*! Version 8.1.1 26 September 2013 *! Jean-Benoit Hardouin ************************************************************************************************************ * Stata program : msp * Mokken Scale Procedure * Release 8.1.1: (September 26, 2013) [Jean-Benoit Hardouin] /*correction of a rare bug */ * * Historic : * Version 1 - lose version (August 20, 2002) [Jean-Benoit Hardouin] * Version 2 (September 25, 2002) [Jean-Benoit Hardouin] * Version 3 (December 1, 2003) [Jean-Benoit Hardouin] * Version 4 (January 20, 2004) [Jean-Benoit Hardouin] * Version 5 (March 22, 2004) [Jean-Benoit Hardouin] * Version 5.1 (May 1st, 2004) [Jean-Benoit Hardouin] * Version 6 : (July 5, 2004) [Jean-Benoit Hardouin] * Version 6.1 : (September 5, 2004) [Jean-Benoit Hardouin] * Version 6.2 : (January 22, 2006) [Jean-Benoit Hardouin] /*English improvements*/ * Release 6.3 : (March 20, 2006) [Jean-Benoit Hardouin] /*A bug with temporary files */ * Release 6.6: (Februar 16, 2007) [Jean-Benoit Hardouin] /*Tests of the loevinger H indices, adaptation for loevH 6.6, noadjust option, improvements*/ * Release 8: (December 8, 2010) [Jean-Benoit Hardouin] /*Adaptation for loevh version 8*/ * Release 8.1: (December 19, 2012) [Jean-Benoit Hardouin] /*correction of a bug with the notest option*/ * Release 8.1.1: (September 26, 2013) [Jean-Benoit Hardouin] /*correction of a rare bug */ * * Jean-benoit Hardouin, University of Nantes - Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences * Department of Biostatistics - France * jean-benoit.hardouin@anaqol.org * * The Stata program loevh is needed. It can be downloaded on http://www.anaqol.org * News about this program :http://www.anaqol.org * FreeIRT Project website : http://www.freeirt.org * * Copyright 2002-2007, 2010, 2012 Jean-Benoit Hardouin * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************************************************ program define msp , rclass version 7.0 syntax varlist(min=2 numeric) [,c(real 0.3) noDETails KERnel(integer 0) noTEst p(real 0.05) PAIRWise MINValue(real 0) noBon noADJust] local nbitems : word count `varlist' tokenize `varlist' tempfile mspfile qui save "`mspfile'" if "`pairwise'"=="" { forvalues j=1/`nbitems' { qui drop if ``j''==. } } if "`test'"!="" { local p=1 local minvalue=-99 local bon nobon } qui loevh `varlist',`pairwise' pair `adjust' tempname pvalHjk loevHjk loevHjks loevHj loevH Hjk stopscale stop dim plusitems Hjkmax Hjmax Hmax nbitemsel matrix `loevHjk'=r(loevHjk) matrix `loevHjks'=r(loevHjk) matrix `pvalHjk'=r(pvalHjk) matrix `loevHj'=r(loevHj) scalar `loevH'=r(loevH) matrix `Hjk'=`loevHjk' matrix define `dim'=J(1,`nbitems',0) global scale=0 scalar `stopscale'=0 while `stopscale'!=1 { /*WHILE IT IS POSSIBLE TO CONSTRUCT SCALES*/ global scale=$scale+1 local dimension=$scale local scaletmp="scale$scale" local scaletmpnum="scalenum$scale" global `scaletmp' global `scaletmpnum' if "`details'"=="" { di di in yellow "Scale: $scale" di "{hline 10}" } /********************************************************************************************************** BEGINING OF THE INITIAL STEP **********************************************************************************************************/ /****NONE KERNEL OR NOT THE FIRST SCALE****/ if $scale>1|`kernel'==0 { scalar `plusitems'=0 scalar `Hjkmax'=-99 local nbitemsbon=0 forvalues j1=1/`nbitems' { if `dim'[1,`j1']==0 { local nbitemsbon=`nbitemsbon'+1 } } if `nbitemsbon'<=1 { local nbitemsbon=2 } local kbon=`nbitemsbon'*(`nbitemsbon'-1)/2 if "`bon'"==""&"`test'"=="" { local pbon=`p'/`kbon' } else { local pbon=`p' } if "`test'"!