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7 months ago
capture program drop valid
program valid
syntax varlist, PARTition(numlist integer >0) [SCOrename(string) IMPute NORound CALCmethod(string) DESCitems GRAPHs cfa CFAMethod(string) CFAStand CONVdiv TCONVdiv(real 0.4) CONVDIVBoxplots Alpha(real 0.7) Delta(real 0.9) h(real 0.3) HJmin(real 0.3) REPet(varlist) KAPpa ICKAPpa(integer 0) kgv(varlist) KGVBoxplots KGVGroupboxplots conc(varlist) tconc(real 0.4)]
qui set autotabgraphs on
qui set more off
local C = 0
foreach z in `partition' {
local C = `C' + `z'
local nbvars : word count `varlist'
if `C' > `nbvars' {
di in red "The sum of the numbers in the partition option is greater than the number of variables in the dataset"
exit 119
local nbvars : word count `varlist'
if `C' != `nbvars' {
di in red "The sum of the numbers in the partition option is different from the number of variables precised in varlist"
exit 119
local P:word count `partition'
if "`scorename'" !="" {
local S:word count `scorename'
if `P'!=`S' {
di in red "The number of score names given is different from the number of dimensions in the partition option"
exit 119
foreach sco in `scorename' {
capture confirm variable `sco'
if !_rc {
di in red "`sco' is a variable of the dataset. Choose another name"
exit 119
tokenize `scorename'
local g = 0
forvalues i = 1/`S' {
if "`sco'" == "``i''" {
local `++g'
if `g' > 1 {
di in red "2 or more dimensions have the same name"
exit 119
else {
local name
local nname
forvalues i = 1/`P' {
local name "Dim`i'"
local nname `nname' `name'
local scorename = "`nname'"
if "`ident'" == "" {
tempvar id
qui gen `id' = _n
else {
qui tab `ident', nofreq
local u = r(r)
if `u' != _N {
di in red "`ident' has not unique values"
exit 119
if "`repitems'" !="" {
local a : word count `repitems'
if mod(`a',2) != 0 {
di in red "error repitems: odd number"
foreach r in `repitems' {
capture confirm variable `r'
if _rc!=0 {
di in red "`r' does not exist"
exit 119
local y = 0
if "`repscores'" !="" {
local a : word count `repscores'
if mod(`a',2) != 0 {
di in red "error repscores : odd number"
exit 119
foreach r in `repscores' {
local x = 0
local y = 0
capture confirm variable `r'
if _rc!=0 local x = 1
foreach s in `scorename' {
if "`r'" == "`s'" local y = `y'+1
if `x' == 1 & `y' < 1 {
di "`r' " "non d<>fini"
exit 119
if "`kgv'" !="" {
foreach k in `kgv' {
capture confirm variable `k'
if _rc!=0 {
di in red "`k' does not exist"
exit 119
if "`conc'" !="" {
foreach c in `conc' {
capture confirm variable `c'
if _rc!=0 {
di in red "`c' does not exist"
exit 119
if `t2from' > _N {
di in red "Reproductibility : invalid range for observations at time 2 (`t2from' > number of observations)"
exit 119
if `t2to' > _N {
di in red "Reproductibility : invalid range for observations at time 2 (`t2to' > number of observations)"
exit 119
if "`t2from'" != "" & "`t2to'" != "" {
if `t2from' > `t2to' {
di in red "Reproductibility : invalid range for observations at time 2"
exit 119
if "`t2from'" == "" local t2from = 1
if "`t2to'" == "" local t2to = _N
local i = 1
foreach x in `varlist' {
local var`i' = "`x'"
local `++i'
di as result "Items used for calculation of the scores"
local i = 1
local j = 1
local y = 1
foreach p in `partition' {
tokenize `scorename'
di "{bf:``i''} : " _c
if `j' == 1 local s = `p'
else local s = `s' +`p'
forvalues z = `y'/`s' {
di "{text:`var`z'' }" _c
local `i++'
local `j++'
local y = `s'+1
qui destring _all, replace
local cpt = 0
if "`sum'" != "" {
local cpt `cpt' + 1
