# Poster SPHERE Forked from https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/poster-template-for-nottingham-centre-for-geomechanics/tmpkbjdnxwrr ## Dependencies * A TeX installation that includes [LuaTeX] * You also need `latexmk` if you want to use the provided `Makefile` * LaTeX package dependencies including beamerposter (these usually come with your TeX installation, but if not, you can get them from [CTAN]) * [Raleway] and [Lato], which are both available under Open Font License ## Usage 1. Copy the files in this repository (or clone the repository) 2. In `poster.tex`, set up your paper size, column layout, and scale the content as necessary 3. Make a copy of `beamercolorthemegemini.sty`, update the `\usecolortheme` line in `poster.tex`, and theme the poster to your liking (optional, but highly recommended) 4. Run `make` to build your poster