="" { local pbon=1 local p=1 } if "`details'"==""&"`test'"=="" { di in green "Significance level: " in yellow %8.6f `pbon' } forvalues j1=1/`nbitems' { /*WE SEARCH THE BEST PAIR OF ITEMS*/ if `dim'[1,`j1']==0 { scalar `plusitems'=1 forvalues j2=`=`j1'+1'/`nbitems' { if `dim'[1,`j2']==0 { if `Hjk'[`j1',`j2']>`Hjkmax'&`pvalHjk'[`j1',`j2']<=`pbon' { scalar `Hjkmax'=`Hjk'[`j1',`j2'] global j1max=`j1' global j2max=`j2' } } } } } if `Hjkmax'==-99 { /*IF NONE PAIR OF ITEM VERIFY Hjk>0*/ if `plusitems'==0 { if "`details'"=="" { di in green "{p}There is no more items remaining.{p_end}" } } else { if "`details'"=="" { di as green "{p}None pair of items has a significantly positive Hjk coefficient.{p_end}" } } continue, break } if `Hjkmax'<=`c' { /*IF NONE PAIR OF ITEM VERIFY Hjk>c*/ if $scale==1 { if "`details'"=="" { di as green "{p}None pair of items verifies Hjk>`c', the maximum value of these coefficients is " %6.4f `Hjkmax' ". None scale can be constructed.{p_end}" } } else { if "`details'"=="" { di as green "{p}None new scale can be constructed because none pair of items, among the remaining items, verifies Hjk>`c'{p_end}" } } scalar `stop'=1 scalar `stopscale'=1 continue, break } else { /*IF THERE IS AT LEAST ONE PAIR OF ITEM WHO VERIFY Hjk>c*/ matrix `dim'[1,$j1max]=$scale matrix `dim'[1,$j2max]=$scale local scaletmp="scale$scale" local scaletmpnum="scalenum$scale" global `scaletmp' "`$j1max' `$j2max'" global `scaletmpnum' "$j1max $j2max" if "`details'"=="" { di in green "{p}The two first items selected in the scale " in yellow "$scale " in green "are " in yellow "`$j1max' " in green "and " in yellow "`$j2max'" in green " (Hjk=" in yellow %6.4f `Hjkmax' in green "){p_end}" } scalar `nbitemsel'=2 } forvalues i=1/`nbitems' { /*WE EXCLUDE THE ITEMS WHICH VERIFY Hjk<0 WITH THE TWO SELECTED ITEMS*/ if ((`loevHjks'[`i',$j1max]<`minvalue'|`pvalHjk'[`i',$j1max]>`p')&`dim'[1,`i']==0) { matrix `dim'[1,`i']=-1 } if ((`loevHjks'[`i',$j2max]<`minvalue'|`pvalHjk'[`i',$j2max]>`p')&`dim'[1,`i']==0) { matrix `dim'[1,`i']=-1 } } } /****FIRST SCALE, KERNEL OF ONE ITEM****/ if $scale==1&`kernel'==1 { global j1max=1 scalar `plusitems'=0 scalar `Hjkmax'=-99 if "`details'"=="" { di in green "The item " in yellow "`1'" in green " is the kernel of the first scale" } local nbitemsbon=0 forvalues i=2/`nbitems' { /*WE EXCLUDE THE ITEM WHICH VERIFY Hjk<0 WITH THE ITEM OF THE KERNEL*/ if (`loevHjks'[`i',$j1max]<`minvalue'|`pvalHjk'[`i',$j1max]>`p')&`dim'[1,`i']==0) { matrix `dim'[1,`i']=-1 } if `dim'[1,`i']==0 { local nbitemsbon=`nbitemsbon'+1 } } local kbon=`nbitemsbon' if "`bon'"==""&"`test'"=="" { local pbon=`p'/`kbon' } else { local pbon=`p' } if "`details'"==""&"`test'"=="" { di in green "Significance level: " in yellow %8.6f `pbon' } forvalues j2=2/`nbitems' {/*WE SEARCH THE BEST ITEM TO SELECT WITH THE KERNEL*/ if `Hjk'[`j2',1]>`Hjkmax'&`pvalHjk'[`j2',1]<`pbon' { scalar `Hjkmax'=`Hjk'[`j2',1] global j2max=`j2' } } if `Hjkmax'==-99 {/*IF NONE ITEM CAN BE SELECTED WITH THE KERNEL Hjk<*/ if "`details'"=="" { di as green "{p}None item associated to the item " in yellow "$j1 " in green "allows obtaining a significantly positive value for the Hjk coefficient.