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7 months ago
* Trouve : trouve le nom d'un commune ou d'un canton de la r<>gion centre en indiquant son code
* Version 1.1: 16 aout 2004
* Jean-benoit Hardouin, Observatoire R<>gional de la Sant<6E> du Centre - Orl<72>ans - France
* Copyright 2004 Jean-Benoit Hardouin
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
program define trouve,rclass
version 7.0
syntax anything
local nbarg:word count `anything'
capture su *
if _rc==0 {
tempfile savetrouve
qui save `savetrouve',replace
numlist "`anything'"
local list `r(numlist)'
foreach i of numlist `list' {
if (`i'>1800&`i'<1900)|(`i'>2800&`i'<2900)|(`i'>3600&`i'<3800)|(`i'>4100&`i'<4200)|(`i'>4500&`i'<4600) {
qui use "C:\ado\PERSONAL\files\cantons" ,clear
qui su id if codepct==`i'
local tmp=r(min)
local tmp=nompct[`tmp']
if "`tmp'"!="" {
di in green "`i' (canton):" in yellow " `tmp'"
return local trouve`i' "Canton : `tmp'"
else {
di in red "Il n'y a pas de canton avec ce numero (`i') dans la region Centre"
else if `i'>2400&`i'<2500 {
local erreur=0
if `i'==2411 {local name Bourges}
else if `i'==2412 {local name Vierzon}
else if `i'==2413 {local name Saint-Amand-Montrond}
else if `i'==2414 {local name Aubigny-sur-N<>re}
else if `i'==2421 {local name Chartres}
else if `i'==2422 {local name Dreux}
else if `i'==2423 {local name Chateaudun}
else if `i'==2424 {local name Nogent le Rotrou}
else if `i'==2431 {local name Chateauroux}
else if `i'==2432 {local name Le Blanc}
else if `i'==2433 {local name Issoudun}
else if `i'==2434 {local name La Chatre}
else if `i'==2441 {local name Tours}
else if `i'==2442 {local name Amboise}
else if `i'==2443 {local name Loches}
else if `i'==2444 {local name Chinon}
else if `i'==2451 {local name Blois}
else if `i'==2452 {local name Vendome}
else if `i'==2453 {local name Romoranthin-Lanthenay}
else if `i'==2461 {local name Orleans}
else if `i'==2462 {local name Montargis}
else if `i'==2463 {local name Pithiviers}
else if `i'==2464 {local name Gien}
else {
di in red "Il n'y a pas de zone d'emploi avec ce numero (`i') dans la region Centre"
local erreur=1
if `erreur'==0 {
di in green "`i' (zone d'emploi):" in yellow " `name'"
return local trouve`i' "Zone d'emploi : `name'"
else if `i'>10000&`i'<100000 {
qui use "C:\ado\PERSONAL\files\communes" ,clear
qui su id if codecom==`i'
local tmp=r(min)
local tmp=nomcom[`tmp']
if "`tmp'"!="" {
di in green "`i' (commune):" in yellow " `tmp'"
return local trouve`i' "Commune : `tmp'"
else {
di in red "Il n'y a pas de commune avec ce numero (`i') dans la region Centre"
else {
di in red "Ce code n'est pas utilisable"
qui drop _all
if "`savetrouve'"!="" {
qui use `savetrouve'