beamer specific options
%Macros used in the theme
% the fancy header background
\ifx\beamer@sidebarside\beamer@lefttext% sidebar on the left
\coordinate (UC) at (\paperwidth,0); %upper right corner of the slide
\coordinate (LC) at (0,-\paperheight); %lower left corner of the slide
\coordinate (BS) at (\paperwidth,-\beamer@height); %start coordinate of the bar
\coordinate (BE) at (\beamer@width+\beamer@barwidth/2,-\paperheight); %end coordinate of the bar
\else% sidebar on the right
\coordinate (UC) at (0,0); %upper left corner of the slide
\coordinate (LC) at (\paperwidth,-\paperheight); %lower right corner of the slide
\coordinate (BS) at (0,-\beamer@height); %start coordinate of the bar
\coordinate (BE) at (\paperwidth-\beamer@width-\beamer@barwidth/2,-\paperheight); %end coordinate of the bar
\coordinate (IS) at (BS -| BE); %intersection
\coordinate (logopos) at ([yshift=\beamer@height/2] IS);%coordinate of the logo
%draw the background of the header, the circle and the logo
\draw[draw=none,] (UC) rectangle (IS -| LC);
\fill[fill=AAUsidebar.fg] ([yshift=\beamer@height/2] IS) circle (1.01*\beamer@height/2);
\node at (logopos) {\includegraphics[width=0.5\beamer@height]{AAUgraphics/aau_logo_new_circle.png}};
% the fancy background in the sidebar
\includegraphics[scale=0.4,trim=0 0 45cm 0,clip]{AAUgraphics/background3.png}}}
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\ifx\beamer@sidebarside\beamer@lefttext% sidebar on the left
\coordinate (BS) at (\paperwidth,-\beamer@height); %start coordinate of the bar
\coordinate (BE) at (\beamer@width+\beamer@barwidth/2,-\paperheight); %end coordinate of the bar
\else% sidebar on the right
\coordinate (BS) at (-\paperwidth+\beamer@width,-\beamer@height); %start coordinate of the bar
\coordinate (BE) at (-\beamer@barwidth/2,-\paperheight); %end coordinate of the bar
\coordinate (IS) at (BS -| BE); %intersection
%draw the thick line
\draw[color=fg,line width=1\beamer@barwidth] (IS) -- (BE);
%draw the circle with the total frame number
{\usebeamercolor{palette sidebar primary}%
\usebeamerfont{subsection in sidebar}%
\node[fill=palette sidebar,draw=AAUsidebar.fg,circle,very thick,minimum width=4mm] at ([yshift=4mm] BE) {{\usebeamercolor[fg]{subsection in sidebar}\inserttotalframenumber}};
% sidebar navigation item
\begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=\beamer@width,leftskip=#1,rightskip=1ex plus1fil,vmode]{#2}
\vbox{}% insert a blank line
\vbox{}% insert a blank line
% current frame number
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\coordinate (CS) at (0,0.8ex); % coordinate of the current section
\coordinate (CF) at (IS |- CS); % coordinate of the current frame number
\usebeamercolor{palette sidebar primary}%
% \draw[color=bg,line width=\beamer@barwidth] (IS) -| (CF);
\node[fill=palette sidebar,draw=AAUsidebar.fg,circle,minimum width=3.5mm,thick] at (CF) {{\fontsize{4}{5}\selectfont{\usebeamercolor[fg]{subsection in sidebar}#1}}};