{p_end}" } continue, break } if `Hjkmax'<=`c' { /*IF NONE ITEM CAN BE SELECTED WITH THE KERNEL Hjk<c*/ if "`details'"=="" { di as green "{p}None index Hjk associated to the item " in yellow "$j1 " in green "verifies Hjk>`c', the maximum value of these coefficients is " %6.4f `Hjkmax' ". None scale can be constructed.{p_end}" } scalar `stop'=1 scalar `stopscale'=1 continue, break } else { /* IF AT LEAST ONE ITEM CAN BE SELECTED WITH THE KERNEL Hjk>c*/ matrix `dim'[1,$j1max]=$scale matrix `dim'[1,$j2max]=$scale local scaletmp="scale$scale" local scaletmpnum="scalenum$scale" global `scaletmp' "`$j2max' `$j1max'" global `scaletmpnum' "$j2max $j1max" if "`details'"=="" { di in green "The second item selected in the first scale is " in yellow "`$j2max' " in green "(Hjk=" in yellow %6.4f `Hjkmax' in green")" } scalar `nbitemsel'=2 } forvalues i=1/`nbitems' { /*WE EXCLUDE THE ITEM WHICH VERIFY Hjk<0 WITH THE NEW SELECTED ITEM*/ if (`loevHjks'[`i',$j2max]<`minvalue'|`pvalHjk'[`i',$j2max]>`p')&`dim'[1,`i']==0 { matrix `dim'[1,`i']=-1 } } } /****FIRST SCALE, KERNEL OF SEVERAL ITEMS****/ if $scale==1&`kernel'>=2 { global scale1 local scalenum1 local kbon=1 local pbon=`p' if "`details'"==""&"`test'"=="" { di in green "Significance level: " in yellow %8.6f `pbon' } forvalues j2=1/`kernel' { global scale1 ``j2'' $scale1 global scalenum1 $scalenum1 `j2' matrix `dim'[1,`j2']=1 } if "`details'"=="" { di in green "{p}The kernel of the first scale is composed of the items " in yellow "$scale1{p_end}" } scalar `nbitemsel'=`kernel' forvalues j=1/`kernel' { forvalues i=1/`nbitems' { /* WE EXCLUDE THE ITEMS WHICH VERIFY Hjk<0 WITH THE ITEMS OF THE KERNEL*/ if (`loevHjks'[`i',`j']<`minvalue'|`pvalHjk'[`i',`j']>`p')&`dim'[1,`i']==0 { matrix `dim'[1,`i']=-1 } } } } local excluded forvalues i=1/`nbitems' { if `dim'[1,`i']==-1 { local excluded `excluded' ``i'' matrix `dim'[1,`i']=-2 } } if "`excluded'"!=""&"`details'"=="" { di in green "The following items are excluded at this step: " in yellow "`excluded'" } scalar `stop'=0 /********************************************************************************************************** END OF THE INITIAL STEP **********************************************************************************************************/ while `stop'!=1 { /*WHILE THE PROCEDURE TO CONSTRUCT THE ACTUAL SCALE IS NOT STOPPED*/ scalar `Hjmax'=-99 scalar `Hmax'=-99 global jmax=0 global stopmax=0 local nbitemsbon=0 forvalues i=1/`nbitems' { if `dim'[1,`i']==0 { local nbitemsbon=`nbitemsbon'+1 } } local kbon=`kbon'+`nbitemsbon' if "`bon'"=="" { local pbon=`p'/`kbon' } else { local pbon=`p' } if "`details'"==""&"`test'"=="" { di in green "Significance level: " in yellow %8.6f `pbon' } forvalues j0=1/`nbitems' { if `dim'[1,`j0']==0 {/*IF THE ITEM J0 IS UNSELECTED*/ global stopmax=1 