if "`mean'" != "" {
local cpt `cpt' + 1
if "`stand'" != "" {
local cpt `cpt' + 1
if `cpt'>1 {
di in red "You must choose between mean, sum or stand (the options are exclusive)"
exit 119
calcscore `varlist', scorename(`scorename') partition(`partition') calcmethod(`calcmethod')
if "`descitems'" != "" {
di as result "{hline}"
di "Description of items"
di as result "{hline}"
descitems `varlist', partition(`partition')
if "`graphs'" != "" {
_graph `varlist', partition(`partition') scorename(`scorename') calcmethod(`calcmethod')
if "`repet'" != "" {
if "`descitems'" != "" {
di as result "{hline}"
di "Description of items (time 2)"
di as result "{hline}"
descitems `repet', partition(`partition')
if "`impute'" != "" {
*if "`noround'" != "" {
*di "Missing data handling (noround)"
imp `varlist', partition(`partition') `noround'
if "`descitems'" != "" {
di as result "{hline}"
di "Description of items after missing data handling"
di as result "{hline}"
descitems `varlist', partition(`partition')
if "`graphs'" != "" {
*_graph `varlist', partition(`partition') scorename(`scorename')
if "`repet'" != "" {
imp `repet', partition(`partition') `noround'
if "`descitems'" != "" {
di as result "{hline}"
di "Description of items after missing data handling (time 2)"
di as result "{hline}"
descitems `repet', partition(`partition')
/*else {
di "Missing data handling (round)"
imp `varlist', partition(`partition')
di "Description of items after missing data handling"
desc_item `varlist', partition(`partition')
if "`graphs'" != "" {
*_graph `varlist', partition(`partition') scorename(`scorename')
di "Description of items after missing data handling (time 2)"
if "`repet'" != "" {
imp `repet', partition(`partition')
desc_item `repet', partition(`partition')
di "{hline}"
if "`imp'" == "" & "`noround'" != "" {
*di "noround"
imp `varlist', partition(`partition') `noround'
if "`desc_items'" != "" {
di "Description of items after missing data handling"
desc_item `varlist', partition(`partition')
if "`graphs'" != "" {
*_graph `varlist', partition(`partition') scorename(`scorename')
di "Description of items after missing data handling (time 2)"
imp `repet', partition(`partition') `noround'
desc_item `repet', partition(`partition')
di "{hline}"
*di "{hline}"
if "`convdiv'" != "" {
convdiv `varlist', scorename(`scorename') partition(`partition') tconvdiv(`tconvdiv') `convdivboxplots'
*di as result "{hline}"
if "`cfa'" != "" {
local cpt = 0
if "`cfa_ml'" != ""{
local method = "cfa_ml"
local cpt `cpt' + 1
if "`cfa_mlmv'" != "" {
local method = "cfa_mlmv"
local cpt `cpt' + 1
if "`cfa_adf'" != "" {
local method = "cfa_adf"
local cpt `cpt' + 1
else local method = "cfa_ml"
if `cpt' > 1 {
di in red "You must choose between cfa_ml, cfa_mlmv or cfa_adf (the options are exclusive)"
exit 119
cfa `varlist', scorename(`scorename') partition(`partition') `method' `cfa_stand'
di as result "{hline}"
if "`cfa'" != "" {
cfa `varlist', scorename(`scorename') partition(`partition') cfamethod(`cfamethod') `cfastand'
*di as result "{hline}"
rel `varlist', scorename(`scorename') partition(`partition') alpha(`alpha') delta(`delta') h(`h') hjmin(`hjmin')
*di "{hline}"
if "`repet'" != "" {
repet `varlist', t2(`repet') partition(`partition') scorename(`scorename') `kappa' ickappa(`ickappa') calcmethod(`calcmethod')
*di "{hline}"
if "`kgv'" != "" {
kgv `scorename', categ(`kgv') `kgvboxplots' `kgvgroupboxplots'
*di "{hline}"
if "`conc'" != "" {
conc `scorename', comp(`conc') tconc(`tconc')
*di "{hline}"