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\title{Development and Validation of a french kidney donor marginality score}
\author{Corentin Choisy \inst{1} \and Magali Giral \inst{2,3} \and Etienne Dantan \inst{1}}
\institute[shortinst]{\inst{1} SPHERE UMR 1246, Nantes Université, Univ Tours, CHU Nantes, Inserm, Nantes, France \and \inst{2} CR2TI UMR 1064, Nantes Université, ITUN, CHU Nantes, RTRS Centaure, Nantes, France \and \inst{3} Centre d'Investigation Clinique en Biothérapie, Nantes, France}
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Congrès Nan'thèse 2023, Nantes --- France \hfill
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\item \textbf{Kidney transplantation (KT)}: recognised as the best treatment for \textbf{end-stage chronic renal disease}
\item \textbf{Graft shortage} in countries with aging population
\textbf{\textcolor{nottblue}{$\Rightarrow$ Necessity for expansion of graft pool}}
\item Wide use of \textbf{marginal grafts} with suboptimal properties for patient-graft survival
\item Decision making tools to assist clinicians in evaluating graft proposals
\item \textbf{ECD \cite{metzger2003expanded}} Older than 60 years old or between 50 and 59 with at least 2 comorbidities among: high serum creatinine, history of hypertension and death by CVA
\textbf{\textcolor{nottblue}{$\Rightarrow$ Binary criterion, no gradient between less and more marginal donors}}
\item \textbf{KDRI/KDPI \cite{rao2009comprehensive}} Continuous/percentile scale defined by 10 donor features
\textbf{\textcolor{nottblue}{$\Rightarrow$ Not adapted to the french population \cite{dantan2021covariates} and prone to increased graft refusal rate \cite{aubert2019disparities}}}
{\centering\includegraphics[scale=1.6]{Images/Chronic renal disease prevalence.pdf}\par}
Develop and validate a \textbf{\textcolor{nottblue}{kidney donor marginality score}}, \textbf{adapted to the french population} and \textbf{suited for the current practices} in KT in France
\item \textbf{Donor/recipient interactions} will be studied in order to express donor marginality in relation to recipient characteristics
\item \textcolor{darkgray}{\textbf{Recipient loss-of-chance} related to receiving a marginal graft as defined by the proposed score will be studied}
\begin{alertblock}{Materials and Methods}
\item \textbf{7622 patients} from the DIVAT national kidney transplant cohort
\item First-time deceased donor graft recipients without donor-recipient ABO incompatibility
\item \textbf{Multivariate Cox regression} model built via blockwise variable selection approach (Donor/Graft/Recipient features integrated/removed from the model in 11 steps)
\item Assessment of \textbf{period/center effect} via adjusted and frailty models
\item New variable selection steps after integration of period/center effects
{\centering\small \textbf{Variable selection process} (square nodes indicate all previously included predictors were forced in the model during backward selection, circle nodes indicate no variable was forced)\par}
This work was supported by the French Biomedicine Agency (reference: AOR Greffe 2022)
\caption{Patient/allograft survival analysis}
& \beta & 95\% CI \\ \midrule
Donor age & -0.020 & {[-0.037}-- {-0.003]} \\
Donor after cardiac death & 0.691 & {[0.416}--{0.967]} \\
Donor death by CVA & -0.616 & {[-1.224}-- {-0.008]} \\
Donor serum creatinine & 0.001 & {[0.0001}--{0.002]} \\
Donor height & -0.011 & {[-0.018}-- {-0.004]} \\
Donor weight & 0.005 & {[0.001}--{0.010]} \\
Positive donor CMV serology & 0.124 & {[0.010}--{0.239]} \\
\textcolor{darkgray}{\textbf{HLA incompatibilities \geq 4}} & 0.151 & {[0.009}--{0.293]} \\
Time on dialysis & 0.0001 & {[0.0001}--{0.0001]} \\
Transplanted before 2012 & 0.190 & {[0.040}--{0.340]} \\
Recipient age & -0.021 & {[-0.036}-- {-0.005]} \\
Recipient BMI & 0.011 & {[-0.003}--{0.025]} \\
Recipient history of diabetes & 0.376 & {[0.234}--{0.517]} \\
Recipient history of cardiovascular disease & 0.408 & {[0.239}--{0.527]} \\
Hemodialysis & 0.250 & {[0.048}--{0.452]} \\
\textcolor{darkgray}{\textbf{Donor age*Recipient age}} & 0.001 & {[0.0001}--{0.001]} \\
\textcolor{darkgray}{\textbf{Donor death by CVA*Recipient age}} & 0.014 & {[0.003}--{0.024]} \\ \bottomrule
\caption{\label{mod-table}Proportional hazards Cox model analysis of retained factors and interactions after multivariate selection}
\item Donor age, beating heart status ($HR=2.00$), cause of death, creatininemia, height, weight and CMV serology ($HR=1.13$) will be integrated into the score. For a given donor, the score will differ depending on recipient age and donor/recipient HLA ABDR incompatibilities.
\begin{exampleblock}{What's next}
\item \textbf{Internal validation} of the model, $\frac{1}{3}$ of the database allocated to a random validation sample
\item \textbf{Validity assessed through:}
\item \textbf{Calibration:} calibration plot, predicted survival by score quantile, Brier score
\item \textbf{Discrimination:} time-dependent ROC curve (AUC, PPV/NPV) and time-dependent ROC curve per recipient strata
\item \textbf{Propensity score}-based analysis to estimate population-averaged effects and propose a recipient loss-of-chance-based approach
\item Development of an \textbf{online score computation tool} for clinicians