local scaletmp="scale$scale" local scaletmpnum="scalenum$scale" qui loevh ``j0'' $`scaletmp' ,`pairwise' pair `adjust' tempname pvalHj0 matrix `pvalHj0'=r(pvalHj) scalar `pvalHj0'=`pvalHj0'[1,1] matrix `loevHjk'=r(loevHjk) matrix `loevHj'=r(loevHj) scalar `loevH'=r(loevH) local nbitsc : word count $`scaletmp' local nbitsc=`nbitsc'+1 if `loevHj'[1,1]>`c'&`pvalHj0'<`pbon' {/*IF THE ITEM J0 CAN BE SELECTED*/ if `loevH'>`Hmax' {/*AND IF IT IS THE BEST ITEM (COMPARED TO THE PRECEEDING ITEMS)*/ scalar `Hjmax'=`loevHj'[1,1] scalar `Hmax'=`loevH' global j="``j0''" global j0=`j0' } } } } if $stopmax==1&`Hjmax'==-99 { /*IF THERE IS ITEMS REMAINING BUT NONE OF THEM CAN BE SELECTED*/ if "`details'"=="" { di in green "{p}None new item can be selected in the scale $scale because all the Hj are lesser than `c' or none new item has all the related Hjk coefficients significantly greater than 0{p_end}." } scalar `stop'=1 continue,break } if $stopmax==0 { /*IF THERE IS NO MORE ITEM REMAINING*/ if "`details'"=="" { di in green "{p}There is no more items remaining.{p_end}" } scalar `stopscale'=1 scalar `stop'=1 forvalues i=1/`nbitems' { if `dim'[1,`i']<0 { scalar `stopscale'=0 } } *global scale=$scale-1 continue,break } if `stop'!=1 { /*IF THE PROCEDURE IS NOT STOPPED*/ matrix `dim'[1,$j0]=$scale local `scaletmp'="scale$scale" local `scaletmpnum'="scalenum$scale" global `scaletmp' $j $`scaletmp' global `scaletmpnum' $j0 $`scaletmpnum' if "`details'"=="" { di in green "The item " in yellow "`$j0' " in green "is selected in the scale " in yellow "$scale" _col(50) in green "Hj=" in yellow %6.4f `Hjmax' _col(65) in green "H=" in yellow %6.4f `Hmax' "" } local excluded forvalues i=1/`nbitems' { if `dim'[1,`i']==-1 { matrix `dim'[1,`i']=-2 } if `dim'[1,`i']==0 { /*WE EXCLUDE ITEMS WHO HAVE A NEGATIVE Hjk WITH THE NEW SELECTED ITEM*/ if `loevHjks'[`i',$j0]<`minvalue'|`pvalHjk'[`i',$j0]>`p' { matrix `dim'[1,`i']=-1 local excluded `excluded' ``i'' } } } if "`excluded'"!=""&"`details'"=="" { di in green "The following items are excluded at this step: " in yellow "`excluded'" } } } di local scaleencours="scale$scale" local scalenumencours="scalenum$scale" local nbitemscale : word count $`scaleencours' return scalar nbitems`dimension'=`nbitemscale' if `nbitemscale'>0 { /* IF AT LEAST TWO ITEMS HAVE BEEN SELECTED*/ if "`details'"!="" { di di in yellow "Scale: $scale" di "{hline 10}" } loevh $`scaleencours',`pairwise' `adjust' matrix `loevHjk'=r(loevHjk) matrix `loevHj'=r(loevHj) scalar `loevH'=r(loevH) return scalar H`dimension'=`loevH' return local scale`dimension' $`scaleencours' return local scalenum`dimension' $`scalenumencours' local j=`nbitemscale' di } forvalues i=1/`nbitems' { if `dim'[1,`i']<0 { matrix `dim'[1,`i']=0 } } local restnbitems=0 forvalues j0=1/`nbitems' { if `dim'[1,`j0']==0 { local restnbitems=`restnbitems'+1 local restitem ``j0'' } } if `restnbitems'==1 { /*IF THERE IS ONLY ONE ITEM REMAINING*/ di di in green "{p}There is only one item remaining (" in yellow "`restitem'" in green ").{p_end}" local stopscale=1 return local lastitem "`restitem'" } } return scalar dim=$scale matrix colnames `dim'=`varlist' return matrix selection=`dim' qui use "`mspfile'",clear end